Ejemplo n.º 1
void TreeSocket::SendListModes(Channel* chan)
	FModeBuilder fmode(chan);
	const ModeParser::ListModeList& listmodes = ServerInstance->Modes->GetListModes();
	for (ModeParser::ListModeList::const_iterator i = listmodes.begin(); i != listmodes.end(); ++i)
		ListModeBase* mh = *i;
		ListModeBase::ModeList* list = mh->GetList(chan);
		if (!list)

		// Add all items on the list to the FMODE, send it whenever it becomes too long
		const char modeletter = mh->GetModeChar();
		for (ListModeBase::ModeList::const_iterator j = list->begin(); j != list->end(); ++j)
			const std::string& mask = j->mask;
			if (!fmode.has_room(mask))
				// No room for this mask, send the current line as-is then add the mask to a
				// new, empty FMODE message
			fmode.push_mode(modeletter, mask);

	if (!fmode.empty())
Ejemplo n.º 2
	bool IsBanSet(Channel* chan, const std::string& mask)
		ListModeBase* banlm = static_cast<ListModeBase*>(*banmode);
		const ListModeBase::ModeList* bans = banlm->GetList(chan);
		if (bans)
			for (ListModeBase::ModeList::const_iterator i = bans->begin(); i != bans->end(); ++i)
				const ListModeBase::ListItem& ban = *i;
				if (!strcasecmp(ban.mask.c_str(), mask.c_str()))
					return true;

		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static bool WriteDatabase(PermChannel& permchanmode, Module* mod, bool save_listmodes)
	ChanModeReference ban(mod, "ban");
	 * We need to perform an atomic write so as not to f**k things up.
	 * So, let's write to a temporary file, flush it, then rename the file..
	 *     -- w00t

	// If the user has not specified a configuration file then we don't write one.
	if (permchannelsconf.empty())
		return true;

	std::string permchannelsnewconf = permchannelsconf + ".tmp";
	std::ofstream stream(permchannelsnewconf.c_str());
	if (!stream.is_open())
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Cannot create database! %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "database: cannot create new db: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		return false;

	stream << "# This file is automatically generated by m_permchannels. Any changes will be overwritten." << std::endl
		<< "<config format=\"xml\">" << std::endl;

	for (chan_hash::const_iterator i = ServerInstance->chanlist->begin(); i != ServerInstance->chanlist->end(); i++)
		Channel* chan = i->second;
		if (!chan->IsModeSet(permchanmode))

		std::string chanmodes = chan->ChanModes(true);
		if (save_listmodes)
			std::string modes;
			std::string params;

			const ModeParser::ListModeList& listmodes = ServerInstance->Modes->GetListModes();
			for (ModeParser::ListModeList::const_iterator j = listmodes.begin(); j != listmodes.end(); ++j)
				ListModeBase* lm = *j;
				ListModeBase::ModeList* list = lm->GetList(chan);
				if (!list || list->empty())

				size_t n = 0;
				// Append the parameters
				for (ListModeBase::ModeList::const_iterator k = list->begin(); k != list->end(); ++k, n++)
					params += k->mask;
					params += ' ';

				// Append the mode letters (for example "IIII", "gg")
				modes.append(n, lm->GetModeChar());

			if (!params.empty())
				// Remove the last space

				// If there is at least a space in chanmodes (that is, a non-listmode has a parameter)
				// insert the listmode mode letters before the space. Otherwise just append them.
				std::string::size_type p = chanmodes.find(' ');
				if (p == std::string::npos)
					chanmodes += modes;
					chanmodes.insert(p, modes);

