Ejemplo n.º 1
void BackgroundSubtractorGMGImpl::release()
    frameSize_ = Size();

Ejemplo n.º 2
int copyMakeBorder(/*const*/ Mat_<_Tp, chs>& src, Mat_<_Tp, chs>& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, const Scalar& value = Scalar())
	FBC_Assert(top >= 0 && bottom >= 0 && left >= 0 && right >= 0);

	if (src.isSubmatrix() && (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) == 0) {
		Size wholeSize;
		Point ofs;
		src.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
		int dtop = std::min(ofs.y, top);
		int dbottom = std::min(wholeSize.height - src.rows - ofs.y, bottom);
		int dleft = std::min(ofs.x, left);
		int dright = std::min(wholeSize.width - src.cols - ofs.x, right);
		src.adjustROI(dtop, dbottom, dleft, dright);
		top -= dtop;
		left -= dleft;
		bottom -= dbottom;
		right -= dright;

	if (dst.empty() || dst.rows != (src.rows + top + bottom) || dst.cols != (src.cols + left + right)) {
		dst = Mat_<_Tp, chs>(src.rows + top + bottom, src.cols + left + right);

	if (top == 0 && left == 0 && bottom == 0 && right == 0) {
		if (src.data != dst.data || src.step != dst.step)
		return 0;

	borderType &= ~BORDER_ISOLATED;

	if (borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT) {
		copyMakeBorder_8u(src.ptr(), src.step, src.size(), dst.ptr(), dst.step, dst.size(), top, left, src.elemSize(), borderType);
	} else {
		int cn = src.channels, cn1 = cn;
		AutoBuffer<double> buf(cn);

		scalarToRawData<_Tp, chs>(value, buf, cn);
		copyMakeConstBorder_8u(src.ptr(), src.step, src.size(), dst.ptr(), dst.step, dst.size(), top, left, (int)src.elemSize(), (uchar*)(double*)buf);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void mapUpdateMsgHandler(MSG_INSTANCE msgInstance,
                         void *callData,
                         void *clientData) {
	struct PlanMap* pm = (PlanMap*) callData;
	AppContext* ac = (AppContext*) clientData;
	//sendHS(42, globalCounter);
	Mat_<uchar> m = Mat(1120, 1120, CV_8UC1, pm->map);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1119; i++) {
        m(0, i) = 90;
        m(i, 0) = 90;
        m(1119, i) = 90;
        m(i, 1119) = 90;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1119; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 1119; j++) {
            ac->plannerMap.map[i][j] = pm->map[i][j];
    ac->plannerMap.x = pm->x;
    ac->plannerMap.y = pm->y;
    imshow("map", m);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    char c;
    char *filepath;
    int cut_horizontal = 0;
    int cut_vertical = 0;
    int timed = 0;
    int show = 0;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:h:v:ts")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'f': filepath = optarg; break;
        case 'h': cut_horizontal = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break;
        case 'v': cut_vertical = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break;
        case 't': timed = 1; break;
        case 's': show = 1; break;
        default: exit(1); 

    // OpenCL boilerplate
    std::string ..._kernel_str;

    std::string ..._name_str = std::string("...");
    std::string ..._kernel_file = std::string("...");

    cl_vars_t cv; 
    cl_kernel ...;

    readFile(..._kernel_file, ..._kernel_str);


    compile_ocl_program(..., cv, ..._kernel_str.c_str(), ..._name_str.c_str());

    // Read image
    Mat_<Vec3b> image = imread(filepath);

    if (!image.data) {
        cout << "Invalid input";
        return -1;

    if (show) {
        imshow("Original Image", image);

    SeamCarver s(image);

    // imshow("Gradient", s.energy);
    // Mat tmp = s.energy/195075.0*255.0;
    // s.energy.convertTo(tmp,CV_8U,-1);
    // imwrite("bench_gradient.jpg", tmp);
    // vector<uint> sm = s.findVerticalSeam();
    // s.showVerticalSeam(sm);

    // Carving happens here
    double start = get_time();
    double elapsed = get_time() - start;
    // --------------------

    // double start = get_time();
    // for (int i = 0; i < cut_horizontal; ++i) {
    //     vector<uint> seam = s.findHorizontalSeam();
    //     // s.showHorizontalSeam(seam);
    //     s.removeHorizontalSeam(seam);
    // }
    // for (int i = 0; i < cut_vertical; ++i) {
    //     vector<uint> seam = s.findVerticalSeam();
    //     // s.showVerticalSeam(seam);
    //     s.removeVerticalSeam(seam);
    // }
    // double elapsed = get_time() - start;

    if (timed) {
        printf("Elapsed time: %.3lf seconds\n", elapsed);

