Ejemplo n.º 1
int PhysicsServer::GetObjectID( const char* name, JObject* context )
    int nObj = m_Objects.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < nObj; i++)
        JObject* pObject = m_Objects[i];
        if (!pObject) continue;
        if (!stricmp( name, pObject->GetName() ) && 
            (!context || pObject->GetParent() == context )) return i;    

    if (context == NULL) 
        context = this;

    PhysObject* pObj = g_pObjectServer->FindObject<PhysObject>( name, context );
    if (pObj)
        m_Objects.push_back( pObj );
        int id = m_Objects.size() - 1;
        pObj->SetID( id );
        return id;

    return -1;
} // PhysicsServer::GetObjectID
Ejemplo n.º 2
int JLuaServer::FnSet( lua_State* pLua )
    if (lua_gettop( pLua ) < 3 || lua_gettop( pLua ) > 4)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Incorrect command usage: <set>. "
            "Function takes 3 or 4 arguments (<objectRef>|<objectName>, <propName>, <val>, [tag]), but %d is provided", 
            lua_gettop( pLua ) );
        lua_settop( pLua, 0 );
        lua_pushnil( pLua );
        return 1;
    JObject* pObj = NULL;
    const char* pPath = lua_tostring( pLua, 1 );
    if (pPath)
        JLuaThread* pThread = reinterpret_cast<JLuaThread*>( pLua->userdata );
        assert( pThread->m_pLua == pLua );
        JObject* pRootObj = pThread->m_pRootObj;
        pObj = g_pObjectServer->FindObject( pPath, NULL, pRootObj );
        pObj = reinterpret_cast<JObject*>( lua_touserdata( pLua, 1 ) );
    const char* pPropName = lua_tostring( pLua, 2 );
    const char* pPropVal  = lua_tostring( pLua, 3 );

    if (!pPropVal && lua_isboolean( pLua, 3 ))
        bool bVal = lua_toboolean( pLua, 3 ) == 0 ? false : true;
        pPropVal = bVal ? "true" : "false";

    int tag = -1;
    if (lua_isnumber( pLua, 4 ))
        tag = (int)lua_tonumber( pLua, 4 );

    if (!pObj)
        rlog.warn( "LUA: Trying to call <set> for the nil object." );
        return 0;

    bool bRes = pObj->SetProperty( pPropName, pPropVal, tag );
    if (!bRes)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Could not set property '%s' for object '%s' of type '%s'.", 
            pPropName, pObj->GetName(), pObj->ClassName() );

    return 0;
} // JLuaServer::FnSet
Ejemplo n.º 3
int JLuaServer::FnCall( lua_State* pLua )
    if (lua_gettop( pLua ) < 2 || lua_gettop( pLua ) > 3)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Incorrect command usage: <call>. "
            "Function takes 2 to 3 arguments (object|objectName, funcName, [tag]), but %d is provided", lua_gettop( pLua ) );
        lua_settop( pLua, 0 );
        return 0;

    JObject* pObj = NULL;
    const char* pPath = lua_tostring( pLua, 1 );
    if (pPath)
        JLuaThread* pThread = reinterpret_cast<JLuaThread*>( pLua->userdata );
        assert( pThread->m_pLua == pLua );
        JObject* pRootObj = pThread->m_pRootObj;
        pObj = g_pObjectServer->FindObject( pPath, NULL, pRootObj );
        if (!pObj)
            rlog.warn( "LUA: Method <call> refers to non-existing object: %s", pPath );
            return NULL;
        pObj = reinterpret_cast<JObject*>( lua_touserdata( pLua, 1 ) );
        if (!pObj)
            rlog.warn( "LUA: Trying to call <call> for the nil object" );
            return NULL;
    const char* pMethodName = lua_tostring( pLua, 2 );

    int tag = -1;
    if (lua_isnumber( pLua, 3 ))
        tag = (int)lua_tonumber( pLua, 3 );

    bool bRes = pObj->CallMethod( pMethodName, tag );
    if (!bRes)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Could not call method '%s' for object '%s' of type '%s'.", 
            pMethodName, pObj->GetName(), pObj->ClassName() );
    return 0;
} // JLuaServer::FnCall
Ejemplo n.º 4
int JLuaServer::FnGet( lua_State* pLua )
    if (lua_gettop( pLua ) < 2 || lua_gettop( pLua ) > 3)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Incorrect command usage: <get>. "
            "Function takes 2 or 3 arguments (<objectRef>|<objectName>, <propName>, [tag]), but %d is provided", 
            lua_gettop( pLua ) );
        lua_settop( pLua, 0 );
        lua_pushnil( pLua );
        return 1;
    JObject* pObj = NULL;
    const char* pPath = lua_tostring( pLua, 1 );
    if (pPath)
        JLuaThread* pThread = reinterpret_cast<JLuaThread*>( pLua->userdata );
        assert( pThread->m_pLua == pLua );
        JObject* pRootObj = pThread->m_pRootObj;
        pObj = g_pObjectServer->FindObject( pPath, NULL, pRootObj );
        pObj = reinterpret_cast<JObject*>( lua_touserdata( pLua, 1 ) );
    const char* pPropName = lua_tostring( pLua, 2 );
    int tag = -1;
    if (lua_isnumber( pLua, 3 ))
        tag = (int)lua_tonumber( pLua, 3 );

