LPTable CreateMin(int m, LPTable parent) { STable stab; if(!stab.Create(m, parent)) { printf("Error creating STable :: CreateS.\n"); return(NULL); } LPTable newtab = new Table; if(newtab == NULL) { printf("Error creating STable :: CreateS.\n"); return(NULL); } if(!newtab->Alloc(parent->Dimens, parent->nDimens)) { printf("Error creating STable :: CreateS.\n"); return(NULL); } int NotFinished = 1; newtab->GetFirst(); while(NotFinished) { newtab->Set(stab.GetMin(newtab->Index)); NotFinished = newtab->GetNext(); } stab.Reset(); return newtab; }
LPTable Table::ReduceOne(int ind) { int i, j; int dim[MAXDIMENS]; //dimensions of the new table int ndim; //number of dimensions for the new table int NotFinished = 1; int* myIndex = new int[nDimens];CheckPointer(myIndex); memset(myIndex,0,nDimens*sizeof(int)); double s; LPTable ctab = new Table; if(NULL == ctab) { printf("Error creating new table :: ReduceOne.\n"); return(NULL); } ndim = nDimens - 1; j = 0; for(i=0; i<nDimens; i++) { if(i != ind) { dim[j] = Dimens[i]; j++; } } //allocate storage for the new table ctab->Alloc(dim, ndim); ctab->GetFirst(); while(NotFinished) { j = 0; for(i=0; i<nDimens; i++) { if(i != ind) { myIndex[i] = ctab->Index[j]; j++; } } myIndex[ind] = 0; s = 0.0; for(i=0; i<Dimens[ind]; i++) { s += GetI(myIndex); myIndex[ind]++; } ctab->Set(s); NotFinished = ctab->GetNext(); } delete[] myIndex; return(ctab); }
void PfromTheta(LPTable P,LPTable Theta) { int i; double s; double total; total = 0.0; P->GetFirst(); while(P->GetNext()) { Theta->GetFirst(); s = 0.0; while(Theta->GetNext()) { if(subset(Theta->nDimens,Theta->Index,P->Index)) { s += Theta->Get(); } } P->Set(exp(s)); total += P->Get(); } P->Data[0] = 1.0/(1.0+total); for(i=1;i<P->Total;i++) { P->Data[i] *= P->Data[0]; } return; }
double probYgivenG(LPTable Y,LPTable Theta,int* amodel) { int i,j; double lprob = 0.0; double emptyterm; double s; for(i=1;i<Y->Total;i++) { if(amodel[i]) { lprob += (Y->Data[i]*Theta->Data[i]); } } emptyterm = 1.0; Y->GetFirst(); while(Y->GetNext()) { int thereisone = 0; s = 0.0; j = 1; Theta->GetFirst(); while(Theta->GetNext()) { if(amodel[j]) { if(subset(Theta->nDimens,Theta->Index,Y->Index)) { s += Theta->Get(); thereisone = 1; } } j++; } if(thereisone) { emptyterm += exp(s); } } lprob = lprob-(Y->Data[0]*log(emptyterm)); return(lprob); }
int WriteBounds(LPTable UpperBound, LPTable LowerBound, const char* sFileName) { if((UpperBound == NULL) || (LowerBound == NULL)) { printf("Error :: WriteBounds.\n"); return 0; } FILE* out; if(NULL == (out = fopen(sFileName, "w"))) { printf("Could not open file %s!!\n", sFileName); return 0; } int i, j; int k = UpperBound->nDimens; int NotFinished = 1; UpperBound->GetFirst(); for(i=0; i<UpperBound->Total; i++) { fprintf(out, "("); for(j=0; j<k-1; j++) { fprintf(out, "%d,", UpperBound->Index[j]+1); } fprintf(out, "%d) :: (%.2lf, %.2lf)\n", UpperBound->Index[k-1]+1, UpperBound->Data[i], LowerBound->Data[i]); if(NotFinished) { NotFinished = UpperBound->GetNext(); } } fclose(out); return 1; }
void MakeMarginals(LPTable Y,LPTable dataTable) { int i; int lenC = dataTable->nDimens; int* C = new int[lenC]; if(!Y->Alloc(dataTable->Dimens,dataTable->nDimens)) { printf("Failed to allocate marginals table.\n"); exit(1); } Y->GetFirst(); Y->Set(dataTable->GetGrandTotal()); while(Y->GetNext()) { lenC = 0; for(i=0;i<Y->nDimens;i++) { if(Y->Index[i]) { C[lenC] = i; lenC++; } } LPNTable p = new NTable; p->Create(lenC,C,dataTable); Y->Set(p->Data[p->Total-1]); p->Reset(); delete p; p = NULL; } delete[] C; C = NULL; return; }
