Ejemplo n.º 1
NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2
NumberingSystem::createInstance(const Locale & inLocale, UErrorCode& status) {

    char buffer[ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY];
    int32_t count = inLocale.getKeywordValue("numbers",buffer, sizeof(buffer),status);
    if ( count > 0 ) { // @numbers keyword was specified in the locale
        buffer[count] = '\0'; // Make sure it is null terminated.
        return NumberingSystem::createInstanceByName(buffer,status);
    } else { // Find the default numbering system for this locale.
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer resource(ures_open(NULL, inLocale.getName(), &status));
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
            NumberingSystem *ns = new NumberingSystem();
            return ns;
        const UChar *defaultNSName =
            ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(resource.getAlias(), gDefaultNumberingSystem, &count, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
               return NULL;
        if ( count > 0 && count < ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY ) { // Default numbering system found
           buffer[count] = '\0'; // Make sure it is null terminated.
           return NumberingSystem::createInstanceByName(buffer,status);
        } else {
            status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
            NumberingSystem *ns = new NumberingSystem();
            return ns;
Ejemplo n.º 2
NumberingSystem* U_EXPORT2
NumberingSystem::createInstance(const Locale & inLocale, UErrorCode& status) {

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    UBool nsResolved = TRUE;
    UBool usingFallback = FALSE;
    char buffer[ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY];
    int32_t count = inLocale.getKeywordValue("numbers",buffer, sizeof(buffer),status);
    if ( count > 0 ) { // @numbers keyword was specified in the locale
        buffer[count] = '\0'; // Make sure it is null terminated.
        if ( !uprv_strcmp(buffer,gDefault) || !uprv_strcmp(buffer,gNative) ||
             !uprv_strcmp(buffer,gTraditional) || !uprv_strcmp(buffer,gFinance)) {
            nsResolved = FALSE;
    } else {
        nsResolved = FALSE;

    if (!nsResolved) { // Resolve the numbering system ( default, native, traditional or finance ) into a "real" numbering system
        UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceBundle *resource = ures_open(NULL, inLocale.getName(), &localStatus);
        UResourceBundle *numberElementsRes = ures_getByKey(resource,gNumberElements,NULL,&localStatus);
        while (!nsResolved) {
            localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            count = 0;
            const UChar *nsName = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(numberElementsRes, buffer, &count, &localStatus);
            if ( count > 0 && count < ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY ) { // numbering system found
                buffer[count] = '\0'; // Make sure it is null terminated.
                nsResolved = TRUE;

            if (!nsResolved) { // Fallback behavior per TR35 - traditional falls back to native, finance and native fall back to default
                if (!uprv_strcmp(buffer,gNative) || !uprv_strcmp(buffer,gFinance)) {
                } else if (!uprv_strcmp(buffer,gTraditional)) {
                } else { // If we get here we couldn't find even the default numbering system
                    usingFallback = TRUE;
                    nsResolved = TRUE;

    if (usingFallback) {
        status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
        NumberingSystem *ns = new NumberingSystem();
        return ns;
    } else {
        return NumberingSystem::createInstanceByName(buffer,status);
Ejemplo n.º 3
DateFormat* U_EXPORT2
DateFormat::create(EStyle timeStyle, EStyle dateStyle, const Locale& locale)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    char buffer[8];
    int32_t count = locale.getKeywordValue("compat", buffer, sizeof(buffer), status);

    // if the locale has "@compat=host", create a host-specific DateFormat...
    if (count > 0 && uprv_strcmp(buffer, "host") == 0) {
        Win32DateFormat *f = new Win32DateFormat(timeStyle, dateStyle, locale, status);

        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            return f;

        delete f;

    // is it relative?
    if(/*((timeStyle!=UDAT_NONE)&&(timeStyle & UDAT_RELATIVE)) || */((dateStyle!=kNone)&&((dateStyle-kDateOffset) & UDAT_RELATIVE))) {
        RelativeDateFormat *r = new RelativeDateFormat((UDateFormatStyle)timeStyle, (UDateFormatStyle)(dateStyle-kDateOffset), locale, status);
        if(U_SUCCESS(status)) return r;
        delete r;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    // Try to create a SimpleDateFormat of the desired style.
    SimpleDateFormat *f = new SimpleDateFormat(timeStyle, dateStyle, locale, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) return f;
    delete f;

    // If that fails, try to create a format using the default pattern and
    // the DateFormatSymbols for this locale.
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    f = new SimpleDateFormat(locale, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) return f;
    delete f;

