Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char** argv )

  trace.info() << "exampleGridCurve3d: the type of data to be displayed "
	       << "may be given as argument as follows: "
	       << argv[0] << " scells" << endl; 
  trace.info() << "Available types are: gridcurve (default), scells, points, midpoints, arrows" << endl;

  string type = (argc > 1) ? string(argv[1]) : "gridcurve";
  trace.info() << "Chosen type: " << type << endl; 

  string sinus = examplesPath + "samples/sinus.dat";

  // domain
  Point lowerBound = Point::diagonal( -100 );
  Point upperBound = Point::diagonal( 100 );

  //! [GridCurveDeclaration]
  K3 ks; ks.init( lowerBound, upperBound, true );
  GridCurve<K3> gc( ks );
  //! [GridCurveDeclaration]

  //! [GridCurveFromDataFile]
  fstream inputStream;
  inputStream.open (sinus.c_str(), ios::in);


  //! [GridCurveFromDataFile]

  bool flag = false;
  QApplication application(argc,argv);
  Viewer3D<Space,K3> viewer(ks);

  if (type == "gridcurve")
      viewer  << gc;
  else if (type == "scells")
      viewer << gc.getSCellsRange();
  else if (type == "points")
      viewer << gc.getPointsRange();
  else if (type == "midpoints")
      viewer << gc.getMidPointsRange();
  else if (type == "arrows")
      viewer << gc.getArrowsRange();
      trace.info() << "Display type not known." << std::endl;
  viewer << Viewer3D<Space,K3>::updateDisplay;
  flag = application.exec();

  return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testSCellsFunctors()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;
  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing block ..." );
  //0-scell 2 point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<3> K3;
    K3 theKSpace; 
    SCellToPoint<K3> m(theKSpace); 
    K3::SCell s = theKSpace.sPointel( K3::Point(3,3,4) );
    K3::Point aPoint = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K3::Point(3,3,4) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
  //1-scell 2 point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<3> K3;
    K3 theKSpace; 
    SCellToPoint<K3> m(theKSpace); 
    K3::SCell s(K3::Point(0,0,0), true); //default point and orientation 
    theKSpace.sSetKCoords( s, K3::Point(5,6,8) );
    K3::Point aPoint = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K3::Point(3,3,4) ) ? 1 : 0;
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
  //scell 2 midPoint
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    CanonicSCellEmbedder<K2> m(theKSpace);
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    K2::Space::RealPoint aPoint = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K2::Space::RealPoint(-0.5,0) ) ? 1 : 0;
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;

    //scell 2 arrow
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToArrow<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    std::pair<K2::Point, K2::Vector> aArrow = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aArrow.first << aArrow.second <<std::endl;  
    K2::Point p(0,1); 
    K2::Vector v(0,-1); 
    nbok += ( ((aArrow.first == p) && (aArrow.second == v)) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
      //scell 2 inner point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToInnerPoint<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    K2::Point aPoint = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K2::Point(0,0) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
    //scell 2 outer point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToOuterPoint<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    K2::Point aPoint = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K2::Point(-1,0) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
    //scell 2 incident pixels
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToIncidentPoints<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    std::pair<K2::Point, K2::Point> aPair = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPair.first << aPair.second <<std::endl;  
    K2::Point p1(0,0); 
    K2::Point p2(-1,0); 
    nbok += ( ((aPair.first == p1) && (aPair.second == p2)) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
   //scell 2 code
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToCode<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    char aCode = m( s );
    trace.info() << s << aCode <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aCode == '3' ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
  return nbok == nb;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testModifier()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;
  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing block ..." );
  //scell 2 point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<3> K3;
    K3 theKSpace; 
    SCellToPoint<K3> m(theKSpace); 
    K3::SCell s = theKSpace.sPointel( K3::Point(3,3,4) );
    K3::Point aPoint = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K3::Point(3,3,4) ) ? 1 : 0; 
  //scell 2 midPoint
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToMidPoint<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    PointVector<K2::dimension,double> aPoint = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == PointVector<K2::dimension,double>(0,0.5) ) ? 1 : 0; 

    //scell 2 arrow
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToArrow<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    std::pair<K2::Point, K2::Vector> aArrow = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aArrow.first << aArrow.second <<std::endl;  
    K2::Point p(0,1); 
    K2::Vector v(0,-1); 
    nbok += ( ((aArrow.first == p) && (aArrow.second == v)) ) ? 1 : 0; 
      //scell 2 inner point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToInnerPoint<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    K2::Point aPoint = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K2::Point(-1,0) ) ? 1 : 0; 
    //scell 2 outer point
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToOuterPoint<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    K2::Point aPoint = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPoint <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aPoint == K2::Point(0,0) ) ? 1 : 0; 
    //scell 2 incident pixels
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToIncidentPoints<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    std::pair<K2::Point, K2::Point> aPair = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aPair.first << aPair.second <<std::endl;  
    K2::Point p1(-1,0); 
    K2::Point p2(0,0); 
    nbok += ( ((aPair.first == p1) && (aPair.second == p2)) ) ? 1 : 0; 
   //scell 2 code
    typedef KhalimskySpaceND<2> K2;
    K2 theKSpace; 
    SCellToCode<K2> m(theKSpace); 
    K2::SCell s = theKSpace.sCell( K2::Point(0,1) );
    char aCode = m.get( s );
    trace.info() << s << aCode <<std::endl;  
    nbok += ( aCode == '3' ) ? 1 : 0; 
  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") " << std::endl;
  return nbok == nb;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   Main function.

