Ejemplo n.º 1
void JSGlobalObject::haveABadTime(VM& vm)
    ASSERT(&vm == &this->vm());
    if (isHavingABadTime())
    // Make sure that all allocations or indexed storage transitions that are inlining
    // the assumption that it's safe to transition to a non-SlowPut array storage don't
    // do so anymore.
    ASSERT(isHavingABadTime()); // The watchpoint is what tells us that we're having a bad time.
    // Make sure that all JSArray allocations that load the appropriate structure from
    // this object now load a structure that uses SlowPut.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumberOfIndexingShapes; ++i)
        m_arrayStructureForIndexingShapeDuringAllocation[i].set(vm, this, originalArrayStructureForIndexingType(ArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage));
    // Make sure that all objects that have indexed storage switch to the slow kind of
    // indexed storage.
    MarkedArgumentBuffer foundObjects; // Use MarkedArgumentBuffer because switchToSlowPutArrayStorage() may GC.
    ObjectsWithBrokenIndexingFinder finder(foundObjects, this);
    while (!foundObjects.isEmpty()) {
        JSObject* object = asObject(foundObjects.last());
Ejemplo n.º 2
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncMatch(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    UString s = thisValue.toThisString(exec);

    JSValue a0 = args.at(0);

    UString u = s;
    RefPtr<RegExp> reg;
    RegExpObject* imp = 0;
    if (a0.isObject(&RegExpObject::info))
        reg = asRegExpObject(a0)->regExp();
    else {
         *  ECMA String.prototype.search (regexp)
         *  If regexp is not an object whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp", it is
         *  replaced with the result of the expression new RegExp(regexp).
        reg = RegExp::create(&exec->globalData(), a0.toString(exec));
    RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
    int pos;
    int matchLength;
    regExpConstructor->performMatch(reg.get(), u, 0, pos, matchLength);
    if (!(reg->global())) {
        // case without 'g' flag is handled like RegExp.prototype.exec
        if (pos < 0)
            return jsNull();
        return regExpConstructor->arrayOfMatches(exec);

    // return array of matches
    MarkedArgumentBuffer list;
    int lastIndex = 0;
    while (pos >= 0) {
        list.append(jsSubstring(exec, u, pos, matchLength));
        lastIndex = pos;
        pos += matchLength == 0 ? 1 : matchLength;
        regExpConstructor->performMatch(reg.get(), u, pos, pos, matchLength);
    if (imp)
    if (list.isEmpty()) {
        // if there are no matches at all, it's important to return
        // Null instead of an empty array, because this matches
        // other browsers and because Null is a false value.
        return jsNull();

    return constructArray(exec, list);
Ejemplo n.º 3
JSValue RegExpObject::matchGlobal(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSString* string)
    RegExp* regExp = this->regExp();


    VM* vm = &globalObject->vm();

    setLastIndex(exec, 0);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return jsUndefined();

    String s = string->value(exec);
    RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = globalObject->regExpConstructor();
    MatchResult result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*vm, regExp, string, s, 0);

    // return array of matches
    MarkedArgumentBuffer list;
    // We defend ourselves from crazy.
    const size_t maximumReasonableMatchSize = 1000000000;

    if (regExp->unicode()) {
        unsigned stringLength = s.length();
        while (result) {
            if (list.size() > maximumReasonableMatchSize) {
                return jsUndefined();

            size_t end = result.end;
            size_t length = end - result.start;
            list.append(jsSubstring(exec, s, result.start, length));
            if (!length)
                end = advanceStringUnicode(s, stringLength, end);
            result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*vm, regExp, string, s, end);
    } else {
        while (result) {
            if (list.size() > maximumReasonableMatchSize) {
                return jsUndefined();

            size_t end = result.end;
            size_t length = end - result.start;
            list.append(jsSubstring(exec, s, result.start, length));
            if (!length)
            result = regExpConstructor->performMatch(*vm, regExp, string, s, end);

    if (list.isEmpty()) {
        // if there are no matches at all, it's important to return
        // Null instead of an empty array, because this matches
        // other browsers and because Null is a false value.
        return jsNull();

    return constructArray(exec, static_cast<ArrayAllocationProfile*>(0), list);