Ejemplo n.º 1
_user_get_file_disk_device_path(partition_id id, char* buffer,
	size_t bufferSize)
	if (id < 0 || buffer == NULL || bufferSize == 0)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	if (!IS_USER_ADDRESS(buffer))
		return B_BAD_ADDRESS;

	KDiskDeviceManager *manager = KDiskDeviceManager::Default();
	KDiskDevice *device = manager->RegisterDevice(id, true);
	if (device != NULL) {
		PartitionRegistrar _(device, true);
		if (DeviceReadLocker locker = device) {
			KFileDiskDevice* fileDevice
				= dynamic_cast<KFileDiskDevice*>(device);
			if (fileDevice == NULL)
				return B_BAD_VALUE;

			ssize_t copied = user_strlcpy(buffer, fileDevice->FilePath(),
			if (copied < 0)
				return copied;
			return (size_t)copied < bufferSize ? B_OK : B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

	return B_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 2
_user_find_partition(const char *_filename, size_t *neededSize)
	UserStringParameter<false> filename;
	status_t error = filename.Init(_filename, B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	KDiskDeviceManager *manager = KDiskDeviceManager::Default();
	// find the partition
	KPartition *partition = manager->RegisterPartition(filename);
	if (partition == NULL)
	PartitionRegistrar _(partition, true);
	partition_id id = partition->ID();
	if (neededSize != NULL) {
		// get and lock the partition's device
		KDiskDevice *device = manager->RegisterDevice(partition->ID(), false);
		if (device == NULL)
			return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
		PartitionRegistrar _2(device, true);
		if (DeviceReadLocker locker = device) {
			// get the needed size
			UserDataWriter writer;
			error = copy_to_user_value(neededSize, writer.AllocatedSize());
			if (error != B_OK)
				return error;
		} else
			return B_ERROR;
	return id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
_user_find_disk_device(const char *_filename, size_t *neededSize)
	UserStringParameter<false> filename;
	status_t error = filename.Init(_filename, B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	partition_id id = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
	KDiskDeviceManager *manager = KDiskDeviceManager::Default();
	// find the device
	if (KDiskDevice *device = manager->RegisterDevice(filename)) {
		PartitionRegistrar _(device, true);
		id = device->ID();
		if (neededSize) {
			if (DeviceReadLocker locker = device) {
				// get the needed size
				UserDataWriter writer;
				error = copy_to_user_value(neededSize, writer.AllocatedSize());
				if (error != B_OK)
					return error;
			} else
				return B_ERROR;
	return id;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*!	\brief Writes data describing the disk device identified by ID and all
		   its partitions into the supplied buffer.

	The function passes the buffer size required to hold the data back
	through the \a _neededSize parameter, if the device could be found at
	least and no serious error occured. If fails with \c B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW,
	if the supplied buffer is too small or a \c NULL buffer is supplied
	(and \c bufferSize is 0).

	The device is identified by \a id. If \a deviceOnly is \c true, then
	it must be the ID of a disk device, otherwise the disk device is
	chosen, on which the partition \a id refers to resides.

	\param id The ID of an arbitrary partition on the disk device (including
		   the disk device itself), whose data shall be returned
		   (if \a deviceOnly is \c false), or the ID of the disk device
		   itself (if \a deviceOnly is true).
	\param deviceOnly Specifies whether only IDs of disk devices (\c true),
		   or also IDs of partitions (\c false) are accepted for \a id.
	\param buffer The buffer into which the disk device data shall be written.
		   May be \c NULL.
	\param bufferSize The size of \a buffer.
	\param _neededSize Pointer to a variable into which the actually needed
		   buffer size is written. May be \c NULL.
	- \c B_OK: Everything went fine. The device was found and, if not \c NULL,
	  in \a _neededSize the actually needed buffer size is returned. And
	  \a buffer will contain the disk device data.
	- \c B_BAD_VALUE: \c NULL \a buffer, but not 0 \a bufferSize.
	- \c B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: The supplied buffer was too small. \a _neededSize,
	  if not \c NULL, will contain the required buffer size.
	- \c B_NO_MEMORY: Insufficient memory to complete the operation.
	- \c B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: \a id is no valid disk device ID (if \a deviceOnly
	  is \c true) or not even a valid partition ID (if \a deviceOnly is
	  \c false).
	- \c B_ERROR: An unexpected error occured.
	- another error code...
_user_get_disk_device_data(partition_id id, bool deviceOnly,
	user_disk_device_data *buffer, size_t bufferSize, size_t *_neededSize)
	if (buffer == NULL && bufferSize > 0)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	KDiskDeviceManager *manager = KDiskDeviceManager::Default();
	// get the device
	KDiskDevice *device = manager->RegisterDevice(id, deviceOnly);
	if (device == NULL)

	PartitionRegistrar _(device, true);
	if (DeviceReadLocker locker = device) {
		// do a dry run first to get the needed size
		UserDataWriter writer;
		size_t neededSize = writer.AllocatedSize();
		if (_neededSize != NULL) {
			status_t error = copy_ref_var_to_user(neededSize, _neededSize);
			if (error != B_OK)
				return error;
		// if no buffer has been supplied or the buffer is too small,
		// then we're done
		if (buffer == NULL || bufferSize < neededSize)
		if (!IS_USER_ADDRESS(buffer))
			return B_BAD_ADDRESS;
		// otherwise allocate a kernel buffer
		user_disk_device_data *kernelBuffer
			= static_cast<user_disk_device_data*>(malloc(neededSize));
		if (kernelBuffer == NULL)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;
		MemoryDeleter deleter(kernelBuffer);
		// write the device data into the buffer
		writer.SetTo(kernelBuffer, bufferSize);
		// sanity check
		if (writer.AllocatedSize() != neededSize) {
			ERROR(("Size of written disk device user data changed from "
				   "%lu to %lu while device was locked!\n"));
			return B_ERROR;
		// relocate
		status_t error = writer.Relocate(buffer);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// copy out
		return user_memcpy(buffer, kernelBuffer, neededSize);
	} else
		return B_ERROR;