//pind is a vector of length m of dimensions //the dimensions in pind are in an increasing order LPTable Table::Reduce(int m, int* pind) { int i; LPTable newtab; LPTable oldtab; if(m == 0) { return NULL; } newtab = ReduceOne(pind[m-1]); if(m == 1) { return newtab; } for(i=m-2; i>=0; i--) { oldtab = newtab; newtab = oldtab->ReduceOne(pind[i]); oldtab->Reset(); delete oldtab; } return newtab; }
void InitPriorTable(LPTable prior,LPTable data,double cPrior) { int i; if(!prior->Alloc(data->Dimens,data->nDimens)) { printf("Failed to allocate prior table.\n"); exit(1); } double s = cPrior; if(s<0) { s = 1.0/((double)data->Total); } for(i=0;i<prior->Total;i++) { prior->Data[i] = s; } return; }
int FrechetBounds1(LPTable table, const char* sFileName) { if(table == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds1.\n"); return 0; } int k = table->nDimens; LPTable UpperBound = CreateMin(1, table); if(UpperBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds1.\n"); return 0; } LPTable LowerBound = CreateS(1, table); if(LowerBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds1.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; return 0; } double n = table->GetGrandTotal(); int i; for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= n*(k-1); if(LowerBound->Data[i] < 0.0) { LowerBound->Data[i] = 0.0; } } int rez = WriteBounds(UpperBound, LowerBound, sFileName); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return rez; }
void ThetafromP(LPTable theta,LPTable p,int* aModel) { int i,j; double s; theta->GetFirst(); theta->Set(log(p->Data[0])); j = 1; while(theta->GetNext()) { if(aModel[j]) { int lenE = 0; for(i=0;i<theta->nDimens;i++) lenE+=theta->Index[i]; p->GetFirst(); s = pow(-1,lenE)*log(p->Data[0]); while(p->GetNext()) { if(subset(p->nDimens,p->Index,theta->Index)) { int lenF = 0; for(i=0;i<p->nDimens;i++) lenF+=p->Index[i]; s+= pow(-1.0,lenE-lenF)*log(p->Get()); } } } else { s = 0; } theta->Set(s); j++; } return; }
LPTable CreateNBar(LPTable parent) { if(parent == NULL) { printf("Error :: CreateNBar.\n"); return NULL; } LPTable newtab = new Table; if(newtab == NULL) { printf("Error :: CreateNBar\n"); return(NULL); } if(!newtab->Alloc(parent->Dimens, parent->nDimens)) { printf("Error creating STable :: CreateS.\n"); return(NULL); } double n; n = parent->GetGrandTotal(); int k; k = parent->nDimens; int m; int plus = -1; //we begin with '-' int first = 1; //first iteration? int i; for(m=1; m<k; m++) { LPTable smtab = CreateS(m, parent); if(smtab == NULL) { printf("Error :: CreateNBar.\n"); return NULL; } if(first) { for(i=0; i<newtab->Total; i++) { newtab->Data[i] = 1 - smtab->Data[i]; //n } first = 0; } else //first == 0 { if(plus == -1) { for(i=0; i<newtab->Total; i++) { newtab->Data[i] -= smtab->Data[i]; } } else //plus == 1 { for(i=0; i<newtab->Total; i++) { newtab->Data[i] += smtab->Data[i]; } } } smtab->Reset(); delete smtab; plus = - plus; } if(plus == -1) { for(i=0; i<newtab->Total; i++) { newtab->Data[i] -= parent->Data[i]; } } else { for(i=0; i<newtab->Total; i++) { newtab->Data[i] += parent->Data[i]; } } return newtab; }
void ipf(int** VarSetsMarg,int* lenVarSetsMarg,int nVarSetsMarg, LPTable P,LPTable dataTable,int* aModelGenerators,int* aModel) { int i,j,k; double delta = 0.0000001; const int PT = P->Total; double m[PT]; double mold[PT]; double s; int nMssShape = 0; for(i=0;i<nVarSetsMarg;i++) { nMssShape += aModelGenerators[i]; } int* lenC = new int[nMssShape]; int** C = new int*[nMssShape]; for(i=0;i<nMssShape;i++) { C[i] = new int[dataTable->nDimens]; } LPNTable margin = new NTable[nMssShape]; nMssShape = 0; for(i=0;i<nVarSetsMarg;i++) { if(aModelGenerators[i]) { k = 0; for(j=0;j<dataTable->nDimens;j++) { if(VarSetsMarg[i][j]) { C[nMssShape][k]=j; k++; } } lenC[nMssShape] = k; margin[nMssShape].Create(lenC[nMssShape],C[nMssShape],dataTable); nMssShape++; } } LPTable Theta = new Table; if(!Theta->Alloc(dataTable->Dimens,dataTable->nDimens)) { printf("Failed to allocate the theta's table.