Ejemplo n.º 1
HRESULT ScalingEffect::LoadEffect(const TCHAR *filename)

    LPD3DXBUFFER		lpBufferEffect = 0;
    LPD3DXBUFFER		lpErrors = 0;
    LPD3DXEFFECTCOMPILER	lpEffectCompiler = 0;

    m_strErrors += filename;
    m_strErrors += ":\n";

    // First create an effect compiler
    HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFile(filename, NULL, NULL,NULL,
						&lpEffectCompiler, &lpErrors);
    // Errors...
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
	if(lpErrors) {
	    m_strErrors += (char*) lpErrors->GetBufferPointer();

	m_strErrors += "Unable to create effect compiler from ";
	m_strErrors += filename;

    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
	hr = lpEffectCompiler->CompileEffect(D3DXSHADER_DEBUG, &lpBufferEffect, &lpErrors);
	hr = lpEffectCompiler->CompileEffect(0, &lpBufferEffect, &lpErrors);
	// Errors...
	if(FAILED(hr)) {
	    if(lpErrors) {
		m_strErrors += (char*) lpErrors->GetBufferPointer();

	    m_strErrors += "Unable to compile effect from ";
	    m_strErrors += filename;

    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
	hr = D3DXCreateEffect(m_pd3dDevice,
			    NULL, NULL,
			    NULL, &m_pEffect, &lpErrors);

	// Errors...
	if(FAILED(hr)) {
	    if(lpErrors) {
		m_strErrors += (char*) lpErrors->GetBufferPointer();

	    m_strErrors += "Unable to create effect from compiled ";
	    m_strErrors += filename;

    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
	hr = ParseParameters(lpEffectCompiler);

    return hr;
HRESULT ScalingEffect::ParseParameters(LPD3DXEFFECTCOMPILER lpEffectCompiler)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if(m_pEffect == NULL)
        return E_FAIL;

    // Look at parameters for semantics and annotations that we know how to interpret
    D3DXHANDLE hParam;
    D3DXHANDLE hAnnot;

    for(UINT iParam = 0; iParam < m_EffectDesc.Parameters; iParam++) {
        LPCSTR pstrName = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrFunction = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrTarget = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrTextureType = NULL;
        INT Width = D3DX_DEFAULT;
        INT Height= D3DX_DEFAULT;
        INT Depth = D3DX_DEFAULT;

        hParam = m_pEffect->GetParameter(NULL, iParam);
        m_pEffect->GetParameterDesc(hParam, &ParamDesc);

	if(ParamDesc.Semantic != NULL) {
	    if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_MATRIX_ROWS || ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_MATRIX_COLUMNS) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "world") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "view") == 0)
		    m_MatViewEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "projection") == 0)
		    m_MatProjEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "worldview") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldViewEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "viewprojection") == 0)
		    m_MatViewProjEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "worldviewprojection") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldViewProjEffectHandle = hParam;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_VECTOR && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_FLOAT) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "sourcedims") == 0)
		    m_SourceDimsEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "texelsize") == 0)
		    m_TexelSizeEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "inputdims") == 0) {
		    if(m_iDim[0] && m_iDim[1] && ((hr = m_pEffect->SetFloatArray(hParam, m_iDim, 2)) != D3D_OK)) {
			m_strErrors += "Could not set inputdims parameter!";
			return hr;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_SCALAR && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_FLOAT) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "SCALING") == 0)
		    m_pEffect->GetFloat(hParam, &m_scale);

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_SCALAR && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_BOOL) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "FORCEUPDATE") == 0)
		    m_pEffect->GetBool(hParam, &m_forceupdate);

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_OBJECT && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_TEXTURE) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "SOURCETEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_SourceTextureEffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "WORKINGTEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_WorkingTexture1EffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "WORKINGTEXTURE1") == 0)
		    m_WorkingTexture2EffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "HQ2XLOOKUPTEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_Hq2xLookupTextureHandle = hParam;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_OBJECT && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_STRING) {
	        LPCSTR pstrTechnique = NULL;

		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "COMBINETECHNIQUE") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_CombineTechniqueEffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "PREPROCESSTECHNIQUE") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_PreprocessTechnique1EffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "PREPROCESSTECHNIQUE1") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_PreprocessTechnique2EffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "NAME") == 0)
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &m_strName);



	for(UINT iAnnot = 0; iAnnot < ParamDesc.Annotations; iAnnot++) {
            hAnnot = m_pEffect->GetAnnotation (hParam, iAnnot);
            m_pEffect->GetParameterDesc(hAnnot, &AnnotDesc);
            if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "name") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrName);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "function") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrFunction);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "target") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrTarget);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "width") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Width);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "height") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Height);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "depth") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Depth);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "type") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrTextureType);


