/*virtual*/ void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content)
		//std::ostringstream ss;
		//LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(content, ss);
		//llinfos << ss.str() << llendl;

		// in case of invalid characters, the avatar picker returns a 400
		// just set it to process so it displays 'not found'
		if (isGoodStatus(status) || status == 400)
			LLFloaterAvatarPicker* floater =
			if (floater)
				floater->processResponse(mQueryID, content);
			llwarns << "avatar picker failed [status:" << status << "]: " << content << llendl;
	/*virtual*/ void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content)
		//std::ostringstream ss;
		//LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(content, ss);
		//llinfos << ss.str() << llendl;

		// in case of invalid characters, the avatar picker returns a 400
		// just set it to process so it displays 'not found'
		if ((200 <= status && status < 300) || status == 400)
			LLFloaterAvatarPicker* floater = LLFloaterAvatarPicker::sInstance;
			if (floater)
				floater->processResponse(mQueryID, content);
			llinfos << "avatar picker failed " << status
					<< " reason " << reason << llendl;