\n"); exit(1); } LPTable oldTheta = new Table; if(!oldTheta->Alloc(dataTable->Dimens,dataTable->nDimens)) { printf("Failed to allocate the theta's table.\n"); exit(1); } //generate a random theta InitThetaTable(aModel,Theta); PfromTheta(P,Theta); int notdone = 1; while(notdone) { for(j=0;j<PT;j++) { mold[j] = P->Data[j]; oldTheta->Data[j] = Theta->Data[j]; } for(i=0;i<nMssShape;i++) { LPNTable p = new NTable; p->Create(lenC[i],C[i],P); P->GetFirst(); j=0; m[j] = P->Data[j]*margin[i].GetI(P->Index)/p->GetI(P->Index); while(P->GetNext()) { j++; m[j] = P->Data[j]*margin[i].GetI(P->Index)/p->GetI(P->Index); } for(j=0;j<PT;j++) { P->Data[j] = m[j]; } p->Reset(); delete p ; p = NULL; s = 0.0; for(j=0;j<PT;j++) { s += P->Data[j]; } for(j=0;j<PT;j++) { P->Data[j] /= s; } //transform in the space of thetas and impose the constraints ThetafromP(Theta,P,aModel); PfromTheta(P,Theta); } notdone = 0; for(i=0;i<PT;i++) { /* if(fabs(mold[i]-P->Data[i])>delta) { notdone = 1; } */ //printf("\t%.5lf",Theta->Data[i]); if(fabs(oldTheta->Data[i]-Theta->Data[i])>delta) { notdone = 1; } } //printf("\n"); } s = 0.0; for(i=0;i<PT;i++) { s += P->Data[i]; } for(i=0;i<PT;i++) { P->Data[i] /= s; } //clean memory oldTheta->Reset(); delete oldTheta; oldTheta = NULL; Theta->Reset(); delete Theta; Theta = NULL; for(i=0;i<nMssShape;i++) { margin[i].Reset(); } delete[] margin; margin = NULL; for(i=0;i<nMssShape;i++) { delete[] C[i]; C[i] = NULL; } delete[] C; C = NULL; delete[] lenC; lenC = NULL; return; }
LPTable ReduceOneShuttle(LPTable tab, int ind, LPTable tabS) { LPTable tabR = tab->ReduceOne(ind); if(NULL == tabR) { printf("Error creating new table :: ReduceOneShuttle.\n"); return(NULL); } LPTable rez = new Table; if(NULL == rez) { printf("Error creating new table :: ReduceOneShuttle.\n"); tabR->Reset(); delete tabR; return(NULL); } if(!rez->Alloc(tab->Dimens, tab->nDimens)) { printf("Error creating new table :: ReduceOneShuttle.\n"); tabR->Reset(); delete tabR; delete rez; return(NULL); } rez->GetFirst(); int i, j; int NotFinished = 1; while(NotFinished) { j = 0; for(i=0; i<rez->nDimens; i++) { if(i != ind) { tabR->Index[j] = rez->Index[i]; j++; tabS->Index[i] = rez->Index[i]; } } double s = 0.0; for(i=0; i<rez->Dimens[ind]; i++) { if(i != rez->Index[ind]) { tabS->Index[ind] = i; s += tabS->Get(); } } rez->Set(tabR->Get() - s); if(NotFinished) { NotFinished = rez->GetNext(); } } tabR->Reset(); delete tabR; return rez; }
void getNextTheta(int** VarSets,int* lenVarSets,int nVarSets, int* amodel,int lenCL,int* CL,LPNTable smalltheta,LPTable Theta,LPTable nextTheta) { int i,iF; int okay1; int iE, iL, iC; const int NTD = nextTheta->nDimens; int* CLcomplement = new int[NTD]; int* CLfull = new int[NTD]; int* FunionL = new int[NTD]; const int TT = Theta->Total; double g[TT]; int len[TT]; for(i=0;i<NTD;i++) { CLcomplement[i] = 1; CLfull[i] = 0; } for(i=0;i<lenCL;i++) { CLcomplement[CL[i]] = 0; CLfull[CL[i]] = 1; } for(i=0;i<nextTheta->Total;i++) { nextTheta->Data[i] = Theta->Data[i]; g[i] = 0; len[i]=0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// Theta->GetFirst(); okay1 = 1; iF = 0; while(okay1) { len[iF] = lenVarSets[iF]; double s1 = 1.0; for(iL=1;iL<nVarSets;iL++) { if(subset(Theta->nDimens,VarSets[iL],CLcomplement)) { for(i=0;i<Theta->nDimens;i++) { FunionL[i] = 