KeyPair KeyManager::presaleSecret(std::string const& _json, function<string(bool)> const& _password) { js::mValue val; json_spirit::read_string(_json, val); auto obj = val.get_obj(); string p = _password(true); if (obj["encseed"].type() == js::str_type) { auto encseed = fromHex(obj["encseed"].get_str()); KeyPair k; for (bool gotit = false; !gotit;) { gotit = true; k = KeyPair::fromEncryptedSeed(&encseed, p); if (obj["ethaddr"].type() == js::str_type) { Address a(obj["ethaddr"].get_str()); Address b = k.address(); if (a != b) { if ((p = _password(false)).empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PasswordUnknown()); else gotit = false; } } } return k; } else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("encseed type is not js::str_type")); }
void MixClient::resetState(std::map<Secret, u256> _accounts, Secret _miner) { WriteGuard l(x_state); Guard fl(x_filtersWatches); m_filters.clear(); m_watches.clear(); m_stateDB = OverlayDB(); SecureTrieDB<Address, MemoryDB> accountState(&m_stateDB); accountState.init(); m_userAccounts.clear(); std::map<Address, Account> genesisState; for (auto account: _accounts) { KeyPair a = KeyPair(account.first); m_userAccounts.push_back(a); genesisState.insert(std::make_pair(a.address(), Account(account.second, Account::NormalCreation))); } dev::eth::commit(genesisState, static_cast<MemoryDB&>(m_stateDB), accountState); h256 stateRoot = accountState.root(); m_bc.reset(); m_bc.reset(new MixBlockChain(m_dbPath, stateRoot)); m_state = eth::State(m_stateDB, BaseState::PreExisting, KeyPair(_miner).address()); m_state.sync(bc()); m_startState = m_state; WriteGuard lx(x_executions); m_executions.clear(); }
std::string WebThreeStubServerBase::shh_newIdentity() { // cnote << this << m_ids; KeyPair kp = KeyPair::create(); m_ids[] = kp.secret(); return toJS(; }
bool KeyPair::Encrypt(Ciphertext& out, Digest key) { KeyPair temp; temp.Keygen(); memcpy(out, &temp.publicKey[1], sizeof(out)); if (!ecdh_shared_secret(publicKey, temp.privateKey, key.Byte)) return false; blake2b(key, sizeof(key), 0, 0, key, sizeof(key)); return true; }
void NewAccount::create() { QDialog d; Ui::NewAccount u; u.setupUi(&d); u.keysPath->setText(QString::fromStdString(getDataDir("web3/keys"))); auto updateStatus = [&]() { bool useMaster = u.useMaster->isChecked(); u.password->setEnabled(!useMaster); u.confirm->setEnabled(!useMaster); u.hint->setEnabled(!useMaster); u.status->setText(""); bool ok = (useMaster || (!u.password->text().isEmpty() && u.password->text() == u.confirm->text())); if (!ok) u.status->setText("Passphrases must match"); if (u.keyName->text().isEmpty()) { ok = false; u.status->setText("Name must not be empty"); } u.create->setEnabled(ok); }; connect(u.useMaster, &QCheckBox::toggled, [&]() { updateStatus(); }); connect(u.useOwn, &QCheckBox::toggled, [&]() { updateStatus(); }); connect(u.password, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [&]() { updateStatus(); }); connect(u.keyName, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [&]() { updateStatus(); }); connect(u.confirm, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [&]() { updateStatus(); }); updateStatus(); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { KeyManager::NewKeyType v = (KeyManager::NewKeyType)u.keyType->currentIndex(); KeyPair p = KeyManager::newKeyPair(v); QString s = u.keyName->text(); if (u.useMaster->isChecked()) aleth()->keyManager().import(p.secret(), s.toStdString()); else { std::string hint = u.hint->toPlainText().toStdString(); std::string password = u.password->text().toStdString(); aleth()->keyManager().import(p.secret(), s.toStdString(), password, hint); } aleth()->noteKeysChanged(); } }
void endecryptTest() { const unsigned int bitLength = 128; KeyPair pair = RSA::makeKeyPair(bitLength); PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublicKey(); PrivateKey privKey = pair.getPrivateKey(); RSA cipher(pubKey, privKey); MPInteger plaintext("12fbff45836b"); MPInteger ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext); MPInteger decrypttext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(plaintext == decrypttext); }
