Ejemplo n.º 1
void KreImporter::parseFile( const QString &filename )
	QFile * file = 0;
	bool unlink = false;
	kDebug() << "loading file:" << filename ;

	if ( filename.right( 4 ) == ".kre" ) {
		file = new QFile( filename );
		kDebug() << "file is an archive" ;
		KTar* kre = new KTar( filename, "application/x-gzip" );
		kre->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
		const KArchiveDirectory* dir = kre->directory();
		QString name;
		QStringList fileList = dir->entries();
		for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it ) {
			if ( ( *it ).right( 6 ) == ".kreml" ) {
				name = *it;
		if ( name.isEmpty() ) {
			kDebug() << "error: Archive doesn't contain a valid Krecipes file" ;
			setErrorMsg( i18n( "Archive does not contain a valid Krecipes file" ) );
			return ;
		QString tmp_dir = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "tmp", "" );
		dir->copyTo( tmp_dir );
		file = new QFile( tmp_dir + name );
		unlink = true; //remove file after import
	else {
		file = new QFile( filename );

	if ( file->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
		kDebug() << "file opened" ;
		QDomDocument doc;
		QString error;
		int line;
		int column;
		if ( !doc.setContent( file, &error, &line, &column ) ) {
			kDebug() << QString( "error: \"%1\" at line %2, column %3" ).arg( error ).arg( line ).arg( column ) ;
			setErrorMsg( i18n( "\"%1\" at line %2, column %3" , error , line, column ) );
			return ;

		QDomElement kreml = doc.documentElement();

		if ( kreml.tagName() != "krecipes" ) {
			setErrorMsg( i18n( "This file does not appear to be a *.kreml file" ) );
			return ;

		// TODO Check if there are changes between versions
		QString kreVersion = kreml.attribute( "version" );
		kDebug() << "KreML version" << kreVersion ;

		QDomNodeList r = kreml.childNodes();
		QDomElement krecipe;

		for ( int z = 0; z < r.count(); z++ ) {
			krecipe = r.item( z ).toElement();
			QDomNodeList l = krecipe.childNodes();
			if ( krecipe.tagName() == "krecipes-recipe" ) {
				Recipe recipe;
				for ( int i = 0; i < l.count(); i++ ) {
					QDomElement el = l.item( i ).toElement();
					if ( el.tagName() == "krecipes-description" ) {
						readDescription( el.childNodes(), &recipe );
					if ( el.tagName() == "krecipes-ingredients" ) {
						readIngredients( el.childNodes(), &recipe );
					if ( el.tagName() == "krecipes-instructions" ) {
						recipe.instructions = el.text().trimmed();
					if ( el.tagName() == "krecipes-ratings" ) {
						readRatings( el.childNodes(), &recipe );
					( recipe );
			else if ( krecipe.tagName() == "krecipes-category-structure" ) {
				CategoryTree * tree = new CategoryTree;
				readCategoryStructure( l, tree );
				setCategoryStructure( tree );
	if ( unlink ) {