    Mat_<Vec3b> output = s.getImage();
    imwrite("scarved.jpg", output);

    if (show) {
        imshow("Carved Image", output);
        while (waitKey(20) != 27);

    // cout << "Seam Length: " << seam.size() << endl;
    // s.showImage();
    // s.showEnergy();

    // imwrite("bench_carved.jpg", s.getImage());

    // for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    //     for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
    //         cout << s.energy.at<uint32_t>(i,j) << " ";
    //     }
    //     cout << endl;
    // }





    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void NNLSOptimizer::estimateExpressionParameters(const vector<Point2f> &featurePoints,
                                 const Mat &cameraMatrix, const Mat& lensDist,
                                 Face* face_ptr,const vector<int> &point_indices,
                                 const Mat &rotation, const Mat &translation,
                                 vector<double> &weights_ex)
    Mat_<double> weakCamera(2,3);
    //matrices for A_ex * w_ex = f and A_id * w_id = f
    Mat_<double> A_ex, seg_A_ex;
    //matrix Z = kron(weights, Identity_matrix)
    Mat_<double> Z_ex;
    Mat_<double> ZU;
    Mat_<double> pr, Pt;

    //core tensor rows
    Mat_<double> Mi;

    //featurePoints converted to 2x1 matrices
    Mat_<double> fi;
    Mat_<double> f;

    int index = 0;

    const int exr_size = model->getExpSize();
    const int id_size = model->getIdSize();

    double *w_id = new double[id_size];
    double *w_exp = new double[exr_size];

    Mat_<double> rmatrix;
    Mat_<double> x_t(1,exr_size);
    Mat_<double> y_t(1,id_size);
    Mat_<double> x(exr_size,1);
    Mat_<double> y(id_size,1);
    //used for x_t*U_ex and y_t*U_id
    Mat_<double> lin_comb_x(exr_size,1);
    Mat_<double> lin_comb_y(id_size,1);

    double Z_avg;
    double average_depth;
    Point3f p;
    Mat_<double> proP;
    Mat_<double> pM(3,1);


    //get weights from the current face instance

    //find average depth
    average_depth = face_ptr->getAverageDepth();    
    pM(0,0) = 1;
    pM(1,0) = 1;
    pM(2,0) = average_depth;
    proP = cameraMatrix*rmatrix*pM;
    proP = proP + cameraMatrix*translation;
    Z_avg = proP(0,2);

    /*create weak-perspecitve camera matrix from camera matrix*/
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
            weakCamera(i,j) = cameraMatrix.at<double>(i,j);

    f = Mat_<double>(featurePoints.size()*2,1);
    fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);

    //precompute translation
    Pt = (1./translation.at<double>(2,0)) * (weakCamera*translation);

     //preprocess points and core tensor rows
    //for points subtract translation too
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<featurePoints.size();i++)
        fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);
        fi(0,0) = featurePoints[i].x;
        fi(1,0) = featurePoints[i].y;

        fi = fi - Pt;
        f.row(2*i) = fi.row(0) + 0.0;
        f.row(2*i+1) = fi.row(1) + 0.0;

    pr = (1.0/Z_avg)*weakCamera*rmatrix;
    A_ex = Mat_<double>::zeros(2*featurePoints.size(),exr_size);
    seg_A_ex = Mat_<double>::zeros(2*featurePoints.size(),exr_size);    

    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++)
        y_t(0,i) = w_id[i];
    lin_comb_y = (y_t*u_id).t();
    Z_ex = Matrix::kronecker(lin_comb_y,Mat_<double>::eye(exr_size,exr_size));
    ZU = Z_ex*(u_ex.t());

    for(unsigned int i=0;i<point_indices.size();++i)
        index = point_indices[i];
        seg_A_ex = pr*M[index]*ZU;
        A_ex.row(2*i) = seg_A_ex.row(0) + 0.0;
        A_ex.row(2*i+1) = seg_A_ex.row(1) + 0.0;

    //do not use the guess in the first frame but do for every following frame
    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++)
        x_t(0,i) = x(i,0) = w_exp[i];

//    Mat_<double> temp = (A_ex*x - f);
//    Mat_<double> e = temp.t()*temp;
//    cout << "exp, error before " << e(0,0)<<endl;
    //op .. lets see if we get here
//    temp = (A_ex*x - f);
//    e = temp.t()*temp;
//    cout << "exp, error after " << e(0,0)<<endl;

    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++){
        w_exp[i] = x(i,0);

