Ejemplo n.º 1
void  KKJobManager::ProcessRestart ()
  log.Level (10) << "ProcessRestart" << endl;

  Block ();

  StatusFileLoad ();

  if  (this->Status () != jsDone)
    ofstream* statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

    status = KKJob::jsOpen;
    *statusFile << "ReStart" << endl;
    *statusFile << "Status"  << "\t" << StatusStr () << endl;

    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = jobs->begin ();  idx != jobs->end ();   idx++)
      KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
      if  (j->Status () == jsStarted)
        j->Status (jsOpen);
        *statusFile << "JobStatusChange" << "\t" << j->JobId () << "\t" << j->StatusStr () << endl;

    statusFile->flush ();
    statusFile->close ();
    delete  statusFile;
  EndBlock ();
}  /* ProcessRestart */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileWrite ()
  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileWrite" << endl;

  ofstream*  statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::out);

  *statusFile << "// Date/Time [" << osGetLocalDateTime () << "]." << endl
              << "//" << endl
              << endl;

  *statusFile << "Status"              << "\t" << KKJob::JobStatusToStr (status)  << endl
              << "NextJobId"           << "\t" << nextJobId                     << endl
              << "CurrentDateTime"     << "\t" << osGetLocalDateTime ()         << endl
              << "ExpansionCount"      << "\t" << expansionCount                << endl
              << "ExpansionFirstJobId" << "\t" << expansionFirstJobId           << endl
              << endl;

  kkint32  x;
  for  (x = 0;  x < jobs->QueueSize ();  x++)
    KKJobPtr  j = jobs->IdxToPtr (x);
    *statusFile << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType () << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;

  statusFile->flush ();
  statusFile->close ();
  delete  statusFile;

  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileWrite    Exiting" << endl;
}  /* StatusFileWrite */
Ejemplo n.º 3
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLineJobStatusChange (KKStr&    statusLineStr)
  kkint32 expandedJobId = statusLineStr.ExtractTokenInt ("\t");
  KKJobPtr  j = jobs->LookUpByJobId (expandedJobId);
  if  (!j)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl 
                   << "ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange    ***Error***    Could not locate Expanded" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                                    JobId[" << expandedJobId << "]"  << endl
                   << endl;
    EndBlock ();
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);

  KKStr statusStr = statusLineStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  statusStr.TrimLeft ();
  statusStr.TrimRight ();
  KKJob::JobStatus  status = KKJob::JobStatusFromStr (statusStr);
  if  (status == jsNULL)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl 
                   << "ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange    ***Error***      Invalid Status Specified" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                                    JobId["  << expandedJobId << "]"  << endl
                   << "                                    Status[" << statusStr     << "]"  << endl
                   << endl;
    EndBlock ();
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);
  j->Status (status);
}  /* ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange */
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool  KKJobList::JobsStillRunning ()
  KKJobList::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  ++idx)
    KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
    if  (j->Status () == KKJob::jsStarted)
      return true;
  return  false;
}  /* JobsStillRunning */
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool  KKJobList::AreAllJobsDone ()
  for  (kkuint32 x = 0;  x < QueueSize ();  ++x)
    KKJobPtr  j = IdxToPtr (x);
    if  ((j->Status () != KKJob::jsDone)  &&  (j->Status () != KKJob::jsExpanded))
      return false;

  return  true;
}  /* AreAllJobsAreDone */
Ejemplo n.º 6
KKJobPtr  KKJobList::LocateOpenJob ()
  for  (kkuint32 x = 0;  x < QueueSize (); x++)
    KKJobPtr  j = IdxToPtr (x);
    if  (j->Status () == KKJob::jsOpen)
      return  j;

