void GarbageCollection::stripSections()
  // Traverse all the input Regular and BSS sections, if a section is not found
  // in the ReferencedSections, then it should be garbage collected
  Module::obj_iterator obj, objEnd = m_Module.obj_end();
  for (obj = m_Module.obj_begin(); obj != objEnd; ++obj) {
    LDContext::sect_iterator sect, sectEnd = (*obj)->context()->sectEnd();
    for (sect = (*obj)->context()->sectBegin(); sect != sectEnd; ++sect) {
      LDSection* section = *sect;
      if (LDFileFormat::Regular != section->kind() &&
          LDFileFormat::BSS != section->kind())

      if (m_ReferencedSections.find(section) == m_ReferencedSections.end())

  // Traverse all the relocation sections, if its target section is set to
  // Ignore, then set the relocation section to Ignore as well
  Module::obj_iterator input, inEnd = m_Module.obj_end();
  for (input = m_Module.obj_begin(); input != inEnd; ++input) {
    LDContext::sect_iterator rs, rsEnd = (*input)->context()->relocSectEnd();
    for (rs = (*input)->context()->relocSectBegin(); rs != rsEnd; ++rs) {
      LDSection* reloc_sect = *rs;
      if (LDFileFormat::Ignore == reloc_sect->getLink()->kind())
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ARMGNULDBackend::mergeSection(Module& pModule,
                                   const Input& pInput,
                                   LDSection& pSection)
  switch (pSection.type()) {
    case llvm::ELF::SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES: {
      return attribute().merge(pInput, pSection);
    case llvm::ELF::SHT_ARM_EXIDX: {
      assert(NULL != pSection.getLink());
      if ((pSection.getLink()->kind() == LDFileFormat::Ignore) ||
          (pSection.getLink()->kind() == LDFileFormat::Folded)) {
        // if the target section of the .ARM.exidx is Ignore, then it should be
        // ignored as well
        return true;
    /** fall through **/
    default: {
      ObjectBuilder builder(pModule);
      builder.MergeSection(pInput, pSection);
      return true;
  } // end of switch
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void IdenticalCodeFolding::foldIdenticalCode() {
  // 1. Find folding candidates.
  FoldingCandidates candidate_list;

  // 2. Initialize constant section content
  for (size_t i = 0; i < candidate_list.size(); ++i) {
    candidate_list[i].initConstantContent(m_Backend, m_KeptSections);

  // 3. Find identical code until convergence
  bool converged = false;
  size_t iterations = 0;
  while (!converged && (iterations < m_Config.options().getICFIterations())) {
    converged = matchCandidates(candidate_list);
  if (m_Config.options().printICFSections()) {
    debug(diag::debug_icf_iterations) << iterations;

  // 4. Fold the identical code
  typedef std::set<Input*> FoldedObjects;
  FoldedObjects folded_objs;
  KeptSections::iterator kept, keptEnd = m_KeptSections.end();
  size_t index = 0;
  for (kept = m_KeptSections.begin(); kept != keptEnd; ++kept, ++index) {
    LDSection* sect = (*kept).first;
    Input* obj = (*kept).second.first;
    size_t kept_index = (*kept).second.second;
    if (index != kept_index) {

      if (m_Config.options().printICFSections()) {
        KeptSections::iterator it = m_KeptSections.begin() + kept_index;
        LDSection* kept_sect = (*it).first;
        Input* kept_obj = (*it).second.first;
        debug(diag::debug_icf_folded_section) << sect->name() << obj->name()
                                              << kept_sect->name()
                                              << kept_obj->name();

  // Adjust the fragment reference of the folded symbols.
  FoldedObjects::iterator fobj, fobjEnd = folded_objs.end();
  for (fobj = folded_objs.begin(); fobj != fobjEnd; ++fobj) {
    LDContext::sym_iterator sym, symEnd = (*fobj)->context()->symTabEnd();
    for (sym = (*fobj)->context()->symTabBegin(); sym != symEnd; ++sym) {
      if ((*sym)->hasFragRef() && ((*sym)->type() == ResolveInfo::Function)) {
        LDSymbol* out_sym = (*sym)->resolveInfo()->outSymbol();
        FragmentRef* frag_ref = out_sym->fragRef();
        LDSection* sect = &(frag_ref->frag()->getParent()->getSection());
        if (sect->kind() == LDFileFormat::Folded) {
          size_t kept_index = m_KeptSections[sect].second;
          LDSection* kept_sect = (*(m_KeptSections.begin() + kept_index)).first;
    }  // for each symbol
  }    // for each folded object