Ejemplo n.º 1
KToggleFullScreenAction *fullScreen(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, KActionCollection *parent, QWidget *window, const char *name)
    KToggleFullScreenAction *ret;
    ret = static_cast< KToggleFullScreenAction * >(KStdAction::create(FullScreen, name, recvr, slot, parent));
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MainWindow::setupActions()
    KActionCollection* collection = actionCollection();

    // File Menu
    KAction* newTabAction = collection->addAction("new-tab");
    newTabAction->setIcon( KIcon("tab-new") );
    newTabAction->setText( i18n("New &Tab") );
    newTabAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_N) );
    connect( newTabAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(newTab()) );

    KAction* newWindowAction = collection->addAction("new-window");
    newWindowAction->setIcon( KIcon("window-new") );
    newWindowAction->setText( i18n("New &Window") );
    newWindowAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_M) );
    connect( newWindowAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(newWindow()) );

    KAction* remoteConnectionAction = collection->addAction("remote-connection");
    remoteConnectionAction->setText( i18n("Remote Connection...") );
    remoteConnectionAction->setIcon( KIcon("network-connect") );
    remoteConnectionAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_R) );
    connect( remoteConnectionAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(showRemoteConnectionDialog()) );

    KAction* quitAction = KStandardAction::quit( this , SLOT(close()) , collection );
    // the default shortcut for quit is typically Ctrl+[Some Letter, usually Q] but that is reserved for
    // use by terminal applications

    // Bookmark Menu
    KActionMenu* bookmarkMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("&Bookmarks") , collection );
    _bookmarkHandler = new BookmarkHandler( collection , bookmarkMenu->menu() , true , this );
    collection->addAction("bookmark" , bookmarkMenu);

	connect( _bookmarkHandler , SIGNAL(openUrls(QList<KUrl>)) , this , SLOT(openUrls(QList<KUrl>)) );

    //TODO - The 'Add Bookmark' menu action currently has a Ctrl+B shortcut by
    // default which cannot be overridden

    // View Menu
    _toggleMenuBarAction = new KToggleAction(this);
    _toggleMenuBarAction->setText( i18n("Show Menu Bar") );
    _toggleMenuBarAction->setIcon( KIcon("show-menu") );
    _toggleMenuBarAction->setChecked( !menuBar()->isHidden() );
    connect( _toggleMenuBarAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , menuBar() , SLOT(setVisible(bool)) );

    // Hide the Show/Hide menubar item if the menu bar is a MacOS-style menu bar
    if ( menuBar()->isTopLevelMenu() )

    // Full Screen
    KToggleFullScreenAction* fullScreenAction = new KToggleFullScreenAction(this);
    fullScreenAction->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F11 );
    connect( fullScreenAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , this , SLOT(viewFullScreen(bool)) );

    // Settings Menu
    KStandardAction::configureNotifications( this , SLOT(configureNotifications()) , collection  );
    KStandardAction::keyBindings( this , SLOT(showShortcutsDialog()) , collection  );

    KAction* manageProfilesAction = collection->addAction("manage-profiles");
    manageProfilesAction->setText( i18n("Manage Profiles...") );
    manageProfilesAction->setIcon( KIcon("configure") );
    connect( manageProfilesAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(showManageProfilesDialog()) );
