Ejemplo n.º 1
/*! The IntersectAction callback for Geometry. It computes if the ray used in
    the IntersectAction \a action hits this object and if that is the case,
    which triangle is hit.

    \param[in] action IntersectAction performing the intersect test.
    \return Action result code, \see OSG::Action.

    \note This method is registered with the IntersectAction and automatically
    called from there, you probably never have to call it manually.
Action::ResultE Geometry::intersect(Action * action)
    IntersectAction      *ia = dynamic_cast<IntersectAction*>(action);
    const BoxVolume      &bv = ia->getActNode()->getVolume();

    if(bv.isValid() && !bv.intersect(ia->getLine()))
        return Action::Skip; //bv missed -> can not hit children

    TriangleIterator it  = this->beginTriangles();
    TriangleIterator end = this->endTriangles  ();
    Real32           t;
    Vec3f            norm;
    Line             ia_line(ia->getLine());

    for(; it != end; ++it)
                             it.getPosition(2), t, &norm))
            ia->setHit(t, ia->getActNode(), it.getIndex(), norm, -1);

    // If we need to test lines, iterate over lines and test for
    // lines that are within width distance from the line
       Real32 range_sq  = ia->getTestLineWidth();
       range_sq         = range_sq * range_sq;
       LineIterator it  = this->beginLines();
       LineIterator end = this->endLines  ();
       Pnt3f  pt1, pt2;
       OSG::Vec3f  norm;       

       // Find closest points and if they are within the range, then add a hit
       for(; it != end; ++it)
          Line cur_line(it.getPosition(0), it.getPosition(1));
          ia_line.getClosestPoints(cur_line, pt1, pt2);
          Real32 dist_sq( pt1.dist2(pt2) );

          if (dist_sq <= range_sq)
             t = ia_line.getPosition().dist(pt1);
             ia->setHit(t, ia->getActNode(), -1, norm, it.getIndex());

    return Action::Continue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Preprocessor::handleSpecialMacro(const LineIterator& line)
    if(*line == "skip whitespace")
        rm_ws = !rm_ws;
    else if(*line == "reduce whitespace")
        rd_ws = !rd_ws;
    else if(line->substr(0, 7) == "include")
        handleIncludeMacro(line->substr(line->find(' ') + 1), line);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Preprocessor::addMacro(const LineIterator& line)
    *line = line->substr(1);
    size_t pos = line->find(":=");
    if(pos == std::string::npos)
        return handleSpecialMacro(line);

    std::string name = line->substr(0, pos);
    std::string replacement = line->substr(pos + 2);
    aliases.push_back(Alias(name, replacement));
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: INIFile.C Proyecto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool INIFile::deleteLine(LineIterator line_it)
		// test if line exists and if we try to remove a section line
		if (!isValid(line_it) || (*line_it)[0] == '[')
			return false;

		// falls key, entfernen		
		if ((*line_it).hasSubstring("=", 1))
			String key((*line_it).before("="));

		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: INIFile.C Proyecto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool INIFile::insertLine(LineIterator line_it, const String& line)
		if (!isValid(line_it))
      Log.error() << "In INIFile " << filename_ << " , error while inserting line: "
                  << line << " . Illegal iterator!" << endl;			
			return false;

		if (line_it.isSectionLastLine())
			return appendLine(line_it.getSection()->getName(), line);

		Section& section(*line_it.getSection());

		// key?
    if (line.hasSubstring("=", 1))
			String key(line.before("="));

			if (section.key_map_.has(key) && check_duplicate_keys_)

        Log.error() << "In INIFile " << filename_ << " , error while appending line: "
                    << line << " . Key '" << key << "' already exists in section." << endl;
				return false;


			section.key_map_[key] = section.lines_.insert(line_it.position_, line);
			return true;

		section.lines_.insert(line_it.position_, line);
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: INIFile.C Proyecto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool INIFile::setLine(LineIterator line_it, const String& line)
		// section lines cannot be changed with this method
		if (!isValid(line_it) || (*line_it)[0] == '[')
			return false;
		String new_key(line.before("="));

		if ((*line_it).hasSubstring("=", 1))
			// oh, this line had a key :(
			String old_key((*line_it).before("="));

			if (old_key == new_key)
				return true;

