Ejemplo n.º 1
void BlockPainter::paintContinuationOutlines(const PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutInline* inlineCont = m_layoutBlock.inlineElementContinuation();
    if (inlineCont && inlineCont->style()->hasOutline() && inlineCont->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
        LayoutInline* inlineLayoutObject = toLayoutInline(inlineCont->node()->layoutObject());
        LayoutBlock* cb = m_layoutBlock.containingBlock();

        bool inlineEnclosedInSelfPaintingLayer = false;
        for (LayoutBoxModelObject* box = inlineLayoutObject; box != cb; box = box->parent()->enclosingBoxModelObject()) {
            if (box->hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
                inlineEnclosedInSelfPaintingLayer = true;

        // Do not add continuations for outline painting by our containing block if we are a relative positioned
        // anonymous block (i.e. have our own layer), paint them straightaway instead. This is because a block depends on layoutObjects in its continuation table being
        // in the same layer.
        if (!inlineEnclosedInSelfPaintingLayer && !m_layoutBlock.hasLayer()) {
        } else if (!inlineLayoutObject->firstLineBox() || (!inlineEnclosedInSelfPaintingLayer && m_layoutBlock.hasLayer())) {
            // The outline might be painted multiple times if multiple blocks have the same inline element continuation, and the inline has a self-painting layer.
            ScopeRecorder scopeRecorder(*info.context);
            InlinePainter(*inlineLayoutObject).paintOutline(info, paintOffset - m_layoutBlock.locationOffset() + inlineLayoutObject->containingBlock()->location());

    ContinuationOutlineTableMap* table = continuationOutlineTable();
    if (table->isEmpty())

    OwnPtr<ListHashSet<LayoutInline*>> continuations = table->take(&m_layoutBlock);
    if (!continuations)

    LayoutPoint accumulatedPaintOffset = paintOffset;
    // Paint each continuation outline.
    ListHashSet<LayoutInline*>::iterator end = continuations->end();
    for (ListHashSet<LayoutInline*>::iterator it = continuations->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        // Need to add in the coordinates of the intervening blocks.
        LayoutInline* flow = *it;
        LayoutBlock* block = flow->containingBlock();
        for ( ; block && block != &m_layoutBlock; block = block->containingBlock())
        InlinePainter(*flow).paintOutline(info, accumulatedPaintOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void findGoodTouchTargets(const IntRect& touchBoxInRootFrame, LocalFrame* mainFrame, Vector<IntRect>& goodTargets, WillBeHeapVector<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>>& highlightNodes)

    int touchPointPadding = ceil(std::max(touchBoxInRootFrame.width(), touchBoxInRootFrame.height()) * 0.5);

    IntPoint touchPoint = touchBoxInRootFrame.center();
    IntPoint contentsPoint = mainFrame->view()->rootFrameToContents(touchPoint);

    HitTestResult result = mainFrame->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(contentsPoint, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::ListBased, LayoutSize(touchPointPadding, touchPointPadding));
    const WillBeHeapListHashSet<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node>>& hitResults = result.listBasedTestResult();

    // Blacklist nodes that are container of disambiguated nodes.
    // It is not uncommon to have a clickable <div> that contains other clickable objects.
    // This heuristic avoids excessive disambiguation in that case.
    WillBeHeapHashSet<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>> blackList;
    for (const auto& hitResult : hitResults) {
        // Ignore any Nodes that can't be clicked on.
        LayoutObject* layoutObject = hitResult.get()->layoutObject();
        if (!layoutObject || !hitResult.get()->willRespondToMouseClickEvents())

        // Blacklist all of the Node's containers.
        for (LayoutBlock* container = layoutObject->containingBlock(); container; container = container->containingBlock()) {
            Node* containerNode = container->node();
            if (!containerNode)
            if (!blackList.add(containerNode).isNewEntry)

    WillBeHeapHashMap<RawPtrWillBeMember<Node>, TouchTargetData> touchTargets;
    float bestScore = 0;
    for (const auto& hitResult : hitResults) {
        for (Node* node = hitResult.get(); node; node = node->parentNode()) {
            if (blackList.contains(node))
            if (node->isDocumentNode() || isHTMLHtmlElement(*node) || isHTMLBodyElement(*node))
            if (node->willRespondToMouseClickEvents()) {
                TouchTargetData& targetData = touchTargets.add(node, TouchTargetData()).storedValue->value;
                targetData.windowBoundingBox = boundingBoxForEventNodes(node);
                targetData.score = scoreTouchTarget(touchPoint, touchPointPadding, targetData.windowBoundingBox);
                bestScore = std::max(bestScore, targetData.score);

    for (const auto& touchTarget : touchTargets) {
        // Currently the scoring function uses the overlap area with the fat point as the score.
        // We ignore the candidates that has less than 1/2 overlap (we consider not really ambiguous enough) than the best candidate to avoid excessive popups.
        if (touchTarget.value.score < bestScore * 0.5)
void InlineFlowBoxPainter::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutUnit lineTop, const LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    LayoutRect overflowRect(m_inlineFlowBox.visualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom));

    if (!paintInfo.rect.intersects(pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowRect)))

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline) {
        // Add ourselves to the paint info struct's list of inlines that need to paint their
        // outlines.
        if (m_inlineFlowBox.layoutObject().style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && m_inlineFlowBox.layoutObject().style()->hasOutline() && !m_inlineFlowBox.isRootInlineBox()) {
            LayoutInline& inlineFlow = toLayoutInline(m_inlineFlowBox.layoutObject());

            LayoutBlock* cb = 0;
            bool containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline = inlineFlow.continuation() || inlineFlow.isInlineElementContinuation();
            if (containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline) {
                // FIXME: See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54690. We currently don't reconnect inline continuations
                // after a child removal. As a result, those merged inlines do not get seperated and hence not get enclosed by
                // anonymous blocks. In this case, it is better to bail out and paint it ourself.
                LayoutBlock* enclosingAnonymousBlock = m_inlineFlowBox.layoutObject().containingBlock();
                if (!enclosingAnonymousBlock->isAnonymousBlock()) {
                    containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline = false;
                } else {
                    cb = enclosingAnonymousBlock->containingBlock();
                    for (LayoutBoxModelObject* box = m_inlineFlowBox.boxModelObject(); box != cb; box = box->parent()->enclosingBoxModelObject()) {
                        if (box->hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
                            containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline = false;

            if (containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline) {
                // Add ourselves to the containing block of the entire continuation so that it can
                // paint us atomically.
            } else if (!inlineFlow.isInlineElementContinuation()) {
    } else if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseMask) {
        DrawingRecorder recorder(*paintInfo.context, m_inlineFlowBox, DisplayItem::paintPhaseToDrawingType(paintInfo.phase), pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowRect));
        if (!recorder.canUseCachedDrawing())
            paintMask(paintInfo, paintOffset);
    } else if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
        // Paint our background, border and box-shadow.
        paintBoxDecorationBackground(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    // Paint our children.
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline) {
        PaintInfo childInfo(paintInfo);
        childInfo.phase = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildOutlines ? PaintPhaseOutline : paintInfo.phase;

        if (childInfo.paintingRoot && childInfo.paintingRoot->isDescendantOf(&m_inlineFlowBox.layoutObject()))
            childInfo.paintingRoot = 0;

        for (InlineBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
            if (curr->layoutObject().isText() || !curr->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                curr->paint(childInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);