	// Not used in DOSBox
/*	if(pstrName != NULL) {
            pTex = NULL;
            DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGenericCch(strPath, pstrName, MAX_PATH);
            if(pstrTextureType != NULL) {
                if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "volume") == 0) {
                    LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 pVolumeTex = NULL;
                    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileEx(m_pd3dDevice, strPath,
                            Width, Height, Depth, 1, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED,
                            D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, &pVolumeTex))) {
                        pTex = pVolumeTex;
                    else {
                        m_strErrors += "Could not load volume texture ";
                        m_strErrors += pstrName;
                else if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "cube") == 0) {
                    LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 pCubeTex = NULL;
                    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileEx(m_pd3dDevice, strPath,
                            Width, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED,
                            D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, &pCubeTex))) {
                        pTex = pCubeTex;
                    else {
                        m_strErrors += "Could not load cube texture ";
                        m_strErrors += pstrName;
            else {
                LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 p2DTex = NULL;
                if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx(m_pd3dDevice, strPath,
                        Width, Height, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED,
                        D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, &p2DTex))) {
                    pTex = p2DTex;
                else {
                    m_strErrors += "Could not load texture ";
                    m_strErrors += pstrName;
                    m_strErrors += "\n";

            // Apply successfully loaded texture to effect
            if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pTex != NULL) {
                m_pEffect->SetTexture(m_pEffect->GetParameter(NULL, iParam), pTex);
	else */
	if(pstrFunction != NULL) {
	    LPD3DXBUFFER pTextureShader = NULL;
	    LPD3DXBUFFER lpErrors = 0;

	    if(pstrTarget == NULL || strcmp(pstrTarget,"tx_1_1"))
                pstrTarget = "tx_1_0";

	    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = lpEffectCompiler->CompileShader(
				pstrFunction, pstrTarget,
				0, &pTextureShader, &lpErrors, NULL))) {

		if((UINT)Width == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Width = 64;
		if((UINT)Height == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Height = 64;
		if((UINT)Depth == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Depth = 64;

#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
		D3DXCreateTextureShader((DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), &ppTextureShader);

		if(pstrTextureType != NULL) {
                    if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "volume") == 0) {
                        LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 pVolumeTex = NULL;
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateVolumeTexture(m_pd3dDevice,
                                Width, Height, Depth, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pVolumeTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                           if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX(pVolumeTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                           if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX(pVolumeTex,
					(DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                                pTex = pVolumeTex;
                    } else if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "cube") == 0) {
                        LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 pCubeTex = NULL;
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateCubeTexture(m_pd3dDevice,
                                Width, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pCubeTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                            if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillCubeTextureTX(pCubeTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                            if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillCubeTextureTX(pCubeTex,
                                (DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                                pTex = pCubeTex;
		} else {
                    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 p2DTex = NULL;
                    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateTexture(m_pd3dDevice, Width, Height,
                                D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &p2DTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillTextureTX(p2DTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillTextureTX(p2DTex,
				(DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                            pTex = p2DTex;
		m_pEffect->SetTexture(m_pEffect->GetParameter(NULL, iParam), pTex);
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
	    } else {
		if(lpErrors) {
		    m_strErrors += (char*) lpErrors->GetBufferPointer();

		m_strErrors += "Could not compile texture shader ";
		m_strErrors += pstrFunction;

		return hr;

    return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
HRESULT ScalingEffect::ParseParameters(LPD3DXEFFECTCOMPILER lpEffectCompiler)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if(m_pEffect == NULL)
        return E_FAIL;

    // Look at parameters for semantics and annotations that we know how to interpret
    D3DXHANDLE hParam;
    D3DXHANDLE hAnnot;

    for(UINT iParam = 0; iParam < m_EffectDesc.Parameters; iParam++) {
        LPCSTR pstrName = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrFunction = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrTarget = NULL;
        LPCSTR pstrTextureType = NULL;
        INT Width = D3DX_DEFAULT;
        INT Height= D3DX_DEFAULT;
        INT Depth = D3DX_DEFAULT;

        hParam = m_pEffect->GetParameter(NULL, iParam);
        m_pEffect->GetParameterDesc(hParam, &ParamDesc);

	if(ParamDesc.Semantic != NULL) {
	    if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_MATRIX_ROWS || ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_MATRIX_COLUMNS) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "world") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "view") == 0)
		    m_MatViewEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "projection") == 0)
		    m_MatProjEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "worldview") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldViewEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "viewprojection") == 0)
		    m_MatViewProjEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "worldviewprojection") == 0)
		    m_MatWorldViewProjEffectHandle = hParam;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_VECTOR && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_FLOAT) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "sourcedims") == 0)
		    m_SourceDimsEffectHandle = hParam;
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "texelsize") == 0)
		    m_TexelSizeEffectHandle = hParam;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_SCALAR && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_FLOAT) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "SCALING") == 0)
		    m_pEffect->GetFloat(hParam, &m_scale);