/* time difference */ void TimeManager::time_diff_callback(const synchronization::time_diff::ConstPtr& time_diff_msg) { ros::Time sensors_time_diff; double lidar = (double)time_diff_msg->lidar.sec + (double)time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec/1000000000.0L; double camera = (double)time_diff_msg->camera.sec + (double)time_diff_msg->camera.nsec/1000000000.0L; if (time_diff_msg->lidar.sec > time_diff_msg->camera.sec) { sensors_time_diff.sec = time_diff_msg->lidar.sec - time_diff_msg->camera.sec; if (time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec >= time_diff_msg->camera.nsec) { sensors_time_diff.nsec = time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec - time_diff_msg->camera.nsec; } else { sensors_time_diff.sec -= 1; sensors_time_diff.nsec = 1000000000L + time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec - time_diff_msg->camera.nsec; } } else if (time_diff_msg->lidar.sec < time_diff_msg->camera.sec) { sensors_time_diff.sec = time_diff_msg->camera.sec - time_diff_msg->lidar.sec; if (time_diff_msg->camera.nsec >= time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec) { sensors_time_diff.nsec = time_diff_msg->camera.nsec - time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec; } else { sensors_time_diff.sec -= 1; sensors_time_diff.nsec = 1000000000L + time_diff_msg->camera.nsec - time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec; } } else if (time_diff_msg->lidar.sec == time_diff_msg->camera.sec) { sensors_time_diff.sec = 0; if (time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec >= time_diff_msg->camera.nsec) { sensors_time_diff.nsec = time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec - time_diff_msg->camera.nsec; } else { sensors_time_diff.nsec = time_diff_msg->camera.nsec - time_diff_msg->lidar.nsec; } } else { // not impl ROS_ERROR("Exception error"); } time_diff_.push_front(time_diff_msg->header.stamp, sensors_time_diff); }
NodeTable::NodeTable(ba::io_service& _io, KeyPair _alias, uint16_t _udp): m_node(Node(, bi::udp::endpoint())), m_secret(_alias.sec()), m_io(_io), m_socket(new NodeSocket(m_io, *this, _udp)), m_socketPointer(m_socket.get()), m_bucketRefreshTimer(m_io), m_evictionCheckTimer(m_io) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_bins; i++) { m_state[i].distance = i; m_state[i].modified = chrono::steady_clock::now() - chrono::seconds(1); } m_socketPointer->connect(); doRefreshBuckets(boost::system::error_code()); }
int stateTest() { KeyPair me = sha3("Gav Wood"); KeyPair myMiner = sha3("Gav's Miner"); // KeyPair you = sha3("123"); Defaults::setDBPath("/tmp"); Overlay stateDB = State::openDB(); BlockChain bc; State s(myMiner.address(), stateDB); cout << bc; // Sync up - this won't do much until we use the last state. s.sync(bc); cout << s; // Mine to get some ether! s.commitToMine(bc); while (s.mine(100).completed) {} bc.attemptImport(s.blockData(), stateDB); cout << bc; s.sync(bc); cout << s; // Inject a transaction to transfer funds from miner to me. bytes tx; { Transaction t; t.nonce = s.transactionsFrom(myMiner.address()); t.value = 1000; // 1e3 wei. t.receiveAddress = me.address(); t.sign(myMiner.secret()); assert(t.sender() == myMiner.address()); tx = t.rlp(); } s.execute(tx); cout << s; // Mine to get some ether and set in stone. s.commitToMine(bc); while (s.mine(100).completed) {} bc.attemptImport(s.blockData(), stateDB); cout << bc; s.sync(bc); cout << s; return 0; }
int main() { KeyPair u = KeyPair::create(); KeyPair cb = KeyPair::create(); OverlayDB db; State s(cb.address(), db, BaseState::Empty); cnote << s.rootHash(); s.addBalance(u.address(), 1 * ether); Address c = s.newContract(1000 * ether, compileLLL("(suicide (caller))")); s.commit(); State before = s; cnote << "State before transaction: " << before; Transaction t(0, 10000, 10000, c, bytes(), 0, u.secret()); cnote << "Transaction: " << t; cnote << s.balance(c); s.execute(LastHashes(), t.rlp()); cnote << "State after transaction: " << s; cnote << before.diff(s); }