   @param argc the number of parameters given on the line command.

   @param argv an array of C-string, such that argv[0] is the name of
   the program, argv[1] the first parameter, etc.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  typedef SpaceND<3,int> Z3;
  typedef KhalimskySpaceND<3,int> K3;
  typedef Z3::Point Point;
  typedef Z3::RealPoint RealPoint;

  // specify command line ----------------------------------------------
  QApplication application(argc,argv); // remove Qt arguments.
  po::options_description general_opt("Specific allowed options (for Qt options, see Qt official site) are: ");
    ("help,h", "display this message")
    ("input,i", po::value<std::string>(), "the name of the text file containing the list of 3D points (x y z per line)" )
    ("box,b",  po::value<int>()->default_value( 0 ), "specifies the the tightness of the bounding box around the curve with a given integer displacement <arg> to enlarge it (0 is tight)" )
    ("viewBox,v",  po::value<string>()->default_value( "WIRED" ), "displays the bounding box, <arg>=WIRED means that only edges are displayed, <arg>=COLORED adds colors for planes (XY is red, XZ green, YZ, blue)." )
    ("curve3d,C", "displays the 3D curve")
    ("curve2d,c", "displays the 2D projections of the 3D curve on the bounding box")
    ("cover3d,3", "displays the 3D tangential cover of the curve" )
    ("cover2d,2", "displays the 2D projections of the 3D tangential cover of the curve" )
    ("nbColors,n",  po::value<int>()->default_value( 3 ), "sets the number of successive colors used for displaying 2d and 3d maximal segments (default is 3: red, green, blue)" )
    ("tangent,t", "displays the tangents to the curve" )
  po::positional_options_description pos_opt;
  pos_opt.add("input", 1);

  // parse command line ----------------------------------------------
  bool parseOK=true;
  po::variables_map vm;
  try {
    po::command_line_parser clp( argc, argv );
    clp.options( general_opt ).positional( pos_opt );
    po::store( clp.run(), vm );
  } catch( const std::exception& ex ) {
    parseOK = false;
    trace.info() << "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what() << endl;
  po::notify( vm );
  if( !parseOK || vm.count("help")||argc<=1)
      std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input\n"
		<< "Display a 3D curve given as the <input> filename (with possibly projections and/or tangent information) by using QGLviewer.\n"
		<< general_opt << "\n\n";
      std::cout << "Example:\n"
		<< "3dCurveViewer -C -b 1 -3 -2 -c ${DGtal}/examples/samples/sinus.dat\n";
      return 0;

  // process command line ----------------------------------------------
  string input = vm["input"].as<std::string>();
  int b = vm["box"].as<int>();
  // Create curve 3D.
  vector<Point> sequence;
  fstream inputStream;
  inputStream.open ( input.c_str(), ios::in);
  try {
    sequence = PointListReader<Point>::getPointsFromInputStream( inputStream );
    if ( sequence.size() == 0) throw IOException();
  catch (DGtal::IOException & ioe) {
    trace.error() << "Size is null." << std::endl;

  // start viewer
  Viewer3D<> viewer;
  trace.beginBlock ( "Tool 3dCurveViewer" );

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Create domain and curve.
  Point lowerBound = sequence[ 0 ];
  Point upperBound = sequence[ 0 ];
  for ( unsigned int j = 1; j < sequence.size(); ++j )
      lowerBound = lowerBound.inf( sequence[ j ] );
      upperBound = upperBound.sup( sequence[ j ] );
  lowerBound -= Point::diagonal( b );
  upperBound += Point::diagonal( b+1 );
  K3 ks; ks.init( lowerBound, upperBound, true );
  GridCurve<K3> gc( ks );
  try {
    gc.initFromPointsVector( sequence );
  } catch (DGtal::ConnectivityException& /*ce*/) {
    throw ConnectivityException();
    return false;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Displays everything.
  // Display axes.
  if ( vm.count( "viewBox" ) )
    displayAxes<Point,RealPoint, Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>( viewer, lowerBound, upperBound, vm[ "viewBox" ].as<std::string>() );
  // Display 3D tangential cover.
  bool res = displayCover( viewer, ks, sequence.begin(), sequence.end(),
			   vm.count( "cover3d" ),
			   vm.count( "curve2d" ),
			   vm.count( "cover2d" ),
			   vm.count( "tangent" ),
			   vm["nbColors"].as<int>() );
  // Display 3D curve points.
  if ( vm.count( "curve3d" ) )
    viewer << CustomColors3D( CURVE3D_COLOR, CURVE3D_COLOR )
	   << gc.getPointsRange()
	   << sequence.back(); // curiously, last point is not displayed.

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // User "interaction".
  viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
  trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl;

  return res ? 0 : 1;