Ejemplo n.º 1
PVOID SERVER::OpenVosObject (PVOID *phCell, ULONG *pStatus)
   if (!m_hCellVOS)
      LPCELL lpCell;
      if ((lpCell = m_lpiCell->OpenCell (pStatus)) != NULL)
         m_hCellVOS = lpCell->GetCellObject (pStatus);

   if (m_hCellVOS && !m_hVOS)
      TCHAR szCell[ cchNAME ];
      m_lpiCell->GetCellName (szCell);

      wp.wpVosServerOpen.hCell = m_hCellVOS;
      wp.wpVosServerOpen.pszServer = m_szName;
      if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskVosServerOpen, &wp, pStatus))
         m_hVOS = wp.wpVosServerOpen.hServer;

   if (m_hVOS)
      if (phCell)
         *phCell = m_hCellVOS;
   return m_hVOS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
BOOL SERVER::RefreshStatus (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;

   if (m_fStatusOutOfDate)
      m_fStatusOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusBegin, GetIdentifier());

      LPCELL lpCell;
      if ((lpCell = OpenCell (&status)) == NULL)
         rc = FALSE;
         PVOID hCell;
         if ((hCell = lpCell->GetCellObject (&status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            WORKERPACKET wp;
            wp.wpClientAFSServerGet.hCell = hCell;
            wp.wpClientAFSServerGet.pszServer = m_szName;

            if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskClientAFSServerGet, &wp, &status))
               rc = FALSE;
               m_ss.nAddresses = 0;

               for (size_t iAddr = 0; iAddr < AFS_MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS; ++iAddr)
                  if (wp.wpClientAFSServerGet.Entry.serverAddress[ iAddr ] == 0)
                  AfsClass_IntToAddress (&m_ss.aAddresses[ m_ss.nAddresses++ ], wp.wpClientAFSServerGet.Entry.serverAddress[ iAddr ]);

               lpCell->m_lServers->Update (this); // That update affected a hashlistkey

      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL SERVER::CanTalkToServer (ULONG *pStatus)
   // Ensure the server exists in the cell at all--
   // this call just updates the server's IP addresses
   // etc (information it gets from the database servers)
   // and doesn't require talking to the server itself.
   if (!RefreshStatus (FALSE, pStatus))
      return FALSE;

   // Find a new refsec array element to use...
   EnterCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);

   int idSection;
   for (idSection = 0; idSection < (int)cRefSec; ++idSection)
      if (!aRefSec[ idSection ].fInUse)
   if (idSection == (int)cRefSec)
      if (!REALLOC (aRefSec, cRefSec, 1+idSection, 4))
         if (pStatus)
            *pStatus = GetLastError();
         LeaveCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);
         return FALSE;
   aRefSec[ idSection ].fInUse = TRUE;
   aRefSec[ idSection ].fCanceled = FALSE;
   aRefSec[ idSection ].lpServer = this;
   aRefSec[ idSection ].hCell = NULL;

   LPCELL lpCell;
   if ((lpCell = OpenCell()) != NULL)
      aRefSec[ idSection ].hCell = lpCell->GetCellObject();

   LeaveCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);

   // Until we find out differently, assume that we won't be
   // able to query VOS or BOS on this server.
   m_fCanGetAggregates = FALSE;
   m_fCanGetServices = FALSE;
   m_lastStatus = 0;

   // Fork a separate thread, on which to quickly try to talk
   // to the server.
   DWORD dwThreadID;
   HANDLE hThread;
   if ((hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)CanTalkToServer_ThreadProc, IntToPtr(idSection), 0, &dwThreadID)) == NULL)
      EnterCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);
      aRefSec[ idSection ].fInUse = FALSE;
      LeaveCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);
      if (pStatus)
         *pStatus = GetLastError();
      return FALSE;
   SetThreadPriority (hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);

   // Wait for that thread to terminate, or for our
   // newly-allocated RefSec entry to be marked Canceled.
   DWORD dw;
   for (dw = STILL_ACTIVE; dw == STILL_ACTIVE; )
      EnterCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);

      GetExitCodeThread (hThread, &dw);
      if (dw == STILL_ACTIVE)
         if ( (aRefSec[ idSection ].fInUse) &&
              (aRefSec[ idSection ].lpServer == this) &&
              (aRefSec[ idSection ].fCanceled) )
            if (m_lastStatus == 0)
               m_lastStatus = ERROR_CANCELLED;
            dw = 0;

