Ejemplo n.º 1
MapHandlerGen* Surface_Radiance_Plugin::importFromFile(const QString& fileName)
	QFileInfo fi(fileName);
		MapHandlerGen* mhg = m_schnapps->addMap(fi.baseName(), 2);
			MapHandler<PFP2>* mh = static_cast<MapHandler<PFP2>*>(mhg);
			PFP2::MAP* map = mh->getMap();

			MeshTablesSurface_Radiance importer(*map);
			if (!importer.importPLY<Utils::SphericalHarmonics<PFP2::REAL, PFP2::VEC3> >(fileName.toStdString()))
				std::cout << "could not import " << fileName.toStdString() << std::endl;
				return NULL;
			CGoGN::Algo::Surface::Import::importMesh<PFP2>(*map, importer);

			// get vertex position attribute
			VertexAttribute<PFP2::VEC3, PFP2::MAP> position = map->getAttribute<PFP2::VEC3, VERTEX, PFP2::MAP>("position") ;
			VertexAttribute<PFP2::VEC3, PFP2::MAP> normal = map->getAttribute<PFP2::VEC3, VERTEX, PFP2::MAP>("normal");

			MapParameters& mapParams = h_mapParameterSet[mhg];

			mapParams.nbVertices = Algo::Topo::getNbOrbits<VERTEX>(*map);

			mapParams.radiance = map->getAttribute<Utils::SphericalHarmonics<PFP2::REAL, PFP2::VEC3>, VERTEX, PFP2::MAP>("radiance") ;
			mapParams.radianceTexture = new Utils::Texture<2, Geom::Vec3f>(GL_FLOAT);
			mapParams.param = map->checkAttribute<Geom::Vec2i, VERTEX, PFP2::MAP>("param");

			// create texture
			unsigned int nbv_nbc = Algo::Topo::getNbOrbits<VERTEX>(*map) * Utils::SphericalHarmonics<PFP2::REAL, PFP2::VEC3>::get_nb_coefs();
			unsigned int size = 1;
			while (size * size < nbv_nbc)
				size <<= 1;

			mapParams.radianceTexture->create(Geom::Vec2i(size, size));

			// fill texture
			unsigned int count = 0;
			foreach_cell<VERTEX>(*map, [&] (Vertex v)
				unsigned int i = count / size;
				unsigned int j = count % size;
				mapParams.param[v] = Geom::Vec2i(i, j) ; // first index for current vertex
				for (int l = 0 ; l <= Utils::SphericalHarmonics<PFP2::REAL, PFP2::VEC3>::get_resolution() ; ++l)
					for (int m = -l ; m <= l ; ++m)
						i = count / size;
						j = count % size;
						(*(mapParams.radianceTexture))(i,j) = mapParams.radiance[v].get_coef(l, m);
			}) ;
			// resulting texture : SH00_vx0, SH1-1_vx0, ..., SHlm_vx0, SH00_vx1, SH1-1_vx1, ..., SHlm_vx1, etc.
			// resulting param : param[vxI] points to SH00_vxI
			// the size of the texture is needed to know where to do the divisions and modulos.


			// uncomment this line to be able to load multiple objects with different SH basis
			// (decimation will be unavailable)
//			map->removeAttribute(mapParams.radiance);

			mapParams.paramVBO = new Utils::VBO();

			mapParams.radiancePerVertexShader = new Utils::ShaderRadiancePerVertex(Utils::SphericalHarmonics<PFP2::REAL, PFP2::VEC3>::get_resolution());

		this->pythonRecording("importFile", mhg->getName(), fi.baseName());

		return mhg;
		return NULL;