    // This should never really happen, because the preceding constructor
    // should always succeed.  If the resource data is unavailable, a last
    // resort object should be returned.
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
GLUE_SYM ( Collator ) :: create (const Locale &loc, const char */*ver*/) {
  // TODO: save 'ver' off.
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    char locBuf[200];
    char kwvBuf[200];
    int32_t len = loc.getKeywordValue("collation", kwvBuf, 200, status);
    if(len>0) {
    UCollator * uc =  OICU_ucol_open( locBuf, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL; // TODO: ERR?
    Collator *c =  new GLUE_SYM( Collator ) ( uc );
    fprintf(stderr, "VCF " ICUGLUE_VER_STR " ucol_open=%s ->> %p\n", locBuf, c);
    return c;
Ejemplo n.º 5
DateFormat* U_EXPORT2
DateFormat::create(EStyle timeStyle, EStyle dateStyle, const Locale& locale)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
#ifdef U_WINDOWS
    char buffer[8];
    int32_t count = locale.getKeywordValue("compat", buffer, sizeof(buffer), status);

    // if the locale has "@compat=host", create a host-specific DateFormat...
    if (count > 0 && uprv_strcmp(buffer, "host") == 0) {
        Win32DateFormat *f = new Win32DateFormat(timeStyle, dateStyle, locale, status);

        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            return f;

        delete f;

    // Try to create a SimpleDateFormat of the desired style.
    SimpleDateFormat *f = new SimpleDateFormat(timeStyle, dateStyle, locale, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) return f;
    delete f;

    // If that fails, try to create a format using the default pattern and
    // the DateFormatSymbols for this locale.
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    f = new SimpleDateFormat(locale, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) return f;
    delete f;

    // This should never really happen, because the preceding constructor
    // should always succeed.  If the resource data is unavailable, a last
    // resort object should be returned.
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/** List Localizable Date-Time Formatting Data
 * @param locale single string or NULL
 * @param context single string
 * @param width single string
 * @return list
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-25)
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-01-01)
 *    use calendar keyword in locale
SEXP stri_datetime_symbols(SEXP locale, SEXP context, SEXP width) {
   const char* qloc = stri__prepare_arg_locale(locale, "locale", true); /* this is R_alloc'ed */

   const char* context_str = stri__prepare_arg_string_1_notNA(context, "context");
   const char* context_opts[] = {"format", "standalone", NULL};
   int context_cur = stri__match_arg(context_str, context_opts);

   const char* width_str = stri__prepare_arg_string_1_notNA(width, "width");
   const char* width_opts[] = {"abbreviated", "wide", "narrow", NULL};
   int width_cur = stri__match_arg(width_str, width_opts);

   DateFormatSymbols::DtContextType context_val;
   if (context_cur == 0)            context_val = DateFormatSymbols::FORMAT;
   else if (context_cur == 1)       context_val = DateFormatSymbols::STANDALONE;
   else Rf_error(MSG__INCORRECT_MATCH_OPTION, "context");

   DateFormatSymbols::DtWidthType width_val;
        if (width_cur == 0)       width_val = DateFormatSymbols::ABBREVIATED;
   else if (width_cur == 1)       width_val = DateFormatSymbols::WIDE;
   else if (width_cur == 2)       width_val = DateFormatSymbols::NARROW;
   else Rf_error(MSG__INCORRECT_MATCH_OPTION, "width");

   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   String8buf calendar_type(128);
   Locale loc = Locale::createFromName(qloc);
   int32_t kvlen = loc.getKeywordValue("calendar", calendar_type.data(), calendar_type.size(), status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_RFERROR(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   DateFormatSymbols sym(status);
   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   if (kvlen == 0)
      sym = DateFormatSymbols(loc, status);
      sym = DateFormatSymbols(loc, calendar_type.data(), status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_RFERROR(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})
Ejemplo n.º 7
LocaleDisplayNamesImpl::localeDisplayName(const Locale& locale,
                                          UnicodeString& result) const {
  if (locale.isBogus()) {
    return result;
  UnicodeString resultName;

  const char* lang = locale.getLanguage();
  if (uprv_strlen(lang) == 0) {
    lang = "root";
  const char* script = locale.getScript();
  const char* country = locale.getCountry();
  const char* variant = locale.getVariant();