0; if(VarSets[iL][i]==1) FunionL[i] = 1; if(Theta->Index[i]==1) FunionL[i] = 1; } int thereisone = 0; double sC = 0.0; for(iC=1;iC<nVarSets;iC++) { if(0==subset(Theta->nDimens,VarSets[iC],Theta->Index)) { if(1==subset(Theta->nDimens,VarSets[iC],FunionL)) { sC += Theta->GetI(VarSets[iC]); thereisone = 1; } } } if(thereisone) { s1 += exp(sC); } } } g[iF]=log(s1); iF++; okay1 = Theta->GetNext(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////// nextTheta->GetFirst(); nextTheta->Set(0); iE = 0; while(nextTheta->GetNext()) { iE++; if(amodel[iE]) { if(1==subset(Theta->nDimens,nextTheta->Index,CLfull)) { double s0 = smalltheta->GetI(nextTheta->Index); int lenE = 0; for(i=0;i<NTD;i++) lenE+=nextTheta->Index[i]; Theta->GetFirst(); int okay1 = 1; iF = 0; while(okay1) { if(len[iF]>=0) { if(subset(Theta->nDimens,Theta->Index,nextTheta->Index)) { s0 += pow(-1,lenE-len[iF]-1)*g[iF]; } } iF++; okay1 = Theta->GetNext(); } nextTheta->Set(s0); } else { Theta->SetIndex(nextTheta->Index); nextTheta->Set(Theta->Get()); } } else { nextTheta->Set(0); } } delete[] CLcomplement; CLcomplement = NULL; delete[] CLfull; CLfull = NULL; delete[] FunionL; FunionL = NULL; return; }
int ShuttleBounds(LPTable table, int nIterations, const char* sFileName) { int k = table->nDimens; LPTable UpperBound = CreateMin(k-1, table); if(UpperBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: ShuttleBounds.\n"); return 0; } LPTable LowerBound = new Table; if(LowerBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: ShuttleBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; return 0; } if(!LowerBound->Alloc(table->Dimens, table->nDimens)) { printf("Error :: ShuttleBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; return 0; } int i; for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] = 0; } int ind; int iteration; for(iteration=0; iteration<nIterations; iteration++) { LPTable OldUpperBound = UpperBound; LPTable OldLowerBound = LowerBound; UpperBound = ReduceOneShuttle(table, 0, OldLowerBound); if(UpperBound == NULL) { OldUpperBound->Reset(); delete OldUpperBound; OldLowerBound->Reset(); delete OldLowerBound; return 0; } for(ind=1; ind<k; ind++) { LPTable newtab = ReduceOneShuttle(table, ind, OldLowerBound); if(newtab == NULL) { UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; OldUpperBound->Reset(); delete OldUpperBound; OldLowerBound->Reset(); delete OldLowerBound; return 0; } for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { if(newtab->Data[i] < UpperBound->Data[i]) { UpperBound->Data[i] = newtab->Data[i]; } } newtab->Reset(); delete newtab; } LowerBound = ReduceOneShuttle(table, 0, OldUpperBound); if(LowerBound == NULL) { UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; OldUpperBound->Reset(); delete OldUpperBound; OldLowerBound->Reset(); delete OldLowerBound; return 0; } for(ind=1; ind<k; ind++) { LPTable newtab = ReduceOneShuttle(table, ind, OldUpperBound); if(newtab == NULL) { UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; LowerBound->Reset(); delete LowerBound; OldUpperBound->Reset(); delete OldUpperBound; OldLowerBound->Reset(); delete OldLowerBound; return 0; } for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { if(newtab->Data[i] > LowerBound->Data[i]) { LowerBound->Data[i] = newtab->Data[i]; } } newtab->Reset(); delete newtab; } OldUpperBound->Reset(); delete OldUpperBound; OldLowerBound->Reset(); delete OldLowerBound; } int rez = WriteBounds(UpperBound, LowerBound, sFileName); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return rez; }
