Ejemplo n.º 1
bool BernoulliRBM::predict_(const MatrixFloat &inputData,MatrixFloat &outputData,const UINT rowIndex){
    if( !trained ){
        errorLog << "predict_(const MatrixFloat &inputData,MatrixFloat &outputData,const UINT rowIndex) - Failed to run prediction - the model has not been trained." << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( inputData.getNumCols() != numVisibleUnits ){
        errorLog << "predict_(const MatrixFloat &inputData,MatrixFloat &outputData,const UINT rowIndex) -";
        errorLog << " Failed to run prediction - the number of columns in the input matrix (" << inputData.getNumCols() << ")";
        errorLog << " does not match the number of visible units (" << numVisibleUnits << ")." << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( outputData.getNumCols() != numHiddenUnits ){
        errorLog << "predict_(const MatrixFloat &inputData,MatrixFloat &outputData,const UINT rowIndex) -";
        errorLog << " Failed to run prediction - the number of columns in the output matrix (" << outputData.getNumCols() << ")";
        errorLog << " does not match the number of hidden units (" << numHiddenUnits << ")." << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Propagate the data up through the RBM
    Float x = 0.0;
    for(UINT j=0; j<numHiddenUnits; j++){
        x = 0;
        for(UINT i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++) {
            x += weightsMatrix[j][i] * inputData[rowIndex][i];
        outputData[rowIndex][j] = grt_sigmoid( x + hiddenLayerBias[j] ); //This gives P( h_j = 1 | input )
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool MatrixFloat::subtract(const MatrixFloat &b){
    if( b.getNumRows() != rows ){
        errorLog << "subtract(const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!" << std::endl;
        errorLog << " rows: " << rows << " b rows: " << b.getNumRows() << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( b.getNumCols() != cols ){
        errorLog << "subtract(const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!" << std::endl;
        errorLog << "  cols: " << cols << " b cols: " << b.getNumCols() << std::endl;
        return false;
    unsigned int i;
    //Using direct pointers really helps speed up the computation time
    Float *pb = b.getData();
    const unsigned int size = rows*cols;
    for(i=0; i<size; i++){
        dataPtr[i] -= pb[i];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool MatrixFloat::subtract(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b){
    const unsigned int M = a.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int N = a.getNumCols();
    if( M != b.getNumRows() ){
        errorLog << "subtract(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!";
        errorLog << " a rows: " << M << " b rows: " << b.getNumRows() << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( N != b.getNumCols() ){
        errorLog << "subtract(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The columns do not match!";
        errorLog << " a cols: " << N << " b cols: " << b.getNumCols() << std::endl;
        return false;
    resize( M, N );
    UINT i,j;
    //Using direct pointers really helps speed up the computation time
    Float **pa = a.getDataPointer();
    Float **pb = b.getDataPointer();
    for(i=0; i<M; i++){
        for(j=0; j<N; j++){
            dataPtr[i*cols+j] = pa[i][j] - pb[i][j];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool MatrixFloat::add(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b){
    const unsigned int M = a.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int N = a.getNumCols();
    if( M != b.getNumRows() ){
        errorLog << "add(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!";
        errorLog << " a rows: " << M << " b rows: " << b.getNumRows() << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( N != b.getNumCols() ){
        errorLog << "add(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The columns do not match!";
        errorLog << " a cols: " << N << " b cols: " << b.getNumCols() << std::endl;
        return false;
    resize( M, N );
    UINT i;
    //Using direct pointers really helps speed up the computation time
    Float *pa = a.getData();
    Float *pb = b.getData();
    const unsigned int size = M*N;
    for(i=0; i<size; i++){
        dataPtr[i] = pa[i] + pb[i];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool MatrixFloat::multiple(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b,const bool aTranspose){
    const unsigned int M = !aTranspose ? a.getNumRows() : a.getNumCols();
    const unsigned int N = !aTranspose ? a.getNumCols() : a.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int K = b.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int L = b.getNumCols();
    if( N != K ) {
        errorLog << "multiple(const MatrixFloat &a,const MatrixFloat &b,const bool aTranspose) - The number of rows in a (" << K << ") does not match the number of columns in matrix b (" << N << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( !resize( M, L ) ){
        errorLog << "multiple(const MatrixFloat &b,const MatrixFloat &c,const bool bTranspose) - Failed to resize matrix!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    unsigned int i, j, k = 0;
    //Using direct pointers really helps speed up the computation time
    Float **pa = a.getDataPointer();
    Float **pb = b.getDataPointer();
    if( aTranspose ){
        for(j=0; j<L; j++){
            for(i=0; i<M; i++){
                dataPtr[i*cols+j] = 0;
                for(k=0; k<K; k++){
                    dataPtr[i*cols+j] += pa[k][i] * pb[k][j];
        for(j=0; j<L; j++){
            for(i=0; i<M; i++){
                dataPtr[i*cols+j] = 0;
                for(k=0; k<K; k++){
                    dataPtr[i*cols+j] += pa[i][k] * pb[k][j];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
MatrixFloat MatrixFloat::multiple(const MatrixFloat &b) const{
    const unsigned int M = rows;
    const unsigned int N = cols;
    const unsigned int K = b.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int L = b.getNumCols();
    if( N != K ) {
        errorLog << "multiple(MatrixFloat b) - The number of rows in b (" << K << ") does not match the number of columns in this matrix (" << N << ")" << std::endl;
        return MatrixFloat();
    MatrixFloat c(M,L);
    Float **pb = b.getDataPointer();
    Float **pc = c.getDataPointer();
    unsigned int i,j,k = 0;
    for(i=0; i<M; i++){
        for(j=0; j<L; j++){
            pc[i][j] = 0;
            for(k=0; k<K; k++){
                pc[i][j] += dataPtr[i*cols+k] * pb[k][j];
    return c;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool RBMQuantizer::train_(MatrixFloat &trainingData){
    //Clear any previous model
    if( trainingData.getNumRows() == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &trainingData) - Failed to train quantizer, the training data is empty!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Train the RBM model
    rbm.setNumHiddenUnits( numClusters );
    rbm.setLearningRate( learningRate );
    rbm.setMinNumEpochs( minNumEpochs );
    rbm.setMaxNumEpochs( maxNumEpochs );
    rbm.setMinChange( minChange );
    if( !rbm.train_( trainingData ) ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &trainingData) - Failed to train quantizer!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Flag that the feature vector is now initalized
    initialized = true;
    trained = true;
    numInputDimensions = trainingData.getNumCols();
    numOutputDimensions = 1; //This is always 1 for the quantizer
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool KMeans::setClusters(const MatrixFloat &clusters){
    numClusters = clusters.getNumRows();
    numInputDimensions = clusters.getNumCols();
    this->clusters = clusters;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool FFT::update(const MatrixFloat &x){

