Ejemplo n.º 1
// Called when the "New Layer" button is clicked on the toolbar.  Creates an
// un-doable command that adds a layer to the scene (thereby adding it to this
// control).
void LayersPanel::OnNewLayer( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if ( m_Scene )
        LayerPtr layer = new Layer();
        layer->SetOwner( m_Scene );
        m_Scene->Push( new SceneNodeExistenceCommand( Undo::ExistenceActions::Add, m_Scene, layer ) );
        m_Scene->Execute( false ); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Called when the "New Layer From Selection" button is clicked on the toolbar.
void LayersPanel::OnNewLayerFromSelection( wxCommandEvent& dummyEvt )
    if ( m_Scene )
        if(IsSelectionValid() == false)

        BatchUndoCommandPtr batch = new BatchUndoCommand ();
        LayerPtr layer = new Layer();
        layer->SetOwner( m_Scene );

        // Generate a name for this layer

        batch->Push( new SceneNodeExistenceCommand( ExistenceActions::Add, m_Scene, layer ) );

        // Step 2: add all the selected items to the layer
        const OS_ObjectDumbPtr& selection = m_Scene->GetSelection().GetItems();
        OS_ObjectDumbPtr::Iterator itr = selection.Begin();
        OS_ObjectDumbPtr::Iterator end = selection.End();
        for ( ; itr != end; ++itr )
            //If the element is a supported type
            if( *itr )
                SceneNode* node = Reflect::SafeCast< SceneNode >( *itr );
                if ( node )
                    batch->Push( new DependencyCommand( DependencyCommand::Connect, layer, node ) );

        m_Scene->Push( batch );
        m_Scene->Execute( false );