void CreateShape(int** VarSets,int* lenVarSets,int nVarSets, int lenC,int* C,LPTable S,LPNTable shape) { int i,k; const int SD = S->nDimens; int indexC[SD]; int lenF; int lenD; double s; int okay; for(i=0;i<SD;i++) { indexC[i]=0; } for(i=0;i<lenC;i++) { indexC[C[i]] = 1; } for(i=0;i<shape->Total;i++) { shape->Data[i] = 0; } shape->GetFirst(); s = 0.0; S->GetFirst(); okay = 1; while(okay) { if(subset(SD,S->Index,indexC)) { lenF = 0; for(k=0;k<SD;k++) { lenF += S->Index[k]; } s += pow(-1.0,lenF)*S->Get(); } okay = S->GetNext(); } shape->Set(s); for(i=0;i<nVarSets;i++) { if(subset(SD,VarSets[i],indexC)) { s = 0.0; S->GetFirst(); okay = 1; while(okay) { if(subset(SD,S->Index,indexC)) { if(subset(SD,VarSets[i],S->Index)) { lenD = lenVarSets[i]; lenF = 0; for(k=0;k<SD;k++) { lenF += S->Index[k]; } s += pow(-1.0,lenF-lenD)*S->Get(); } } okay = S->GetNext(); } shape->SetIndex(VarSets[i]); shape->Set(s); } } return; }
//reduce table by the dimensions NOT contained in c //the vector c has length m int NTable::Create(int m, int* c, LPTable table) { int i, j, k; int index[MAXDIMENS]; k = 0; for(i=0; i<c[0]; i++) { index[k] = i; k++; } j = 1; while(j < m) { for(i=c[j-1]+1; i<c[j]; i++) { index[k] = i; k++; } j++; } for(i=c[m-1]+1; i<table->nDimens; i++) { index[k] = i; k++; } if(k>=1) { LPTable newtab = table->Reduce(k, index); if(newtab == NULL) { printf("NTable :: Error in Create.\n"); return 0; } if(!Alloc(newtab->Dimens, newtab->nDimens)) { printf("NTable :: Could not allocate memory.\n"); return 0; } for(i=0; i<Total; i++) { Data[i] = newtab->Data[i]; } newtab->Reset(); delete newtab; newtab = NULL; } else { if(!Alloc(table->Dimens,table->nDimens)) { printf("NTable :: Could not allocate memory.\n"); return 0; } for(i=0;i<Total;i++) { Data[i] = table->Data[i]; } } nParentDimens = table->nDimens; SetConvertIndex(c); return 1; }
int Bonferroni(int m, LPTable table, const char* sFileName) { if(table == NULL) { printf("Error :: BonferroniBounds.\n"); return 0; } int i; double nGrandTotal; nGrandTotal = table->GetGrandTotal(); for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { table->Data[i] /= nGrandTotal; } table->WriteTable("tabinit.dat"); LPTable UpperBound; LPTable LowerBound = new Table; if(LowerBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: BonferroniBounds.\n"); return 0; } if(!LowerBound->Alloc(table->Dimens, table->nDimens)) { printf("Error :: BonferroniBounds.\n"); return 0; } LPTable nBar = CreateNBar(table); if(nBar == NULL) { printf("Error :: Bonferroni.\n"); return 0; } nBar->WriteTable("nbar.dat"); double nBarGrandTotal; nBarGrandTotal = nBar->GetGrandTotal(); int m1; int plus; UpperBound = CreateS(1, nBar); if(UpperBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: Bonferroni.\n"); nBar->Reset(); delete nBar; LowerBound->Reset(); delete LowerBound; return 0; } UpperBound->WriteTable("s1bar.dat"); for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] = 1 - UpperBound->Data[i]; //nBarGrandTotal } plus = 1; for(m1=2; m1<=m-1; m1++) { LPTable sm1 = CreateS(m1, nBar); if(sm1 == NULL) { printf("Error :: Bonferroni.\n"); nBar->Reset(); delete nBar; UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; LowerBound->Reset(); delete LowerBound; return 0; } if(plus == 1) { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] += sm1->Data[i]; } } else //plus == -1 { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] -= sm1->Data[i]; } } sm1->Reset(); delete sm1; plus = - plus; } for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] = UpperBound->Data[i]; } if(m < table->nDimens) { LPTable sm = CreateS(m, nBar); if(sm == NULL) { printf("Error :: Bonferroni.