      LeaveCriticalSection (pcsRefSec);

      if (dw == STILL_ACTIVE)
         Sleep(100);	// wait another brief instant

   // dw == 0 : user canceled operation (thread is still running!)
   // dw == 1 : thread completed successfully, and set fCanTalkTo* flags.
   // Note that the thread will clear aRefSec[idSection].fInUse when it
   // terminates (so, if dw!=-1, it has already done so).
   if (pStatus)
      *pStatus = m_lastStatus;
   return (dw == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
BOOL USER::RefreshStatus (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;
   DWORD kasStatus = 0;
   DWORD ptsStatus = 0;

   if (m_fStatusOutOfDate)
      m_fStatusOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusBegin, GetIdentifier());

      memset (&m_us, 0x00, sizeof(m_us));

      FreeString (m_mszOwnerOf);
      m_mszOwnerOf = NULL;

      FreeString (m_mszMemberOf);
      m_mszMemberOf = NULL;

      TCHAR szFullName[ cchNAME ];
      AfsClass_GenFullUserName (szFullName, m_szPrincipal, m_szInstance);

      LPCELL lpCell;
      if ((lpCell = OpenCell (&status)) == NULL)
         rc = FALSE;
         PVOID hCell;
         if ((hCell = lpCell->GetCellObject (&status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            // Try to get KAS information.
            WORKERPACKET wpGetKas;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.hCell = hCell;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.hServer = lpCell->GetKasObject (&kasStatus);
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.pszPrincipal = m_szPrincipal;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.pszInstance = m_szInstance;

            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskKasPrincipalGet, &wpGetKas, &kasStatus))
               m_us.fHaveKasInfo = TRUE;

               TCHAR szLastModPrincipal[ cchNAME ];
               TCHAR szLastModInstance[ cchNAME ];
               CopyAnsiToString (szLastModPrincipal, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModPrincipal.principal);
               CopyAnsiToString (szLastModInstance, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModPrincipal.instance);

               m_us.KASINFO.fIsAdmin = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.adminSetting == KAS_ADMIN) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanGetTickets = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.tgsSetting == TGS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fEncrypt = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.encSetting == ENCRYPT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanChangePassword = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.cpwSetting == CHANGE_PASSWORD) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanReusePasswords = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.rpwSetting == REUSE_PASSWORD) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeExpires, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.userExpiration);
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeLastPwChange, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastChangePasswordTime);
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeLastMod, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModTime);
               m_us.KASINFO.lpiLastMod = IDENT::FindUser (m_lpiCell, szLastModPrincipal, szLastModInstance);
               m_us.KASINFO.csecTicketLifetime = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.maxTicketLifetime;
               m_us.KASINFO.keyVersion = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.keyVersion;
               memcpy (&m_us.KASINFO.key.key, &wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.key.key, ENCRYPTIONKEY_LEN);
               m_us.KASINFO.dwKeyChecksum = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.keyCheckSum;
               m_us.KASINFO.cdayPwExpire = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.daysToPasswordExpire;
               m_us.KASINFO.cFailLogin = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.failLoginCount;
               m_us.KASINFO.csecFailLoginLock = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lockTime;

            // Try to get PTS information.
            WORKERPACKET wpGetPts;
            wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.hCell = hCell;
            wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.pszUser = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserGet, &wpGetPts, &ptsStatus))
               m_us.fHavePtsInfo = TRUE;

               m_us.PTSINFO.cgroupCreationQuota = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.groupCreationQuota;
               m_us.PTSINFO.cgroupMember = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.groupMembershipCount;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidName = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.nameUid;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidOwner = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.ownerUid;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidCreator = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.creatorUid;

               CopyAnsiToString (m_us.PTSINFO.szOwner, wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.owner);
               CopyAnsiToString (m_us.PTSINFO.szCreator, wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.creator);

               m_us.PTSINFO.aaListStatus = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listStatus);
               m_us.PTSINFO.aaGroupsOwned = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listGroupsOwned);
               m_us.PTSINFO.aaMembership = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listMembership);

            // Grab the list of groups to which this user belongs
            WORKERPACKET wpBegin;
            wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hCell = hCell;
            wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.pszUser = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szGroup[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpPtsUserMemberListNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpPtsUserMemberListNext.pszGroup = szGroup;
                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListNext, &wpNext))

                  FormatMultiString (&m_mszMemberOf, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szGroup);

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpPtsUserMemberListDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListDone, &wpDone);

            // Grab the list of groups which this user owns
            wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hCell = hCell;
            wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.pszOwner = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szGroup[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpPtsOwnedGroupListNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpPtsOwnedGroupListNext.pszGroup = szGroup;
                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListNext, &wpNext))

                  FormatMultiString (&m_mszOwnerOf, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szGroup);

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpPtsOwnedGroupListDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListDone, &wpDone);


      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (rc && (!m_us.fHaveKasInfo) && (!status) && kasStatus)
      status = kasStatus;
      rc = FALSE;
   if (rc && (!m_us.fHavePtsInfo) && (!status) && ptsStatus)
      status = ptsStatus;
      // not fatal; rc remains TRUE
   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;