typename PointMatcher<T>::TransformationParameters ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPointErrorMinimizer::compute(
	const DataPoints& filteredReading,
	const DataPoints& filteredReference,
	const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights,
	const Matches& matches)
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);

	typename ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& mPts = this->getMatchedPoints(filteredReading, filteredReference, matches, outlierWeights);
	// now minimize on kept points
	const int dimCount(mPts.reading.features.rows());
	const int ptsCount(mPts.reading.features.cols()); //Both point clouds have now the same number of (matched) point

	// Compute the (weighted) mean of each point cloud
	const Vector& w = mPts.weights;
	const T w_sum_inv = T(1.)/w.sum();
	const Vector meanReading =
		(mPts.reading.features.topRows(dimCount-1).array().rowwise() * w.array().transpose()).rowwise().sum() * w_sum_inv;
	const Vector meanReference =
		(mPts.reference.features.topRows(dimCount-1).array().rowwise() * w.array().transpose()).rowwise().sum() * w_sum_inv;

	// Remove the mean from the point clouds
	mPts.reading.features.topRows(dimCount-1).colwise() -= meanReading;
	mPts.reference.features.topRows(dimCount-1).colwise() -= meanReference;

	// Singular Value Decomposition
	const Matrix m(mPts.reference.features.topRows(dimCount-1) * w.asDiagonal()
			* mPts.reading.features.topRows(dimCount-1).transpose());
	const JacobiSVD<Matrix> svd(m, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
	Matrix rotMatrix(svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose());
	// It is possible to get a reflection instead of a rotation. In this case, we
	// take the second best solution, guaranteed to be a rotation. For more details,
	// read the tech report: "Least-Squares Rigid Motion Using SVD", Olga Sorkine
	// http://igl.ethz.ch/projects/ARAP/svd_rot.pdf
	if (rotMatrix.determinant() < 0.)
		Matrix tmpV = svd.matrixV().transpose();
		tmpV.row(dimCount-2) *= -1.;
		rotMatrix = svd.matrixU() * tmpV;
	const Vector trVector(meanReference - rotMatrix * meanReading);
	Matrix result(Matrix::Identity(dimCount, dimCount));
	result.topLeftCorner(dimCount-1, dimCount-1) = rotMatrix;
	result.topRightCorner(dimCount-1, 1) = trVector;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
VectorXd svdSolve( JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> & svd,VectorXd & ref, double * rankPtr = NULL, double EPS=1e-6 )
  typedef JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> SVDType;
  const JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>::MatrixUType &U = svd.matrixU();
  const JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>::MatrixVType &V = svd.matrixV();
  const JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>::SingularValuesType &s = svd.singularValues();
  //std::cout << (MATLAB)U<< (MATLAB)s<<(MATLAB)V << std::endl;

  const int N=V.rows(),M=U.rows(),S=std::min(M,N);

  int rank=0;
  while( rank<S && s[rank]>EPS ) rank++;

  VectorXd sinv = s.head(rank).array().inverse();

  //std::cout << "U = " << (MATLAB)U.leftCols(rank) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "V = " << (MATLAB)V.leftCols(rank) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "S = " << (MATLAB)(MatrixXd)sinv.asDiagonal() << std::endl;
  VectorXd x;
  x = V.leftCols(rank)
    * sinv.asDiagonal()
    * U.leftCols(rank).transpose()
    * ref;

  if(rankPtr!=NULL) *rankPtr = rank;

  return x;
VectorXd wholeBodyReach::svdSolveWithDamping(const JacobiSVD<MatrixRXd>& A, VectorConst b, double damping)
    eigen_assert(A.computeU() && A.computeV() && "svdSolveWithDamping() requires both unitaries U and V to be computed (thin unitaries suffice).");
    //    cout<<"b = "<<toString(b,1)<<endl;
    VectorXd tmp(A.cols());
    int nzsv = A.nonzeroSingularValues();
    tmp.noalias() = A.matrixU().leftCols(nzsv).adjoint() * b;
    //    cout<<"U^T*b = "<<toString(tmp,1)<<endl;
    double sv, d2 = damping*damping;
    for(int i=0; i<nzsv; i++)
        sv = A.singularValues()(i);
        tmp(i) *= sv/(sv*sv + d2);
    //    cout<<"S^+ U^T b = "<<toString(tmp,1)<<endl;
    VectorXd res = A.matrixV().leftCols(nzsv) * tmp;
    //    getLogger().sendMsg("sing val = "+toString(A.singularValues(),3), MSG_STREAM_INFO);
    //    getLogger().sendMsg("solution with damp "+toString(damping)+" = "+toString(res.norm()), MSG_STREAM_INFO);
    //    getLogger().sendMsg("solution without damping  ="+toString(A.solve(b).norm()), MSG_STREAM_INFO);
    return res;
typename PointMatcher<T>::TransformationParameters ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPointErrorMinimizer::compute(
	const DataPoints& filteredReading,
	const DataPoints& filteredReference,
	const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights,
	const Matches& matches)
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);