  UBool hasScript = uprv_strlen(script) > 0;
  UBool hasCountry = uprv_strlen(country) > 0;
  UBool hasVariant = uprv_strlen(variant) > 0;

  if (dialectHandling == ULDN_DIALECT_NAMES) {
    char buffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
    do { // loop construct is so we can break early out of search
      if (hasScript && hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, "_", country, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
          hasCountry = FALSE;
      if (hasScript) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
      if (hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", country, (char*)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasCountry = FALSE;
    } while (FALSE);
  if (resultName.isBogus() || resultName.isEmpty()) {
    localeIdName(lang, resultName);

  UnicodeString resultRemainder;
  UnicodeString temp;
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  if (hasScript) {
    resultRemainder.append(scriptDisplayName(script, temp, TRUE));
  if (hasCountry) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, regionDisplayName(country, temp, TRUE));
  if (hasVariant) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, variantDisplayName(variant, temp, TRUE));
  resultRemainder.findAndReplace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen);
  resultRemainder.findAndReplace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen);

  LocalPointer<StringEnumeration> e(locale.createKeywords(status));
  if (e.isValid() && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    UnicodeString temp2;
    const char* key;
    while ((key = e->next((int32_t *)0, status)) != NULL) {
      locale.getKeywordValue(key, value, ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY, status);
      if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return result;
      keyDisplayName(key, temp, TRUE);
      temp.findAndReplace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen);
      temp.findAndReplace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen);
      keyValueDisplayName(key, value, temp2, TRUE);
      temp2.findAndReplace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen);
      temp2.findAndReplace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen);
      if (temp2 != UnicodeString(value, -1, US_INV)) {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp2);
      } else if (temp != UnicodeString(key, -1, US_INV)) {
        UnicodeString temp3;
        keyTypeFormat.format(temp, temp2, temp3, status);
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp3);
      } else {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp)
          .append((UChar)0x3d /* = */)

  if (!resultRemainder.isEmpty()) {
    format.format(resultName, resultRemainder, result.remove(), status);
    return adjustForUsageAndContext(kCapContextUsageLanguage, result);

  result = resultName;
  return adjustForUsageAndContext(kCapContextUsageLanguage, result);
Ejemplo n.º 8
LocaleDisplayNamesImpl::localeDisplayName(const Locale& locale,
                                          UnicodeString& result) const {
  UnicodeString resultName;

  const char* lang = locale.getLanguage();
  if (uprv_strlen(lang) == 0) {
    lang = "root";
  const char* script = locale.getScript();
  const char* country = locale.getCountry();
  const char* variant = locale.getVariant();

  UBool hasScript = uprv_strlen(script) > 0;
  UBool hasCountry = uprv_strlen(country) > 0;
  UBool hasVariant = uprv_strlen(variant) > 0;

  if (dialectHandling == ULDN_DIALECT_NAMES) {
    char buffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
    do { // loop construct is so we can break early out of search
      if (hasScript && hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, "_", country, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
          hasCountry = FALSE;
      if (hasScript) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", script, (char *)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasScript = FALSE;
      if (hasCountry) {
        ncat(buffer, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, lang, "_", country, (char*)0);
        localeIdName(buffer, resultName);
        if (!resultName.isBogus()) {
          hasCountry = FALSE;
    } while (FALSE);
  if (resultName.isBogus() || resultName.isEmpty()) {
    localeIdName(lang, resultName);

  UnicodeString resultRemainder;
  UnicodeString temp;
  StringEnumeration *e = NULL;
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  if (hasScript) {
    resultRemainder.append(scriptDisplayName(script, temp));
  if (hasCountry) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, regionDisplayName(country, temp));
  if (hasVariant) {
    appendWithSep(resultRemainder, variantDisplayName(variant, temp));

  e = locale.createKeywords(status);
  if (e && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    UnicodeString temp2;
    const char* key;
    while ((key = e->next((int32_t *)0, status)) != NULL) {
      locale.getKeywordValue(key, value, ULOC_KEYWORD_AND_VALUES_CAPACITY, status);
      keyDisplayName(key, temp);
      keyValueDisplayName(key, value, temp2);
      if (temp2 != UnicodeString(value, -1, US_INV)) {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp2);
      } else if (temp != UnicodeString(key, -1, US_INV)) {
        UnicodeString temp3;
        Formattable data[] = {
        FieldPosition fpos;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        keyTypeFormat->format(data, 2, temp3, fpos, status);
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp3);
      } else {
        appendWithSep(resultRemainder, temp)
          .append((UChar)0x3d /* = */)
    delete e;

  if (!resultRemainder.isEmpty()) {
    Formattable data[] = {
    FieldPosition fpos;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    format->format(data, 2, result, fpos, status);
    return result;

  return result = resultName;