Ejemplo n.º 1
void ArchDesc::gen_dfa_state_body(FILE* fp, Dict &minimize, ProductionState &status, Dict &operands_chained_from, int i) {
    // Start the body of each Op_XXX sub-dfa with a clean state.

    // Walk the list, compacting it
    MatchList* mList = _mlistab[i];
    do {
        // Hash each entry using inputs as key and pointer as data.
        // If there is already an entry, keep the one with lower cost, and
        // remove the other one from the list.
        prune_matchlist(minimize, *mList);
        // Iterate
        mList = mList->get_next();
    } while(mList != NULL);

    // Hoist previously specified common sub-expressions out of predicates

    mList = _mlistab[i];

    // Walk the list again, generating code
    do {
        // Each match can generate its own chains
        gen_match(fp, *mList, status, operands_chained_from);
        mList = mList->get_next();
    } while(mList != NULL);
    // Fill in any chain rules which add instructions
    // These can generate their own chains as well.
    operands_chained_from.Clear();  //
    if( debug_output1 ) {
        fprintf(fp, "// top level chain rules for: %s \n", (char *)NodeClassNames[i]);    // %%%%% Explanation
    const Expr *zeroCost = new Expr("0");
    chain_rule(fp, "   ", (char *)NodeClassNames[i], zeroCost, "Invalid",
               operands_chained_from, status);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Check each predicate in the MatchList for common sub-expressions
 static void cse_matchlist(MatchList *matchList) {
     for( MatchList *mList = matchList; mList != NULL; mList = mList->get_next() ) {
         Predicate* predicate = mList->get_pred_obj();
         char*      pred      = mList->get_pred();
         if( pred != NULL ) {
             for(int index = 0; index < count; ++index ) {
                 const char *shared_pred      = dfa_shared_preds::pred(index);
                 const char *shared_pred_var  = dfa_shared_preds::var(index);
                 bool result = dfa_shared_preds::cse_predicate(predicate, shared_pred, shared_pred_var);
                 if( result ) dfa_shared_preds::set_found(index, true);