\n"); nBar->Reset(); delete nBar; UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; LowerBound->Reset(); delete LowerBound; return 0; } if(plus == 1) //m even { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] += sm->Data[i]; } } else //m odd { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= sm->Data[i]; } } sm->Reset(); delete sm; } else { if(plus == 1) //m even { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] += nBar->Data[i]; } } else //m odd { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= nBar->Data[i]; } } } WriteBounds(UpperBound, LowerBound, "extra.dat"); double ratio = nGrandTotal; // /nBarGrandTotal; printf("ratio = %lf\n", ratio); for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { UpperBound->Data[i] = ceil(UpperBound->Data[i]*ratio); LowerBound->Data[i] = floor(LowerBound->Data[i]*ratio); if(LowerBound->Data[i] < 0) { LowerBound->Data[i] = 0; } } int rez = WriteBounds(UpperBound, LowerBound, sFileName); nBar->Reset(); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete nBar; delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return rez; }
void FindHierarchicalModels(CRegression* allregs,CData& Data,char* DataFileName,int target,int nMaxRegressors) { int i,j; char buffer[2048]; FILE* out = NULL; int responseVariable = target-1; int lenmodel = 1+nMaxRegressors + Data.NumOfConfoundingVars; // + all confounding vars int* amodel = new int[lenmodel]; CRegression* p = allregs->Next; int modelid = 1; while(NULL!=p) { set<int>::iterator it; lenmodel = 0; for(it=(p->Vars).begin();it!=(p->Vars).end();it++) { amodel[lenmodel] = *it; lenmodel++; } // Next insert all the confounding vars, followed by the response var j = Data.NumOfConfoundingVars; for(i=0; i<=j; i++) { amodel[lenmodel] = responseVariable-j+i; lenmodel++; } //amodel[lenmodel] = responseVariable; //lenmodel++; printf("Model [%d] ::",modelid); for(i=0;i<lenmodel;i++) printf(" %d",amodel[i]); printf("\n"); //get the marginal table for these variables LPTable dataTable = new Table; int* index = new int[lenmodel]; for(j=0;j<lenmodel;j++) { index[j] = 2; } if(!dataTable->Alloc(index,lenmodel)) { printf("Error allocating memory!\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<Data.SampleSize;i++) { for(j=0;j<lenmodel;j++) { index[j] = (int) (Data.data[i][amodel[j]]); } dataTable->SetIndex(index); dataTable->Set(dataTable->Get()+1); } //file where the best model will be saved sprintf(buffer,"%s.shotgun.%d.%d.reg.model%d.txt",DataFileName,target,nMaxRegressors,modelid); if(NULL==(out=fopen(buffer,"w"))) { printf("Cannot open file [%s]\n",buffer); return; } //do the shotgun search TableShotgunSearch(out, dataTable, model.mnShotgunChainReplicates, model.mdShotgunCutoffMax, model.mdShotgunCutoffMin, model.mdShotgunProbMax, Data.NumOfConfoundingVars); fclose(out); //clean memory dataTable->Reset(); delete dataTable; dataTable = NULL; //go to the next model p = p->Next; modelid++; } //clean memory delete[] amodel; amodel = NULL; return; }
void TableShotgunSearch(FILE* out,LPTable dataTable, int ShotgunChainReplicates,double ShotgunCutoffMax,double ShotgunCutoffMin,double ShotgunProbMax, int nconfs) { int i; if(dataTable->nDimens<=(2+nconfs)) { fprintf(out,"0"); for(i=1;i<dataTable->Total;i++) { fprintf(out," 1"); } fprintf(out," 1.0\n"); return; } int** VarSets = NULL; int* lenVarSets = NULL; int nVarSets = -1; int** DownLinks = NULL; int* nDownLinks = NULL; int** UpLinks = NULL; int* nUpLinks = NULL; LPTable priorTable = new Table; InitPriorTable(priorTable,dataTable,-1); InitVarSets(dataTable->nDimens, VarSets,lenVarSets,nVarSets); InitLattice(dataTable->nDimens, VarSets,lenVarSets,nVarSets, DownLinks,nDownLinks, UpLinks,nUpLinks); LPTable datapriorTable = new Table; if(!datapriorTable->Alloc(dataTable->Dimens,dataTable->nDimens)) { printf("Failed to allocate data+prior table.