	typename ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& mPts = this->getMatchedPoints(filteredReading, filteredReference, matches, outlierWeights);
	// now minimize on kept points
	const int dimCount(mPts.reading.features.rows());
	const int ptsCount(mPts.reading.features.cols()); //But point cloud have now the same number of (matched) point

	// Compute the mean of each point cloud
	const Vector meanReading = mPts.reading.features.rowwise().sum() / ptsCount;
	const Vector meanReference = mPts.reference.features.rowwise().sum() / ptsCount;
	// Remove the mean from the point clouds
	mPts.reading.features.colwise() -= meanReading;
	mPts.reference.features.colwise() -= meanReference;

	// Singular Value Decomposition
	const Matrix m(mPts.reference.features.topRows(dimCount-1) * mPts.reading.features.topRows(dimCount-1).transpose());
	const JacobiSVD<Matrix> svd(m, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
	const Matrix rotMatrix(svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose());
	const Vector trVector(meanReference.head(dimCount-1)- rotMatrix * meanReading.head(dimCount-1));
	Matrix result(Matrix::Identity(dimCount, dimCount));
	result.topLeftCorner(dimCount-1, dimCount-1) = rotMatrix;
	result.topRightCorner(dimCount-1, 1) = trVector;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void dampedInverse( const JacobiSVD <dg::Matrix>& svd,
		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
		    const double threshold) {
  typedef JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix>::SingularValuesType SV_t;
  ArrayWrapper<const SV_t> sigmas (svd.singularValues());

  SV_t sv_inv (sigmas / (sigmas.cwiseAbs2() + threshold * threshold));
  const dg::Matrix::Index m = sv_inv.size();

  _inverseMatrix.noalias() =
    ( svd.matrixV().leftCols(m) * sv_inv.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().leftCols(m).transpose());
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CVMath::setupMatrixM2()
	Line r1 = Points::getInstance().getR1();
	Line r2 = Points::getInstance().getR2();
	Line r3 = Points::getInstance().getR3();
	Line r4 = Points::getInstance().getR4();
	l0 << r1.x, r1.y, r1.z;
	m0 << r2.x, r2.y, r2.z;
	l1 << r3.x, r3.y, r3.z;
	m1 << r4.x, r4.y, r4.z;

	MatrixXd LT_M = MatrixXd(2, 3);
	LT_M << l0(0)*m0(0), l0(0)*m0(1) + l0(1)*m0(0), l0(1)*m0(1),
			l1(0)*m1(0), l1(0)*m1(1) + l1(1)*m1(0), l1(1)*m1(1);

	JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svdA (LT_M, Eigen::ComputeFullV);

	VectorXd x = svdA.matrixV().col(2);

	MatrixXd KKT = MatrixXd(2, 2);
	KKT << x(0), x(1),
		x(1), x(2);

	MatrixXd HHT = MatrixXd(3, 3);
	HHT << x(0), x(1), 0,
		   x(1), x(2), 0,
		   0, 0, 0;

	MatrixXd aux = MatrixXd(2, 2); 
	aux = HHT.llt().matrixU();

	std::cout << x << std::endl;
	std::cout << aux << std::endl;
	Hp = MatrixXd(3, 3);
	//add 1 ao final para se tornar inversivel
	Hp << aux(0,0), aux(0,1), 0,
		0, aux(1, 1), 0,
		0, 0, 1;
	std::cout << Hp << std::endl;

	Hp_INV = MatrixXd(3, 3);
	Hp_INV = Hp.inverse().eval();
	std::cout << Hp_INV << std::endl;