  return  NULL;
}  /* LocateOpenJob */
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool  KKJobList::AllPrequisitesDone (KKJobPtr job)
  const VectorInt&  p = job->Prerequisites ();
  for  (kkuint32 z = 0;  z < p.size ();  ++z)
    kkint32 jobId = p[z];
    KKJobPtr pj = LookUpByJobId (jobId);
    if  ((pj->Status () != KKJob::jsDone)  &&  (pj->Status () != KKJob::jsExpanded))
      return false;
  return true;
}  /* AllPrequisitesDone */
Ejemplo n.º 8
KKJobPtr  KKJob::CallAppropriateConstructor (JobManagerPtr  _manager,
                                             const KKStr&   _jobTypeName,
                                             const KKStr&   _statusStr
  ConstructorIndex::iterator  idx;
  idx = registeredConstructors.find (_jobTypeName);
  if  (idx == registeredConstructors.end ())
    return NULL;
  KKJobPtr  j = idx->second (_manager);
  j->ProcessStatusStr (_statusStr);
  return  j;
}  /* CallAppropriateConstructor */
Ejemplo n.º 9
KKJobList::KKJobList (const KKJobList&  jobs):
     KKQueue<KKJob>      (jobs.Owner ()),
     jobIdLookUpTable    (),
     jobIdLookUpTableIdx (),
     log                 (jobs.log),
     manager             (jobs.manager)
  KKJobList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = jobs.begin ();  idx != jobs.end ();  idx++)
    KKJobPtr j = *idx;
    if  (Owner ())
      PushOnBack (j->Duplicate ());
      PushOnBack (j);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileInitialize ()
  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::InializeStatusFile" << endl;

  delete  jobs;
  jobs = new KKJobList (this);

  ofstream*  statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::out);

  *statusFile << "// Date/Time [" << osGetLocalDateTime () << "]." << endl
              << "//" << endl
              << "//" << endl;

  *statusFile << "Status"              << "\t" << KKJob::JobStatusToStr (status)  << endl
              << "NextJobId"           << "\t" << nextJobId                     << endl
              << "CurrentDateTime"     << "\t" << osGetLocalDateTime ()         << endl
              << "ExpansionCount"      << "\t" << expansionCount                << endl
              << "ExpansionFirstJobId" << "\t" << expansionFirstJobId           << endl;

  StatusFileInitialize (*statusFile);  // Have derived classes do there initilization.

  delete  jobs;  jobs = NULL;
  jobs = JobsCreateInitialSet ();

  if  (jobs)
    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = jobs->begin ();  idx != jobs->end ();  idx++)
      KKJobPtr j = *idx;
      *statusFile << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType ()  << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;
    jobs = new KKJobList (this);

  statusFile->flush ();
  statusFile->close ();
  delete  statusFile;

  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::InializeStatusFile    Exiting" << endl;
}  /* StatusFileInitialize */
Ejemplo n.º 11
void   KKJobList::PushOnBack (KKJobPtr  j)
  jobIdLookUpTableIdx = jobIdLookUpTable.find (j->JobId ());
  if  (jobIdLookUpTableIdx != jobIdLookUpTable.end ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << endl
                   << "KKJobList::PushOnBack      ***ERROR***" << endl 
                   << endl 
                   << "KKJobList::PushOnBack        Duplicate JobId[" << j->JobId () << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);

  KKQueue<KKJob>::PushOnBack (j);
  jobIdLookUpTable.insert (JobIdLookUpTablePair (j->JobId (), j));

}  /* PushOnBack */
Ejemplo n.º 12
void   KKJobManager::ProcessNextExpansion (ostream&  o)
  KKJobListPtr jobsJustCompleted = new KKJobList (this);
  jobsJustCompleted->Owner (false);
    // Add jobs completed since last expansion to this list.
    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = jobs->begin ();  idx != jobs->end ();  idx++)
      KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
      if  (j->JobId () >= expansionFirstJobId)
        jobsJustCompleted->PushOnBack (j);

  // Derived class will now peform expansion.  
  KKJobListPtr  expandedJobs = JobsExpandNextSetOfJobs (jobsJustCompleted);
    if  (expandedJobs)
      expandedJobs->Owner (false);
      KKJobList::iterator  idx;
      for  (idx = expandedJobs->begin ();  idx != expandedJobs->end ();  idx++)
        KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
        if  (j->JobId () < expansionFirstJobId)
          expansionFirstJobId = j->JobId ();

        jobs->PushOnBack (j);
        o << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType () << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;
    delete  expandedJobs;
    expandedJobs = NULL;

  delete  jobsJustCompleted;
  jobsJustCompleted = NULL;

  o << "NextJobId"            << "\t" << nextJobId            << endl
    << "ExpansionCount"       << "\t" << expansionCount       << endl
    << "ExpansionFirstJobId"  << "\t" << expansionFirstJobId  << endl;

