Ejemplo n.º 1
OutputFile::writePixels (int numScanLines)
        Lock lock (*_data);

	if (_data->slices.size() == 0)
	    throw Iex::ArgExc ("No frame buffer specified "
			       "as pixel data source.");

        // Maintain two iterators:
        //     nextWriteBuffer: next linebuffer to be written to the file
        //     nextCompressBuffer: next linebuffer to compress

        int first = (_data->currentScanLine - _data->minY) /

        int nextWriteBuffer = first;
        int nextCompressBuffer;
        int stop;
        int step;
        int scanLineMin;
        int scanLineMax;

            // Create a task group for all line buffer tasks. When the
            // taskgroup goes out of scope, the destructor waits until
	    // all tasks are complete.
            TaskGroup taskGroup;
            // Determine the range of lineBuffers that intersect the scan
	    // line range.  Then add the initial compression tasks to the
	    // thread pool.  We always add in at least one task but the
	    // individual task might not do anything if numScanLines == 0.
            if (_data->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y)
                int last = (_data->currentScanLine + (numScanLines - 1) -
                            _data->minY) / _data->linesInBuffer;
                scanLineMin = _data->currentScanLine;
                scanLineMax = _data->currentScanLine + numScanLines - 1;
                int numTasks = max (min ((int)_data->lineBuffers.size(),
                                         last - first + 1),

                for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
                        (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, first + i,
                                             scanLineMin, scanLineMax));
                nextCompressBuffer = first + numTasks;
                stop = last + 1;
                step = 1;
                int last = (_data->currentScanLine - (numScanLines - 1) -
                            _data->minY) / _data->linesInBuffer;
                scanLineMax = _data->currentScanLine;
                scanLineMin = _data->currentScanLine - numScanLines + 1;
                int numTasks = max (min ((int)_data->lineBuffers.size(),
                                         first - last + 1),

                for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
                        (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, first - i,
                                             scanLineMin, scanLineMax));
                nextCompressBuffer = first - numTasks;
                stop = last - 1;
                step = -1;
            while (true)
                if (_data->missingScanLines <= 0)
                    throw Iex::ArgExc ("Tried to write more scan lines "
                                       "than specified by the data window.");
                // Wait until the next line buffer is ready to be written

                LineBuffer *writeBuffer =
		    _data->getLineBuffer (nextWriteBuffer);

                int numLines = writeBuffer->scanLineMax - 
                               writeBuffer->scanLineMin + 1;

                _data->missingScanLines -= numLines;
                // If the line buffer is only partially full, then it is
		// not complete and we cannot write it to disk yet.

                if (writeBuffer->partiallyFull)
                    _data->currentScanLine = _data->currentScanLine +
                                             step * numLines;
                // Write the line buffer

                writePixelData (_data, writeBuffer);
                nextWriteBuffer += step;

                _data->currentScanLine = _data->currentScanLine +
                                         step * numLines;
                #ifdef DEBUG
                    assert (_data->currentScanLine ==
                            ((_data->lineOrder == INCREASING_Y) ?
                             writeBuffer->scanLineMax + 1:
                             writeBuffer->scanLineMin - 1));
                // Release the lock on the line buffer

                // If this was the last line buffer in the scanline range

                if (nextWriteBuffer == stop)
                // If there are no more line buffers to compress,
                // then only continue to write out remaining lineBuffers

                if (nextCompressBuffer == stop)
                // Add nextCompressBuffer as a compression task

                    (new LineBufferTask (&taskGroup, _data, nextCompressBuffer,
                                         scanLineMin, scanLineMax));
                // Update the next line buffer we need to compress

                nextCompressBuffer += step;
            // Finish all tasks
	// Exeption handling:
	// LineBufferTask::execute() may have encountered exceptions, but
	// those exceptions occurred in another thread, not in the thread
	// that is executing this call to OutputFile::writePixels().
	// LineBufferTask::execute() has caught all exceptions and stored
	// the exceptions' what() strings in the line buffers.
	// Now we check if any line buffer contains a stored exception; if
	// this is the case then we re-throw the exception in this thread.
	// (It is possible that multiple line buffers contain stored
	// exceptions.  We re-throw the first exception we find and
	// ignore all others.)

	const string *exception = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _data->lineBuffers.size(); ++i)
            LineBuffer *lineBuffer = _data->lineBuffers[i];

	    if (lineBuffer->hasException && !exception)
		exception = &lineBuffer->exception;

	    lineBuffer->hasException = false;

	if (exception)
	    throw Iex::IoExc (*exception);
    catch (Iex::BaseExc &e)
	REPLACE_EXC (e, "Failed to write pixel data to image "
		        "file \"" << fileName() << "\". " << e);