int main() { string tempDir = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string() + "/" + toString(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); KeyPair myMiner = sha3("Gav's Miner"); p2p::Host net("Test"); cdebug << "Path:" << tempDir; Client c(&net, tempDir); c.setAddress(myMiner.address()); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(1000)); c.startMining(); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(6000)); c.stopMining(); return 0; }
NodeTable::NodeTable(ba::io_service& _io, KeyPair const& _alias, NodeIPEndpoint const& _endpoint, bool _enabled): m_node(Node(, _endpoint)), m_secret(_alias.sec()), m_socket(new NodeSocket(_io, *this, (bi::udp::endpoint)m_node.endpoint)), m_socketPointer(m_socket.get()), m_timers(_io) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_bins; i++) m_state[i].distance = i; if (!_enabled) return; try { m_socketPointer->connect(); doDiscovery(); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { clog(NetWarn) << "Exception connecting NodeTable socket: " << _e.what(); clog(NetWarn) << "Discovery disabled."; } }
int main() { cnote << "Testing State..."; KeyPair me = sha3("Gav Wood"); KeyPair myMiner = sha3("Gav's Miner"); // KeyPair you = sha3("123"); Defaults::setDBPath(boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string() + "/" + toString(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())); OverlayDB stateDB = State::openDB(); CanonBlockChain bc; cout << bc; State s(stateDB, BaseState::CanonGenesis, myMiner.address()); cout << s; // Sync up - this won't do much until we use the last state. s.sync(bc); cout << s; // Mine to get some ether! mine(s, bc); bc.attemptImport(s.blockData(), stateDB); cout << bc; s.sync(bc); cout << s; // Inject a transaction to transfer funds from miner to me. Transaction t(1000, 10000, 30000, me.address(), bytes(), s.transactionsFrom(myMiner.address()), myMiner.secret()); assert(t.sender() == myMiner.address()); s.execute(bc.lastHashes(), t); cout << s; // Mine to get some ether and set in stone. s.commitToMine(bc); s.commitToMine(bc); mine(s, bc); bc.attemptImport(s.blockData(), stateDB); cout << bc; s.sync(bc); cout << s; return 0; }
void keyCreateTest() { const unsigned int bitLength = 256; KeyPair pair = RSA::makeKeyPair(bitLength); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pair.getPublicKey().getEncryptExponent().getBitLength() == 17); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pair.getPublicKey().getModulus() == pair.getPrivateKey().getModulus()); PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublicKey(); PrivateKey privKey = pair.getPrivateKey(); }
void TimeManager::sync_image_obj_tracked_callback(const cv_tracker_msgs::image_obj_ranged::ConstPtr& sync_image_obj_ranged_msg) { // ROS_INFO("sync_image_obj_tracked: \t%d.%d", sync_image_obj_ranged_msg->header.stamp.sec, sync_image_obj_ranged_msg->header.stamp.nsec); sync_image_obj_tracked_.push_front(sync_image_obj_ranged_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
string WebThreeStubServerBase::shh_newIdentity() { KeyPair kp = KeyPair::create(); m_shhIds[] = kp.secret(); return toJS(; }
bool AccountManager::execute(int argc, char** argv) { if (string(argv[1]) == "wallet") { if (3 < argc && string(argv[2]) == "import") { if (!openWallet()) return false; string file = argv[3]; string name = "presale wallet"; string pw; KeyPair k; try { k = m_keyManager->presaleSecret( contentsString(file), [&](bool){ return (pw = getPassword("Enter the passphrase for the presale key: "));} ); } catch (Exception const& _e) { if (auto err = boost::get_error_info<errinfo_comment>(_e)) cout << " Decryption failed: " << *err << endl; else cout << " Decryption failed: Unknown reason." << endl; return