Ejemplo n.º 1
static bool
GetInsetBoxShadowRects(const Margin& aBlurMargin,
                       const Margin& aInnerMargin,
                       const Rect& aShadowClipRect,
                       const Rect& aDestinationRect,
                       Rect& aOutWhitespaceRect,
                       Rect& aOutOuterRect)
  // We always copy (2 * blur radius) + corner radius worth of data to the destination rect
  // This covers the blend of the path + the actual blur
  // Need +1 so that we copy the edges correctly as we'll copy
  // over the min box shadow corners then the +1 for the edges between
  // Note, the (x,y) coordinates are from the blur margin
  // since the frame outside the whitespace rect is 1 blur radius extra space.
  Rect insideWhiteSpace(aBlurMargin.left,
                        aInnerMargin.LeftRight() + 1,
                        aInnerMargin.TopBottom() + 1);

  // If the inner white space rect is larger than the shadow clip rect
  // our approach does not work as we'll just copy one corner
  // and cover the destination. In those cases, fallback to the destination rect
  bool useDestRect = (aShadowClipRect.width <= aInnerMargin.LeftRight()) ||
                     (aShadowClipRect.height <= aInnerMargin.TopBottom());

  if (useDestRect) {
    aOutWhitespaceRect = aShadowClipRect;
    aOutOuterRect = aDestinationRect;
  } else {
    aOutWhitespaceRect = insideWhiteSpace;
    aOutOuterRect = aOutWhitespaceRect;

  return useDestRect;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
ComputeRectsForInsetBoxShadow(gfxIntSize aBlurRadius,
                              gfxIntSize aSpreadRadius,
                              const Rect& aDestRect,
                              const Rect& aShadowClipRect,
                              Rect& aOutOuterRect,
                              Rect& aOutInnerRect,
                              Margin& aOutPathMargins)
  gfxIntSize marginSize = aBlurRadius + aSpreadRadius;
  // The sizes we're given for aBlurRadius/aSpreadRadius are radius'.
  // We actually want to paint the whole blur, so we need the diameter.
  // We render both the outer / inner blur portions of a blur,
  // Then we clip out the outer portion later.
  aOutPathMargins.SizeTo(marginSize.height, marginSize.width, marginSize.height, marginSize.width);
  aOutPathMargins += aOutPathMargins;

  aOutOuterRect.x = 0;
  aOutInnerRect.x = marginSize.width;

  aOutOuterRect.y = 0;
  aOutInnerRect.y = marginSize.height;

  // + 1 for the middle edges so we can sample them
  aOutInnerRect.width = aOutPathMargins.LeftRight() + 1;
  aOutInnerRect.height = aOutPathMargins.TopBottom() + 1;

  // The outer path rect needs to be 1 blur radius past the inner edges
  aOutOuterRect.width = aOutInnerRect.XMost() + marginSize.width;
  aOutOuterRect.height = aOutInnerRect.YMost() + marginSize.height;

  if ((aOutOuterRect.width >= aDestRect.width) ||
      (aOutOuterRect.height >= aDestRect.height) ||
      (aOutInnerRect.width >= aShadowClipRect.width) ||
      (aOutInnerRect.height >= aShadowClipRect.height))
    aOutOuterRect.width = aDestRect.width;
    aOutOuterRect.height = aDestRect.height;
    aOutInnerRect.width = aShadowClipRect.width;
    aOutInnerRect.height = aShadowClipRect.height;
    aOutPathMargins.SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0);