Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Find the position (rank) of every kart
void LinearWorld::updateRacePosition()
    // Mostly for debugging:
    const unsigned int kart_amount = m_karts.size();

#ifdef DEBUG
    bool rank_changed = false;
    // NOTE: if you do any changes to this loop, the next loop (see
    // DEBUG_KART_RANK below) needs to have the same changes applied
    // so that debug output is still correct!!!!!!!!!!!
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
        Kart* kart          = m_karts[i];
        // Karts that are either eliminated or have finished the
        // race already have their (final) position assigned. If
        // these karts would get their rank updated, it could happen
        // that a kart that finished first will be overtaken after
        // crossing the finishing line and become second!
        if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace())
            // This is only necessary to support debugging inconsistencies
            // in kart position parameters.
            setKartPosition(i, kart->getPosition());
        KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
        int p = 1 ;

        const int my_id                = kart->getWorldKartId();
        const int my_laps              = getLapForKart(my_id);
        const float my_progression     = getDistanceDownTrackForKart(my_id);        
        // Count karts ahead of the current kart, i.e. kart that are already finished,
        // have done more laps, or the same number of laps, but a greater distance.
        for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
            if(j == kart->getWorldKartId())  continue; // don't compare a kart with itself
            if(m_karts[j]->isEliminated())   continue; // dismiss eliminated karts

            if(!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace())

            /* has done more or less lapses */
            int other_laps = getLapForKart(j);
            if (other_laps !=  my_laps)
                if(other_laps > my_laps)
                    p++; // Other kart has more lapses
            // Now both karts have the same number of lapses. Test progression.
            // A kart is ahead if it's driven further, or driven the same
            // distance, but started further to the back.
            float other_progression = getDistanceDownTrackForKart(j);
            if(other_progression > my_progression ||
                (other_progression == my_progression &&
                m_karts[j]->getInitialPosition() > kart->getInitialPosition()) )
                std::cout << "    " << p << " : " << m_karts[j]->getIdent() <<
                        " because he has is further within the track (my progression is " <<
                        my_progression << ", his progression is " << other_progression << ")\n";
        } //next kart

#ifndef DEBUG
        setKartPosition(i, p);
        rank_changed |= kart->getPosition()!=p;
        if (!setKartPosition(i,p))
            std::cerr << "ERROR, same rank used twice!!\n";

            std::cerr <<  "Info used to decide ranking :\n";
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<kart_amount; d++)
                std::cerr << "   kart " << m_karts[d]->getIdent() << " has finished(" << m_karts[d]->hasFinishedRace()
                          << "), is at lap (" << getLapForKart(d) << "), is at distance("
                          << getDistanceDownTrackForKart(d) << "), is eliminated(" << m_karts[d]->isEliminated() << ")" << std::endl;
            std::cerr <<  "Who has each ranking so far :\n";
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<i; d++)
                std::cerr << "    " << m_karts[d]->getIdent() << " has rank " << m_karts[d]->getPosition() << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "    --> And " << kart->getIdent() << " is being set at rank " << p << std::endl;

        // Switch on faster music if not already done so, if the
        // first kart is doing its last lap, and if the estimated
        // remaining time is less than 30 seconds.
        if(!m_faster_music_active                                  &&
           kart_info.m_race_lap == race_manager->getNumLaps()-1    &&
           p==1                                                    &&
           useFastMusicNearEnd()                                   &&
           kart_info.m_estimated_finish > 0                        &&
           kart_info.m_estimated_finish - getTime() < 30.0f              )
    }   // for i<kart_amount

    // Define this to get a detailled analyses each time a race position 
    // changes.
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Counting laps at "<<getTime()<<" seconds.\n";
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
            Kart* kart          = m_karts[i];
            if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace()) continue;
            KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
            int p = 1 ;
            const int my_id                = kart->getWorldKartId();
            const int my_laps              = getLapForKart(my_id);
            const float my_progression     = getDistanceDownTrackForKart(my_id);
            std::cout << "counting karts ahead of " << kart->getIdent() 
                << " (laps "<<m_kart_info[i].m_race_lap<<", progress "
                << my_progression<<").\n";
            for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
                if(j == kart->getWorldKartId())  continue; // don't compare a kart with itself
                if(!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace())
                    std::cout << "    " << p << " : " << m_karts[j]->getIdent() << " because he has finished.\n";
                int other_laps = getLapForKart(j);
                if (other_laps !=  my_laps)
                    if(other_laps > my_laps)
                        p++; // Other kart has more lapses
                        std::cout << "    " << p << " : " << m_karts[j]->getIdent() << " because he has more laps than me.\n";
                float other_progression = getDistanceDownTrackForKart(j);
                if(other_progression > my_progression ||
                    (other_progression == my_progression &&
                    m_karts[j]->getInitialPosition() > kart->getInitialPosition()) )
                    std::cout << "    " << p << " : " << m_karts[j]->getIdent() <<
                        " because he is further within the track (my progression is " <<
                        my_progression << ", his progression is " << other_progression << ")\n";
            } //next kart
        }   // for i<kart_amount
        std::cout << "-------------------------------------------\n";
    }   // if rank_changed

