Ejemplo n.º 1
void Army::Transport( Logic& l, float delta_time )
	if( to == final_to )
		int i = l.GetCityIndex( to );
		if( to == transporting_to )
			if( i == -1 )
				throw std::string("Must transport to a city");
			City& c( l.GetCityByIndex(i) );

			c.food_contained += food_stored;
			food_stored = 0;
		else if( to == transporting_from )
			if( i != -1 )
				City& c( l.GetCityByIndex(i) );
				if( hunger > 0 )
					c.food_contained -= hunger;
					hunger = 0;

				food_stored = storage_capacity;
				c.food_contained -= food_stored;
				int j = l.GetFarmIndex( to );
				if( j == -1 )
					throw std::string("Must transport from a city or farm");
				Farm& f( l.GetFarmByIndex( j ) );
				if( hunger > 0 )
					f.food -= hunger;
					hunger = 0;

				food_stored = storage_capacity;
				f.food -= food_stored;
		final_to = from;
		from = to;
		to = l.CalculatePathTo( *this, final_to );
		from = to;
		to = l.CalculatePathTo( *this, final_to );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Army::Move( Logic& l, float delta_time, int& i )
	if( to == final_to )
		for( int j(0); j < l.GetArmies().size(); j++ )
			Army& a( l.GetArmyByIndex(j) );
			if( a.used && i != j && x == a.x && y == a.y )
				soldiers += a.soldiers;
				carts += a.carts;
				rectangles[ (int)Type::Army ].erase( a.rectangle );
				l.GetArmies().erase( j );
		from = to;
		state = Stationary;
		from = to;
		to = l.CalculatePathTo( *this, final_to );