Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::IdentityMatrix() { Matrix3x3f identity; identity.SetIdentity(); return identity; }
void CameraUtility::rotateWorldYInPlace(Single angleDegrees) { Matrix3x3f rotation; rotation.setToRotationY(angleDegrees); Vector3f up = rotation * getUp(); Vector3f forward = rotation * getForward(); ms_gameControllerInstance->m_vmdApp->display->set_eye_dir(&forward[0]); ms_gameControllerInstance->m_vmdApp->display->set_eye_up(&up[0]); }
Matrix3x3f Quaternion::toMatrix () const { Matrix3x3f rotation; rotation.setRight (getRight ()); rotation.setUp (getUp ()); rotation.setBackward (getBackward ()); return (rotation); }
Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::Transpose() const { Matrix3x3f transpose; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) transpose.Set(j, i, Get(i, j)); return transpose; }
Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::TranslateMatrix(const Vec2f translation) { Matrix3x3f translateMatrix; translateMatrix.SetIdentity(); translateMatrix.Set(2, 0, translation.x); translateMatrix.Set(2, 1, translation.y); return translateMatrix; }
Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::ScaleMatrix(const Vec2f &scale) { Matrix3x3f scaleMatrix; scaleMatrix.SetIdentity(); scaleMatrix.Set(0, 0, scale.x); scaleMatrix.Set(1, 1, scale.y); return scaleMatrix; }
void CameraUtility::rotateWorld(Single angleDegrees, const Vector3f& axis) { Matrix3x3f rotation; rotation.setFromAngleAxis(angleDegrees, axis); Vector3f up = rotation * getUp(); Vector3f forward = rotation * getForward(); Vector3f position = rotation * getPosition(); ms_gameControllerInstance->m_vmdApp->display->set_eye_dir(&forward[0]); ms_gameControllerInstance->m_vmdApp->display->set_eye_up(&up[0]); ms_gameControllerInstance->m_vmdApp->display->set_eye_pos(&position[0]); }
Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::RotateMatrix(float angle) { float cosOfAngle = cosf(angle); float sinOfAngle = sinf(angle); Matrix3x3f rotationMatrix; rotationMatrix.SetIdentity(); rotationMatrix.Set(0, 0, cosOfAngle); rotationMatrix.Set(1, 0, sinOfAngle); rotationMatrix.Set(0, 1, -sinOfAngle); rotationMatrix.Set(1, 1, cosOfAngle); return rotationMatrix; }
void UKFSample::poseSensorUpdate(const Vector3f& reading, const Matrix3x3f& readingCov) { generateSigmaPoints(); // computePoseReadings Vector3f poseReadings[7]; for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) poseReadings[i] = Vector3f(sigmaPoints[i].x, sigmaPoints[i].y, sigmaPoints[i].z); // computeMeanOfPoseReadings Vector3f poseReadingMean = poseReadings[0]; for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) poseReadingMean += poseReadings[i]; poseReadingMean *= 1.f / 7.f; // computeCovOfPoseReadingsAndSigmaPoints Matrix3x3f poseReadingAndMeanCov; for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vector3f d1 = poseReadings[i * 2 + 1] - poseReadingMean; poseReadingAndMeanCov += Matrix3x3f(d1 * l[i].x, d1 * l[i].y, d1 * l[i].z); Vector3f d2 = poseReadings[i * 2 + 2] - poseReadingMean; poseReadingAndMeanCov += Matrix3x3f(d2 * -l[i].x, d2 * -l[i].y, d2 * -l[i].z); } poseReadingAndMeanCov *= 0.5f; // computeCovOfPoseReadingsReadings Matrix3x3f poseReadingCov; Vector3f d = poseReadings[0] - poseReadingMean; poseReadingCov = Matrix3x3f(d * d.x, d * d.y, d * d.z); for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { Vector3f d = poseReadings[i] - poseReadingMean; poseReadingCov += Matrix3x3f(d * d.x, d * d.y, d * d.z); } poseReadingCov *= 0.5f; poseReadingMean.z = normalize(poseReadingMean.z); const Matrix3x3f kalmanGain = poseReadingAndMeanCov.transpose() * (poseReadingCov + readingCov).invert(); Vector3f innovation = reading - poseReadingMean; innovation.z = normalize(innovation.z); const Vector3f correction = kalmanGain * innovation; mean += correction; mean.z = normalize(mean.z); cov -= kalmanGain * poseReadingAndMeanCov; }