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

  using namespace Eigen;

  if(nrhs < 1 || nlhs != 1) {
    mexWarnMsgTxt("Minimum one input and one output parameter required");

  //Parse opts
  bool fast2D = false;

  if(nrhs > 1) {
    const mxArray *opt = prhs[1];

    const mxArray *opt_fast2D = mxGetField(opt, 0, "fast2D");
      fast2D = mxGetScalar(opt_fast2D);

  const mwSize* dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);

  const mwSize m = dims[0], n = dims[1];

  if(n%m != 0)
    mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid input (inconsistent dimensions).");

  mxArray *R        = mxCreateNumericMatrix(m, n,
                                         mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);

  const double *data_in  = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
        double *data_out = mxGetPr(R);

  const mwSize nt = n / m;

  if(m == 2) {

    if(fast2D) {
    //special case closed form solution for 2x2

    for(mwSize t = 0; t < nt; ++t) {
      //get transformation
      Map<const Matrix2d> T(data_in + 4*t);

      //closed form solution
      double trace        = T.trace();
      double offdiff      = T(0,1) - T(1,0);
      double off_term     = offdiff / trace;
      double denom_global = 1 / sqrt(off_term*off_term + 1);

      Matrix2d R;
      R(0,0) = denom_global; R(0,1) = off_term * denom_global;
      R(1,0) = -R(0,1);      R(1,1) = R(0,0);

      if(R.determinant() < 0) //safety checks
        R *= 1;

      Map<Matrix2d>(data_out + 4*t) = R;

    } else {
      //hope for better compiler optimization
      for(mwSize t = 0; t < nt; ++t) {
        //get transformation
        Map<const Matrix2d> T(data_in + 4*t);

        //get svd
        const JacobiSVD<Matrix2d> svd = T.jacobiSvd(ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);

        Matrix2d R(svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose());

        if(svd.singularValues().prod() < 0) //safety checks
          R *= -1;

        Map<Matrix2d>(data_out + 4*t) = R;

  } else if(m == 3) {
    //hope for better compiler optimization
    for(mwSize t = 0; t < nt; ++t) {
      //get transformation
      Map<const Matrix3d> T(data_in + 9*t);

      //get svd
      const JacobiSVD<Matrix3d> svd = T.jacobiSvd(ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);

      Matrix3d R(svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose());

      if(svd.singularValues().prod() < 0) //safety checks
        R *= -1;

      Map<Matrix3d>(data_out + 9*t) = R;

  } else {
    //generic nd implementation
    for(mwSize t = 0; t < nt; ++t) {
      //get transformation
      Map<const MatrixXd> T(data_in + m*m*t, m, m);

      //get svd
      const JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd = T.jacobiSvd(ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);

      MatrixXd R(svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose());

      if(svd.singularValues().prod() < 0) //safety checks
        R *= -1;

      Map<MatrixXd>(data_out + m*m*t, m, m) = R;

  plhs[0] = R;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Derived from code by Yohann Solaro ( http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/eigen/2010/01/msg00187.html )
void pinv(const MatrixXd &b, MatrixXd &a_pinv)
    // see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore-Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_general_case_and_the_SVD_method

    // TODO: Figure out why it wants fewer rows than columns
//    if ( a.rows()<a.cols() )
//        return false;
    bool flip = false;
    MatrixXd a;
    if( a.rows() < a.cols() )
        a = b.transpose();
        flip = true;
        a = b;

    // SVD
    JacobiSVD< MatrixXd > svdA;
    svdA.compute(a, ComputeFullU | ComputeThinV);

    JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>::SingularValuesType vSingular = svdA.singularValues();

    // Build a diagonal matrix with the Inverted Singular values
    // The pseudo inverted singular matrix is easy to compute :
    // is formed by replacing every nonzero entry by its reciprocal (inversing).
    VectorXd vPseudoInvertedSingular(svdA.matrixV().cols());

    for (int iRow =0; iRow<vSingular.rows(); iRow++)
        if ( fabs(vSingular(iRow))<=1e-10 ) // Todo : Put epsilon in parameter


    // A little optimization here
    MatrixXd mAdjointU = svdA.matrixU().adjoint().block(0,0,vSingular.rows(),svdA.matrixU().adjoint().cols());