				// Append the listmode parameters (the masks themselves)
				chanmodes += ' ';
				chanmodes += params;

		stream << "<permchannels channel=\"" << ServerConfig::Escape(chan->name)
			<< "\" ts=\"" << chan->age
			<< "\" topic=\"" << ServerConfig::Escape(chan->topic)
			<< "\" topicts=\"" << chan->topicset
			<< "\" topicsetby=\"" << ServerConfig::Escape(chan->setby)
			<< "\" modes=\"" << ServerConfig::Escape(chanmodes)
			<< "\">" << std::endl;

	if (stream.fail())
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Cannot write to new database! %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "database: cannot write to new db: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		return false;

#ifdef _WIN32
	if (remove(permchannelsconf.c_str()))
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Cannot remove old database! %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "database: cannot remove old database: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		return false;
	// Use rename to move temporary to new db - this is guarenteed not to f**k up, even in case of a crash.
	if (rename(permchannelsnewconf.c_str(), permchannelsconf.c_str()) < 0)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Cannot move new to old database! %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "database: cannot replace old with new db: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	CmdResult Handle(User* user, const Params& parameters) override
		ModeHandler* mh;
		Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(parameters[0]);
		char modeletter = parameters[1][0];

		if (chan == NULL)
			user->WriteNotice("The channel " + parameters[0] + " does not exist.");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		mh = ServerInstance->Modes.FindMode(modeletter, MODETYPE_CHANNEL);
		if (mh == NULL || parameters[1].size() > 1)
			user->WriteNotice(parameters[1] + " is not a valid channel mode.");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		if (chan->GetPrefixValue(user) < mh->GetLevelRequired(false))
			user->WriteNotice("You do not have access to unset " + ConvToStr(modeletter) + " on " +  chan->name + ".");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		std::string pattern = parameters.size() > 2 ? parameters[2] : "*";
		PrefixMode* pm;
		ListModeBase* lm;
		ListModeBase::ModeList* ml;
		Modes::ChangeList changelist;

		if ((pm = mh->IsPrefixMode()))
			// As user prefix modes don't have a GetList() method, let's iterate through the channel's users.
			const Channel::MemberMap& users = chan->GetUsers();
			for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it)
				if (!InspIRCd::Match(it->first->nick, pattern))
				if (it->second->HasMode(pm) && !((it->first == user) && (pm->GetPrefixRank() > VOICE_VALUE)))
					changelist.push_remove(mh, it->first->nick);
		else if ((lm = mh->IsListModeBase()) && ((ml = lm->GetList(chan)) != NULL))
			for (ListModeBase::ModeList::iterator it = ml->begin(); it != ml->end(); ++it)
				if (!InspIRCd::Match(it->mask, pattern))
				changelist.push_remove(mh, it->mask);
			if (chan->IsModeSet(mh))

		ServerInstance->Modes.Process(user, chan, NULL, changelist);
		return CMD_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	CmdResult Handle (const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User *user)
		if (parameters.size() > 1 && parameters[1] != ServerInstance->Config->ServerName.c_str())
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

		User *targuser;
		Channel *targchan;
		std::string checkstr;
		std::string chliststr;

		checkstr = ":" + ServerInstance->Config->ServerName + " 304 " + user->nick + " :CHECK";

		targuser = ServerInstance->FindNick(parameters[0]);
		targchan = ServerInstance->FindChan(parameters[0]);

		 * Syntax of a /check reply:
		 *  :server.name 304 target :CHECK START <target>
		 *  :server.name 304 target :CHECK <field> <value>
		 *  :server.name 304 target :CHECK END

		user->SendText(checkstr + " START " + parameters[0]);

		if (targuser)
			LocalUser* loctarg = IS_LOCAL(targuser);
			/* /check on a user */
			user->SendText(checkstr + " nuh " + targuser->GetFullHost());
			user->SendText(checkstr + " realnuh " + targuser->GetFullRealHost());
			user->SendText(checkstr + " realname " + targuser->fullname);
			user->SendText(checkstr + " modes +" + targuser->FormatModes());
			user->SendText(checkstr + " snomasks +" + targuser->FormatNoticeMasks());
			user->SendText(checkstr + " server " + targuser->server);
			user->SendText(checkstr + " uid " + targuser->uuid);
			user->SendText(checkstr + " signon " + timestring(targuser->signon));
			user->SendText(checkstr + " nickts " + timestring(targuser->age));
			if (loctarg)
				user->SendText(checkstr + " lastmsg " + timestring(loctarg->idle_lastmsg));

