Ejemplo n.º 1
void ScnParticleSystemComponent::render( class ScnViewComponent* pViewComponent, RsFrame* pFrame, RsRenderSort Sort )
	// Wait for update fence.

	// Grab vertex buffer and flip for next frame to use.
	TVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = VertexBuffers_[ CurrentVertexBuffer_ ];
	CurrentVertexBuffer_ = 1 - CurrentVertexBuffer_;

	// Lock vertex buffer.

	// Iterate over alive particles, and setup vertex buffer.
	BcU32 NoofParticlesToRender = 0;
	ScnParticleVertex* pVertex = VertexBuffer.pVertexArray_;
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofParticles_; ++Idx )
		ScnParticle& Particle = pParticleBuffer_[ Idx ];

		if( Particle.Alive_ )
			// Half size.
			const MaVec2d HalfSize = Particle.Scale_ * 0.5f;
			const BcF32 MaxHalfSize = BcMax( HalfSize.x(), HalfSize.y() );
			BcAssert( Particle.TextureIndex_ < UVBounds_.size() );
			const MaVec4d& UVBounds( UVBounds_[ Particle.TextureIndex_ ] );

			// Crappy rotation implementation :P
			const BcF32 Radians = Particle.Rotation_;
			MaVec2d CornerA = MaVec2d( -1.0f, -1.0f ) * HalfSize;
			MaVec2d CornerB = MaVec2d(  1.0f, -1.0f ) * HalfSize;
			MaVec2d CornerC = MaVec2d(  1.0f,  1.0f ) * HalfSize;
			MaVec2d CornerD = MaVec2d( -1.0f,  1.0f ) * HalfSize;
			if( Radians != NULL )
				MaMat4d Rotation;
				Rotation.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Radians ) );
				CornerA = CornerA * Rotation;
				CornerB = CornerB * Rotation;
				CornerC = CornerC * Rotation;
				CornerD = CornerD * Rotation;

			const BcU32 Colour = Particle.Colour_.asABGR();

			// Grab vertices.
			ScnParticleVertex& VertexA = *pVertex++;
			ScnParticleVertex& VertexB = *pVertex++;
			ScnParticleVertex& VertexC = *pVertex++;

			ScnParticleVertex& VertexD = *pVertex++;
			ScnParticleVertex& VertexE = *pVertex++;
			ScnParticleVertex& VertexF = *pVertex++;
			VertexA.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexA.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexA.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexA.NX_ = CornerA.x();
			VertexA.NY_ = CornerA.y();
			VertexA.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexA.U_ = UVBounds.x();
			VertexA.V_ = UVBounds.y();
			VertexA.RGBA_ = Colour;

			VertexB.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexB.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexB.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexB.NX_ = CornerB.x();
			VertexB.NY_ = CornerB.y();
			VertexB.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexB.U_ = UVBounds.z();
			VertexB.V_ = UVBounds.y();
			VertexB.RGBA_ = Colour;

			VertexC.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexC.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexC.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexC.NX_ = CornerC.x();
			VertexC.NY_ = CornerC.y();
			VertexC.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexC.U_ = UVBounds.z();
			VertexC.V_ = UVBounds.w();
			VertexC.RGBA_ = Colour;

			VertexD.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexD.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexD.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexD.NX_ = CornerC.x();
			VertexD.NY_ = CornerC.y();
			VertexD.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexD.U_ = UVBounds.z();
			VertexD.V_ = UVBounds.w();
			VertexD.RGBA_ = Colour;

			VertexE.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexE.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexE.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexE.NX_ = CornerD.x();
			VertexE.NY_ = CornerD.y();
			VertexE.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexE.U_ = UVBounds.x();
			VertexE.V_ = UVBounds.w();
			VertexE.RGBA_ = Colour;

			VertexF.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
			VertexF.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
			VertexF.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
			VertexF.NX_ = CornerA.x();
			VertexF.NY_ = CornerA.y();
			VertexF.NZ_ = 0.0f;
			VertexF.U_ = UVBounds.x();
			VertexF.V_ = UVBounds.y();
			VertexF.RGBA_ = Colour;

	// Update and unlock vertex buffer.	
	VertexBuffer.pVertexBuffer_->setNoofUpdateVertices( NoofParticlesToRender * 6 );

	// Draw particles last.
	if( NoofParticlesToRender > 0 )
		Sort.Layer_ = 15;

