int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	string outFilename; 
   	string inFilename; 
    	string logFileName;

    	if (argc <= 3) {
        	cout << "not enough arguments" << endl;
        	cout <<" you need to provide the sparse graph file name and then desired output file name and a logfile name"<<endl; 
        	exit (EXIT_FAILURE); 
        	inFilename = argv[1];
        	outFilename = argv[2]; 
        	logFileName = argv[3]; 

	/*Step1: Getting platforms and choose an available one.*/
	cl_uint numPlatforms;	//the NO. of platforms
	cl_platform_id platform = NULL;	//the chosen platform
	cl_int	status = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &numPlatforms);
	if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
		cout << "Error: Getting platforms!" << endl;
		return 1;

	/*For clarity, choose the first available platform. */
	if(numPlatforms > 0)
		cl_platform_id* platforms = (cl_platform_id* )malloc(numPlatforms* sizeof(cl_platform_id));
		status = clGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, NULL);
		platform = platforms[0];

	/*Step 2:Query the platform and choose the first GPU device if has one.Otherwise use the CPU as device.*/
	cl_uint numDevices = 0;
	cl_device_id *devices;
	status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, NULL, &numDevices);	
	if (numDevices == 0)	//no GPU available.
		cout << "No GPU device available." << endl;
		cout << "Choose CPU as default device." << endl;
		status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, 0, NULL, &numDevices);	
		devices = (cl_device_id*)malloc(numDevices * sizeof(cl_device_id));
		status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, numDevices, devices, NULL);
		cout << "num of devices is = " << numDevices << endl;
		devices = (cl_device_id*)malloc(numDevices * sizeof(cl_device_id));
		status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, numDevices, devices, NULL);
//		printf("DEVICES = %d",sizeof(devices));
	cl_int errorcode; //this will be used for error checking	

	/*Step 3: Create context.*/
	cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL,1, devices,NULL,NULL,&errorcode);
		if(errorcode != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Creating Context : " << get_error_string(errorcode) << endl;
		else cout << "Context created!" << endl;

//	cout << "devices zero" << devices[0] << endl;
//	cout << "devices one" << devices[1] << endl;

	cout << "before queue creation" << endl;
	/*Step 4: Creating command queue associate with the context.*/
	cl_command_queue commandQueue = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context,devices[0], NULL, &errorcode);
	if(errorcode != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Creating Queue0 : " << get_error_string(errorcode) << endl;
		else cout << "Queue0 created!" << endl;

//	cl_command_queue commandQueue = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context, devices[1], NULL, &errorcode);
//	if(errorcode != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Creating Queue1 : " << get_error_string(errorcode) << endl;
//		else cout << "Queue1 created!" << endl;


	ifstream myfile;;
        	cout << "Error opening file!" << endl; 
    		return 1; 

    	string line;
   	getline(myfile, line);
    	istringstream iss(line);
    	int numofnodes = 0;
    	int total_numofneighbors = 0;
    	iss >> numofnodes;
    	iss >> total_numofneighbors;  // number is INCORRECT right now

    	cout << "read_input_file: " << numofnodes << " " << total_numofneighbors <<endl;

//#define numofnodes numofnodes
   	cout << "before" << endl; 
	int* nodes = (int*) clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(int)*total_numofneighbors*2, 0);//new int[total_numofneighbors * 2]; //neighbours of each vertex, CSR representation
    //int* node_array = new int[total_numofneighbors]; //neighbours of each vertex, CSR representation
    	int* index_array = (int*) clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(int)*(numofnodes+1),0); //new int[numofnodes + 1]; //index values(address values) for each node, CSR representation
	cout << "aftr" << endl;
    	int node_index = 0;
    	int accum_numofneighbors = 0;

	cl_int readerror;
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, nodes, sizeof(int)*total_numofneighbors*2, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for mapping nodes into host to create nodes array!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, index_array, sizeof(int)*(numofnodes+1), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for mapping index_array into hos1 to create index_array!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
        	istringstream iss(line);
	    	if (node_index < numofnodes) {	
            		index_array[node_index] = accum_numofneighbors;
        	int temp;
        	while (iss >> temp)
            		nodes[accum_numofneighbors] = temp - 1;    
    	index_array[numofnodes] = accum_numofneighbors;