Matrix3x3f Matrix3x3f::operator*(const Matrix3x3f &other) const { Matrix3x3f product; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { float sum = 0.0f; // jth row of this by ith column of other for(int d = 0; d < 3; d++) sum += Get(d, j) * other.Get(i, d); product.Set(i, j, sum); } return product; }
bool Matrix3x3f::operator==(const Matrix3x3f &other) const { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(Get(i, j) != other.Get(i, j)) return false; } return true; }
void FlyingLayer::RotationMatrix_VectorToVector(const Vector3f& from, const Vector3f& to, Matrix3x3f &retval) const { Vector3f fromVec = from.normalized(); Vector3f toVec = to.normalized(); Vector3f axis(fromVec.cross(toVec)); if (axis.squaredNorm() < 1e-10f) { retval.setIdentity(); } else { float angle = std::acos(; AngleAxisRotationMatrix(angle, axis.normalized(), retval); } }
void FlyingLayer::Update(TimeDelta real_time_delta) { static const float PERIOD_TRANS = 0.0045f; static const float PERIOD_ROT = 1.0f; static const float FILTER = 0.2f; if (m_Palms.size() > 0) { Vector3f positionSum = Vector3f::Zero(); Vector3f rotationAASum = Vector3f::Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < m_Palms.size(); i++) { positionSum += m_GridOrientation.block<3, 3>(0, 0).transpose()*(m_Palms[i] - m_EyePos - m_EyeView.transpose()*Vector3f(0, -0.15, -0.05)); //rotationAASum += RotationMatrixToVector(m_EyeView.transpose()*m_PalmOrientations[i]*m_EyeView.transpose()); Matrix3x3f rot; RotationMatrix_VectorToVector(-Vector3f::UnitZ(), m_EyeView*(m_Palms[i] - m_EyePos) - Vector3f(0, -0.15, -0.05), rot); //std::cout << __LINE__ << ":\t rot = " << (rot) << std::endl; rotationAASum += RotationMatrixToVector(rot); } if (m_Palms.size() == 2) { const Vector3f dir0 = m_EyeView*(m_Palms[0] - m_EyePos) - Vector3f(0, -0.15, -0.05); const Vector3f dir1 = m_EyeView*(m_Palms[1] - m_EyePos) - Vector3f(0, -0.15, -0.05); Matrix3x3f rot; RotationMatrix_VectorToVector((dir0.x() < dir1.x() ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * Vector3f::UnitX(), dir1 - dir0, rot); //std::cout << __LINE__ << ":\t positionSum = " << (positionSum) << std::endl; rotationAASum += 2.0f*RotationMatrixToVector(rot); } m_Velocity = (1 - FILTER)*m_Velocity + FILTER*positionSum/m_Palms.size(); m_RotationAA = (1 - FILTER)*m_RotationAA + FILTER*rotationAASum/m_Palms.size(); } else { m_Velocity = (1 - 0.3f*FILTER)*m_Velocity; m_RotationAA = (1 - 0.3f*FILTER)*m_RotationAA; } m_GridCenter -= m_Velocity*m_Velocity.squaredNorm()*(real_time_delta/PERIOD_TRANS); const Matrix3x3f rot = RotationVectorToMatrix((real_time_delta/PERIOD_ROT)*m_RotationAA*m_RotationAA.squaredNorm()); //std::cout << __LINE__ << ":\t rot = " << (rot) << std::endl; //Matrix3x3f foo = ; m_GridOrientation.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = m_EyeView.transpose()*rot.transpose()*m_EyeView*m_GridOrientation.block<3, 3>(0, 0); }
Vector3f FlyingLayer::RotationMatrixToVector(const Matrix3x3f& rotationMatrix) const { static const float epsilon = 1e-6; const float cs = (rotationMatrix.trace() - 1.0)*0.5; if (cs > 1.0 - epsilon) { return Vector3f::Zero(); } else if (cs < epsilon - 1.0) { Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix3x3f> evals(rotationMatrix, Eigen::ComputeEigenvectors); Vector3f rotVector = evals.eigenvectors().col(2).transpose(); return rotVector.normalized()*M_PI; } else { const float sn = std::sqrt(1.0 - cs*cs); const float angle = std::acos(cs); const float multiplier = angle * 0.5 / sn; return Vector3f((rotationMatrix(2, 1) - rotationMatrix(1, 2))*multiplier, (rotationMatrix(0, 2) - rotationMatrix(2, 0))*multiplier, (rotationMatrix(1, 0) - rotationMatrix(0, 1))*multiplier); } }