    if( !initialized ){
        errorLog << "update(const MatrixFloat &x) - Not initialized!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( x.getNumCols() != numInputDimensions ){
        errorLog << "update(const MatrixFloat &x) - The number of columns in the inputMatrix (" << x.getNumCols() << ") does not match that of the FeatureExtraction (" << numInputDimensions << ")!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    featureDataReady = false;
    for(UINT k=0; k<x.getNumRows(); k++){

        //Add the current input to the data buffers
        dataBuffer.push_back( x.getRow(k) );

        if( ++hopCounter == hopSize ){
            hopCounter = 0;
            //Compute the FFT for each dimension
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                //Copy the input data for this dimension into the temp buffer
                for(UINT i=0; i<dataBufferSize; i++){
                    tempBuffer[i] = dataBuffer[i][j];
                //Compute the FFT
                if( !fft[j].computeFFT( tempBuffer ) ){
                    errorLog << "update(const VectorFloat &x) - Failed to compute FFT!" << std::endl;
                    return false;
            //Flag that the fft was computed during this update
            featureDataReady = true;
            //Copy the FFT data to the feature vector
            UINT index = 0;
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                if( computeMagnitude ){
                    Float *mag = fft[j].getMagnitudeDataPtr();
                    for(UINT i=0; i<fft[j].getFFTSize()/2; i++){
                        featureVector[index++] = *mag++;
                if( computePhase ){
                    Float *phase = fft[j].getPhaseDataPtr();
                    for(UINT i=0; i<fft[j].getFFTSize()/2; i++){
                        featureVector[index++] = *phase++;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool KMeansQuantizer::train_(MatrixFloat &trainingData){
    //Clear any previous model
    //Train the KMeans model
    KMeans kmeans;
    kmeans.setComputeTheta( true );
    kmeans.setMinChange( minChange );
    kmeans.setMinNumEpochs( minNumEpochs );
	kmeans.setMaxNumEpochs( maxNumEpochs );
    if( !kmeans.train_(trainingData) ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &trainingData) - Failed to train quantizer!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    trained = true;
    initialized = true;
    numInputDimensions = trainingData.getNumCols();
    numOutputDimensions = 1; //This is always 1 for the KMeansQuantizer
    clusters = kmeans.getClusters();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool saveResults( const GestureRecognitionPipeline &pipeline, const string &filename ){
    infoLog << "Saving results to file: " << filename << endl;

    fstream file( filename.c_str(), fstream::out );

    if( !file.is_open() ){
        errorLog << "Failed to open results file: " << filename << endl;
        return false;

    file << pipeline.getTestAccuracy() << endl;