    if (!pObj)
        rlog.warn( "LUA: Trying to call <get> for the nil object. Nil is returned." );
        lua_pushnil( pLua );
        return 1;

    static JString val;
    bool bRes = pObj->GetProperty( pPropName, val, tag );
    if (!bRes)
        rlog.err( "LUA: Could not get property '%s' for object '%s' of type '%s'.", 
            pPropName, pObj->GetName(), pObj->ClassName() );

    lua_pushstring( pLua, val.c_str() );
    return 1;
} // JLuaServer::FnGet
Ejemplo n.º 5
JObject* RBExport::ProcessPhysicsObject( INode* node )
    ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState( m_CurTime ); 
    Object* pObj = os.obj;
    const char* pNodeName = node->GetName();

    if (!pObj)
        Warn( "Physics node %s is invalid.", pNodeName );

    JObject* pPhysObj = NULL;
    Mat4 objTM = Convert( GetLocalTM( node, m_CurTime ) );

    JString hostName = "";

    ExpNode* pExportedParent = GetExportedNode( node->GetParentNode() );
    if (pExportedParent && pExportedParent->m_pObject)
        JObject* pParentObj = pExportedParent->m_pObject;
        if (obj_cast<PhysBody>( pParentObj ))
            hostName = pParentObj->GetName();
        else if (obj_cast<JBone>( pParentObj ))
            hostName = pParentObj->GetName();

    //  check for joint type
    DWORD scID = pObj->SuperClassID();
    if (scID == HELPER_CLASS_ID) 
        PhysJoint* pJoint = new PhysJoint(); 
        pJoint->SetHostBone( hostName.c_str() );
        pPhysObj = pJoint;
        CStr className;
        pObj->GetClassName( className );
        IParamArray* pParam = pObj->GetParamBlock();
        IParamBlock* pParamBlock = NULL;

        if (pParam) pParamBlock = pParam->GetParamBlock();

        if (!stricmp( className, "sphere" ))
            ColSphere* pSphere = new ColSphere();
            pPhysObj = pSphere;
            float radius = 0.0f;
            pParamBlock->GetValue( SPHERE_RADIUS, 0, radius, FOREVER );
            pSphere->SetRadius( radius );
            pSphere->SetHost( hostName.c_str() );
            pSphere->SetOffsetTM( objTM );

        if (!stricmp( className, "box" ))
            ColBox* pBox = new ColBox();
            pPhysObj = pBox;
            Vec3 ext;
            pParamBlock->GetValue( BOXOBJ_LENGTH, 0, ext.x, FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( BOXOBJ_WIDTH,  0, ext.y, FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( BOXOBJ_HEIGHT, 0, ext.z, FOREVER );
            pBox->SetExtents( ext );
            pBox->SetHost( hostName.c_str() );
            pBox->SetOffsetTM( objTM );
        if (!stricmp( className, "capsule" ))
            ColCapsule* pCapsule = new ColCapsule();
            pPhysObj = pCapsule;
            int   bCenters = 0;
            float radius   = 0.0f;
            float height   = 0.0f;
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_RADIUS,  0, radius,   FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_HEIGHT,  0, height,   FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_CENTERS, 0, bCenters, FOREVER );
            pCapsule->SetRadius( radius );
            pCapsule->SetHeight( height );
            pCapsule->SetHost( hostName.c_str() );
            pCapsule->SetOffsetTM( objTM );

        if (!stricmp( className, "cylinder" ))
            ColCylinder* pCylinder = new ColCylinder();
            pPhysObj = pCylinder;
            int   bCenters = 0;
            float radius   = 0.0f;
            float height   = 0.0f;
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_RADIUS,  0, radius,   FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_HEIGHT,  0, height,   FOREVER );
            pParamBlock->GetValue( PB_CENTERS, 0, bCenters, FOREVER );
            pCylinder->SetRadius( radius );
            pCylinder->SetHeight( height );
            pCylinder->SetHost( hostName.c_str() );
            pCylinder->SetOffsetTM( objTM );

        if (!stricmp( className, "teapot" ))
            //  by teapot we represent physical body (point of mass)
            PhysBody* pBody = new PhysBody();
            pBody->SetHostBone( hostName.c_str() );
            pPhysObj = pBody;
            pBody->SetOffsetTM( objTM );