		// Bind material.
		if( IsLocalSpace_ )
			const MaMat4d& WorldTransform = getParentEntity()->getWorldMatrix();
			MaterialComponent_->setParameter( WorldTransformParam_, WorldTransform );
			MaterialComponent_->setParameter( WorldTransformParam_, MaMat4d() );

		// Set material parameters for view.
		pViewComponent->setMaterialParameters( MaterialComponent_ );

		// Bind material component.
		MaterialComponent_->bind( pFrame, Sort );

		// Setup render node.
		ScnParticleSystemComponentRenderNode* pRenderNode = pFrame->newObject< ScnParticleSystemComponentRenderNode >();
		pRenderNode->pPrimitive_ = VertexBuffer.pPrimitive_;
		pRenderNode->NoofIndices_ = NoofParticlesToRender * 6;

		// Add to frame.
		pRenderNode->Sort_ = Sort;
		pFrame->addRenderNode( pRenderNode );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// update
void GaRobotComponent::update( BcF32 Tick )
	if( Health_ <= 0.0f )

	CurrentOpTimer_ -= Tick;
	if( CurrentOpTimer_ < 0.0f )
		CurrentOpTimer_ += CurrentOpTime_;

		// Handle robot program.
		BcBool ExecutedCode = BcFalse;
		if( Program_.size() > 0 )
			CurrentOp_ = NextOp_;
			const auto& Op = Program_[ CurrentOp_ ];
			if( Op.State_ == CurrentState_ )
				auto Condition = ProgramFunctionMap_[ Op.Condition_ ];
				if( Condition != nullptr )
					if( Condition( this, Op.ConditionVar_ ) )
						auto Operation = ProgramFunctionMap_[ Op.Operation_ ];
						if( Operation == nullptr )
							BcPrintf( "No operation \"%s\"\n", Op.Operation_.c_str() );
							auto RetVal = Operation( this, Op.OperationVar_ );
							if( RetVal != BcErrorCode )
								CurrentState_ = RetVal;
				ExecutedCode = BcTrue;

			// Advance to next valid op.
			if( ExecutedCode )
				for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Program_.size(); ++Idx )
					NextOp_ = ( NextOp_ + 1 ) % Program_.size();
					if( Program_[ NextOp_ ].State_ == CurrentState_ )

			// Did we fail to run code? If so, reset to op 0 and the state of op 0.
			if( ExecutedCode == BcFalse )
				NextOp_ = 0;
				CurrentState_ = Program_[ NextOp_ ].State_;

	// Grab entity + position.
	auto Entity = getParentEntity();
	auto LocalPosition = Entity->getLocalPosition();

	// Move if we need to move towards our target position.
	if( ( TargetPosition_ - LocalPosition ).magnitudeSquared() > ( TargetDistance_ * TargetDistance_ ) )
		if( MoveTimer_ <= 0.0f )
			Velocity_ +=  ( TargetPosition_ - LocalPosition ).normal() * MaxVelocity_;
		BcF32 SlowDownTick = BcClamp( Tick * 50.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
		Velocity_ -= ( Velocity_ * SlowDownTick );

	// TODO LATER: Do rotation.
	if( Velocity_.magnitudeSquared() > 0.1f )
		auto Angle = std::atan2( Velocity_.z(), Velocity_.x() ) + BcPIDIV2;

		MaMat4d RotMat;
		RotMat.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, Angle, 0.0f ) );
		Base_->setLocalMatrix( RotMat );

	// TODO LATER: Do rotation.
	auto Robots = getRobots( 1 - Team_ );
	if( Robots.size() > 0 )
		auto Robot = Robots[ 0 ];
		auto RobotPosition = Robot->getParentEntity()->getLocalPosition();
		auto VectorTo = RobotPosition - LocalPosition;

		// Push out of away.
		if( VectorTo.magnitude() < 3.0f )
			BcF32 Factor = ( 3.0f - VectorTo.magnitude() ) / 3.0f;
			BcF32 InvFactor = 1.0f - Factor;

			Velocity_ = ( -( VectorTo.normal() * MaxVelocity_ ) * Factor * 3.0f ) + ( Velocity_ * InvFactor );

		// Face turret.
		auto Angle = std::atan2( VectorTo.z(), VectorTo.x() ) + BcPIDIV2;

		MaMat4d RotMat;
		RotMat.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, Angle, 0.0f ) );
		Turret_->setLocalMatrix( RotMat );

	LocalPosition += Velocity_ * Tick;