}  /* ProcessNextExpansion */
Ejemplo n.º 13
void   KKJobManager::Run ()
  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run." << endl;

  bool  keepOnRunning = true;

  KKJobListPtr  executedJobs  = NULL;
  KKJobListPtr  jobsToExecute = GetNextSetOfJobs (NULL);

  while  (keepOnRunning  &&  (!quitRunning))
    if  (jobsToExecute)
      delete  executedJobs;  executedJobs = NULL;

      executedJobs = new KKJobList (this);
      executedJobs->Owner (true);

      KKJobList::iterator  idx;
      for  (idx = jobsToExecute->begin ();  idx != jobsToExecute->end ();  idx++)
        KKJobPtr  j = *idx;
        j->ProcessNode ();
        executedJobs->PushOnBack (j->Duplicate ());
      delete  jobsToExecute;  jobsToExecute = NULL;
      if  (!(jobs->JobsStillRunning ()))
        keepOnRunning = false;
        // We will sleep for a bit until there are more jobs to run
        log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run     No jobs avaialble to run; will sleep a bit." << endl;
        osSleep ((float)(30 + rand () % 10)); 

    if  (keepOnRunning)
      jobsToExecute = GetNextSetOfJobs (executedJobs);

    delete  executedJobs;  executedJobs = NULL;

  Block ();
  StatusFileRefresh ();
  if  ((!quitRunning)  &&  (status != KKJob::jsDone))
    if  (status != KKJob::jsDone)
      GenerateFinalResultsReport ();
      status = KKJob::jsDone;
      ofstream*  statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

      *statusFile << "Status" << "\t" << StatusStr () << endl;

      ReportCpuTimeUsed (statusFile);

      statusFile->close ();
      delete  statusFile;
  EndBlock ();

  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::Run    Exiting." << endl;
}  /* Run */
Ejemplo n.º 14
KKJobListPtr  KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs (KKJobListPtr  completedJobs)
  log.Level (20) << "KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs." << endl;

  Block  ();

  StatusFileRefresh ();
  if  (completedJobs)
    // We will first write out results of jobs that have been completed,
    ofstream* statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

    KKJobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = completedJobs->begin ();  idx != completedJobs->end ();  idx++)
      KKJobPtr  j = *idx;

      *statusFile << "KKJob" << "\t" << j->JobType () << "\t" << j->ToStatusStr () << endl;
      if  (supportCompletedJobData)
        *statusFile << "<KKJob JobType=" << j->JobType () << ", " << "JobId=" << j->JobId () << ">" << endl;
        j->CompletedJobDataWrite (*statusFile);
        *statusFile << "</job>" << endl;

      KKJobPtr  existingJob = jobs->LookUpByJobId (j->JobId ());
      if  (existingJob)
        existingJob->ReFresh (*j);
        log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                       << "GetNextSetOfJobs     *** ERROR ***"  << endl
                       << endl
                       << "           Could not locate KKJob[" << j->JobId () << "]" << endl
                       << endl;
        return  NULL;

    statusFile->close ();
    delete  statusFile;  statusFile = NULL;

  KKJobListPtr  jobsToExecute = new KKJobList (this);
  jobsToExecute->Owner (false);

  if  (!quitRunning)
    ofstream* statusFile = StatusFileOpen (ios::app);

    KKJobPtr  nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();

    if  (!nextJob)
      if  (jobs->AreAllJobsDone ())
        // There are no jobs to do;  we will have to expand some existing jobs then
        ProcessNextExpansion (*statusFile);
        nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();
        // There are still some jobs that are running.   We are going to go to
        // for now and try again later.
        // By leaving  "nextJob = NULL" we will drop strait through the rest of
        // this method and return to the caller with 'jobsToExecute' empty
        // signaling that it will need to sleep for a while before calling 
        // us again.

    while  (nextJob  &&  (jobsToExecute->QueueSize () < numJobsAtATime))
      jobsToExecute->PushOnBack (nextJob);
      nextJob->Status (jsStarted);
      *statusFile << "JobStatusChange" << "\t" << nextJob->JobId () << "\t" << nextJob->StatusStr () << endl;
      nextJob = jobs->LocateOpenJob ();

    statusFile->close ();

  if  (jobsToExecute->QueueSize () < 1)
    delete  jobsToExecute;
    jobsToExecute = NULL;

