Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Remove all the line segments from the list, partitioning them into the
     * left or right sets according to their position relative to partition line.
     * Adds any intersections onto the intersection list as it goes.
     * @param node    Block tree node containing the line segments to be partitioned.
     * @param rights  Set of line segments on the right side of the partition.
     * @param lefts   Set of line segments on the left side of the partition.
    void divideSegments(LineSegmentBlockTreeNode &node, LineSegmentBlockTreeNode &rights,
                        LineSegmentBlockTreeNode &lefts)
         * @todo Revise this algorithm so that @var segments is not modified
         * during the partitioning process.
        int const totalSegs = node.userData()->totalCount();
        DENG2_ASSERT(totalSegs != 0);

        // Iterative pre-order traversal of SuperBlock.
        LineSegmentBlockTreeNode *cur  = &node;
        LineSegmentBlockTreeNode *prev = nullptr;
                LineSegmentBlock &segs = *cur->userData();

                LineSegmentSide *seg;
                while((seg = segs.pop()))
                    // Disassociate the line segment from the block tree.

                    divideOneSegment(*seg, rights, lefts);

                if(prev == cur->parentPtr())
                    // Descending - right first, then left.
                    prev = cur;
                    if(cur->hasRight()) cur = cur->rightPtr();
                    else                cur = cur->leftPtr();
                else if(prev == cur->rightPtr())
                    // Last moved up the right branch - descend the left.
                    prev = cur;
                    cur = cur->leftPtr();
                else if(prev == cur->leftPtr())
                    // Last moved up the left branch - continue upward.
                    prev = cur;
                    cur = cur->parentPtr();

                // No left child - back up.
                cur = prev->parentPtr();

        // Sanity checks...
        DENG2_ASSERT(lefts.userData ()->totalCount());
        DENG2_ASSERT((  rights.userData()->totalCount()
                      + lefts.userData ()->totalCount()) >= totalSegs);
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Link @a seg into the line segment block tree.
     * Performs k-d tree subdivision of the 2D coordinate space, splitting the node
     * tree as necessary, however new nodes are created only when they need to be
     * populated (i.e., a split does not generate two nodes at the same time).
    void linkLineSegmentInBlockTree(LineSegmentBlockTreeNode &node_, LineSegmentSide &seg)
        // Traverse the node tree beginning at "this" node.
        for(LineSegmentBlockTreeNode *node = &node_; ;)
            LineSegmentBlock &block = *node->userData();
            AABox const &bounds     = block.bounds();

            // The segment "touches" this node; increment the ref counters.

            // Determine whether further subdivision is necessary/possible.
            Vector2i dimensions(Vector2i(bounds.max) - Vector2i(bounds.min));
            if(dimensions.x <= 256 && dimensions.y <= 256)
                // Thats as small as we go; link it in and return.

            // Determine whether the node should be split and on which axis.
            int const splitAxis = (dimensions.x < dimensions.y); // x=0, y=1
            int const midOnAxis = (bounds.min[splitAxis] + bounds.max[splitAxis]) / 2;
            LineSegmentBlockTreeNode::ChildId fromSide = LineSegmentBlockTreeNode::ChildId(seg.from().origin()[splitAxis] >= midOnAxis);
            LineSegmentBlockTreeNode::ChildId toSide   = LineSegmentBlockTreeNode::ChildId(seg.to  ().origin()[splitAxis] >= midOnAxis);

            // Does the segment lie entirely within one half of this node?
            if(fromSide != toSide)
                // No, the segment crosses @var midOnAxis; link it in and return.

            // Do we need to create the child node?
                bool const toLeft = (fromSide == LineSegmentBlockTreeNode::Left);

                AABox childBounds;
                    // Vertical split.
                    int division = bounds.minY + 0.5 + (bounds.maxY - bounds.minY) / 2;

                    childBounds.minX = bounds.minX;
                    childBounds.minY = (toLeft? division : bounds.minY);

                    childBounds.maxX = bounds.maxX;
                    childBounds.maxY = (toLeft? bounds.maxY : division);
                    // Horizontal split.
                    int division = bounds.minX + 0.5 + (bounds.maxX - bounds.minX) / 2;

                    childBounds.minX = (toLeft? division : bounds.minX);
                    childBounds.minY = bounds.minY;

                    childBounds.maxX = (toLeft? bounds.maxX : division);
                    childBounds.maxY = bounds.maxY;

                // Add a new child node and link it to its parent.
                LineSegmentBlock *childBlock = new LineSegmentBlock(childBounds);
                node->setChild(fromSide, new LineSegmentBlockTreeNode(childBlock, node));

            // Descend to the child node.
            node = node->childPtr(fromSide);