        //  if none of above,  try to export as trimesh collision primitive
        if (pPhysObj == NULL && scID == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID)
            ColMesh* pMesh = GetColMesh( node );
            if (pMesh)
                pPhysObj = pMesh;
                pMesh->SetHost( hostName.c_str() );
                pMesh->SetOffsetTM( objTM );
    if (pPhysObj)
        if (!m_pPhysicsGroup)
            m_pPhysicsGroup = new JGroup();
            m_pPhysicsGroup->SetName( "physics" );
        pPhysObj->SetName( pNodeName );
        m_pPhysicsGroup->AddChild( pPhysObj );
        Warn( "Unrecognized physics object type in  node %s", pNodeName );
        return NULL;
    return pPhysObj;
} // RBExport::ProcessPhysicsObject
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: mesh.cpp Proyecto: skopp/rush
void RBExport::AddMesh( int meshID, int startVByte, int startVert, int nVert, int startFace, int nFaces )
    if (nVert == 0) return;

    //  create mesh
    JMesh* pMesh = new JMesh();
    char nameBuf[_MAX_PATH];
    const char* nodeName = m_Nodes[m_Vertices[startVert]->nodeID].m_pNode->GetName();
    sprintf( nameBuf, "%s_mesh", nodeName );

    //  create skin bone list
    std::vector<int> boneReindex;
    boneReindex.resize( m_Nodes.size() );
    std::fill( boneReindex.begin(), boneReindex.end(), -1 );
    int nMeshBones = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nVert; i++)
        ExpVertex& v = *m_Vertices[startVert + i];        
        for (int j = 0; j < v.nBones; j++)
            int boneIdx = v.boneIdx[j];
            if (boneIdx == -1) continue;
            if (boneReindex[boneIdx] == -1)
                pMesh->AddBone( m_Nodes[boneIdx].m_pNode->GetName() );
                boneReindex[boneIdx] = nMeshBones;
            v.boneIdx[j] = boneReindex[boneIdx];
    if (pMesh->GetNSkinBones() > c_MaxBonesPerSkin)
        Err( "Mesh %s exceeds bone limit. Number of ones is %d, maximum allowed is %d.",  
            nodeName, pMesh->GetNSkinBones(), c_MaxBonesPerSkin );

    //  check whether all the references to bones within indices are in correct range
    for (int i = 0; i < nVert; i++)
        const ExpVertex& v = *(m_Vertices[startVert + i]);
        for (int j = 0; j < v.nBones; j++)
            if (v.boneIdx[j] >= 0 && v.boneIdx[j] < pMesh->GetNSkinBones())
            Err( "Skin of mesh %s has incorrect bone reference: %d.",  
                    nodeName, v.boneIdx[j] );

    //  create vertex declaration
    VertexDeclaration vertexDecl = GetVDecl( startVert, nVert );
    int vertexStride = vertexDecl.m_VertexSize;

    //  create vertex buffer 
    int nVertBytes = nVert*vertexStride;
    Buffer vbuf( nVertBytes );
    FillVertexBuffer( vbuf.GetData(), vertexDecl, startVert, nVert );
    //  add vertices to model
    m_pModel->AddVertices( vbuf.GetData(), nVertBytes );

    int mtlID = m_Vertices[startVert]->mtlID;
    const char* mtlName = "";
    if (mtlID >= 0) mtlName = m_Materials[mtlID]->GetName();

    int nodeID = m_Vertices[startVert]->nodeID;
    JObject* pHostBone = m_Nodes[nodeID].m_pObject;
    pMesh->SetName       ( nameBuf );
    pMesh->SetVisible    ( true );
    pMesh->SetVertexRange( startVByte, nVert );
    pMesh->SetIndexRange ( startFace*3, nFaces*3 );
    pMesh->SetVDecl      ( vertexDecl );
    pMesh->SetMaterial   ( mtlName );
    pMesh->SetHostBone   ( pHostBone->GetName() );

    //  add faces to model
    std::vector<WORD> idx;
    int nIdx = 3*nFaces;
    idx.resize( nIdx );
    for (int j = 0; j < nIdx; j += 3)
        ExpFace& face = m_Faces[startFace + j/3];
        idx[j + 0] = face.pV0->index - startVert;
        idx[j + 1] = face.pV1->index - startVert;
        idx[j + 2] = face.pV2->index - startVert;
    m_pModel->AddIndices( &idx[0], nIdx );

    m_pModel->AddChild( pMesh );
} // RBExport::AddMeshData