	// Slow down velocity.
	BcF32 SlowDownTick = BcClamp( Tick * 10.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	Velocity_ -= ( Velocity_ * SlowDownTick );

	if( Velocity_.magnitude() > MaxVelocity_ )
		Velocity_ = Velocity_.normal() * MaxVelocity_;

	// Set local position.
	Entity->setLocalPosition( LocalPosition );

	// Handle health + energy.
	Health_ = BcClamp( Health_, 0.0f, 100.0f );
	Energy_ = BcClamp( Energy_ + ( EnergyChargeRate_ * Tick ), 0.0f, 100.0f );

	// Weapon timers.
	WeaponATimer_ = BcMax( WeaponATimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );
	WeaponBTimer_ = BcMax( WeaponBTimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );

	MoveTimer_ = BcMax( MoveTimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );

	// Health/energy bars.
	OsClient* Client = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	BcF32 Width = BcF32( Client->getWidth() ) * 0.5f;
	BcF32 Height = BcF32( Client->getHeight() ) * 0.5f;
	MaMat4d Projection;
	Projection.orthoProjection( -Width, Width, Height, -Height, -1.0f, 1.0f );
	Canvas_->pushMatrix( Projection );

	Canvas_->setMaterialComponent( Material_ );

	auto ScreenPos = View_->getScreenPosition( getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition() );
	ScreenPos -= MaVec2d( 0.0f, Height / 8.0f );
	auto TLPos = ScreenPos - MaVec2d( Width / 16.0f, Height / 64.0f );
	auto BRPos = ScreenPos + MaVec2d( Width / 16.0f, Height / 64.0f );

	// Draw background.
	Canvas_->drawBox( TLPos, BRPos, RsColour::BLACK, 0 );

	// Draw inner bars.
	TLPos += MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	BRPos -= MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f );

	auto HealthTL = MaVec2d(
		TLPos.y() );	
	auto HealthBR = MaVec2d( 
		TLPos.x() + ( BRPos.x() - TLPos.x() ) * ( Health_ / 100.0f ),
		( TLPos.y() + BRPos.y() ) * 0.5f );

	auto EnergyTL = MaVec2d(
		( TLPos.y() + BRPos.y() ) * 0.5f );
	auto EnergyBR = MaVec2d( 
		TLPos.x() + ( BRPos.x() - TLPos.x() ) * ( Energy_ / 100.0f ),
		BRPos.y() );

	Canvas_->drawBox( HealthTL, HealthBR, RsColour::GREEN, 0 );
	Canvas_->drawBox( EnergyTL, EnergyBR, RsColour::BLUE, 0 );

	Canvas_->popMatrix( );

		0 );

	Super::update( Tick );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ScnParticleSystemComponent::render( class ScnViewComponent* pViewComponent, RsFrame* pFrame, RsRenderSort Sort )
	// Wait for update fence.

	// Grab vertex buffer and flip for next frame to use.
	TVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = VertexBuffers_[ CurrentVertexBuffer_ ];
	CurrentVertexBuffer_ = 1 - CurrentVertexBuffer_;

	// Calculate lock size.
	BcU32 NoofParticlesToRender = 0;
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofParticles_; ++Idx )
		ScnParticle& Particle = pParticleBuffer_[ Idx ];

		if( Particle.Alive_ )

	// Lock vertex buffer.
	if( NoofParticlesToRender > 0 )
			NoofParticlesToRender * sizeof( ScnParticleVertex ) * 6,
			[ this, NoofParticlesToRender ]
			( RsBuffer* Buffer, const RsBufferLock& Lock )
				BcU32 NoofParticlesRendered = 0;
				ScnParticleVertex* pVertex = reinterpret_cast< ScnParticleVertex* >( Lock.Buffer_ );
				for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofParticles_; ++Idx )
					ScnParticle& Particle = pParticleBuffer_[ Idx ];

					if( Particle.Alive_ )

						// Half size.
						const MaVec2d HalfSize = Particle.Scale_ * 0.5f;
						BcAssert( Particle.TextureIndex_ < UVBounds_.size() );
						const MaVec4d& UVBounds( UVBounds_[ Particle.TextureIndex_ ] );