	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping nodes!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,index_array, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping index_array!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

    cout << "read_input_file:" << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < numofnodes; i++)
        cout << "node "<< i << ": ";
        for(int j = 0; j < index_array[i+1] - index_array[i]; j++)
            cout << node_array[index_array[i] + j] << " ";

        cout << endl;
	cout << "end of read file!" << endl;
//    	*addr_node_array = node_array;
//    	*addr_index_array = index_array;
//    *num_nodes = numofnodes;
//    *num_edges = total_numofneighbors;

//	int *nodes, *index_array;
	/* Read file  */
//	int numofnodes, numofedges;
//    	read_input_file(inFilename, &nodes, &index_array, &numofnodes, &numofedges, context);

	/*Step 5: Create program object */
	const char *filename = "";
	string sourceStr;
	status = convertToString(filename, sourceStr);
	const char *source = sourceStr.c_str();
	size_t sourceSize[] = {strlen(source)};
	cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &source, sourceSize, &errorcode);
		if(errorcode != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Create Program with Source for Failed : " << get_error_string(errorcode) << endl;	
		else cout << " program created!" << endl;

	const char *filename2 = "";
	string sourceStr2;
	status = convertToString(filename2, sourceStr2);
	const char *source2 = sourceStr2.c_str();
	size_t sourceSize2[] = {strlen(source2)};
	cl_program program_deactivate = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &source2, sourceSize2, &errorcode);
		if(errorcode != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Create Program with Source for MIS_async_deactivate Failed!" << get_error_string(errorcode) << endl;	
		else cout << " program created!" << endl;

	/*Step 6: Build program. */
	status=clBuildProgram(program, 1,devices,NULL,NULL,NULL);
			if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Building Program = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Program of has been built!" << endl;
			if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Building Program2 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Program of has been built!" << endl;

	/* Those two bufs will show what is the error of building programs, if there is one*/
	char buf[0x10000];

	char buf2[0x30000];

	srand (static_cast <unsigned> (time(0)));

	/*Step 7: Setup the inputs*/
	cout<< "SVMAllocing nodes_randvalues..." << endl;
	float* nodes_randvalues = (float*) clSVMAlloc(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float)*numofnodes,0); //new float[numofnodes];
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, nodes_randvalues, sizeof(float)*(numofnodes), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error nodes_randvalues are not mapped!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
	cout<< "nodes_randvalues are being initialized to zero..." << endl;
	std::fill_n(nodes_randvalues, numofnodes, 0);		
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_randvalues, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping nodes_randvalues!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	cout<< "SVMAllocing nodes_randvalues...DONE" << endl;
	cout<< "SVMallocing nodes_status..." << endl;
	int *nodes_status = (int*)clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int)*numofnodes,0); //new int[numofnodes];
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, nodes_status, sizeof(int)*(numofnodes), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error nodes_status are not mapped!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
	cout<< "nodes_status are being initialized to ACTIVE..." << endl;
	std::fill_n(nodes_status, numofnodes, ACTIVE);		
	cout<< "SVMAllocing nodes_status...DONE" << endl;
	//small stupid check if it works
	for(int r; r < numofnodes; r++) printf("nodes_status[%d] = %d\n",r,nodes_status[r]);

	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_status, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping nodes_status!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	cout<< "SVMallocing nodes_status_parallel..." << endl;
	int *nodes_status_parallel = (int*)clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int)*numofnodes,0); //new int[numofnodes];
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, nodes_status_parallel, sizeof(int)*(numofnodes), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error nodes_status_parallel are not mapped!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
	cout<< "nodes_status_parallel are being initialized to ACTIVE..." << endl;
	std::fill_n(nodes_status_parallel, numofnodes, ACTIVE);		
	cout<< "SVMAllocing nodes_status_parallel...DONE" << endl;
	//small stupid check if it works
	for(int r; r < numofnodes; r++) printf("nodes_status_parallel[%d] = %d\n",r,nodes_status_parallel[r]);

	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_status_parallel, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping nodes_status_parallel!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	int *nodes_execute = (int*)clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int)*numofnodes,0); // new int[numofnodes];


	int* gpu_remainingnodes = (int*)clSVMAlloc(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int),0);