bool UndistortAndRectify::initUndistortRectifyMap(Matrix3x3f K, float k1, float k2, float k3, float p1, float p2, Matrix3x3f Knew, int width, int height) { // distorted camera matrix float cX =,2), cY =,2), fX =,0), fY =,1); // Optimal camera matrix float cX_ =,2), cY_ =,2), fX_ =,0), fY_ =,1); if(mapX == NULL) delete[] mapX; if(mapY == NULL) delete[] mapY; mapX = new float[width*height]; mapY = new float[width*height]; float* mapXPtr = mapX; float* mapYPtr = mapY; float xU,yU, // Undistorted coordinates xD,yD, // Distorted coordinates rU2,xU2,yU2,xyU2; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { xU = (x - cX_)/fX_; yU = (y - cY_)/fY_; xU2 = xU*xU; yU2 = yU*yU; xyU2 = 2*xU*yU; rU2 = xU2 + yU2; // Apply distortion function xD = xU*(1 + (k1 + (k2 + k3*rU2)*rU2)*rU2) + p1*xyU2 + p2*(rU2 + 2*xU2); yD = yU*(1 + (k1 + (k2 + k3*rU2)*rU2)*rU2) + p2*xyU2 + p1*(rU2 + 2*yU2); // Reprojected x *mapXPtr++ = xD*fX + cX; // Reprojected y *mapYPtr++ = yD*fY + cY; } } return true; }
Matrix3x3f FlyingLayer::RotationMatrixLinearInterpolation(const Matrix3x3f& A0, const Matrix3x3f& A1, float t) const { Vector3f dA = RotationMatrixToVector(A0.transpose()*A1); float angle = std::fmod(t*dA.norm(), M_PI); Matrix3x3f At = A0*RotationVectorToMatrix(angle*dA.normalized()); return At; }
void Quaternion::setFromMatrix (const float* const matrix4x4) { Matrix3x3f rotation (matrix4x4); *this = rotation.toQuaternion (); }
void Quaternion::getAsArray (float array[16]) const { Matrix3x3f rotation = toMatrix (); rotation.getAsArray (array); }
void AIRacer::apply_controls(double deltaTime) { if (!m_entity) return; Vector3f ForceContainer; TEXEngine::Physics::VehicleObject* SledObj = static_cast<VehicleObject*>(m_entity->physics_obj()); if (!SledObj) return; // AI CODE //////////////////////////// if(m_pack.thrust() < 0.4f) m_pack.apply_whip(); if(m_pack.edm().x < 0.4f) m_pack.apply_treat(); if(m_pack.edm().y < 0.7f) m_pack.apply_whip(); // STEERING if (!m_lastWaypointObject || !m_nextWaypointObject ) return; Vector3f r2n = m_nextWaypointObject->get_pos() - SledObj->get_pos(); r2n.normalize(); Quaternion q = SledObj->get_quaternion(); Vector3f v = Vector3f(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); Vector3f ori = v + cross( Vector3f(q.x,q.y,q.z) , cross( Vector3f(q.x,q.y,q.z) , v )+( v * q.w ) )*2.0f; //Vector3f ori = SledObj->get_front_vector(); Vector3f ori3f = Vector3f(ori.x,0.0f,ori.z).normalized(); Matrix3x3f rotmat; rotmat.load_identity(); rotmat.rotate(Vector3f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f),1.57f); ori3f = rotmat * ori3f; m_steerValue = TEXEngine::Math::dot(r2n,ori3f); // BRAKING?? /* m_brakeValue = max(0.0f, m_steerValue - 0.8f) * 5.0f; if ( m_brakeValue > 0.0f ) SledObj->brake(100.0f); else SledObj->not_braking();*/ // APPLY FORCES if(m_entity) { TEXEngine::Physics::VehicleObject* po = static_cast<VehicleObject*>(m_entity->physics_obj()); if(po) { // THRUST if(m_pack.thrust() > 0) po->accelerate(800.0f*m_pack.thrust()); else po->not_accelerating(); // STEERING if(!m_is_easy) { if(m_steerValue > 0.1) po->turn_right(po->get_steer_inc()); else if(m_steerValue < -0.1) po->turn_left(po->get_steer_inc()); else po->not_turning(); } else { if(abs(m_pack.deviation()) < 0.1f && abs(m_steerValue) < 0.0001f) po->not_turning(); else { if(m_steerValue > 0.1f) po->turn_right(po->get_steer_inc() - m_pack.deviation()*(po->get_steer_inc())); else if(m_steerValue < -0.1f) po->turn_left(po->get_steer_inc() + m_pack.deviation()*(po->get_steer_inc())); else { if(m_pack.deviation() > 0.1f) po->turn_left(m_pack.deviation()*(po->get_steer_inc())); else if(m_pack.deviation() < -0.1f) po->turn_right(-m_pack.deviation()*(po->get_steer_inc())); } } } m_pack.speed((float)Vector2f((scalar_t)po->get_velocity().x, (scalar_t)po->get_velocity().z).length()); } } }