false; } m_keyManager->import(k.secret(), name, pw, "Same passphrase as used for presale key"); cout << " Address: {" << k.address().hex() << "}" << endl; } else streamWalletHelp(cout); return true; } else if (string(argv[1]) == "account") { if (argc < 3 || string(argv[2]) == "list") { openWallet(); if (m_keyManager->store().keys().empty()) cout << "No keys found." << endl; else { vector<u128> bare; AddressHash got; int k = 0; for (auto const& u: m_keyManager->store().keys()) { if (Address a = m_keyManager->address(u)) { got.insert(a); cout << "Account #" << k << ": {" << a.hex() << "}" << endl; k++; } else bare.push_back(u); } for (auto const& a: m_keyManager->accounts()) if (!got.count(a)) { cout << "Account #" << k << ": {" << a.hex() << "}" << " (Brain)" << endl; k++; } for (auto const& u: bare) { cout << "Account #" << k << ": " << toUUID(u) << " (Bare)" << endl; k++; } } } else if (2 < argc && string(argv[2]) == "new") { openWallet(); string name; string lock; string lockHint; lock = createPassword("Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account:"); auto k = makeKey(); h128 u = m_keyManager->import(k.secret(), name, lock, lockHint); cout << "Created key " << toUUID(u) << endl; cout << " ICAP: " << ICAP(k.address()).encoded() << endl; cout << " Address: {" << k.address().hex() << "}" << endl; } else if (3 < argc && string(argv[2]) == "import") { openWallet(); h128 u = m_keyManager->store().importKey(argv[3]); if (!u) { cerr << "Error: reading key file failed" << endl; return false; } string pw; bytesSec s = m_keyManager->store().secret(u, [&](){ return (pw = getPassword("Enter the passphrase for the key: ")); }); if (s.empty()) { cerr << "Error: couldn't decode key or invalid secret size." << endl; return false; } else { string lockHint; string name; m_keyManager->importExisting(u, name, pw, lockHint); auto a = m_keyManager->address(u); cout << "Imported key " << toUUID(u) << endl; cout << " ICAP: " << ICAP(a).encoded() << endl; cout << " Address: {" << a.hex() << "}" << endl; } } else if (3 < argc && string(argv[2]) == "update") { openWallet(); for (int k = 3; k < argc; k++) { string i = argv[k]; h128 u = fromUUID(i); if (isHex(i) || u != h128()) { string newP = createPassword("Enter the new passphrase for the account " + i); auto oldP = [&](){ return getPassword("Enter the current passphrase for the account " + i + ": "); }; bool recoded = false; if (isHex(i)) { recoded = m_keyManager->store().recode( Address(i), newP, oldP, dev::KDF::Scrypt ); } else if (u != h128()) { recoded = m_keyManager->store().recode( u, newP, oldP, dev::KDF::Scrypt ); } if (recoded) cerr << "Re-encoded " << i << endl; else cerr << "Couldn't re-encode " << i << "; key does not exist, corrupt or incorrect passphrase supplied." << endl; } else cerr << "Couldn't re-encode " << i << "; does not represent an address or uuid." << endl; } } else streamAccountHelp(cout); return true; } else return false; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned short listenPort = 30303; string remoteHost; unsigned short remotePort = 30303; string dbPath; bool mining = false; unsigned peers = 5; #if ETH_JSONRPC int jsonrpc = 8080; #endif string publicIP; bool upnp = true; string clientName; // Init defaults Defaults::get(); // Our address. KeyPair us = KeyPair::create(); Address coinbase = us.address(); string configFile = getDataDir() + "/config.rlp"; bytes b = contents(configFile); if (b.size()) { RLP config(b); us = KeyPair(config[0].toHash<Secret>()); coinbase = config[1].toHash<Address>(); } else { RLPStream config(2); config << us.secret() << coinbase; writeFile(configFile, config.out()); } for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { string arg = argv[i]; if ((arg == "-l" || arg == "--listen" || arg == "--listen-port") && i + 1 < argc) listenPort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-u" || arg == "--public-ip" || arg == "--public") && i + 1 < argc) publicIP = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-r" || arg == "--remote") && i + 1 < argc) remoteHost = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-p" || arg == "--port") && i + 1 < argc) remotePort = (short)atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-n" || arg == "--upnp") && i + 1 < argc) { string m = argv[++i]; if (isTrue(m)) upnp = true; else if (isFalse(m)) upnp = false; else { cerr << "Invalid UPnP option: " << m << endl; return -1; } } else if ((arg == "-c" || arg == "--client-name") && i + 1 < argc) clientName = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-a" || arg == "--address" || arg == "--coinbase-address") && i + 1 < argc) coinbase = h160(fromHex(argv[++i])); else if ((arg == "-s" || arg == "--secret") && i + 1 < argc) us = KeyPair(h256(fromHex(argv[++i]))); else if ((arg == "-d" || arg == "--path" || arg == "--db-path") && i + 1 < argc) dbPath = argv[++i]; else if ((arg == "-m" || arg == "--mining") && i + 1 < argc) { string m = argv[++i]; if (isTrue(m)) mining = true; else if (isFalse(m)) mining = false; else { cerr << "Unknown mining option: " << m << endl; } } #if ETH_JSONRPC else if ((arg == "-j" || arg == "--json-rpc")) jsonrpc = jsonrpc ? jsonrpc : 8080; else if (arg == "--json-rpc-port" && i + 1 < argc) jsonrpc = atoi(argv[++i]); #endif else if ((arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbosity") && i + 1 < argc) g_logVerbosity = atoi(argv[++i]); else if ((arg == "-x" || arg == "--peers") && i + 1 < argc) peers = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") help(); else if (arg == "-V" || arg == "--version") version(); else remoteHost = argv[i]; } if (!clientName.empty()) clientName += "/"; WebThreeDirect web3("NEthereum(++)/" + clientName + "v" + dev::Version + "/" DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) "/" DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM), dbPath); Client& c = *web3.ethereum(); c.setForceMining(true); cout << credits(); std::ostringstream ccout; // Initialize ncurses char* str = new char[255]; int width; int height; int y = 0; int x = 2; string cmd; WINDOW * mainwin, * consolewin, * logwin, * blockswin, * pendingwin, *addswin, * contractswin, * peerswin; if (!(mainwin = initscr())) { cerr << "Error initialising ncurses."; return -1; } getmaxyx(mainwin, height, width); int qheight = height * 3 / 5; int qwidth = width / 4 - 4; nonl(); cbreak(); timeout(30000); echo(); keypad(mainwin, true); // Initialize color pairs start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, 7, COLOR_BLACK); use_default_colors(); logwin = newwin(height * 2 / 5 - 2, width * 2 / 3, qheight, 0); nc::nc_window_streambuf outbuf(logwin, std::cout); consolewin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, 0); nc::nc_window_streambuf coutbuf(consolewin, ccout); blockswin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, width / 4); pendingwin = newwin(height * 1 / 5, width / 4, 0, width * 2 / 4); peerswin = newwin(height * 2 / 5, width / 4, height * 1 / 5, width * 2 / 4); addswin = newwin(height * 2 / 5 - 2, width / 3, qheight, width * 2 / 3); contractswin = newwin(qheight, width / 4, 0, width * 3 / 4); int vl = qheight - 4; wsetscrreg(consolewin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(blockswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(pendingwin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(peerswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(addswin, 1, vl); wsetscrreg(contractswin, 1, vl); mvwprintw(mainwin, 1, 1, " > "); wresize(mainwin, 3, width); mvwin(mainwin, height - 3, 0); wmove(mainwin, 1, 4); if (!remoteHost.empty()) { web3.setIdealPeerCount(peers); web3.setNetworkPreferences(NetworkPreferences(listenPort, publicIP, upnp)); web3.startNetwork(); web3.connect(remoteHost, remotePort); } if (mining) c.startMining(); #if ETH_JSONRPC auto_ptr<EthStubServer> jsonrpcServer; if (jsonrpc > -1) { jsonrpcServer = auto_ptr<EthStubServer>(new EthStubServer(new