	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, gpu_remainingnodes, sizeof(int), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error gpu_remainingnodes is not mapped!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	*gpu_remainingnodes = numofnodes;
	cout << "Initilizing gpu_remainingnodes!" << endl;
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,gpu_remainingnodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping gpu_remainingnodes!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	int step = 0;
	int *counter_gpu = (int*)clSVMAlloc(context,CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int)*numofnodes, 0); // new int[numofnodes]; 
	//this will be used to store counter information for every gpu thread
	readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, counter_gpu, sizeof(int)*numofnodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error counter_gpu is not mapped!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	std::fill_n(counter_gpu, numofnodes,0);	
	cout << "Initializing counter_gpu to Zero!" << endl;

	readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,counter_gpu, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping counter_gpu!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;

	cout << "Inputs (buffers) are created!" << endl;

	cl_int error;
	cl_int error2;
	/* Step 8: Create Kernel Object*/
	cl_kernel kernel = clCreateKernel(program,"mis_parallel_async",&error);
	cl_kernel kernel_deactivate = clCreateKernel(program_deactivate,"deactivate_neighbors",&error2);
	if (error != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel = " << get_error_string(error) << endl;
	if (error2 != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel_deactivate = " << get_error_string(error2) << endl;
	/* Step 9: Sets Kernel Arguments*/
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,0, (void *)(counter_gpu));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 1 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,1, (void *)(nodes));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 2 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,2, (void *)(nodes_randvalues));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 3 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,3, (void *)(nodes_status_parallel));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 4 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,4, (void *)(index_array));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 5 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel,5, (void *)(nodes_execute));
	//mis_parallel_async(counter_gpu,nodes,nodes_randvalues,nodes_status_parallel, index_array,nodes_execute,lparm); 
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg 6 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;

	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,0, (void *)(nodes));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 1 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,1, (void *)(nodes_randvalues));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 2 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,2, (void *)(nodes_status_parallel));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 3 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,3, (void *)(gpu_remainingnodes)); 
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 4 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,4, (void *)(index_array));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 5 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	status = clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(kernel_deactivate,5, (void *)(nodes_execute));
		if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel kernelarg deactivate 6 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
	//deactivate_neighbors(nodes,nodes_randvalues,nodes_status_parallel,&gpu_remainingnodes, index_array,nodes_execute,lparm);
	/*Step 10 = Rand and Call GPU*/
	cl_uint compute_units;
	size_t threadnumber;
	clGetDeviceInfo(devices[0], CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof(cl_uint), &compute_units, NULL);
	cout << "Compute Units =" << compute_units << endl;
	//cl_uint *in;
	threadnumber = numofnodes;
	cl_int errormap;
	int blocker = 10;	
//	cl_event ndrEvt;
	int locked = 0;
	status = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, gpu_remainingnodes, sizeof(int), 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
		else	{
			cout << "GPU_REMAININGNODES is mapped to Host with = " << *gpu_remainingnodes << endl;
			locked = 1;

	KernelWorkGroupInfo kernelInfo;
	size_t localThreads = kernelInfo.kernelWorkGroupSize;
	cout << "Local Threads = " << localThreads << endl;

	while(gpu_remainingnodes > 0 && blocker > 0)
		if(locked == 1)
		status = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue, gpu_remainingnodes,0,NULL,NULL);
		locked = 0;
		cout << "gpu_remainingnodes is unmapped from host!" << endl;
		cout << "Randomizing Values..." << endl;
		readerror = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, nodes_randvalues, sizeof(float)*(numofnodes), 0, NULL, NULL);
			if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error nodes_randvalues are not mapped to rand them!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < numofnodes; i++)
			nodes_randvalues[i]= static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX/40));
       			printf("randvalues[%d] = %.5f\n",i,nodes_randvalues[i]);
		readerror = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_randvalues, 0, NULL, NULL);
			if(readerror != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for unmapping nodes_status!" << get_error_string(readerror) << endl;
        	printf("Randed. Now calling Execution Kernel...\n");

		status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernel, 1, NULL, &threadnumber, &localThreads, 0, NULL, NULL);
			if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel call! = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Execution kernel sent!" <<endl;       
		status = clFlush(commandQueue);
			if(status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error Flushing First = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Flush sent after execution successfully!" << endl;

//		status = waitForEventAndRelease(&ndrEvt);
//			if(status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error WaitForEvent 1 = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
		status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernel_deactivate, 1, NULL, &threadnumber, &localThreads, 0,NULL,NULL);
			if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error kernel_deactivate call! = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Deactivation kernel sent!" << endl;
		status = clFlush(commandQueue);
			if (status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error flushing second  = " << get_error_string(status) << endl;
			else cout << "Flush sent after deactivation succesfully!" << endl;	

