bool EditableModelItemImpl::loadModelFile(const std::string& filename) { BodyPtr newBody; MessageView* mv = MessageView::instance(); mv->beginStdioRedirect(); bodyLoader.setMessageSink(mv->cout(true)); newBody = bodyLoader.load(filename); mv->endStdioRedirect(); if(newBody){ newBody->initializeState(); newBody->calcForwardKinematics(); Link* link = newBody->rootLink(); AbstractBodyLoaderPtr loader = bodyLoader.lastActualBodyLoader(); VRMLBodyLoader* vloader = dynamic_cast<VRMLBodyLoader*>(loader.get()); if (vloader) { // VRMLBodyLoader supports retriveOriginalNode function setLinkTree(link, vloader); } else { // Other loaders dont, so we wrap with inline node VRMLProtoInstance* proto = new VRMLProtoInstance(new VRMLProto("")); MFNode* children = new MFNode(); VRMLInlinePtr inl = new VRMLInline(); inl->urls.push_back(filename); children->push_back(inl); proto->fields["children"] = *children; // first, create joint item JointItemPtr item = new JointItem(link); item->originalNode = proto; self->addChildItem(item); ItemTreeView::instance()->checkItem(item, true); // next, create link item under the joint item LinkItemPtr litem = new LinkItem(link); litem->originalNode = proto; litem->setName("link"); item->addChildItem(litem); ItemTreeView::instance()->checkItem(litem, true); } for (int i = 0; i < newBody->numDevices(); i++) { Device* dev = newBody->device(i); SensorItemPtr sitem = new SensorItem(dev); Item* parent = self->findItem<Item>(dev->link()->name()); if (parent) { parent->addChildItem(sitem); ItemTreeView::instance()->checkItem(sitem, true); } } } return (newBody); }
void Test_printFieldsOfBoxNode(CX3DParser& parser, char *vrmlFile) { // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- if (!parser.parse(vrmlFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s parse failed\n", vrmlFile); return; } CX3DParser::printLog("**** Fields of BoxNode ****\n"); // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- MFNode *pShapeNodes = parser.searchNodesFromAllChildrenOfRoot("Shape"); if (pShapeNodes) { for (int i=0; i<pShapeNodes->count(); i++) { CX3DShapeNode *pShape = (CX3DShapeNode *)(pShapeNodes->getNode(i)); if (pShape) { // -------------------------------------------------------- // // -------------------------------------------------------- SFNode *geometry = pShape->getGeometry(); CX3DNode *pNode = geometry->getNode(); // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- if (pNode && pNode->getNodeType() == BOX_NODE) { CX3DBoxNode *pBoxNode = (CX3DBoxNode *)pNode; // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- SFVec3f *sz = pBoxNode->getSize(); printf("size : (%f, %f, %f)\n", sz->x(), sz->y(), sz->z()); // solid SFBool *solid = pBoxNode->getSolid(); printf("solid : %s\n", solid->getValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } } } delete pShapeNodes; pShapeNodes = NULL; } }
void CX3DHAnimSiteNode::print(int indent) { FILE *fp = CX3DParser::getDebugLogFp(); char *nodeName = getNodeName(); if (nodeName) { float x, y, z, rot; int i, n; CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%s (%s)\n", nodeName, CX3DNode::getNodeTypeString(getNodeType())); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "children\n"); MFNode *nodes = getChildren(); n = nodes->count(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getCenter()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "center : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getRotation()->getValue(x, y, z, rot); fprintf(fp, "rotation : (%f %f %f)(%f)\n", x, y, z, rot); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getScale()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "scale : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getScaleOrientation()->getValue(x, y, z, rot); fprintf(fp, "scaleOrientation : (%f %f %f)(%f)\n", x, y, z, rot); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getTranslation()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "translation : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "name (%s)\n", m_name.getValue()); } }