		else if (ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_STRUCT) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "VIDPARAMS") == 0)
		    m_VideoInputHandle = hParam;
			m_VideoSizeHandle = m_pEffect->GetParameterByName(m_VideoInputHandle,"video_size");
			m_TextureSizeHandle = m_pEffect->GetParameterByName(m_VideoInputHandle,"texture_size");
			m_OutputSizeHandle = m_pEffect->GetParameterByName(m_VideoInputHandle,"output_size");
			m_FrameCount = m_pEffect->GetParameterByName(m_VideoInputHandle,"frame_count");


	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_OBJECT && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_TEXTURE) {
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "SOURCETEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_SourceTextureEffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "WORKINGTEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_WorkingTexture1EffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "WORKINGTEXTURE1") == 0)
		    m_WorkingTexture2EffectHandle = hParam;
		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "HQ2XLOOKUPTEXTURE") == 0)
		    m_Hq2xLookupTextureHandle = hParam;

	    else if(ParamDesc.Class == D3DXPC_OBJECT && ParamDesc.Type == D3DXPT_STRING) {
	        LPCSTR pstrTechnique = NULL;

		if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "COMBINETECHNIQUE") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_CombineTechniqueEffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "PREPROCESSTECHNIQUE") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_PreprocessTechnique1EffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "PREPROCESSTECHNIQUE1") == 0) {
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &pstrTechnique);
		    m_PreprocessTechnique2EffectHandle = m_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(pstrTechnique);
		else if(strcmpi(ParamDesc.Semantic, "NAME") == 0)
		    m_pEffect->GetString(hParam, &m_strName);



	for(UINT iAnnot = 0; iAnnot < ParamDesc.Annotations; iAnnot++) {
            hAnnot = m_pEffect->GetAnnotation (hParam, iAnnot);
            m_pEffect->GetParameterDesc(hAnnot, &AnnotDesc);
            if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "name") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrName);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "function") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrFunction);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "target") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrTarget);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "width") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Width);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "height") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Height);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "depth") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetInt(hAnnot, &Depth);
            else if(strcmpi(AnnotDesc.Name, "type") == 0)
                m_pEffect->GetString(hAnnot, &pstrTextureType);

	if(pstrFunction != NULL) {
	    LPD3DXBUFFER pTextureShader = NULL;
	    LPD3DXBUFFER lpErrors = 0;

	    if(pstrTarget == NULL || strcmp(pstrTarget,"tx_1_1"))
                pstrTarget = "tx_1_0";

	    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = lpEffectCompiler->CompileShader(
				hAnnot, pstrTarget,
				0, &pTextureShader, &lpErrors, NULL))) {

		if(Width == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Width = 64;
		if(Height == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Height = 64;
		if(Depth == D3DX_DEFAULT)
                    Depth = 64;

#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
		D3DXCreateTextureShader((DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), &ppTextureShader);

		if(pstrTextureType != NULL) {
                    if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "volume") == 0) {
                        LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 pVolumeTex = NULL;
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateVolumeTexture(m_pd3dDevice,
                        	Width, Height, Depth, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pVolumeTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                    	    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX(pVolumeTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                    	    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX(pVolumeTex,
					(DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                                pTex = pVolumeTex;
                    } else if(strcmpi(pstrTextureType, "cube") == 0) {
                        LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 pCubeTex = NULL;
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateCubeTexture(m_pd3dDevice,
                        	Width, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pCubeTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                            if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillCubeTextureTX(pCubeTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                            if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillCubeTextureTX(pCubeTex,
					(DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                                pTex = pCubeTex;
		} else {
                    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 p2DTex = NULL;
                    if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXCreateTexture(m_pd3dDevice, Width, Height,
                    	    D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &p2DTex))) {
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillTextureTX(p2DTex, ppTextureShader))) {
                        if(SUCCEEDED(hr = D3DXFillTextureTX(p2DTex,
				(DWORD *)pTextureShader->GetBufferPointer(), NULL, 0))) {
                            pTex = p2DTex;
		m_pEffect->SetTexture(m_pEffect->GetParameter(NULL, iParam), pTex);
#if D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 22
	    } else {
		if(lpErrors) {
		    m_strErrors += (char*) lpErrors->GetBufferPointer();

		m_strErrors += "Could not compile texture shader ";
		m_strErrors += pstrFunction;

		return hr;

    return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Name: CMultiAnim::Setup()
// Desc: The class is initialized with this method.
//       We create the effect from the fx file, and load the animation mesh
//       from the given X file.  We then call SetupBonePtrs() to initialize
//       the mesh containers to enable bone matrix lookup by index.  The
//       Allocation Hierarchy is passed by pointer to allow an app to subclass
//       it for its own implementation.
                           TCHAR sXFile[],
                           TCHAR sFxFile[],
                           CMultiAnimAllocateHierarchy *pAH,
                           LPD3DXLOADUSERDATA pLUD )
    assert( pDevice != NULL );
    assert( sXFile );
    assert( sFxFile );
    assert( pAH );

