Ejemplo n.º 1
void SpaceStation::Render(const vector3d &viewCoords, const matrix4x4d &viewTransform)
	/* Well this is nice... */
	static int poo=0;
	if (!poo) {
		poo = 1;
		LmrGetModelsWithTag("advert", s_advertModels);
	// it is silly to do this every render call
	// random advert models in pFlag[16 .. 19]
	// station name in pText[0]
	// docking port in pText[1]
	MTRand rand;
	LmrObjParams &params = GetLmrObjParams();
	/* random advert models */
	params.argStrings[4] = s_advertModels[rand.Int32(s_advertModels.size())]->GetName();
	params.argStrings[5] = s_advertModels[rand.Int32(s_advertModels.size())]->GetName();
	params.argStrings[6] = s_advertModels[rand.Int32(s_advertModels.size())]->GetName();
	params.argStrings[7] = s_advertModels[rand.Int32(s_advertModels.size())]->GetName();
	params.argStrings[0] = GetLabel().c_str();

	for (int i=0; i<MAX_DOCKING_PORTS; i++) {
		params.argDoubles[ARG_STATION_BAY1_STAGE + i] = double(m_shipDocking[i].stage);
		params.argDoubles[ARG_STATION_BAY1_POS + i] = m_shipDocking[i].stagePos;

	RenderLmrModel(viewCoords, viewTransform);
	/* don't render city if too far away */
	if (viewCoords.Length() > 1000000.0) return;

	// find planet Body*
	Planet *planet;
		Body *_planet = GetFrame()->m_astroBody;
		if ((!_planet) || !_planet->IsType(Object::PLANET)) {
			// orbital spaceport -- don't make city turds
		} else {
			planet = static_cast<Planet*>(_planet);
			if (!m_adjacentCity) {
				m_adjacentCity = new CityOnPlanet(planet, this, m_sbody->seed);
			m_adjacentCity->Render(this, viewCoords, viewTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Method: Integer
 * Generates an integer number
 * > number = rand:Integer()
 * > number = rand:Integer(max)
 * > number = rand:Integer(min, max)
 * Parameters:
 *   min - optional, the minimum possible value for the generated number. If
 *         omitted, defaults to 0
 *   max - optional, the maximum possible value for the generated number. If
 *         omitted, defaults to a very large number (currently 2^32-1)
 * Return:
 *   number - the random number
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_rand_integer(lua_State *l)
	MTRand *rand = LuaObject<MTRand>::CheckFromLua(1);

	int min, max;
	if (lua_isnumber(l, 2) && lua_isnumber(l, 3)) {
		min = lua_tointeger(l, 2);
		max = lua_tointeger(l, 3);
	else if (lua_isnumber(l, 2)) {
		min = 0;
		max = lua_tointeger(l, 2);
	else {
        lua_pushnumber(l, rand->Int32());
        return 1;

	if (min > max)
		luaL_error(l, "Max must be bigger than min in random number range");

	lua_pushnumber(l, rand->Int32(min, max));
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CityOnPlanet::PutCityBit(MTRand &rand, const matrix4x4d &rot, vector3d p1, vector3d p2, vector3d p3, vector3d p4)
	double rad = (p1-p2).Length()*0.5;
	LmrModel *model(0);
	double modelRadXZ(0);
	const LmrCollMesh *cmesh(0);
	vector3d cent = (p1+p2+p3+p4)*0.25;

	cityflavourdef_t *flavour(0);
	citybuildinglist_t *buildings(0);

	// pick a building flavour (city, windfarm, etc)
	for (int flv=0; flv<CITYFLAVOURS; flv++) {
		flavour = &cityflavour[flv];
		buildings = &s_buildingLists[flavour->buildingListIdx];
		int tries;
		for (tries=20; tries--; ) {
			const citybuilding_t &bt = buildings->buildings[rand.Int32(buildings->numBuildings)];
			model = bt.resolvedModel;
			modelRadXZ = bt.xzradius;
			cmesh = bt.collMesh;
			if (modelRadXZ < rad) break;
			if (tries == 0) return;
		bool tooDistant = ((flavour->center - cent).Length()*(1.0/flavour->size) > rand.Double());
		if (!tooDistant) break;
		else flavour = 0;

