Ejemplo n.º 1
/** \fn DBUtil::CheckRepairStatus(MSqlQuery &query)
 *  \brief Parse the results of a CHECK TABLE or REPAIR TABLE run.
 *   This function reads the records returned by a CHECK TABLE or REPAIR TABLE
 *   run and determines the status of the table(s). The query should have
 *   columns Table, Msg_type, and Msg_text.
 *   The function properly handles multiple records for a single table. If the
 *   last record for a given table shows a status (Msg_type) of OK (Msg_text),
 *   the table is considered OK, even if an error or warning appeared before
 *   (this could be the case, for example, when an empty table is crashed).
 *  \param query An already-executed CHECK TABLE or REPAIR TABLE query whose
 *               results should be parsed.
 *  \return A list of names of not-OK (errored or crashed) tables
 *  \sa DBUtil::CheckTables(const bool, const QString)
 *  \sa DBUtil::RepairTables(const QStringList)
QStringList DBUtil::CheckRepairStatus(MSqlQuery &query)
    QStringList tables;
    QSqlRecord record = query.record();
    int table_index = record.indexOf("Table");
    int type_index = record.indexOf("Msg_type");
    int text_index = record.indexOf("Msg_text");
    QString table, type, text, previous_table;
    bool ok = true;
    while (query.next())
        table = query.value(table_index).toString();
        type = query.value(type_index).toString();
        text = query.value(text_index).toString();
        if (table != previous_table)
            if (!ok)
                ok = true;
            previous_table = table;
        // If the final row shows status OK, the table is now good
        if ("status" == type.toLower() && "ok" == text.toLower())
            ok = true;
        else if ("error" == type.toLower() ||
                 ("status" == type.toLower() && "ok" != text.toLower()))
            ok = false;
    // Check the last table in the list
    if (!ok)
    return tables;