void VRMLBodyLoaderImpl::readJointSubNodes(LinkInfo& iLink, MFNode& childNodes, const ProtoIdSet& acceptableProtoIds, const Affine3& T) { for(size_t i = 0; i < childNodes.size(); ++i){ bool doTraverse = false; VRMLNode* childNode = childNodes[i].get(); if(!childNode->isCategoryOf(PROTO_INSTANCE_NODE)){ doTraverse = true; } else { VRMLProtoInstance* protoInstance = static_cast<VRMLProtoInstance*>(childNode); int id = PROTO_UNDEFINED; const string& protoName = protoInstance->proto->protoName; ProtoInfoMap::iterator p = protoInfoMap.find(protoName); if(p == protoInfoMap.end()){ doTraverse = true; childNode = protoInstance->actualNode.get(); } else { id = p->; if(!acceptableProtoIds.test(id)){ throw invalid_argument(str(format(_("%1% node is not in a correct place.")) % protoName)); } if(isVerbose){ messageIndent += 2; } switch(id){ case PROTO_JOINT: if(!T.matrix().isApprox(Affine3::MatrixType::Identity())){ throw invalid_argument( str(format(_("Joint node \"%1%\" is not in a correct place.")) % protoInstance->defName)); }>appendChild(readJointNode(protoInstance,>Rs())); break; case PROTO_SEGMENT: readSegmentNode(iLink, protoInstance, T); linkOriginalMap[] = childNodes[i]; break; case PROTO_SURFACE: readSurfaceNode(iLink, protoInstance, T); break; case PROTO_DEVICE: readDeviceNode(iLink, protoInstance, T); break; default: doTraverse = true; break; } if(isVerbose){ messageIndent -= 2; } } } if(doTraverse && childNode->isCategoryOf(GROUPING_NODE)){ VRMLGroup* group = static_cast<VRMLGroup*>(childNode); if(VRMLTransform* transform = dynamic_cast<VRMLTransform*>(group)){ readJointSubNodes(iLink, group->getChildren(), acceptableProtoIds, T * transform->toAffine3d()); } else { readJointSubNodes(iLink, group->getChildren(), acceptableProtoIds, T); } } } }
void Test_printChildrenOfRoot(CX3DParser& parser, char *vrmlFile) { // --------------------------------------------- // VRMLファイルをパースする // --------------------------------------------- if (!parser.parse(vrmlFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s parse failed\n", vrmlFile); return; } CX3DParser::printLog("**** Children of Root Node ****\n"); // --------------------------------------------- // ルート直下のノードを得る // --------------------------------------------- MFNode *nodes = parser.getChildrenOfRootNode(); if (nodes) { // --------------------------------------------- // ノード名のみ表示 // --------------------------------------------- for (int i=0; i<nodes->count(); i++) { CX3DNode *node = nodes->getNode(i); if (node) { printf("%s\n", node->getNodeName()); } } // --------------------------------------------- // 後始末 // --------------------------------------------- delete nodes; nodes = NULL; } }
void Test_printNodeName(CX3DParser& parser, char *vrmlFile) { // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- if (!parser.parse(vrmlFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s parse failed\n", vrmlFile); return; } CX3DParser::printLog("**** Node names of (%s) ****\n", vrmlFile); // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- MFNode *nodes = parser.getChildrenOfRootNode(); if (nodes) { // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- for (int i=0; i<nodes->count(); i++) { CX3DNode *node = nodes->getNode(i); if (node) { printf("%s\n", node->getNodeName()); } } // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- delete nodes; nodes = NULL; } }
void ModelNodeSetImpl::extractChildNodes (JointNodeSetPtr jointNodeSet, MFNode& childNodes, const ProtoIdSet acceptableProtoIds, const Matrix44& T) { for(size_t i = 0; i < childNodes.size(); i++){ VrmlNode* childNode = childNodes[i].get(); const Matrix44* pT; if(childNode->isCategoryOf(GROUPING_NODE)){ VrmlGroup* groupNode = static_cast<VrmlGroup*>(childNode); VrmlTransform* transformNode = dynamic_cast<VrmlTransform*>(groupNode); Matrix44 T2; if( transformNode ){ Matrix44 Tlocal; calcTransformMatrix(transformNode, Tlocal); T2 = T * Tlocal; pT = &T2; } else { pT = &T; } extractChildNodes(jointNodeSet, groupNode->getChildren(), acceptableProtoIds, *pT); } else if(childNode->isCategoryOf(LIGHT_NODE)){ jointNodeSet->lightNodes.push_back(std::make_pair(T,childNode)); } else if(childNode->isCategoryOf(PROTO_INSTANCE_NODE)){ VrmlProtoInstance* protoInstance = static_cast<VrmlProtoInstance*>(childNode); int id = PROTO_UNDEFINED; bool doTraverseChildren = false; ProtoIdSet acceptableChildProtoIds(acceptableProtoIds); const string& protoName = protoInstance->proto->protoName; ProtoNameToInfoMap::iterator p = protoNameToInfoMap.find(protoName); if(p == protoNameToInfoMap.end()){ doTraverseChildren = true; } else { id = p->; if(!acceptableProtoIds.test(id)){ throw ModelNodeSet::Exception(protoName + " node is not in a correct place."); } } messageIndent += 2; switch(id){ case PROTO_JOINT: if(T != Matrix44::Identity()) throw ModelNodeSet::Exception(protoName + " node is not in a correct place."); jointNodeSet->childJointNodeSets.push_back(addJointNodeSet(protoInstance)); break; case PROTO_SENSOR: if(T != Matrix44::Identity()) throw ModelNodeSet::Exception(protoName + " node is not in a correct place."); jointNodeSet->sensorNodes.push_back(protoInstance); putMessage(protoName + protoInstance->defName); break; case PROTO_HARDWARECOMPONENT: if(T != Matrix44::Identity()) throw ModelNodeSet::Exception(protoName + " node is not in a correct place."); jointNodeSet->hwcNodes.push_back(protoInstance); putMessage(protoName + protoInstance->defName); break; case PROTO_SEGMENT: { jointNodeSet->segmentNodes.push_back(protoInstance); jointNodeSet->transforms.push_back(T); putMessage(string("Segment node ") + protoInstance->defName); doTraverseChildren = true; acceptableChildProtoIds.reset(); acceptableChildProtoIds.set(PROTO_SENSOR); } break; default: break; } if(doTraverseChildren){ if (protoInstance->fields.count("children")){ MFNode& childNodes = protoInstance->fields["children"].mfNode(); extractChildNodes(jointNodeSet, childNodes, acceptableChildProtoIds, T); } } messageIndent -= 2; } } }
void CX3DOpenHRPSegmentNode::print(int indent) { FILE *fp = CX3DParser::getDebugLogFp(); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; char *nodeName = getNodeName(); if (nodeName) { float x, y, z; MFNode *nodes; int i, n; CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%s (%s)\n", nodeName, CX3DNode::getNodeTypeString(getNodeType())); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "children\n"); nodes = getChildren(); n = nodes->count(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "name (%s)\n", m_name.getValue()); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "coord\n"); CX3DNode *pCoord = getCoord()->getNode(); if (pCoord) pCoord->print(indent+2); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getCenterOfMass()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "centerOfMass : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "displacers\n"); nodes = getDisplacers(); n = nodes->count(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "mass (%f)\n", getMass()->getValue()); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); n = m_momentsOfInertia.count(); fprintf(fp, "momentsOfInertia [%d]\n", n); if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } else { bPartialPrint = false; } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+2); fprintf(fp, "("); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%f ", m_momentsOfInertia.getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) fprintf(fp, "..."); fprintf(fp, ")\n"); } }
void CX3DOpenHRPHumanoidNode::print(int indent) { FILE *fp = CX3DParser::getDebugLogFp(); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; char *nodeName = getNodeName(); if (nodeName) { float x, y, z, rot; MFNode *nodes; int i, n; CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%s (%s)\n", nodeName, CX3DNode::getNodeTypeString(getNodeType())); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getCenter()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "center : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getRotation()->getValue(x, y, z, rot); fprintf(fp, "rotation : (%f %f %f)(%f)\n", x, y, z, rot); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getScale()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "scale : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getScaleOrientation()->getValue(x, y, z, rot); fprintf(fp, "scaleOrientation : (%f %f %f)(%f)\n", x, y, z, rot); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); getTranslation()->getValue(x, y, z); fprintf(fp, "translation : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "name (%s)\n", m_name.getValue()); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); n = m_info.count(); fprintf(fp, "info [%d]\n", n); if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } else { bPartialPrint = false; } for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+2); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", m_info.getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+2); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); nodes = getJoints(); n = nodes->count(); fprintf(fp, "joints [%d]\n", n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); nodes = getSegments(); n = nodes->count(); fprintf(fp, "segments [%d]\n", n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); nodes = getSites(); n = nodes->count(); fprintf(fp, "sites [%d]\n", n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); nodes = getHumanoidBody(); n = nodes->count(); fprintf(fp, "humanoidBody [%d]\n", n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "version (%s)\n", m_version.getValue()); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); nodes = getViewpoints(); n = nodes->count(); fprintf(fp, "viewpoints [%d]\n", n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DNode *child = nodes->getNode(i); if (child) { child->print(indent+2); } } } }
void H3DViewerPopupMenus::OnTreeViewAddChildNode( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxTreeItemId id = treeview_dialog->TreeViewTree->GetSelection(); H3DViewerTreeViewDialog::TreeIdMap::iterator ni = treeview_dialog->node_map.find( id.m_pItem ); if( ni == treeview_dialog->node_map.end() ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Selected tree item is not a node"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } vector< wxString > node_fields; Node *selected_node = (*ni).second.get(); H3DNodeDatabase *db = H3DNodeDatabase::lookupNodeInstance( selected_node ); for( H3DNodeDatabase::FieldDBConstIterator i = db->fieldDBBegin(); db->fieldDBEnd() != i; ++i ) { Field *f = i.getField( selected_node ); if( SFNode *sfnode = dynamic_cast< SFNode * >( f ) ) { if( sfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_ONLY || sfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_OUTPUT ) { node_fields.push_back( wxString(sfnode->getName().c_str(),wxConvUTF8) ); } } else if( MFNode *mfnode = dynamic_cast< MFNode * >( f ) ) { if( mfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_ONLY || mfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_OUTPUT ) { node_fields.push_back( wxString(mfnode->getName().c_str(), wxConvUTF8) ); } } } if( node_fields.empty() ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Selected node does not have a SFNode or MFNode field."), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } string field_to_change; if( node_fields.size() > 1 ) { wxString *choices = new wxString[ node_fields.size() ]; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < node_fields.size(); ++i ) { choices[i] = node_fields[i]; } wxSingleChoiceDialog *choice_dialog = new wxSingleChoiceDialog ( this, wxT("Add/replace node in which field.."), wxT(""), node_fields.size(), choices ); delete [] choices; if (choice_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { field_to_change = std::string( node_fields[ choice_dialog->GetSelection() ].mb_str() ); } else { return; } } wxTextEntryDialog *node_name_dialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this, wxT("Enter the name of the node type you want to use" ), wxT("Add/replace node" ) ); if (node_name_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { Node *new_node = H3DNodeDatabase::createNode( std::string(node_name_dialog->GetValue().mb_str()) ); if( !new_node ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("No such node type exists: " + node_name_dialog->GetValue()), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } else { Field *f = selected_node->getField( field_to_change ); SFNode *sfnode = dynamic_cast< SFNode * >( f ); MFNode *mfnode = dynamic_cast< MFNode * >( f ); if( sfnode ) { AutoRef< Node > old_node( sfnode->getValue() ); try { sfnode->setValue( new_node ); } catch (...) { sfnode->setValue( old_node.get() ); wxMessageBox( wxT("Invalid node type for field"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } else if( mfnode ) { try { mfnode->push_back( new_node ); } catch (...) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Invalid node type for field"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } } } }