Ejemplo n.º 1
void Page::userStyleSheetLocationChanged()
    // FIXME: Eventually we will move to a model of just being handed the sheet
    // text instead of loading the URL ourselves.
    KURL url = m_settings->userStyleSheetLocation();
    // Allow any local file URL scheme to be loaded.
    if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLocal(url.protocol()))
        m_userStyleSheetPath = url.fileSystemPath();
        m_userStyleSheetPath = String();

    m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = false;
    m_userStyleSheet = String();
    m_userStyleSheetModificationTime = 0;

    // Data URLs with base64-encoded UTF-8 style sheets are common. We can process them
    // synchronously and avoid using a loader. 
    if (url.protocolIsData() && url.string().startsWith("data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,")) {
        m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = true;

        Vector<char> styleSheetAsUTF8;
        if (base64Decode(decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.string().substring(35)), styleSheetAsUTF8, Base64IgnoreWhitespace))
            m_userStyleSheet = String::fromUTF8(styleSheetAsUTF8.data(), styleSheetAsUTF8.size());

    for (Frame* frame = mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) {
        if (frame->document())
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool WebProcessProxy::checkURLReceivedFromWebProcess(const KURL& url)
    // FIXME: Consider checking that the URL is valid. Currently, WebProcess sends invalid URLs in many cases, but it probably doesn't have good reasons to do that.

    // Any other non-file URL is OK.
    if (!url.isLocalFile())
        return true;

    // Any file URL is also OK if we've loaded a file URL through API before, granting universal read access.
    if (m_mayHaveUniversalFileReadSandboxExtension)
        return true;

    // If we loaded a string with a file base URL before, loading resources from that subdirectory is fine.
    // There are no ".." components, because all URLs received from WebProcess are parsed with KURL, which removes those.
    String path = url.fileSystemPath();
    for (HashSet<String>::const_iterator iter = m_localPathsWithAssumedReadAccess.begin(); iter != m_localPathsWithAssumedReadAccess.end(); ++iter) {
        if (path.startsWith(*iter))
            return true;

    // Items in back/forward list have been already checked.
    // One case where we don't have sandbox extensions for file URLs in b/f list is if the list has been reinstated after a crash or a browser restart.
    for (WebBackForwardListItemMap::iterator iter = m_backForwardListItemMap.begin(), end = m_backForwardListItemMap.end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
        if (KURL(KURL(), iter->value->url()).fileSystemPath() == path)
            return true;
        if (KURL(KURL(), iter->value->originalURL()).fileSystemPath() == path)
            return true;

    // A Web process that was never asked to load a file URL should not ever ask us to do anything with a file URL.
    WTFLogAlways("Received an unexpected URL from the web process: '%s'\n", url.string().utf8().data());
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Page::userStyleSheetLocationChanged()
    // FIXME: Eventually we will move to a model of just being handed the sheet
    // text instead of loading the URL ourselves.
    KURL url = m_settings->userStyleSheetLocation();
    if (url.isLocalFile())
        m_userStyleSheetPath = url.fileSystemPath();
        m_userStyleSheetPath = String();

    m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = false;
    m_userStyleSheet = String();
    m_userStyleSheetModificationTime = 0;
    // Data URLs with base64-encoded UTF-8 style sheets are common. We can process them
    // synchronously and avoid using a loader. 
    if (url.protocolIs("data") && url.string().startsWith("data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,")) {
        m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = true;
        const unsigned prefixLength = 35;
        Vector<char> encodedData(url.string().length() - prefixLength);
        for (unsigned i = prefixLength; i < url.string().length(); ++i)
            encodedData[i - prefixLength] = static_cast<char>(url.string()[i]);

        Vector<char> styleSheetAsUTF8;
        if (base64Decode(encodedData, styleSheetAsUTF8))
            m_userStyleSheet = String::fromUTF8(styleSheetAsUTF8.data(), styleSheetAsUTF8.size());
    for (Frame* frame = mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) {
        if (frame->document())