    // set the MA instance for CMultiAnimAllocateHierarchy
    pAH->SetMA( this );

    // set the device
    m_pDevice = pDevice;

    HRESULT hr;
    Vector3 vCenter;

    // Increase the palette size if the shader allows it. We are sort
    // of cheating here since we know tiny has 35 bones. The alternative
    // is use the maximum number that vs_2_0 allows.
    D3DXMACRO mac[2] =
        { "MATRIX_PALETTE_SIZE_DEFAULT", "35" },
        { NULL,                          NULL }

    // If we support VS_2_0, increase the palette size; else, use the default
    // of 26 bones from the .fx file by passing NULL
    D3DCAPS9 caps;
    D3DXMACRO *pmac = NULL;
    m_pDevice->GetDeviceCaps( & caps );
    if( caps.VertexShaderVersion > D3DVS_VERSION( 1, 1 ) )
        pmac = mac;

    // create effect -- do this first, so LMHFX has access to the palette size
    TCHAR tszPath[ MAX_PATH ];
    hr = DXUtil_FindMediaFileCch( tszPath, MAX_PATH, sFxFile );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        goto e_Exit;

    // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the shader debugger.  
    // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing, and debugging 
    // pixel shaders requires REF.  The D3DXSHADER_FORCE_*_SOFTWARE_NOOPT flag improves the debug 
    // experience in the shader debugger.  It enables source level debugging, prevents instruction 
    // reordering, prevents dead code elimination, and forces the compiler to compile against the next 
    // higher available software target, which ensures that the unoptimized shaders do not exceed 
    // the shader model limitations.  Setting these flags will cause slower rendering since the shaders 
    // will be unoptimized and forced into software.  See the DirectX documentation for more information 
    // about using the shader debugger.
        DWORD dwShaderFlags = 0;
        #ifdef DEBUG_VS
            dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_FORCE_VS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT;
        #ifdef DEBUG_PS
            dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_FORCE_PS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT;

        hr = D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( m_pDevice,
                                       NULL );

        if( FAILED( hr ) )
            goto e_Exit;

    // create the mesh, frame hierarchy, and animation controller from the x file
    hr = DXUtil_FindMediaFileCch( tszPath, MAX_PATH, sXFile );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        goto e_Exit;

    hr = D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX( tszPath,
                                     (LPD3DXFRAME *) &m_pFrameRoot,
                                     &m_pAC );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        goto e_Exit;

    if( !m_pAC )
        hr = E_FAIL;
        MessageBox( NULL,
                    _T("The sample is attempting to load a mesh without animation or incompatible animation.  This sample requires tiny_4anim.x or a mesh with identical animation sets.  The program will now exit."),
                    _T("Mesh Load Error"), MB_OK );
        goto e_Exit;

    // set up bone pointers
    hr = SetupBonePtrs( m_pFrameRoot );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        goto e_Exit;

    // get bounding radius
    hr = D3DXFrameCalculateBoundingSphere( m_pFrameRoot, (D3DXVECTOR3*)& vCenter, & m_fBoundingRadius );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        goto e_Exit;

    // If there are existing instances, update their animation controllers.
        vector< CAnimInstance* >::iterator itCur, itEnd = m_v_pAnimInstances.end();
        for( itCur = m_v_pAnimInstances.begin(); itCur != itEnd; ++ itCur )
            hr = m_pAC->CloneAnimationController( m_pAC->GetMaxNumAnimationOutputs(),
                                                  &pNewAC );
            // Release existing animation controller
            if( ( * itCur )->m_pAC )
                ( * itCur )->m_pAC->Release();
            ( * itCur )->Setup( pNewAC );


    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        if( m_amxWorkingPalette )
            delete [] m_amxWorkingPalette;
            m_amxWorkingPalette = NULL;
            m_dwWorkingPaletteSize = 0;

        if( m_pAC )
            m_pAC = NULL;

        if( m_pFrameRoot )
            D3DXFrameDestroy( m_pFrameRoot, pAH );
            m_pFrameRoot = NULL;

        if( m_pEffect )
            m_pEffect = NULL;

        if( pEC )

        m_pDevice = NULL;

    return hr;