\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<datapriorTable->Total;i++) { datapriorTable->Data[i] = dataTable->Data[i]+priorTable->Data[i]; } //this is where we store all the models we identify CModel* models = new CModel; models->SetCutoffs(ShotgunCutoffMax,ShotgunCutoffMax); for(int astartpoint=1;astartpoint<=ShotgunChainReplicates;astartpoint++) { CModel* localmodels = new CModel; localmodels->SetCutoffs(ShotgunCutoffMax,ShotgunCutoffMin); doRJMCMCstart(models,localmodels,astartpoint, dataTable,priorTable,datapriorTable, VarSets,lenVarSets,nVarSets, DownLinks,nDownLinks,UpLinks,nUpLinks, mystream); localmodels->DeleteAll(); delete localmodels; localmodels = NULL; } //save the best model identified models->NormalizeWeights(); models->SaveBestModel(out); //clean memory models->DeleteAll(); delete models; models = NULL; datapriorTable->Reset(); delete datapriorTable; datapriorTable = NULL; priorTable->Reset(); delete priorTable; priorTable = NULL; DeleteLattice(VarSets,lenVarSets,nVarSets, DownLinks,nDownLinks, UpLinks,nUpLinks); DeleteVarSets(VarSets,lenVarSets,nVarSets); return; }
int FrechetBounds(LPTable table, const char* sFileName) { if(table == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); return 0; } int k = table->nDimens; LPTable UpperBound = CreateMin(k-1, table); if(UpperBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); return 0; } LPTable LowerBound = new Table; if(LowerBound == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; return 0; } if(!LowerBound->Alloc(table->Dimens, table->nDimens)) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; return 0; } double n = table->GetGrandTotal(); int m; int plus; int first = 1; //first iteration? int i; if(k%2 == 0) //k even { plus = 1; for(m=1; m<k; m++) { LPTable smtab = CreateS(m, table); if(smtab == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return 0; } if(first) { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] = smtab->Data[i] - n; } first = 0; } else { if(plus == -1) { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= smtab->Data[i]; } } else //plus == 1 { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] += smtab->Data[i]; } } } plus = - plus; smtab->Reset(); delete smtab; } } else // k odd { LPTable nBar = CreateNBar(table); if(nBar == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return 0; } LPTable nMinBar = CreateMin(k-1, nBar); nBar->Reset(); delete nBar; if(nMinBar == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return 0; } plus = -1; for(m=1; m<k; m++) { LPTable smtab = CreateS(m, table); if(smtab == NULL) { printf("Error :: FrechetBounds.\n"); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return 0; } if(first) { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] = n - smtab->Data[i]; } first = 0; } else { if(plus == -1) { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= smtab->Data[i]; } } else //plus == 1 { for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] += smtab->Data[i]; } } } plus = - plus; smtab->Reset(); delete smtab; } for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { LowerBound->Data[i] -= nMinBar->Data[i]; } nMinBar->Reset(); delete nMinBar; } for(i=0; i<table->Total; i++) { if(LowerBound->Data[i] < 0) { LowerBound->Data[i] = 0; } } int rez = WriteBounds(UpperBound, LowerBound, sFileName); UpperBound->Reset(); LowerBound->Reset(); delete UpperBound; delete LowerBound; return rez; }