    // Pseudo-Inversion : V * S * U'
    a_pinv = (svdA.matrixV() *  vPseudoInvertedSingular.asDiagonal()) * mAdjointU;

        a = a.transpose();
        a_pinv = a_pinv.transpose();
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Based on a paper by Samuel R. Buss and Jin-Su Kim // TODO: Cite the paper properly
rk_result_t Robot::selectivelyDampedLeastSquaresIK_chain(const vector<size_t> &jointIndices, VectorXd &jointValues,
                                              const Isometry3d &target, const Isometry3d &finalTF)
    // FIXME: Make this work

    // Arbitrary constant for maximum angle change in one step
    gammaMax = M_PI/4; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can change it at a whim

    vector<Linkage::Joint*> joints;
    // FIXME: Add in safety checks
    for(int i=0; i<joints.size(); i++)
        joints[i] = joints_[jointIndices[i]];

    // ~~ Declarations ~~
    MatrixXd J;
    JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd;
    Isometry3d pose;
    AngleAxisd aagoal;
    AngleAxisd aastate;
    Vector6d goal;
    Vector6d state;
    Vector6d err;
    Vector6d alpha;
    Vector6d N;
    Vector6d M;
    Vector6d gamma;
    VectorXd delta(jointValues.size());
    VectorXd tempPhi(jointValues.size());
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

//    cout << "\n\n" << endl;

    tolerance = 1*M_PI/180; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    maxIterations = 1000; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily

    size_t iterations = 0;
    do {

        values(jointIndices, jointValues);

        jacobian(J, joints, joints.back()->respectToRobot().translation()+finalTF.translation(), this);

        svd.compute(J, ComputeFullU | ComputeThinV);

    //    cout <<  "\n\n" << svd.matrixU() << "\n\n\n" << svd.singularValues().transpose() << "\n\n\n" << svd.matrixV() << endl;

    //    for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixU().cols(); i++)
    //        cout << "u" << i << " : " << svd.matrixU().col(i).transpose() << endl;

    //    std::cout << "Joint name: " << joint(jointIndices.back()).name()
    //              << "\t Number: " << jointIndices.back() << std::endl;
        pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;

    //    std::cout << "Pose: " << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << pose.matrix() << std::endl;

    //    AngleAxisd aagoal(target.rotation());
        aagoal = target.rotation();
        goal << target.translation(), aagoal.axis()*aagoal.angle();

        aastate = pose.rotation();
        state << pose.translation(), aastate.axis()*aastate.angle();

        err = goal-state;

    //    std::cout << "state: " << state.transpose() << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << "err: " << err.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
            alpha[i] = svd.matrixU().col(i).dot(err);

    //    std::cout << "Alpha: " << alpha.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
            N[i] = svd.matrixU().block(0,i,3,1).norm();
            N[i] += svd.matrixU().block(3,i,3,1).norm();

    //    std::cout << "N: " << N.transpose() << std::endl;

        double tempMik = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
            M[i] = 0;
            for(int k=0; k<svd.matrixU().cols(); k++)
                tempMik = 0;
                for(int j=0; j<svd.matrixV().cols(); j++)
                    tempMik += fabs(svd.matrixV()(j,i))*J(k,j);
                M[i] += 1/svd.singularValues()[i]*tempMik;

    //    std::cout << "M: " << M.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
            gamma[i] = minimum(1, N[i]/M[i])*gammaMax;

    //    std::cout << "Gamma: " << gamma.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "1/sigma: " << 1/svd.singularValues()[i] << std::endl;
            tempPhi = 1/svd.singularValues()[i]*alpha[i]*svd.matrixV().col(i);
    //        std::cout << "Phi: " << tempPhi.transpose() << std::endl;
            clampMaxAbs(tempPhi, gamma[i]);
            delta += tempPhi;
    //        std::cout << "delta " << i << ": " << delta.transpose() << std::endl;

        clampMaxAbs(delta, gammaMax);

        jointValues += delta;

        std::cout << iterations << " | Norm:" << delta.norm() << "\tdelta: "
                  << delta.transpose() << "\tJoints:" << jointValues.transpose() << std::endl;

    } while(delta.norm() > tolerance && iterations < maxIterations);