  EndBlock ();

  log.Level (20) << "KKJobManager::GetNextSetOfJobs   Exiting." << endl;

  return  jobsToExecute;
}  /* GetNextSetOfJobs */
Ejemplo n.º 15
void   KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText (const KKStr&  startStr,
                                               istream&      i
  if  ((startStr.SubStrPart (0, 4) != "<KKJob ")  ||  (startStr.LastChar () != '>'))
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
                   << "KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText   ***ERROR***   StartStr[" << startStr << "] is not a KKJob String." << endl
                   << endl;

  KKStr s = startStr.SubStrPart (5);
  s.TrimLeft ();
  s.ChopLastChar ();

  KKStr  jobTypeStr = "";
  kkint32 jobId = -1;

  VectorKKStr  parameters = s.Split (',');
  for  (kkuint32 x = 0;  x < parameters.size ();  ++x)
    KKStr  parameterStr = parameters[x];
    parameterStr.TrimLeft ();
    parameterStr.TrimRight  ();

    KKStr  fieldName = parameterStr.ExtractToken2 ("=");
    fieldName.TrimLeft  ();   fieldName.TrimRight  ();

    KKStr  fieldValue = parameterStr.ExtractToken2 ("=");
    fieldValue.TrimLeft ();   fieldValue.TrimRight ();

    if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JobType") == 0)
      jobTypeStr = fieldValue;

    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JobId") == 0)
      jobId = fieldValue.ToInt ();

  if  (jobTypeStr.Empty () ||  (jobId < 0))
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
                   << "KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText   ***ERROR***   StartStr[" << startStr << "]." << endl
                   << "                             JobType and/or JobId were not provided."               << endl
                   << endl;

  KKJobPtr  j = jobs->LookUpByJobId (jobId);
  if  (j == NULL)
    // We do not have this job in memory yet.  We will have to create it now.
    KKStr  emptyStatusStr = "JobId\t" + StrFormatInt (jobId, "ZZZZ0");
    j = KKJob::CallAppropriateConstructor (this, jobTypeStr, emptyStatusStr);

  j->CompletedJobDataRead (i);
}  /* ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText */
Ejemplo n.º 16
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLine (const KKStr&  ln,
                                           istream&      statusFile
  if  (ln.SubStrPart (0, 1) == "//")
    // A coment line;  we can ignore it.

  KKStr  statusStr (ln);
  KKStr  fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  if  (fieldName.Empty ())
    // A empty line we will ignore it.

  statusStr.TrimLeft ("\n\r\t ");
  statusStr.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");

  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JOB") == 0)
    // We have a KKJob entr line;  the next field determines JobType fllowed by parameters for that JobType constructor.
    KKStr  jobTypeName = fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");

    KKJobPtr  j = KKJob::CallAppropriateConstructor (this, jobTypeName, statusStr);
    KKJobPtr  existingJob = jobs->LookUpByJobId (j->JobId ());
    if  (existingJob)
      existingJob->ReFresh (*j);
      delete  j;  j = NULL;
      jobs->PushOnBack (j);

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("CPUTIMEUSED"))
    double  cpuTimeUsed = statusStr.ExtractTokenDouble ("\t");
    cpuTimeTotalUsed += cpuTimeUsed;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("CURRENTDATETIME"))
    KKB::DateTime  dateTime = KKB::DateTime (statusStr);
    if  (!dateTimeFirstOneFound)
      dateTimeFirstOneFound = true;
      dateTimeStarted = dateTime;
    dateTimeEnded = dateTime;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("ExpansionCount"))
    expansionCount = statusStr.ToInt ();

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("ExpansionFirstJobId"))
    expansionFirstJobId = statusStr.ToInt ();

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("JobStatusChange"))
    StatusFileProcessLineJobStatusChange (statusStr);

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("NextJobId"))
    nextJobId = statusStr.ExtractTokenInt ("\t");

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("QuitRunning"))
    quitRunning = true;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("Restart"))
    restart = false;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("Status"))
    status = KKJob::JobStatusFromStr (statusStr);

    log.Level (-1) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLine  Invalid Field Name[" << fieldName << "]." << endl;
}  /* StatusFileProcessLine */