Ejemplo n.º 1
const Char_t* KV_CCIN2P3_GE::GetJobName() const
   //Returns name of batch job, either during submission of batch jobs or when an analysis
   //task is running in batch mode (access through gBatchSystem global pointer).
   //In multi-job mode, the job name is generated from the base name set by SetJobName()
   //plus the extension "_Rxxxx-yyyy" with "xxxx" and "yyyy" the number of the first and last run
   //which will be analysed by the current job.
   // Depending on the batch system, some sanitization of the jobname may be required
   // e.g. to remove "illegal" characters from the jobname. This is done by SanitizeJobName()
   // before the jobname is returned.

   if (!fAnalyser) {
      //stand-alone batch submission ?
      fCurrJobName = fJobName;
   else {
      //replace any special symbols with their current values
      fCurrJobName = fAnalyser->ExpandAutoBatchName(fJobName.Data());
      if (MultiJobsMode() && !fAnalyser->BatchMode()) {
         KVString tmp;
         if (fCurrJobRunList.GetNValues() > 1)
            tmp.Form("_R%d-%d", fCurrJobRunList.First(), fCurrJobRunList.Last());
            tmp.Form("_R%d", fCurrJobRunList.First());
         fCurrJobName += tmp;
   return fCurrJobName.Data();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void KVValues::init_val_base()
//protected method
//Mise en correspondance du noms des differentes valeurs a calculees
//et de leur position dans le tableau values
// Ex:
// nom_valeurs -> id_valeurs -> values[id_valeurs]

   KVString lname = "MIN MAX";
   lname.Begin(" ");
   kval_base = 0;    //variables de base disponibles

   kval_tot = 0; //nombre de variables totales disponibles
   while (!lname.End()) {
      KVString tamp = lname.Next();
      SetValue(tamp.Data(), kval_tot++);
   kdeb = kval_tot;  //ici pos_deb=2 (par defaut)

   KVString smoment;
   for (Int_t mm = 0; mm <= kordre_mom_max; mm += 1) { //Ex: moment_max = 3
      smoment.Form("SUM%d", mm);
      SetValue(smoment.Data(), kval_tot++);
   kval_base = kval_tot;   //ici nbase=6 (par defaut)

   values = new Double_t[knbre_val_max];

Ejemplo n.º 3
Bool_t KVSimReader_SMF_asym::ReadHeader(){

	KVString snom;
	Int_t res = ReadLineAndCheck(1," ");
	switch (res){
	case 0:
		return kFALSE; 
	case 1:
		//Info("ReadHeader","lecture %d",snom.Atoi());
		return kFALSE;	
	res = ReadLineAndCheck(1," ");
	switch (res){
	case 0:
		return kFALSE; 
	case 1:
		ndes = 0;
		return kTRUE;
		return kFALSE;	

Ejemplo n.º 4
TGraph* KVINDRA::GetPedestals(const Char_t* det_signal, const Char_t* det_type, Int_t ring_number, Int_t

   //Renvoie sous forme de TGraph (en fonction du numero de module)
   //les piedestaux du signal (det_signal) asssocies aux detecteurs de type (det_type)
   //qui sont presents dans la couronne ring_number pour un numero de run donne (si run_number==-1)
   //on suppose que gIndra->SetParameters(xxx) a ete fait en amont
   //L'utilisateur doit effacer ce TGraph tout seul comme un grand apres usage
   //Une recherche sur l existence ou non du graph permet d eviter des boucles inutiles
   //Si l appel est reitere

   if (run_number != -1 || run_number != Int_t(GetCurrentRunNumber()))

   KVSeqCollection* sltype = 0;
   KVSeqCollection* slring = 0;
   TGraph* gr_ped = 0;

