Ejemplo n.º 1
     * @brief clip a ray by a Cone.
     * @param ray_ the ray to clip
     * @param bounds ray sorted bounds of the resulting clipping segment.
     * @return  true if ray was clipped. bounds parameter is filld by this method
     * For simple convex objects, there is two values in  bounds that represent in and out events.
     * An in event is whe the ray enters the geometry, an out is when the ray leaves the geometry.
     * Adapted from http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Intersection/Wm5IntrLine3Cone3.cpp
    bool clip(Ray& ray_, IntervalSet &bounds) const {
        Diff_Geom ipoints[2];
        float t[2];

        int numintersection = get_clip_points(ray_, ipoints,  t);
        if (numintersection == 0)
            return false;
        else if (numintersection == 2) {
            Diff_Geom *in = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), t[0]);
            Diff_Geom *out = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[1].pos(), ipoints[1].normal(), t[1]);
            bounds.add(in, out);
            return true;
        } else {
            Diff_Geom *in, *out;
            IntervalSet capset;
            // check with cap plane
            Plane cap(m_vertex + m_axis * m_height, m_axis);
            if (cap.clip(ray_, capset) ) {
				/* Beuark mais ca facilite la gestion mémoire ... */
                Diff_Geom *tmp =capset.bounds()[0].data;
				in = new Diff_Geom(*tmp);
                if (in->t()< t[0]) {
                    out = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), t[0]);
                } else {
                    out = in;
                    in = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), t[0]);

                bounds.add(in, out);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
IntervalSet IntervalSet::And(const IntervalSet &other) const {
  IntervalSet intersection;
  size_t i = 0;
  size_t j = 0;

  // iterate down both interval lists looking for nondisjoint intervals
  while (i < _intervals.size() && j < other._intervals.size()) {
    Interval mine = _intervals[i];
    Interval theirs = other._intervals[j];

    if (mine.startsBeforeDisjoint(theirs)) {
      // move this iterator looking for interval that might overlap
    } else if (theirs.startsBeforeDisjoint(mine)) {
      // move other iterator looking for interval that might overlap
    } else if (mine.properlyContains(theirs)) {
      // overlap, add intersection, get next theirs
    } else if (theirs.properlyContains(mine)) {
      // overlap, add intersection, get next mine
    } else if (!mine.disjoint(theirs)) {
      // overlap, add intersection

      // Move the iterator of lower range [a..b], but not
      // the upper range as it may contain elements that will collide
      // with the next iterator. So, if mine=[0..115] and
      // theirs=[115..200], then intersection is 115 and move mine
      // but not theirs as theirs may collide with the next range
      // in thisIter.
      // move both iterators to next ranges
      if (mine.startsAfterNonDisjoint(theirs)) {
      } else if (theirs.startsAfterNonDisjoint(mine)) {

  return intersection;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    bool clip(Ray& ray_, IntervalSet &bounds) const {
        Diff_Geom ipoints[2];
        float t[2];

        int numintersection = get_clip_points(ray_, ipoints,  t);
        if (numintersection == 0)
            return false;
        else if (numintersection == 2) {
            Diff_Geom *in = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), ipoints[0].dNdx(), ipoints[0].dNdy(), t[0], ipoints[0].dPdx(), ipoints[0].dPdy(), ipoints[0].dDdx(), ipoints[0].dDdy(), ipoints[0].u(), ipoints[0].v(), ipoints[0].dTdx(), ipoints[0].dTdy(), true);
            Diff_Geom *out = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[1].pos(), ipoints[1].normal(), ipoints[1].dNdx(), ipoints[1].dNdy(), t[1], ipoints[1].dPdx(), ipoints[1].dPdy(), ipoints[1].dDdx(), ipoints[1].dDdy(), ipoints[1].u(), ipoints[1].v(), ipoints[1].dTdx(), ipoints[1].dTdy(), false);
            bounds.add(in, out);
            return true;
        } else {
            Diff_Geom *in, *out;
            IntervalSet capset;
            // check with cap plane
            Plane cap(m_vertex + m_axis * m_height, m_axis);
            if (cap.clip(ray_, capset) ) {
                in = capset.bounds()[0].data;
                in->set_dTdx(in->dTdx()* (1.f/(PSCALE*m_radius)));
                in->set_dTdy(in->dTdy()* (1.f/(PSCALE*m_radius)));
                if (in->t()< t[0]) {
                //if (p_diff_geom_in_->t() < t[0]) {
                    out = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), ipoints[0].dNdx(), ipoints[0].dNdy(), t[0], ipoints[0].dPdx(), ipoints[0].dPdy(), ipoints[0].dDdx(), ipoints[0].dDdy(), ipoints[0].u(), ipoints[0].v(), ipoints[0].dTdx(), ipoints[0].dTdy(), false);
                } else {
                    out = in;
                    in = new Diff_Geom(ipoints[0].pos(), ipoints[0].normal(), ipoints[0].dNdx(), ipoints[0].dNdy(), t[0], ipoints[0].dPdx(), ipoints[0].dPdy(), ipoints[0].dDdx(), ipoints[0].dDdy(), ipoints[0].u(), ipoints[0].v(), ipoints[0].dTdx(), ipoints[0].dTdy(), true);
                delete (capset.bounds()[1].data);
                bounds.add(in, out);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
     * @brief clip a ray by a Box3D.
     * @param ray_ the ray to clip
     * @param bounds ray sorted bounds of the resulting clipping segment.
     * @return  true if ray was clipped. bounds parameter is filld by this method
     * For simple convex objects, there is two values in  bounds that represent in and out events.
     * An in event is whe the ray enters the geometry, an out is when the ray leaves the geometry.
     * @todo Factorize code shared by Box3D::intersect()
     * Adapted from http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Intersection/Wm5IntrLine3Box3.cpp
    bool clip(Ray& ray_, IntervalSet &bounds) const {
        float t0 = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
        float t1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

        // Convert linear component to box coordinates.
        Vector3D diff = ray_.ori() - m_center;
        Vector3D BOrigin(
        Vector3D BDirection(

        float saveT0 = t0, saveT1 = t1;
        bool notAllClipped;
        unsigned char updated;
        int nt0, nt1;
        notAllClipped = clip(+BDirection.x(), -BOrigin.x()-m_extent[0], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 0;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 0;
        notAllClipped = notAllClipped && clip(-BDirection.x(), +BOrigin.x()-m_extent[0], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 1;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 1;
        notAllClipped = notAllClipped && clip(+BDirection.y(), -BOrigin.y()-m_extent[1], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 2;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 2;
        notAllClipped = notAllClipped && clip(-BDirection.y(), +BOrigin.y()-m_extent[1], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 3;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 3;
        notAllClipped = notAllClipped && clip(+BDirection.z(), -BOrigin.z()-m_extent[2], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 4;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 4;
        notAllClipped = notAllClipped && clip(-BDirection.z(), +BOrigin.z()-m_extent[2], t0, t1, updated);
        if (updated == 1)
            nt0 = 5;
        else if (updated == 2)
            nt1 = 5;

        if (notAllClipped && (t0 != saveT0 || t1 != saveT1)) {
            if (t1 > t0) {

                Vector3D normal = m_axis[nt0/2];
                if (nt0%2)
                    normal = -normal;
                Diff_Geom *in = new Diff_Geom(ray_.at(t0), normal, t0);

                normal = m_axis[nt1/2];
                if (nt1%2)
                    normal = -normal;
                Diff_Geom *out = new Diff_Geom(ray_.at(t1), normal, t1);
                bounds.add(in, out);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;