						// Crappy rotation implementation :P
						const BcF32 Radians = Particle.Rotation_;
						MaVec2d CornerA = MaVec2d( -1.0f, -1.0f ) * HalfSize;
						MaVec2d CornerB = MaVec2d(  1.0f, -1.0f ) * HalfSize;
						MaVec2d CornerC = MaVec2d(  1.0f,  1.0f ) * HalfSize;
						MaVec2d CornerD = MaVec2d( -1.0f,  1.0f ) * HalfSize;
						if( Radians != 0.0f )
							MaMat4d Rotation;
							Rotation.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Radians ) );
							CornerA = CornerA * Rotation;
							CornerB = CornerB * Rotation;
							CornerC = CornerC * Rotation;
							CornerD = CornerD * Rotation;

						const BcU32 Colour = Particle.Colour_.asABGR();

						// Grab vertices.
						ScnParticleVertex& VertexA = *pVertex++;
						ScnParticleVertex& VertexB = *pVertex++;
						ScnParticleVertex& VertexC = *pVertex++;

						ScnParticleVertex& VertexD = *pVertex++;
						ScnParticleVertex& VertexE = *pVertex++;
						ScnParticleVertex& VertexF = *pVertex++;
						VertexA.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexA.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexA.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexA.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexA.NX_ = CornerA.x();
						VertexA.NY_ = CornerA.y();
						VertexA.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexA.U_ = UVBounds.x();
						VertexA.V_ = UVBounds.y();
						VertexA.RGBA_ = Colour;

						VertexB.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexB.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexB.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexB.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexB.NX_ = CornerB.x();
						VertexB.NY_ = CornerB.y();
						VertexB.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexB.U_ = UVBounds.z();
						VertexB.V_ = UVBounds.y();
						VertexB.RGBA_ = Colour;

						VertexC.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexC.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexC.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexC.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexC.NX_ = CornerC.x();
						VertexC.NY_ = CornerC.y();
						VertexC.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexC.U_ = UVBounds.z();
						VertexC.V_ = UVBounds.w();
						VertexC.RGBA_ = Colour;

						VertexD.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexD.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexD.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexD.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexD.NX_ = CornerC.x();
						VertexD.NY_ = CornerC.y();
						VertexD.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexD.U_ = UVBounds.z();
						VertexD.V_ = UVBounds.w();
						VertexD.RGBA_ = Colour;

						VertexE.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexE.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexE.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexE.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexE.NX_ = CornerD.x();
						VertexE.NY_ = CornerD.y();
						VertexE.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexE.U_ = UVBounds.x();
						VertexE.V_ = UVBounds.w();
						VertexE.RGBA_ = Colour;

						VertexF.X_ = Particle.Position_.x();
						VertexF.Y_ = Particle.Position_.y();
						VertexF.Z_ = Particle.Position_.z();
						VertexF.W_ = 1.0f;
						VertexF.NX_ = CornerA.x();
						VertexF.NY_ = CornerA.y();
						VertexF.NZ_ = 0.0f;
						VertexF.U_ = UVBounds.x();
						VertexF.V_ = UVBounds.y();
						VertexF.RGBA_ = Colour;

				BcAssert( NoofParticlesRendered == NoofParticlesToRender );
			} );

	// Update uniform buffer.
	if( IsLocalSpace_ )
		VertexBuffer.ObjectUniforms_.WorldTransform_ = getParentEntity()->getWorldMatrix();
		VertexBuffer.ObjectUniforms_.WorldTransform_ = MaMat4d();

	// Upload uniforms.
		0, sizeof( VertexBuffer.ObjectUniforms_ ),
		[ this, VertexBuffer ]( RsBuffer* Buffer, const RsBufferLock& Lock )
			BcMemCopy( Lock.Buffer_, &VertexBuffer.ObjectUniforms_, sizeof( VertexBuffer.ObjectUniforms_ ) );
		} );

	// Draw particles last.
	if( NoofParticlesToRender > 0 )
		Sort.Layer_ = 15;

		// Set material parameters for view.
		pViewComponent->setMaterialParameters( MaterialComponent_ );

		// Bind material component.
		MaterialComponent_->bind( pFrame, Sort );

		// Setup render node.
		ScnParticleSystemComponentRenderNode* pRenderNode = pFrame->newObject< ScnParticleSystemComponentRenderNode >();
		pRenderNode->VertexBuffer_ = VertexBuffer.pVertexBuffer_;
		pRenderNode->VertexDeclaration_ = VertexDeclaration_;
		pRenderNode->NoofIndices_ = NoofParticlesToRender * 6;

		// Add to frame.
		pRenderNode->Sort_ = Sort;
		pFrame->addRenderNode( pRenderNode );