jsonrpc::HttpServer(jsonrpc), web3)); jsonrpcServer->setKeys({us}); jsonrpcServer->StartListening(); } #endif while (true) { wclrtobot(consolewin); wclrtobot(pendingwin); wclrtobot(peerswin); wclrtobot(addswin); wclrtobot(contractswin); ccout << credits(); // Prompt wmove(mainwin, 1, 4); getstr(str); string s(str); istringstream iss(s); iss >> cmd; // Address ccout << "Address:" << endl; ccout << toHex(us.address().asArray()) << endl << endl; mvwprintw(mainwin, 1, 1, " > "); clrtoeol(); if (s.length() > 1) { ccout << "> "; ccout << str << endl; } if (cmd == "netstart") { unsigned port; iss >> port; web3.setNetworkPreferences(NetworkPreferences((short)port, publicIP, upnp)); web3.startNetwork(); } else if (cmd == "connect")
void Main::on_create_clicked() { KeyPair p = KeyPair::create(); QString s = QString::fromStdString("The new secret key is:\n" + asHex(p.secret().asArray()) + "\n\nAddress:\n" + asHex(p.address().asArray())); QMessageBox::information(this, "Create Key", s, QMessageBox::Ok); }
void TimeManager::points_raw_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& points_raw_msg) { // ROS_INFO("points_raw: \t\t\t%d.%d", points_raw_msg->header.stamp.sec, points_raw_msg->header.stamp.nsec); points_raw_.push_front(points_raw_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::image_raw_callback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& image_raw_msg) { // ROS_INFO("image_raw: \t\t\t%d.%d", image_raw_msg->header.stamp.sec, image_raw_msg->header.stamp.nsec); image_raw_.push_front(image_raw_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::vscan_image_callback(const points2image::PointsImage::ConstPtr& vscan_image_msg) { // ROS_INFO("vscan_image: \t\t\t%d.%d", vscan_image_msg->header.stamp.sec, vscan_image_msg->header.stamp.nsec); vscan_image_.push_front(vscan_image_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::vscan_points_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& vscan_points_msg) { // ROS_INFO("vscan_points: \t\t\t%d.%d", vscan_points_msg->header.stamp.sec, vscan_points_msg->header.stamp.nsec); vscan_points_.push_front(vscan_points_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::image_obj_tracked_callback(const cv_tracker_msgs::image_obj_tracked::ConstPtr& image_obj_tracked_msg) { // ROS_INFO("image_obj_tracked: \t\t%d.%d", image_obj_tracked_msg->header.stamp.sec, image_obj_tracked_msg->header.stamp.nsec); image_obj_tracked_.push_front(image_obj_tracked_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::obj_pose_callback(const std_msgs::Time::ConstPtr& obj_pose_timestamp_msg) { // ROS_INFO("obj_pose: \t\t\t%d.%d", obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data.sec, obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data.nsec); obj_pose_.push_front(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data, get_walltime_now()); static ros::Time pre_sensor_time; synchronization::time_monitor time_monitor_msg; time_monitor_msg.header.frame_id = "0"; time_monitor_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // ROS_INFO("-------------------------------------"); // ROS_INFO("image_raw"); if (!ros::Time::isSimTime()) { time_monitor_msg.image_raw = time_diff(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data, image_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } else { time_monitor_msg.image_raw = 0; } // ROS_INFO("points_raw"); if (!ros::Time::isSimTime()) { time_monitor_msg.points_raw = time_diff(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data, points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } else { time_monitor_msg.points_raw = 0; } if (is_points_image_) { // ROS_INFO("points_image"); time_monitor_msg.points_image = time_diff(points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), points_image_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } if (is_vscan_image_) { // ROS_INFO("vscan_points"); time_monitor_msg.vscan_points = time_diff(points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), vscan_points_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("vscan_image"); time_monitor_msg.vscan_image = time_diff(vscan_points_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), vscan_image_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } // ROS_INFO("image_obj"); time_monitor_msg.image_obj = time_diff(image_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), image_obj_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("image_obj_ranged"); time_monitor_msg.image_obj_ranged = time_diff(sync_image_obj_ranged_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), image_obj_ranged_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("image_obj_tracked"); time_monitor_msg.image_obj_tracked = time_diff(sync_image_obj_tracked_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), image_obj_tracked_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("current_pose"); time_monitor_msg.current_pose = time_diff(points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), current_pose_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("obj_label"); time_monitor_msg.obj_label = time_diff(sync_obj_label_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), obj_label_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("cluster_centroids"); time_monitor_msg.cluster_centroids = time_diff(points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), cluster_centroids_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("obj_pose"); time_monitor_msg.obj_pose = time_diff(sync_obj_pose_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), obj_pose_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // ROS_INFO("-------------------------------------"); if (!ros::Time::isSimTime()) { time_monitor_msg.execution_time = time_diff(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data, obj_pose_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } else { time_monitor_msg.execution_time = time_diff(points_raw_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data), obj_pose_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); } time_monitor_msg.cycle_time = time_diff(pre_sensor_time, obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data); // cycle time time_monitor_msg.time_diff = ros_time2msec(time_diff_.find(obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data)); // time difference time_monitor_pub.publish(time_monitor_msg); pre_sensor_time = obj_pose_timestamp_msg->data; }
void TimeManager::current_pose_callback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& current_pose_msg) { // ROS_INFO("current_pose: \t\t\t%d.%d", current_pose_msg->header.stamp.sec, current_pose_msg->header.stamp.nsec); current_pose_.push_front(current_pose_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::obj_label_callback(const cv_tracker_msgs::obj_label::ConstPtr& obj_label_msg) { // ROS_INFO("obj_label: \t\t\t%d.%d", obj_label_msg->header.stamp.sec, obj_label_msg->header.stamp.nsec); obj_label_.push_front(obj_label_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void TimeManager::cluster_centroids_callback(const lidar_tracker::centroids::ConstPtr& cluster_centroids_msg) { // ROS_INFO("cluster_centroids: \t\t%d.%d", cluster_centroids_msg->header.stamp.sec, cluster_centroids_msg->header.stamp.nsec); cluster_centroids_.push_front(cluster_centroids_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }
void importPresale(KeyManager& _km, string const& _file, function<string()> _pass) { KeyPair k = _km.presaleSecret(contentsString(_file), [&](bool){ return _pass(); }); _km.import(k.secret(), "Presale wallet" + _file + " (insecure)"); }
void TimeManager::sync_obj_pose_callback(const cv_tracker_msgs::obj_label::ConstPtr& sync_obj_label_msg) { // ROS_INFO("sync_obj_pose: \t\t\t%d.%d", sync_obj_label_msg->header.stamp.sec, sync_obj_label_msg->header.stamp.nsec); sync_obj_pose_.push_front(sync_obj_label_msg->header.stamp, get_walltime_now()); }