    Vector< UINT > classLabels = pipeline.getClassLabels();

    for(UINT k=0; k<pipeline.getNumClassesInModel(); k++){
        file << pipeline.getTestPrecision( classLabels[k] );
        if( k+1 < pipeline.getNumClassesInModel() ) file << "\t";
        else file << endl;

    for(UINT k=0; k<pipeline.getNumClassesInModel(); k++){
        file << pipeline.getTestRecall( classLabels[k] );
        if( k+1 < pipeline.getNumClassesInModel() ) file << "\t";
        else file << endl;

    for(UINT k=0; k<pipeline.getNumClassesInModel(); k++){
        file << pipeline.getTestFMeasure( classLabels[k] );
        if( k+1 < pipeline.getNumClassesInModel() ) file << "\t";
        else file << endl;

    MatrixFloat confusionMatrix = pipeline.getTestConfusionMatrix();
    for(UINT i=0; i<confusionMatrix.getNumRows(); i++){
        for(UINT j=0; j<confusionMatrix.getNumCols(); j++){
            file << confusionMatrix[i][j];
            if( j+1 < confusionMatrix.getNumCols() ) file << "\t";
        }file << endl;


    infoLog << "Results saved." << endl;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool PrincipalComponentAnalysis::computeFeatureVector(const MatrixFloat &data,UINT numPrincipalComponents,bool normData){
    trained = false;
    if( numPrincipalComponents > data.getNumCols() ){
        errorLog << "computeFeatureVector(const MatrixFloat &data,UINT numPrincipalComponents,bool normData) - The number of principal components (";
        errorLog << numPrincipalComponents << ") is greater than the number of columns in your data (" << data.getNumCols() << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;
    this->numPrincipalComponents = numPrincipalComponents;
    this->normData = normData;
    return computeFeatureVector_(data,MAX_NUM_PCS);
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool PrincipalComponentAnalysis::setModel( const VectorFloat &mean, const MatrixFloat &eigenvectors ){

    if( (UINT)mean.size() != eigenvectors.getNumCols() ){
        return false;

    trained = true;
    numInputDimensions = eigenvectors.getNumCols();
    numPrincipalComponents = eigenvectors.getNumRows();
    this->mean = mean;
    this->eigenvectors = eigenvectors;
    //The eigenvectors are already sorted, so the sorted eigenvalues just holds the default index
    for(UINT i=0; i<numPrincipalComponents; i++){
        sortedEigenvalues.push_back( IndexedDouble(i,0.0) );
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool PrincipalComponentAnalysis::project(const MatrixFloat &data,MatrixFloat &prjData){
    if( !trained ){
        warningLog << "project(const MatrixFloat &data,MatrixFloat &prjData) - The PrincipalComponentAnalysis module has not been trained!" << std::endl;
        return false;

    if( data.getNumCols() != numInputDimensions ){
        warningLog << "project(const MatrixFloat &data,MatrixFloat &prjData) - The number of columns in the input vector (" << data.getNumCols() << ") does not match the number of input dimensions (" << numInputDimensions << ")!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    MatrixFloat msData( data );
    if( normData ){
        //Mean subtract the data
        for(UINT i=0; i<data.getNumRows(); i++)
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++)
                msData[i][j] = (msData[i][j]-mean[j])/stdDev[j];
        //Mean subtract the data
        for(UINT i=0; i<data.getNumRows(); i++)
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++)
                msData[i][j] -= mean[j];
    //Projected Data
    for(UINT row=0; row<msData.getNumRows(); row++){//For each row in the final data
        for(UINT i=0; i<numPrincipalComponents; i++){//For each PC
	    for(UINT j=0; j<data.getNumCols(); j++)//For each feature
                prjData[row][i] += msData[row][j] * eigenvectors[j][sortedEigenvalues[i].index];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool KMeans::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
	trained = false;
	if( numClusters == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. NumClusters is zero!" << std::endl;
		return false;
    if( data.getNumRows() == 0 || data.getNumCols() == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - The number of rows or columns in the data is zero!" << std::endl;
		return false;
	numTrainingSamples = data.getNumRows();
	numInputDimensions = data.getNumCols();


	//Randomly pick k data points as the starting clusters
	Random random;
	Vector< UINT > randIndexs(numTrainingSamples);
	for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++) randIndexs[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(randIndexs.begin(), randIndexs.end());