   KVString sgraph;
   sgraph.Form("KVPed_%s_%s_%d_%d", det_signal, det_type, ring_number, GetCurrentRunNumber());
   if ((gr_ped = (TGraph*)gROOT->FindObject(sgraph.Data()))) return gr_ped;

   if ((sltype = GetDetectors()->GetSubListWithMethod(det_type, "GetType"))) {
      KVString sring;
      sring.Form("%d", ring_number);
      if ((slring = sltype->GetSubListWithMethod(sring, "GetRingNumber"))) {
         gr_ped = new TGraph();
         for (Int_t mm = 0; mm < slring->GetEntries(); mm += 1) {

         delete slring;
         return gr_ped;
      delete sltype;
   return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void KVGeoNavigator::FormatStructureName(const Char_t* type, Int_t number, KVString& name)
   // If a format for naming structures of given type has been defined by a call
   // to SetStructureNameFormat(const Char_t *, const Char_t *), we use it to
   // format the name in the TString.
   // If no format was given, we use by default "[type]_[number]"
   // If SetNameCorrespondanceList(const Char_t *) was used, we use it to translate
   // any names resulting from this formatting to their final value.

   name = "";
   if (fStrucNameFmt.HasParameter(type)) {
      KVString fmt = fStrucNameFmt.GetStringValue(type);
      while (!fmt.End()) {
         KVString bit = fmt.Next();
         if (bit.BeginsWith("type")) {
            Ssiz_t ind = bit.Index("%");
            if (ind > -1) {
               bit.Remove(0, ind);
               name += Form(bit.Data(), type);
            } else
               name += type;
         } else if (bit.BeginsWith("number")) {
            Ssiz_t ind = bit.Index("%");
            if (ind > -1) {
               bit.Remove(0, ind);
               name += Form(bit.Data(), number);
            } else
               name += number;
         } else
            name += bit;
   } else
      name.Form("%s_%d", type, number);
   TString tmp;
   GetNameCorrespondance(name.Data(), tmp);
   name = tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void KVVAMOSDetector::SetFiredBitmask(KVString& lpar_dummy)
   // Set bitmask used to determine which acquisition parameters are
   // taken into account by KVVAMOSDetector::Fired based on the environment variables
   //          [dataset].KVACQParam.[par name].Working:    NO
   //          [dataset].KVDetector.Fired.ACQParameterList.[type]: Q,T,T_HF,E,X,Y
   // The first allows to define certain acquisition parameters as not functioning;
   // they will not be taken into account.
   // The second allows to "fine-tune" what is meant by "all" or "any" acquisition parameters
   // (i.e. when using Fired("all"), Fired("any"), Fired("Pall", etc.).
   // For each detector type, give a comma-separated list of the acquisition
   // parameter types to be taken into account in the KVDetector::Fired method.
   // Only those parameters which appear in the list will be considered:
   // then "all" means => for each type in the list at least one acquisition
   //                     parameter has to be fired
   // and  "any" means => at least for one type of the list an acquisition parameter
   //                     has to be fired
   // These lists are read during construction of VAMOS (KVVAMOS::Build),
   // the method KVVAMOS::SetACQParams uses them to define a mask for each detector
   // of the spectrometer.
   // X, Y and Z types that we can set in a list are not associated to acquisition
   // parameters. In the bitmask, the 3 first bits are kept for these coordinates.
   // If one of these 3 bits is 1 then the methode GetRawPosition(Double_t *)
   // is called and the returned values is compared to these 3 bits.
   // If no variable [dataset].KVDetector.Fired.ACQParameterList.[type] exists,
   // we set a bitmask authorizing all acquisition parameters of the detector, e.g.
   // if the detector has 3 types of acquisition parameters which are fired byt
   // no position type then the bitmask will be "111000"

   UNUSED(lpar_dummy); // lpar is determined below


   KVString inst;
   //inst.Form("KVVAMOSDetector.Fired.ACQParameterList.%s", GetType());
   inst.Form(GetFiredACQParameterListFormatString(), GetType());
   KVString lpar = gDataSet->GetDataSetEnv(inst);
   TObjArray* toks = lpar.Tokenize(",");
   if (!toks->GetEntries()) {
      delete toks;

   // 3 first bits for XYZ positions
   UChar_t idx;
   const Char_t* pos[3] = {"X", "Y", "Z"};
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      idx = GetPositionTypeIdx(pos[i]) ;
      if ((idx < 9) && (toks->FindObject(pos[i]))) fFiredMask.SetBit(i);

   UChar_t Nbits = 3;