    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++){

    //unecessary it seems 

    delete[] w_id;
    delete[] w_exp;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void NNLSOptimizer::estimateModelParameters(const vector<Point2f> &featurePoints,
                                 const Mat &cameraMatrix, const Mat& lensDist,
                                 Face* face_ptr,const vector<int> &point_indices,
                                 const Mat &rotation, const Mat &translation,
                                 vector<double> &weights_id, vector<double> &weights_ex)
    Mat_<double> weakCamera(2,3);
    //matrices for A_ex * w_ex = f and A_id * w_id = f
    Mat_<double> A_ex , A_id;
    //matrix Z = kron(weights, Identity_matrix)
    Mat_<double> Z_ex, Z_id;
    Mat_<double> ZU;
    Mat_<double> pr, Pt, PRM, prm;

    //core tensor rows
    Mat_<double> Mi;

    //featurePoints converted to 2x1 matrices
    Mat_<double> fi;
    Mat_<double> f;
    Mat_<double> O;

    int index = 0;
    const int exr_size = model->getExpSize();
    const int id_size = model->getIdSize();

    double *w_id = new double[id_size];
    double *w_exp = new double[exr_size];

    Mat_<double> rmatrix;
    Mat_<double> x_t(1,exr_size);
    Mat_<double> y_t(1,id_size);
    Mat_<double> x(exr_size,1);
    Mat_<double> y(id_size,1);
    //used for x_t*U_ex and y_t*U_id
    Mat_<double> lin_comb_x(exr_size,1);
    Mat_<double> lin_comb_y(id_size,1);

    double Z_avg;
    double average_depth;
    Point3f p;
    Mat_<double> proP;
    Mat_<double> pM(3,1);


    //get weights from the current face instance

    average_depth = face_ptr->getAverageDepth();
    pM(0,0) = 1;
    pM(1,0) = 1;
    pM(2,0) = average_depth;    
    proP = cameraMatrix*rmatrix*pM;
    proP = proP + cameraMatrix*translation;
    Z_avg = proP(0,2);

    /*create weak-perspecitve camera matrix from camera matrix*/
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
            weakCamera(i,j) = cameraMatrix.at<double>(i,j);

    f = Mat_<double>(featurePoints.size()*2,1);
    fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);

    //precompute translation
    Pt = (1./translation.at<double>(2,0)) * (weakCamera*translation);

    //preprocess points and core tensor rows
    //for points subtract translation too
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<featurePoints.size();i++)
        fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);
        fi(0,0) = featurePoints[i].x;
        fi(1,0) = featurePoints[i].y;

        fi = fi - Pt;
        f.row(2*i) = fi.row(0) + 0.0;
        f.row(2*i+1) = fi.row(1) + 0.0;

    pr = (1.0/Z_avg)*weakCamera*rmatrix;
    PRM = Mat_<double>(2*featurePoints.size(),exr_size*id_size);
    prm = Mat_<double>(2,exr_size*id_size);

    for(unsigned int i=0;i<point_indices.size();++i)
        index = point_indices[i];        
        prm = pr*M[index];
        PRM.row(2*i) = prm.row(0) + 0.0;
        PRM.row(2*i+1) = prm.row(1) + 0.0;

    //do not use the guess in the first frame but do for every following frame
    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++)
        x_t(0,i) = x(i,0) = w_exp[i];
    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++)
        y_t(0,i) = y(i,0) = w_id[i];

    A_ex = Mat_<double>::zeros(2*featurePoints.size(),exr_size);
    A_id = Mat_<double>::zeros(2*featurePoints.size(),id_size);

    for(int count = 0;count < max_iterations; count++)
        //put the guesses into matrix y and x
        y_t = y.t();

        lin_comb_y = (y_t*u_id).t();

        Z_ex = Matrix::kronecker(lin_comb_y,Mat_<double>::eye(exr_size,exr_size));
        ZU = Z_ex*(u_ex.t());

        A_ex = PRM*ZU;


        x_t = x.t();
        lin_comb_x = (x_t*u_ex).t();

        Z_id = Matrix::kronecker(Mat_<double>::eye(id_size,id_size),lin_comb_x);
        ZU = Z_id*(u_id.t());

        /* compute the formula :
         * Sum( U*Z'*Mi'*R'*PW'*PW*R*Mi*Z*U' )*y = Sum( U*Z'*Mi'*R'*PW'*fi - (1/tz)*U*Z'*Mi'*R'*PW'*PW'*t )

        A_id = PRM*ZU;

//        Mat_<double> temp = (A_id*y - f);
//        Mat_<double> e = temp.t()*temp;
//        cout << "id, error before " << e(0,0)<<endl;
//        temp = (A_id*y - f);
//        e = temp.t()*temp;
//        cout << "id, error after " << e(0,0)<<endl;

    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++){
        w_exp[i] = x(i,0);
    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++){
        w_id[i] = y(i,0);

    //we cannot normalize because then we lose 1/z_avg which is the scale
//    Vector3::normalize(w_exp, exr_size);
//    Vector3::normalize(w_id, id_size);