			// its a new key: delete the old one.


		if (line.hasSubstring("=", 1))
			// oh, the new line has a key :(
			line_it.getSection()->key_map_[new_key] = line_it.getPosition();		

		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
pair< Point, bool > findCorresPointLeft(Mat img1, Mat img2, Point p, LineIterator it2) {
  Point match_pos = p;
  long min_error = 10000000000;
  int error_threshold = 10000;
  vector< long > errors;
  for(int i = 0; i < it2.count; i+=4)
    Point cur_pt = it2.pos();
    int disp = cur_pt.x - p.x;
    if (abs(disp) > 60) {
      for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) it2++;
    long error = 0;
    int w = 7;
    for (int k = -w; k <= w; k++) {
      for (int j = -w; j <= w; j++) {
        if (inImg(p.x + k, p.y + j) && inImg(cur_pt.x + k, cur_pt.y + j)) {
          error += (long)(abs((img1.at<Vec3b>(p.y + j, p.x + k)[0] - img2.at<Vec3b>(cur_pt.y + j, cur_pt.x + k)[0]))
                      +abs((img1.at<Vec3b>(p.y + j, p.x + k)[1] - img2.at<Vec3b>(cur_pt.y + j, cur_pt.x + k)[1]))
                      +abs((img1.at<Vec3b>(p.y + j, p.x + k)[2] - img2.at<Vec3b>(cur_pt.y + j, cur_pt.x + k)[2])));
    if (error < min_error) {
      min_error = error;
      match_pos = cur_pt;
    for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) ++it2;
  bool good_match = true;
  int bad_points = 0;
  float error_thresh = 1.1 * min_error;
  for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) {
    if (errors[i] < (long)error_thresh) bad_points++;
  if (bad_points > 5) {
    good_match = false;
  return make_pair(match_pos, good_match);
Ejemplo n.º 8
pair< Point, bool > findCorresPointRight(Mat img1, Mat img2, Point p, LineIterator it2) {
  Point match_pos = p;
  float min_error = 10000000000;
  vector< long > errors;
  Point2d p_dis = getDistortedPoint(p, K1, D1);
  for(int i = 0; i < it2.count; i+=2)
    Point cur_pt = it2.pos();
		int disp = cur_pt.x - p.x;
    if (abs(disp) > 70) {
      for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) it2++;
    Point2d cur_pt_dis = getDistortedPoint(Point2d(cur_pt.x, cur_pt.y), K2, D2);
    float error = 0;
    //float error = costFunction(img1_distorted, img2_distorted, Point(p_dis.x, p_dis.y), Point(cur_pt_dis.x, cur_pt_dis.y), "SAD");
    for (int k = -w; k <= w; k++) {
      for (int l = -w; l <= w; l++) {
        for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
          error += abs(img1_distorted.at<Vec3b>(k+p_dis.y,l+p_dis.x)[ch] - img2_distorted.at<Vec3b>(k+cur_pt_dis.y,l+cur_pt_dis.x)[ch]);
    if (error < min_error) {
			min_error = error;
      match_pos = cur_pt;
    for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) ++it2;
  bool good_match = true;
	int bad_points = 0;
	float error_thresh = 1.1 * min_error;
	for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) {
		if (errors[i] < (long)error_thresh) bad_points++;
	if (bad_points > 5) {
		good_match = false;
  return make_pair(match_pos, good_match);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: INIFile.C Proyecto: HeyJJ/ball
	bool INIFile::isValid(const LineIterator& it) const
		return (it.isValid() && it.getBound_() == &sections_);