   // other bits for Acquisition parameters
   UChar_t idx_max = 0;
   Bool_t  found   = kFALSE;
   TIter next(toks);
   TObject* obj = NULL;
   while ((obj = next())) {
      idx = GetACQParamTypeIdx(obj->GetName());
      if (idx < 9) {
         found = kTRUE;
         fFiredMask.SetBit(idx + Nbits);
         if (idx > idx_max) idx_max = idx;
   delete toks;

   if (found) Nbits += idx_max + 1;

Ejemplo n.º 7
KVNumberList* KVValues::TransformExpression(KVString& expr)

   KVNumberList* nl = new KVNumberList();

   const char* O = "[";
   const char* F = "]";

   KVString clone;
   clone.Form("%s", expr.Data());
   const char* expression = clone.Data();

   Int_t nouvert = 0, nferme = 0;
   Int_t posouvert = 0, posferme = 0;
   Int_t nvar = 0;

   Int_t nsize = clone.Length();
   for (Int_t ii = 0; ii <= nsize; ii += 1) {
      if (expression[ii] == O[0]) {
         nouvert += 1;
         posouvert = ii;
      else if (expression[ii] == F[0]) {
         nferme += 1;
         posferme = ii;
         KVString st(clone(posouvert + 1, posferme - posouvert - 1));
         if (st.IsDigit()) {
            Int_t idx = st.Atoi();
            if (0 <= idx && idx < kval_tot) {
               nvar += 1;
            else {
               delete nl;
               return 0;
         else {

            Int_t idx = GetValuePosition(st.Data());
            if (idx == -1) {
               delete nl;
               return 0;
            nvar += 1;
            KVString s1;
            s1.Form("[%s]", st.Data());
            KVString s2;
            s2.Form("[%d]", idx);
            expr.ReplaceAll(s1, s2);
      else {}

   if (nouvert != nferme || nvar != nouvert) {
      Error("TransformExpr", "nombre [ : %d - nombre de ] : %d - nombre de variables %d", nouvert, nferme, nvar);

   return nl;

Ejemplo n.º 8
void KVEventListMaker::Process(){

if (!IsReady()) return;

//open file where tree is stored
TFile *file = new TFile(GetFileName().Data(),"update");
KVList *kevtlist = new KVList(); 

TTree *tt = NULL;

//just count the number of branches
KVString lname = GetBranchName();
Int_t  nbre=0;
lname.Begin(" ");
while (!lname.End()) {KVString stamp=lname.Next(); nbre+=1;}
if (nbre==0) return;

Int_t *variable = new Int_t[nbre];
KVString evtname;
Bool_t ok=kFALSE;
//check if the tree are there
if ( (tt = (TTree *)file->Get(GetTreeName().Data())) ){
	Int_t nentries = tt->GetEntries();
	printf("nbre d entree %d\n",nentries);
	TBranch* bb = NULL;
	lname.Begin(" ");
	//loop on branche names validity, if there is one wrong name
	//the program will exit
	while (!lname.End()) {
		KVString stamp = lname.Next();
		if ( (bb = tt->GetBranch(stamp.Data())) ){

	if (!ok) return;
	TEventList *el = NULL;
	//loop on tree entries
	for (Int_t kk=0;kk<nentries;kk+=1){
		if (kk%10000==0) printf("%d evts lus\n",kk);

		lname.Begin(" ");
		//compute the name of the TEventList
		//using branch name and branch value
		while (!lname.End()) {
			KVString stamp = lname.Next();
			if ( (bb = tt->GetBranch(stamp.Data())) ){
				KVString val; val.Form("%s_%d_",stamp.Data(),variable[nbre]);
		if ( !(el = (TEventList *)kevtlist->FindObject(evtname.Data())) ){
			printf("creation de %s \n",evtname.Data());
			kevtlist->Add(new TEventList(evtname.Data()));
			el = (TEventList *)kevtlist->Last();
	//write TEventList created
	if (ktag_tree){
		for (Int_t nn=0;nn<kevtlist->GetEntries();nn+=1){
			KVString tampname;
			((TEventList*) kevtlist->At(nn))->SetName(tampname.Data());
	else {	
else printf("%s n existe pas\n",GetTreeName().Data());

delete [] variable;
//close the file