}   // updateRacePosition
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Is called by check structures if a kart starts a new lap.
 *  \param kart_index Index of the kart.
void LinearWorld::newLap(unsigned int kart_index)
    KartInfo &kart_info = m_kart_info[kart_index];
    Kart    *kart       = m_karts[kart_index];

    // Don't do anything if a kart that has already finished the race
    // crosses the start line again. This avoids 'fastest lap' messages
    // if the end controller does a fastest lap.
    if(kart->hasFinishedRace()) return;

    const int lap_count = race_manager->getNumLaps();
    // Only increase the lap counter and set the new time if the
    // kart hasn't already finished the race (otherwise the race_gui
    // will begin another countdown).
    if(kart_info.m_race_lap+1 <= lap_count)
        setTimeAtLapForKart(getTime(), kart_index );
        kart_info.m_race_lap++ ;
    // Last lap message (kart_index's assert in previous block already)
    if(kart_info.m_race_lap+1 == lap_count)
        m_race_gui->addMessage(_("Final lap!"), m_karts[kart_index],
                               3.0f, 40, video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50), true);
        if(!m_last_lap_sfx_played && lap_count > 1)
            m_last_lap_sfx_played = true;
            m_last_lap_sfx_playing = true;
            // In case that no music is defined
            if(music_manager->getCurrentMusic() && music_manager->getMasterMusicVolume() > 0.2f)

    // The race positions must be updated here: consider the situation where 
    // the first kart does not cross the finish line in its last lap, instead 
    // it passes it, the kart reverses and crosses the finishing line 
    // backwards. Just before crossing the finishing line the kart will be on
    // the last lap, but with a distance along the track close to zero. 
    // Therefore its position will be wrong. If the race position gets updated
    // after increasing the number of laps (but before tagging the kart to have
    // finished the race) the position will be correct (since the kart now
    // has one additional lap it will be ahead of the other karts).
    // Without this call the incorrect position for this kart would remain
    // (since a kart that has finished the race does not get its position
    // changed anymore), potentially resulting in a duplicated race position
    // (since the first kart does not have position 1, no other kart can get
    // position 1, so one rank will be duplicated).
    // Similarly the situation can happen if the distance along track should
    // go back to zero before actually crossing the finishing line. While this
    // should not happen, it could potentially be caused by floating point
    // errors. In this case the call to updateRacePosition will avoid 
    // duplicated race positions as well.

    // Race finished
    if(kart_info.m_race_lap >= race_manager->getNumLaps() && raceHasLaps())
        // A client wait does not detect race finished by itself, it will
        // receive a message from the server. So a client does not do
        // anything here.
        float time_per_lap;
        if (kart_info.m_race_lap == 1) // just completed first lap
        else //completing subsequent laps
            time_per_lap=getTime() - kart_info.m_lap_start_time;

        // if new fastest lap
        if(time_per_lap < getFastestLapTime() && raceHasLaps() &&
            setFastestLap(kart, time_per_lap);
            m_race_gui->addMessage(_("New fastest lap"), NULL,
                                   2.0f, 40, video::SColor(255, 100, 210, 100), true);
            std::string s = StringUtils::timeToString(time_per_lap);

            irr::core::stringw m_fastest_lap_message;
            //I18N: as in "fastest lap: 60 seconds by Wilber"
            m_fastest_lap_message += StringUtils::insertValues(_("%s by %s"), s.c_str(), kart->getName().c_str()).c_str();

            m_race_gui->addMessage(m_fastest_lap_message, NULL,
                                   2.0f, 40, video::SColor(255, 100, 210, 100));
        } // end if new fastest lap
    kart_info.m_lap_start_time = getTime();
}   // newLap