    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++){

    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++){


    delete[] w_id;
    delete[] w_exp;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void NNLSOptimizer::estimateIdentityParameters(const vector<vector<Point2f> >&featurePointsVector,
                                 const Mat &cameraMatrix, const Mat& lensDist,
                                 Face* face_ptr,const vector<vector<int> >&point_indices_vector,
                                 const vector<Mat> &rotation, const vector<Mat> &translation,
                                 const vector<vector<double> > &weights_ex,
                                 vector<double> &weights_id)
    Mat_<double> weakCamera(2,3);
    //matrices for A_id * w_id = f
    Mat_<double> A_id, seg_A_id;
    //matrix Z = kron(weights, Identity_matrix)
    Mat_<double> Z_id;
    Mat_<double> ZU;
    Mat_<double> pr, Pt;

    //featurePoints converted to 2x1 matrices
    Mat_<double> fi;
    Mat_<double> f;

    int index = 0;
    //total number of feature points
    int featurePointNum = 0;

    const int exr_size = model->getExpSize();
    const int id_size = model->getIdSize();

    double *w_id = new double[id_size];
    double *w_exp = new double[exr_size];

    Mat_<double> rmatrix;
    Mat_<double> x_t(1,exr_size);
    Mat_<double> y_t(1,id_size);
    Mat_<double> x(exr_size,1);
    Mat_<double> y(id_size,1);
    //used for x_t*U_ex and y_t*U_id
    Mat_<double> lin_comb_x(exr_size,1);

    double Z_avg;
    double average_depth;    
    Mat_<double> proP;
    Mat_<double> pM(3,1);

    //get weights from the current face instance

    /*create weak-perspecitve camera matrix from camera matrix*/
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
            weakCamera(i,j) = cameraMatrix.at<double>(i,j);

    for(unsigned int i=0;i<featurePointsVector.size();i++)
        featurePointNum += featurePointsVector[i].size();

    f = Mat_<double>(featurePointNum*2,1);
    fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);

    //preprocess points and core tensor rows
    //for points subtract translation too
    for(unsigned int i=0, count=0;i<featurePointsVector.size();i++)
        //precompute translation
        Pt = (1./translation[i].at<double>(2,0)) * (weakCamera*translation[i]);

        for(unsigned int j=0;j<featurePointsVector[i].size();j++)
            fi = Mat_<double>(2,1);
            fi(0,0) = featurePointsVector[i][j].x;
            fi(1,0) = featurePointsVector[i][j].y;

            fi = fi - Pt;
            f.row(count + 2*j) = fi.row(0) + 0.0;
            f.row(count + 2*j+1) = fi.row(1) + 0.0;
        count += 2*featurePointsVector[i].size();

    A_id = Mat_<double>(2*featurePointNum,id_size);
    seg_A_id = Mat_<double>(2,id_size);

    average_depth = face_ptr->getAverageDepth();

    pM(0,0) = 1;
    pM(1,0) = 1;
    pM(2,0) = average_depth;

    for(unsigned int i=0, count = 0;i<point_indices_vector.size();++i)
        proP = cameraMatrix*rmatrix*pM;
        proP = proP + cameraMatrix*translation[i];
        Z_avg = proP(0,2);

        pr = (1.0/Z_avg)*weakCamera*rmatrix;

        //load the appropriate weights for the i-th frame
        for(unsigned int k=0;k<weights_ex[i].size();k++)
            x_t(0,k) = weights_ex[i][k];
        lin_comb_x = (x_t*u_ex).t();
        Z_id = Matrix::kronecker(Mat_<double>::eye(id_size,id_size),lin_comb_x);
        ZU = Z_id*(u_id.t());

        for(unsigned int j=0;j<point_indices_vector[i].size();++j)
            index = point_indices_vector[i][j];

            seg_A_id = pr*M[index]*ZU;
            A_id.row(count + 2*j) = seg_A_id.row(0) + 0.0;
            A_id.row(count + 2*j+1) = seg_A_id.row(1) + 0.0;
        count += 2*point_indices_vector[i].size();

    //do not use the guess in the first frame but do for every following frame
    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++)
        y_t(0,i) = y(i,0) = w_id[i];

//    Mat_<double> temp = (A_id*y - f);
//    Mat_<double> e = temp.t()*temp;
//    cout << "id, error before " << e(0,0)<<endl;
    //optimize using sequential coordinate descent
//    temp = (A_id*y - f);
//    e = temp.t()*temp;
//    cout << "id, error after " << e(0,0)<<endl;

    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++){
        w_id[i] = y(i,0);
    for(int i=0;i<exr_size;i++){
        w_exp[i] = weights_ex[0][i];

    for(int i=0;i<id_size;i++){


    delete[] w_id;
    delete[] w_exp;