			if (targuser->IsAway())
				/* user is away */
				user->SendText(checkstr + " awaytime " + timestring(targuser->awaytime));
				user->SendText(checkstr + " awaymsg " + targuser->awaymsg);

			if (targuser->IsOper())
				OperInfo* oper = targuser->oper;
				/* user is an oper of type ____ */
				user->SendText(checkstr + " opertype " + oper->NameStr());
				if (loctarg)
					std::string umodes;
					std::string cmodes;
					for(char c='A'; c < 'z'; c++)
						ModeHandler* mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(c, MODETYPE_USER);
						if (mh && mh->NeedsOper() && loctarg->HasModePermission(c, MODETYPE_USER))
						mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(c, MODETYPE_CHANNEL);
						if (mh && mh->NeedsOper() && loctarg->HasModePermission(c, MODETYPE_CHANNEL))
					user->SendText(checkstr + " modeperms user="******" channel=" + cmodes);
					std::string opcmds;
					for(std::set<std::string>::iterator i = oper->AllowedOperCommands.begin(); i != oper->AllowedOperCommands.end(); i++)
						opcmds.push_back(' ');
					std::stringstream opcmddump(opcmds);
					user->SendText(checkstr + " commandperms", opcmddump);
					std::string privs;
					for(std::set<std::string>::iterator i = oper->AllowedPrivs.begin(); i != oper->AllowedPrivs.end(); i++)
						privs.push_back(' ');
					std::stringstream privdump(privs);
					user->SendText(checkstr + " permissions", privdump);

			if (loctarg)
				user->SendText(checkstr + " clientaddr " + irc::sockets::satouser(loctarg->client_sa));
				user->SendText(checkstr + " serveraddr " + irc::sockets::satouser(loctarg->server_sa));

				std::string classname = loctarg->GetClass()->name;
				if (!classname.empty())
					user->SendText(checkstr + " connectclass " + classname);
				user->SendText(checkstr + " onip " + targuser->GetIPString());

			for (UCListIter i = targuser->chans.begin(); i != targuser->chans.end(); i++)
				Channel* c = *i;
				chliststr.append(c->GetPrefixChar(targuser)).append(c->name).append(" ");

			std::stringstream dump(chliststr);

			user->SendText(checkstr + " onchans", dump);

			dumpExt(user, checkstr, targuser);
		else if (targchan)
			/* /check on a channel */
			user->SendText(checkstr + " timestamp " + timestring(targchan->age));

			if (targchan->topic[0] != 0)
				/* there is a topic, assume topic related information exists */
				user->SendText(checkstr + " topic " + targchan->topic);
				user->SendText(checkstr + " topic_setby " + targchan->setby);
				user->SendText(checkstr + " topic_setat " + timestring(targchan->topicset));

			user->SendText(checkstr + " modes " + targchan->ChanModes(true));
			user->SendText(checkstr + " membercount " + ConvToStr(targchan->GetUserCounter()));

			/* now the ugly bit, spool current members of a channel. :| */

			const UserMembList *ulist= targchan->GetUsers();

			/* note that unlike /names, we do NOT check +i vs in the channel */
			for (UserMembCIter i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
				char tmpbuf[MAXBUF];
				 * Unlike Asuka, I define a clone as coming from the same host. --w00t
				snprintf(tmpbuf, MAXBUF, "%-3lu %s%s (%s@%s) %s ", ServerInstance->Users->GlobalCloneCount(i->first), targchan->GetAllPrefixChars(i->first), i->first->nick.c_str(), i->first->ident.c_str(), i->first->dhost.c_str(), i->first->fullname.c_str());
				user->SendText(checkstr + " member " + tmpbuf);

