Ejemplo n.º 1
Colour RayTracer::CalculateLighting(std::vector<Light*>* lights, Vector3* campos, RayHitResult* hitresult)
	Colour outcolour;
	std::vector<Light*>::iterator lit_iter = lights->begin();

	//Retrive the material for the intersected primitive
	Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)hitresult->data;
	Material* mat = prim->GetMaterial();

	//the default output colour is the ambient colour
	outcolour = mat->GetAmbientColour();
	// The hack f***s stuff up.
	//This is a hack to set a checker pattern on the planes
	//Do not modify it
	if (((Primitive*)hitresult->data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Plane)
		int dx = (hitresult->point[0]/2.0);
		int dy = (hitresult->point[1]/2.0);
		int dz = (hitresult->point[2]/2.0);

		if (dx % 2 || dy % 2 || dz % 2)
			outcolour.red = 1.0;
			outcolour.green = 1.0;
			outcolour.blue = 1.0;

			outcolour.red = 0.0;
			outcolour.green = 0.0;
			outcolour.blue = 0.0;

	////Go through all the light sources in the scene
	//and calculate the lighting at the intersection point
	if (m_traceflag & TRACE_DIFFUSE_AND_SPEC)
		while (lit_iter != lights->end())
			Vector3 light_pos = (*lit_iter)->GetLightPosition();  //position of the light source
			Vector3 normal = hitresult->normal; //surface normal at intersection
			Vector3 surface_point = hitresult->point; //location of the intersection on the surface
			//TODO: Calculate the surface colour using the illumination model from the lecture notes
			// 1. Compute the diffuse term
			// 2. Compute the specular term using either the Phong model or the Blinn-Phong model
			// 3. store the result in outcolour

			// DONE

			outcolour += CalculateDiffuseLighting((light_pos - surface_point).Normalise(), normal, **lit_iter, *mat);
			outcolour += CalculateSpecularLighting(surface_point, normal, light_pos - surface_point, *campos, **lit_iter, *mat);

			double dist = (light_pos - surface_point).Norm();
			double att = 1.0 / (1.0 + (0 * dist) + (0.002 * dist * dist));

			outcolour *= att;

	// light and surface pont
	return outcolour;