//		status = clFinish(commandQueue);
//			if(status != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error in finishing!" << endl;		
//			else cout << "Finished clFinish okayly!" << endl;
		status = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, gpu_remainingnodes, sizeof(int), 0, NULL, NULL);
			if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
			else locked = 1;
		printf("GPU Remaining Nodes = %d\n", *gpu_remainingnodes);
		cout << "end of while" << endl;

        showNodesInfo(nodes_status_parallel, nodes_randvalues, numofnodes, "all");

//	cout << "write to file before" << endl;
        //writing the random values in the log file 
//        writeToFileNodeInfo(nodes_status_parallel, nodes_randvalues, numofnodes,logFileName, "all");
        //showNodesInfo(nodes_status_parallel, nodes_randvalues, nodes_execute, numofnodes, "all");
//	cout << "after to file" <<endl;

#if DEBUG2
	for(int k=0 ; k<numofnodes; k++)
		if(counter_gpu[k] != 0)
			printf("Counter is not zero at '%d' with value '%d'\n",k,counter_gpu[k]);


	errormap = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, nodes_randvalues, sizeof(float)*numofnodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
	errormap = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, nodes_status_parallel, sizeof(int)*numofnodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
	errormap = clEnqueueSVMMap(commandQueue, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, nodes_execute, sizeof(int)*numofnodes, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;

	cout << "End of the execution, clFinish has been satisfied!" << endl;
	//Print out the result
	for(int l=0; l<numofnodes; l++)
		printf("Rand[%d]= %.5f -- ",l,nodes_randvalues[l]);
		printf("Status[%d] = %d",l,nodes_status_parallel[l]);
		printf("Execute[%d] = %d\n",l,nodes_execute[l]);

	errormap = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_randvalues, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
	errormap = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue,nodes_status_parallel, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;
	errormap = clEnqueueSVMUnmap(commandQueue, nodes_execute, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(errormap != CL_SUCCESS) cout << "Error for reading back" << get_error_string(errormap) << endl;

	clSVMFree(context, nodes);
        clSVMFree(context, nodes_randvalues);
	clSVMFree(context, gpu_remainingnodes);
    	clSVMFree(context, nodes_status);
    	clSVMFree(context, nodes_status_parallel);
    	clSVMFree(context, counter_gpu);
    	clSVMFree(context, nodes_execute);
     	clSVMFree(context, index_array);

	status = clReleaseKernel(kernel);
	status = clReleaseKernel(kernel_deactivate);

    	status = clReleaseProgram(program);
   	status = clReleaseProgram(program_deactivate);

    	status = clReleaseCommandQueue(commandQueue);

    	status = clReleaseContext(context);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

/*	KernelGenerator kGenerator;

	int test_pos[8] = {0,-1, -1,0, 1,0, 0,1};//[8] = {0,-1, -1,0, 1,0, 0,1}; 
	float test_weights[4] =  {1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,};
	string testkernel = kGenerator.generateKernelString("teststring", test_pos, test_weights, 4, 1);
	cout << "Created Kernel: \n\n" << testkernel << "\n" << endl;

	sampleTimer = new SDKTimer();
	timer = sampleTimer->createTimer();

		status = clInitializePerfMarkerAMD();
		if( status != AP_SUCCESS){
			if( status == AP_APP_PROFILER_NOT_DETECTED ){
				PROFILE = false;
				cout << "Initilasation of App Profiler failed: " << status << endl;
		if(clBeginPerfMarkerAMD( "KernelProfiler", "Group1") != AP_SUCCESS){
			cout << "Begin of App Profiler failed" << endl;
	if(readArgs(argc, argv) == SDK_FAILURE){
		return FAILURE;

	if (getPlatforms() == FAILURE){ 
		return FAILURE; 
	status = getDevice();
	if (status == END){ 
		return SUCCESS; 
	}else if(status == FAILURE){
		return FAILURE;
	/*Step 3: Create context.*/
	cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, aktiveDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	/*Step 4: Creating command queue associate with the context.*/
	cl_command_queue commandQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, *aktiveDevice, 0, NULL);

	/*Step 5: Create program object */

	cl_program program;
	if(kernelVersion != 7){
		const char *filename = "";

		string KernelSource;
		status = convertToString(filename, KernelSource);
		const char *source = KernelSource.c_str();
		size_t sourceSize[] = { strlen(source) };
		if (VERBOSEKERNEL){ cout << source << endl; }
		program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &source, sourceSize, NULL);
		if("default") == 0){
			cout << "no positions specifyed; using the default 5-Point-Stencil" << endl;
			positions = (cl_int*)malloc(sizeof(cl_int) * 8);
			positions[0] =  0;	positions[1] = -1;
			positions[2] = -1;	positions[3] =  0;
			positions[4] =  1;	positions[5] =  0;
			positions[6] =  0;	positions[7] =  1;
			numberPoints = parseStringToPositions(StencilDefinition);

		if("default") == 0){
			cout << "no weights specifyed; assuming there all 1.0" << endl;
			weights = (cl_float*)malloc(sizeof(cl_float) * numberPoints);
			fill(weights, weights + numberPoints, 1.0);
			cl_int numberWeights = parseStringToWeights(StencilWeights);

			if(numberWeights == FAILURE){
				return FAILURE;
			if(numberPoints != numberWeights){
				cout << "ERROR: number of points and number of weights differ!"<< endl;
				cout << "numberPoints = "<< numberPoints << " and numberWeights = " << numberWeights << endl;
				return FAILURE;
		cl_int edgewithlocal;
		/*edgewithlocal = getEdgeWidth();
		edgewidth = edgewithlocal;
		edgewidth = getEdgeWidth();

		KernelGenerator kGenerator;

		//int test_pos[8] = {0,-1, -1,0, 1,0, 0,1};
		//float test_weights[4] =  {1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,};
		string KernelSource = kGenerator.generateKernelString("createdKernel", positions, weights, numberPoints, edgewidth);
		//cout << "Created Kernel: \n\n" << testkernel << "\n" << endl;
		const char *source = KernelSource.c_str();
		size_t sourceSize[] = { strlen(source) };
		if (VERBOSEKERNEL){ cout << source << endl; }
		program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &source, sourceSize, NULL);

	if(buildProgram(&program) != SUCCESS) {
		return FAILURE;
	times.buildProgram = sampleTimer->readTimer(timer);


	/*Step 8: Create kernel object */
	kernel = NULL, 
	kernelBackwards = NULL;

	cl_uint work_dim;
	size_t *global_work_size = (size_t*) malloc(2*sizeof(size_t));
	size_t *local_work_size = (size_t*) malloc(2*sizeof(size_t));

	status = setupKernelSpesificStuff(&work_dim, global_work_size, &local_work_size, &context,
				&kernel, &kernelBackwards, &program);
	if (status == FAILURE){
		cout << "Abording!" << endl;
		return FAILURE;

	times.setKernelArgs = sampleTimer->readTimer(timer);

		cout << "kernel Arguments are set; starting kernel now!" << endl;

		//Get maximum work goup size
		KernelWorkGroupInfo kernelInfo;
		status = kernelInfo.setKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, *aktiveDevice);
	    CHECK_ERROR(status,0, "setKernelWrkGroupInfo failed");
    	cout << "Max kernel work gorup size: " << kernelInfo.kernelWorkGroupSize << endl;

	status = runKernels(&kernel, &kernelBackwards, &commandQueue, work_dim, global_work_size, local_work_size);

	/*Step 11: Read the output back to host memory.*/
	status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commandQueue, BufferMatrixA, CL_TRUE, 0, 
		width * height * sizeof(cl_float), output, 0, NULL, NULL);

	times.writeBack = sampleTimer->readTimer(timer);

		cout << "Input:" << endl;
		for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){
			for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
				cout << *(input + x + y*width)<<" ";
			cout << endl;
		cout << endl << "Output:" << endl;
		for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){
			for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
				cout << *(output + x + y*width)<<" ";
			cout << endl;
		cout << "done; releasinng kernel now" << endl;

	status = clReleaseKernel(kernel);				//Release kernel.
	status = clReleaseProgram(program);				//Release the program object.

	status = clReleaseMemObject(BufferMatrixA);		//Release mem object.
	status = clReleaseMemObject(BufferMatrixB);

	status = clReleaseCommandQueue(commandQueue);	//Release  Command queue.
	status = clReleaseContext(context);				//Release context.
	times.releaseKernel = sampleTimer->readTimer(timer);
		if( clEndPerfMarkerAMD() != AP_SUCCESS){
			cout << "Error ending Profiler" << endl;
		if( clFinalizePerfMarkerAMD() != AP_SUCCESS){
			cout << "Error ending Profiler" << endl;


		checkAgainstCpuImplementation(input, output);


	return SUCCESS;