			// We know that the mode handler for bans is in the core and is derived from ListModeBase
			ListModeBase* banlm = static_cast<ListModeBase*>(*ban);
			banlm->DoSyncChannel(targchan, creator, user);

			// Show other listmodes as well
			dumpExt(user, checkstr, targchan);
			/*  /check on an IP address, or something that doesn't exist */
			long x = 0;

			/* hostname or other */
			for (user_hash::const_iterator a = ServerInstance->Users->clientlist->begin(); a != ServerInstance->Users->clientlist->end(); a++)
				if (InspIRCd::Match(a->second->host, parameters[0], ascii_case_insensitive_map) || InspIRCd::Match(a->second->dhost, parameters[0], ascii_case_insensitive_map))
					/* host or vhost matches mask */
					user->SendText(checkstr + " match " + ConvToStr(++x) + " " + a->second->GetFullRealHost() + " " + a->second->GetIPString() + " " + a->second->fullname);
				/* IP address */
				else if (InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(a->second->GetIPString(), parameters[0]))
					/* same IP. */
					user->SendText(checkstr + " match " + ConvToStr(++x) + " " + a->second->GetFullRealHost() + " " + a->second->GetIPString() + " " + a->second->fullname);

			user->SendText(checkstr + " matches " + ConvToStr(x));

		user->SendText(checkstr + " END " + parameters[0]);

		return CMD_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	bool BeforeMode(User* source, User* dest, Channel* channel, std::string &param, bool adding)
		/* nick!ident@host -> nick!ident@host
		 * nick!ident@host#chan -> nick!ident@host#chan
		 * nick@host#chan -> nick!*@host#chan
		 * nick!ident#chan -> nick!ident@*#chan
		 * nick#chan -> nick!*@*#chan

		if ((channel) && !param.empty())
			BanRedirectList* redirects;

			std::string mask[4];
			enum { NICK, IDENT, HOST, CHAN } current = NICK;
			std::string::iterator start_pos = param.begin();

			if (param.length() >= 2 && param[1] == ':')
				return true;

			if (param.find('#') == std::string::npos)
				return true;

			ListModeBase* banlm = static_cast<ListModeBase*>(*ban);
			unsigned int maxbans = banlm->GetLimit(channel);
			ListModeBase::ModeList* list = banlm->GetList(channel);
			if ((list) && (adding) && (maxbans <= list->size()))
				source->WriteNumeric(ERR_BANLISTFULL, "%s :Channel ban list for %s is full (maximum entries for this channel is %u)", channel->name.c_str(), channel->name.c_str(), maxbans);
				return false;

			for(std::string::iterator curr = start_pos; curr != param.end(); curr++)
					case '!':
						if (current != NICK)
						mask[current].assign(start_pos, curr);
						current = IDENT;
						start_pos = curr+1;
					case '@':
						if (current != IDENT)
						mask[current].assign(start_pos, curr);
						current = HOST;
						start_pos = curr+1;
					case '#':
						if (current == CHAN)
						mask[current].assign(start_pos, curr);
						current = CHAN;
						start_pos = curr;

				mask[current].assign(start_pos, param.end());

			/* nick@host wants to be changed to *!nick@host rather than nick!*@host... */
			if(mask[NICK].length() && mask[HOST].length() && mask[IDENT].empty())
				/* std::string::swap() is fast - it runs in constant time */

			if (!mask[NICK].empty() && mask[IDENT].empty() && mask[HOST].empty())
				if (mask[NICK].find('.') != std::string::npos || mask[NICK].find(':') != std::string::npos)

			for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

			param.assign(mask[NICK]).append(1, '!').append(mask[IDENT]).append(1, '@').append(mask[HOST]);

				if (adding && IS_LOCAL(source))
					if (!ServerInstance->IsChannel(mask[CHAN]))
						source->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, "%s :Invalid channel name in redirection (%s)", channel->name.c_str(), mask[CHAN].c_str());
						return false;