	if (flavour == 0) {
		if (rad > MIN_SEG_SIZE) goto always_divide;
		else return;

	if (rad > modelRadXZ*2.0) {
		vector3d a = (p1+p2)*0.5;
		vector3d b = (p2+p3)*0.5;
		vector3d c = (p3+p4)*0.5;
		vector3d d = (p4+p1)*0.5;
		vector3d e = (p1+p2+p3+p4)*0.25;
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, p1, a, e, d);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, a, p2, b, e);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, e, b, p3, c);
		PutCityBit(rand, rot, d, e, c, p4);
	} else {
		cent = cent.Normalized();
		double height = m_planet->GetTerrainHeight(cent);
		/* don't position below sealevel! */
		if (height - m_planet->GetSBody()->GetRadius() <= 0.0) return;
		cent = cent * height;

		Geom *geom = new Geom(cmesh->geomTree);
		int rotTimes90 = rand.Int32(4);
		matrix4x4d grot = rot * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI*0.5*double(rotTimes90));
		geom->MoveTo(grot, cent);
//		f->AddStaticGeom(geom);

		BuildingDef def = { model, cmesh->GetBoundingRadius(), rotTimes90, cent, geom, false };
Ejemplo n.º 4
CityOnPlanet::CityOnPlanet(Planet *planet, SpaceStation *station, Uint32 seed)
	m_planet = planet;
	m_frame = planet->GetFrame();
	m_detailLevel = Pi::detail.cities;

	/* Resolve city model numbers since it is a bit expensive */
	if (!s_cityBuildingsInitted) {
		s_cityBuildingsInitted = true;
		for (int i=0; i<MAX_BUILDING_LISTS; i++) {

	Aabb aabb;
	matrix4x4d m;

	vector3d mx = m*vector3d(1,0,0);
	vector3d mz = m*vector3d(0,0,1);
	MTRand rand;

	vector3d p = station->GetPosition();

	vector3d p1, p2, p3, p4;
	double sizex = START_SEG_SIZE;// + rand.Int32((int)START_SEG_SIZE);
	double sizez = START_SEG_SIZE;// + rand.Int32((int)START_SEG_SIZE);
	// always have random shipyard buildings around the space station
	cityflavour[0].buildingListIdx = 0;//2;
	cityflavour[0].center = p;
	cityflavour[0].size = 500;

	for (int i=1; i<CITYFLAVOURS; i++) {
		cityflavour[i].buildingListIdx = MAX_BUILDING_LISTS>1 ? rand.Int32(MAX_BUILDING_LISTS-1) : 0;
		citybuildinglist_t *blist = &s_buildingLists[cityflavour[i].buildingListIdx];
		double a = rand.Int32(-1000,1000);
		double b = rand.Int32(-1000,1000);
		cityflavour[i].center = p + a*mx + b*mz;
		cityflavour[i].size = rand.Int32(int(blist->minRadius), int(blist->maxRadius));
	for (int side=0; side<4; side++) {
		/* put buildings on all sides of spaceport */
		switch(side) {
			case 3:
				p1 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x) + mz*aabb.min.z;
				p2 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x) + mz*(aabb.min.z-sizez);
				p3 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x+sizex) + mz*(aabb.min.z-sizez);
				p4 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x+sizex) + mz*(aabb.min.z);
			case 2:
				p1 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x-sizex) + mz*aabb.max.z;
				p2 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x-sizex) + mz*(aabb.max.z-sizez);
				p3 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x) + mz*(aabb.max.z-sizez);
				p4 = p + mx*(aabb.min.x) + mz*(aabb.max.z);
			case 1:
				p1 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x-sizex) + mz*aabb.max.z;
				p2 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x) + mz*aabb.max.z;
				p3 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x) + mz*(aabb.max.z+sizez);
				p4 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x-sizex) + mz*(aabb.max.z+sizez);
			case 0:
				p1 = p + mx*aabb.max.x + mz*aabb.min.z;
				p2 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x+sizex) + mz*aabb.min.z;
				p3 = p + mx*(aabb.max.x+sizex) + mz*(aabb.min.z+sizez);
				p4 = p + mx*aabb.max.x + mz*(aabb.min.z+sizez);

		PutCityBit(rand, m, p1, p2, p3, p4);