Ejemplo n.º 1
    // scrub the heightfield cache.
    if (_tileModelFactory)

    // New terrain
    _terrain = new TerrainNode( _deadTiles.get() );
    this->addChild( _terrain );

    // Enable blending on the terrain node; this will result in the underlying
    // "empty" globe being transparent instead of white.
    if (_terrainOptions.enableBlending().value())
        _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_BLEND , osg::StateAttribute::ON);

    // Factory to create the root keys:
    KeyNodeFactory* factory = getKeyNodeFactory();

    // Build the first level of the terrain.
    // Collect the tile keys comprising the root tiles of the terrain.
    std::vector< TileKey > keys;
    _update_mapf->getProfile()->getAllKeysAtLOD( *_terrainOptions.firstLOD(), keys );

    // create a root node for each root tile key.
    OE_INFO << LC << "Creating " << keys.size() << " root keys.." << std::endl;

    RootTileGroup* root = new RootTileGroup();
    _terrain->addChild( root );

    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    for( unsigned i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i )
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = factory->createRootNode( keys[i] );
        if ( node.valid() )
            root->addRootKey( keys[i], node.get(), _uid, _liveTiles.get(), _deadTiles.get(), dbOptions.get() );
            OE_WARN << LC << "Couldn't make tile for root key: " << keys[i].str() << std::endl;
    _rootTilesRegistered = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    // scrub the heightfield cache.
    if (_tileModelFactory)

    // New terrain
    _terrain = new TerrainNode( _deadTiles.get() );
    this->addChild( _terrain );

    // Enable blending on the terrain node; this will result in the underlying
    // "empty" globe being transparent instead of white.
    if (_terrainOptions.enableBlending().value())
        _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_BLEND , osg::StateAttribute::ON);

    // Factory to create the root keys:
    KeyNodeFactory* factory = getKeyNodeFactory();

    // Build the first level of the terrain.
    // Collect the tile keys comprising the root tiles of the terrain.
    std::vector< TileKey > keys;
    _update_mapf->getProfile()->getAllKeysAtLOD( *_terrainOptions.firstLOD(), keys );

    // create a root node for each root tile key.
    OE_INFO << LC << "Creating root keys (" << keys.size() << ")" << std::flush;

    for( unsigned i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i )
        osg::Node* node = factory->createRootNode( keys[i] );
        OE_INFO_CONTINUE << "." << std::flush;
        if ( node )
            _terrain->addChild( node );
            TileNode* tilenode = osgEarth::findTopMostNodeOfType<TileNode>(node);
            if ( tilenode )
                _liveTiles->add( tilenode );
            OE_WARN << LC << "Couldn't make tile for root key: " << keys[i].str() << std::endl;

    OE_INFO_CONTINUE << "done." << std::endl;
