Ejemplo n.º 1
void Enemy_Handler::LoadEnemies( Game_Renderer* renderer, Map& map )
    //Delete all of the data before clearing
    for( int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++ )
        delete enemies[ i ];

    for( int y = 0; y < map.GetMapTileHeight(); y++ ) {
        for( int x = 0; x < map.GetMapTileWidth(); x++ ) {
            switch( map.GetEnemy( x, y ) )
            case Map::NONE:
            case Map::CORGI:
                enemies.push_back( new Enemy_Corgi( renderer, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).x, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).y - 64 ) );
            case Map::GREYHOUND:
                enemies.push_back( new Enemy_GreyHound( renderer, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).x, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).y - 64 ) );
            case Map::HUSKY:
                enemies.push_back( new Enemy_Husky( renderer, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).x, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).y - 64 ) );
            case Map::SHIBA:
                enemies.push_back( new Enemy_Shiba( renderer, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).x, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).y - 64 ) );
            case Map::BULLDOG:
                enemies.push_back( new Enemy_Bulldog( renderer, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).x, map.GetTileDest( x, y ).y - 64 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Corgi_Physics::Move( Component_Game_Actor& actor, Map &map, float timeStep )
    int previousx = tempNewX;
    int previousy = tempNewY;
    //Temporary holdings for the speeds
    tempNewX += (int)xVelocity * timeStep;
    tempNewY += (int)yVelocity * timeStep;    

    actorBox.x = tempNewX;
    actorBox.y = tempNewY;

    //moving right
    if( xVelocity > 0 )
        //Check out of bounds right
        if( tempNewX + actorBox.w < map.GetMapWidth() ) {
            //Get the tile where the actor is
            xTile       = ( tempNewX + actorBox.w ) / TILE_SIZE;
            yTile       = tempNewY / TILE_SIZE;
            int midTile = ( tempNewY + ( actorBox.h / 2 ) ) / TILE_SIZE;
            //int botTile = ( tempNewY + actorBox.h - 1 ) / TILE_SIZE;
            //Check the tile just to the right
            if( map.GetCollision( xTile, yTile ) || map.GetCollision( xTile, midTile ) ) {
                //Check box collision for all tiles in front of the character.
                if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, yTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                    SetXVelocity( NEGATIVE_MOVEMENT );
                } else if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, midTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                    SetXVelocity( NEGATIVE_MOVEMENT );
                } /*else if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, botTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                } */
        } else {
            tempNewX = map.GetMapWidth() - actor.GetGraphics()->GetDestination().w - TILE_SIZE;
            SetXVelocity( NEGATIVE_MOVEMENT );

    //moving left
    else if( xVelocity < 0 )
        //Check out of bounds left
        if( tempNewX > 0 ) {
            //Get the tile where the actor is
            xTile       = tempNewX / TILE_SIZE;
            yTile       = tempNewY / TILE_SIZE;
            int midTile = ( tempNewY + ( actorBox.h / 2 ) ) / TILE_SIZE;
            //int botTile = ( tempNewY + actorBox.h - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
            //Check the tile just to the right
            if( map.GetCollision( xTile, yTile ) || map.GetCollision( xTile, midTile ) ) {
                //Check box collision for all tiles in front of the character.a
                if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, yTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                    SetXVelocity( POSITIVE_MOVEMENT );
                } else if ( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, midTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                    SetXVelocity( POSITIVE_MOVEMENT );
                }/* else if ( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, botTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                    actorBox.x = previousx;
                    tempNewX = previousx;
                }  */ 
        } else  {
            tempNewX = 0;
            SetXVelocity( POSITIVE_MOVEMENT );

    //if( yVelocity > 0 ) {
        //Check bounds bottom
        if( tempNewY + actor.GetGraphics()->GetDestination().h < SCREEN_HEIGHT ) {
            // left side of the sprite underneath
            yTile = ( tempNewY + actorBox.h ) / TILE_SIZE;
            xTile = tempNewX / TILE_SIZE;
            //middle underneath
            int midX   = ( tempNewX + ( actorBox.w / 2 ) ) / TILE_SIZE;
            // right side of the sprite underneath
            int rightX = ( tempNewX + actorBox.w ) / TILE_SIZE;
            //Check both undersides of the sprite to see if it should stop falling
            if( map.GetCollision( xTile, yTile ) || map.GetCollision( rightX, yTile ) || map.GetCollision( midX, yTile ) ) {
                if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( xTile, yTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                        actor.SetState( ACTOR_STAND );
                        jumpTotal = 0;
                        tempNewY = map.GetTileDest( xTile, yTile ).y - actorBox.h;
                        actorBox.y = tempNewY;
                } else if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( rightX, yTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                        actor.SetState( ACTOR_STAND );
                        jumpTotal = 0;
                        tempNewY = map.GetTileDest( rightX, yTile ).y - actorBox.h;
                        actorBox.y = tempNewY;
                } else if( Game_Collision::CheckCollisionBox( map.GetTileDest( midX, yTile ), actorBox ) ) {
                        actor.SetState( ACTOR_STAND );
                        jumpTotal = 0;
                        tempNewY = map.GetTileDest( midX, yTile ).y - actorBox.h;
                        actorBox.y = tempNewY;
            } else {
                yVelocity = MAX_FALL;
        //Check bounds top
        } else if( tempNewY < 0 ) {
            tempNewY = 0;

    //Jumping up
    if( tempNewY < 0 ) {
        tempNewY = 0;


    actor.GetGraphics()->SetDestinationX( tempNewX );
    actor.GetGraphics()->SetDestinationY( tempNewY );