Ejemplo n.º 1
KML_Geometry::buildChild( const Config& conf, KMLContext& cx, Style& style)
    if ( conf.key() == "point" )
        KML_Point g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
    else if ( conf.key() == "linestring" )
        KML_LineString g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
    else if ( conf.key() == "linearring" )
        KML_LinearRing g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
    else if ( conf.key() == "polygon" || conf.key() == "gx:latlonquad" )
        KML_Polygon g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
    else if ( conf.key() == "multigeometry" )
        KML_MultiGeometry g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        const ConfigSet& mgChildren = conf.children();
        for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = mgChildren.begin(); i != mgChildren.end(); ++i )
            const Config& mgChild = *i;
            Style subStyle = style;
            KML_Geometry subGeom;
            subGeom.parseStyle( mgChild, cx, subStyle );
            subGeom.buildChild( mgChild, cx, style );
            if ( subGeom._geom.valid() )
                dynamic_cast<MultiGeometry*>(g._geom.get())->getComponents().push_back( subGeom._geom.get() );
        //g.parseCoords(conf.child("multigeometry"), cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
    else if ( conf.key() == "model" )
        KML_Model g;
        g.parseStyle(conf, cx, style);
        g.parseCoords(conf, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
Ejemplo n.º 2
KML_Geometry::buildChild( xml_node<>* node, KMLContext& cx, Style& style)
	std::string name = toLower(node->name());
    if ( name == "point" )
        KML_Point g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        g.parseStyle(node, cx, style);
    else if (name == "linestring" )
        KML_LineString g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        g.parseStyle(node, cx, style);
    else if ( name == "linearring" || name == "gx:latlonquad" )
        KML_LinearRing g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        g.parseStyle(node, cx, style);
    else if ( name == "polygon" )
        KML_Polygon g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        g.parseStyle(node, cx, style);
    else if ( name == "multigeometry" )
        KML_MultiGeometry g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        for( xml_node<>* n = node->first_node(); n; n = n->next_sibling())
            KML_Geometry subGeom;
            subGeom.buildChild( n, cx, style ); //use single style for all subgeometries
            if ( subGeom._geom.valid() )
                dynamic_cast<MultiGeometry*>(g._geom.get())->getComponents().push_back( subGeom._geom.get() );
    else if ( name == "model" )
        KML_Model g;
        g.parseCoords(node, cx);
        _geom = g._geom.get();
        g.parseStyle(node, cx, style);
Ejemplo n.º 3
KML_GroundOverlay::build( const Config& conf, KMLContext& cx )
    // the URL of the overlay image
    std::string href = conf.child("icon").value("href");
    if ( href.empty() ) {
        OE_WARN << LC << "GroundOverlay missing required Icon element" << std::endl;

    ImageOverlay* im = 0L;

    // the extent of the overlay image
    const Config& llb = conf.child("latlonbox");
    if ( !llb.empty() )
        double north = llb.value<double>("north", 0.0);
        double south = llb.value<double>("south", 0.0);
        double east  = llb.value<double>("east", 0.0);
        double west  = llb.value<double>("west", 0.0);
        Angular rotation( -llb.value<double>("rotation", 0.0), Units::DEGREES );

        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = URI(href, conf.referrer()).readImage().getImage();
        if ( !image.valid() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "GroundOverlay failed to read image from " << href << std::endl;

        im = new ImageOverlay( cx._mapNode, image.get() );
        im->setBoundsAndRotation( Bounds(west, south, east, north), rotation );
        cx._groupStack.top()->addChild( im );

    else if ( conf.hasChild("gx:latlonquad") )
        const Config& llq = conf.child("gx:latlonquad");
        KML_Geometry g;
        Style style;
        g.buildChild( llq, cx, style );
        if ( g._geom.valid() && g._geom->size() >= 4 )
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = URI(href, conf.referrer()).readImage().getImage();
            if ( !image.valid() )
                OE_WARN << LC << "GroundOverlay failed to read image from " << href << std::endl;

            const Geometry& p = *(g._geom.get());
            im = new ImageOverlay( cx._mapNode, image.get() );
                osg::Vec2d( p[0].x(), p[0].y() ),
                osg::Vec2d( p[1].x(), p[1].y() ),
                osg::Vec2d( p[3].x(), p[3].y() ),
                osg::Vec2d( p[2].x(), p[2].y() ) );
            cx._groupStack.top()->addChild( im );

    else {
        OE_WARN << LC << "GroundOverlay missing required LatLonBox/gx:LatLonQuad element" << std::endl;

    // superclass build always called last
    KML_Overlay::build( conf, cx, im );