					Channel *c = ServerInstance->FindChan(mask[CHAN]);
					if (!c)
						source->WriteNumeric(690, ":Target channel %s must exist to be set as a redirect.", mask[CHAN].c_str());
						return false;
					else if (adding && c->GetPrefixValue(source) < OP_VALUE)
						source->WriteNumeric(690, ":You must be opped on %s to set it as a redirect.", mask[CHAN].c_str());
						return false;

					if (assign(channel->name) == mask[CHAN])
						source->WriteNumeric(690, "%s :You cannot set a ban redirection to the channel the ban is on", channel->name.c_str());
						return false;

					/* It's a properly valid redirecting ban, and we're adding it */
					redirects = extItem.get(channel);
					if (!redirects)
						redirects = new BanRedirectList;
						extItem.set(channel, redirects);

					/* Here 'param' doesn't have the channel on it yet */
					redirects->push_back(BanRedirectEntry(mask[CHAN], param));

					/* Now it does */
					/* Removing a ban, if there's no extensible there are no redirecting bans and we're fine. */
					redirects = extItem.get(channel);
					if (redirects)
						/* But there were, so we need to remove the matching one if there is one */

						for(BanRedirectList::iterator redir = redirects->begin(); redir != redirects->end(); redir++)
							/* Ugly as f**k */
							if((irc::string(redir->targetchan.c_str()) == irc::string(mask[CHAN].c_str())) && (irc::string(redir->banmask.c_str()) == irc::string(param.c_str())))



					/* Append the channel so the default +b handler can remove the entry too */

		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	CmdResult Handle(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User *user)
		ModeHandler* mh;
		Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(parameters[0]);
		char modeletter = parameters[1][0];

		if (chan == NULL)
			user->WriteNotice("The channel " + parameters[0] + " does not exist.");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(modeletter, MODETYPE_CHANNEL);
		if (mh == NULL || parameters[1].size() > 1)
			user->WriteNotice(parameters[1] + " is not a valid channel mode.");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		if (chan->GetPrefixValue(user) < mh->GetLevelRequired())
			user->WriteNotice("You do not have access to unset " + ConvToStr(modeletter) + " on " +  chan->name + ".");
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		unsigned int prefixrank;
		char prefixchar;
		std::string pattern = parameters.size() > 2 ? parameters[2] : "*";
		ListModeBase* lm;
		ListModeBase::ModeList* ml;
		irc::modestacker modestack(false);

		if (!mh->IsListMode())
			if (chan->IsModeSet(mh))
		else if (((prefixrank = mh->GetPrefixRank()) && (prefixchar = mh->GetPrefix())))
			// As user prefix modes don't have a GetList() method, let's iterate through the channel's users.
			for (UserMembIter it = chan->userlist.begin(); it != chan->userlist.end(); ++it)
				if (!InspIRCd::Match(it->first->nick, pattern))
				if (((strchr(chan->GetAllPrefixChars(user), prefixchar)) != NULL) && !(it->first == user && prefixrank > VOICE_VALUE))
					modestack.Push(modeletter, it->first->nick);
		else if (((lm = dynamic_cast<ListModeBase*>(mh)) != NULL) && ((ml = lm->GetList(chan)) != NULL))
			for (ListModeBase::ModeList::iterator it = ml->begin(); it != ml->end(); ++it)
				if (!InspIRCd::Match(it->mask, pattern))
				modestack.Push(modeletter, it->mask);
			user->WriteNotice("Could not remove channel mode " + ConvToStr(modeletter));
			return CMD_FAILURE;

		parameterlist stackresult;
		while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
			ServerInstance->Modes->Process(stackresult, user);
			stackresult.erase(stackresult.begin() + 1, stackresult.end());

		return CMD_SUCCESS;