    //Copy the clusters
	for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
		for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
            clusters[k][j] = data[ randIndexs[k] ][j];

	return trainModel( data );
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Tests the MatrixFloat type
TEST(DynamicType, MatrixFloatTest) {
  DynamicType type;
  MatrixFloat a(3,1);
  a[0][0] = 1.1; a[1][0] = 1.2; a[2][0] = 1.3;
  EXPECT_TRUE( type.set( a ) );
  MatrixFloat b = type.get< MatrixFloat >();
  EXPECT_EQ( a.getSize(), b.getSize() );
  EXPECT_EQ( a.getNumRows(), b.getNumRows() );
  EXPECT_EQ( a.getNumCols(), b.getNumCols() );
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<a.getNumRows(); i++){
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<a.getNumCols(); j++){
      EXPECT_EQ( a[i][j], b[i][j] );
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool ClassificationDataStream::addSample(const UINT classLabel,const MatrixFloat &sample){

    if( numDimensions != sample.getNumCols() ){
        errorLog << "addSample(const UINT classLabel, const MatrixFloat &sample) - the number of columns in the sample (" << sample.getNumCols() << ") does not match the number of dimensions of the dataset (" << numDimensions << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;

    bool searchForNewClass = true;
    if( trackingClass ){
        if( classLabel != lastClassID ){
            //The class ID has changed so update the time series tracker
            timeSeriesPositionTracker[ timeSeriesPositionTracker.size()-1 ].setEndIndex( totalNumSamples-1 );
        }else searchForNewClass = false;
    if( searchForNewClass ){
        bool newClass = true;
        //Search to see if this class has been found before
        for(UINT k=0; k<classTracker.size(); k++){
            if( classTracker[k].classLabel == classLabel ){
                newClass = false;
                classTracker[k].counter += sample.getNumRows();
        if( newClass ){
            ClassTracker newCounter(classLabel,1);
            classTracker.push_back( newCounter );

        //Set the timeSeriesPositionTracker start position
        trackingClass = true;
        lastClassID = classLabel;
        TimeSeriesPositionTracker newTracker(totalNumSamples,0,classLabel);
        timeSeriesPositionTracker.push_back( newTracker );

    ClassificationSample labelledSample( numDimensions );
    for(UINT i=0; i<sample.getNumRows(); i++){
        data.push_back( labelledSample );
        data.back().setClassLabel( classLabel );
        for(UINT j=0; j<numDimensions; j++){
            data.back()[j] = sample[i][j];
    totalNumSamples += sample.getNumRows();
    return true;

Ejemplo n.º 18
bool EigenvalueDecomposition::decompose(const MatrixFloat &a){
    n = a.getNumCols();
    issymmetric = true;
    for(int j = 0; (j < n) & issymmetric; j++) {
        for(int i = 0; (i < n) & issymmetric; i++) {
            issymmetric = (a[i][j] == a[j][i]);
    if (issymmetric) {
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                eigenvectors[i][j] = a[i][j];
        // Tridiagonalize.
        // Diagonalize.
    } else {
        for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                h[i][j] = a[i][j];
        // Reduce to Hessenberg form.
        // Reduce Hessenberg to real Schur form.
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    //Create a new KMeans instance
    KMeans kmeans;
    kmeans.setComputeTheta( true );
    kmeans.setMinChange( 1.0e-10 );
    kmeans.setMinNumEpochs( 10 );
	kmeans.setMaxNumEpochs( 10000 );

	//There are a number of ways of training the KMeans algorithm, depending on what you need the KMeans for
	//These are:
	//- with labelled training data (in the ClassificationData format)
	//- with unlablled training data (in the UnlabelledData format)
	//- with unlabelled training data (in a simple MatrixDouble format)
	//This example shows you how to train the algorithm with ClassificationData
	//Load some training data to train the KMeans algorithm
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    if( !trainingData.load("LabelledClusterData.csv") ){
        cout << "Failed to load training data!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Train the KMeans algorithm - K will automatically be set to the number of classes in the training dataset
    if( !kmeans.train( trainingData ) ){
        cout << "Failed to train model!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
	//Get the K clusters from the KMeans instance and print them
	cout << "\nClusters:\n";
	MatrixFloat clusters = kmeans.getClusters();
    for(unsigned int k=0; k<clusters.getNumRows(); k++){
		for(unsigned int n=0; n<clusters.getNumCols(); n++){
			cout << clusters[k][n] << "\t";
		}cout << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool MatrixFloat::add(const MatrixFloat &b){
    if( b.getNumRows() != rows ){
        errorLog << "add(const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( b.getNumCols() != cols ){
        errorLog << "add(const MatrixFloat &b) - Failed to add matrix! The rows do not match!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    //Using direct pointers really helps speed up the computation time
    const Float *p_b = &(b[0][0]);
    for(i=0; i<rows*cols; i++){
        dataPtr[i] += p_b[i];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool DecisionTreeClusterNode::computeLeafNodeWeights( MatrixFloat &weights ) const{

    if( isLeafNode ){ //If we reach a leaf node, there is nothing to do
        return true;

    if( featureIndex >= weights.getNumCols() ){ //Feature index is out of bounds
        warningLog << __GRT_LOG__ << " Feature index is greater than weights Vector size!" << std::endl;
        return false;

    if( leftChild ){ //Recursively compute the weights for the left child until we reach the node above a leaf node
        if( leftChild->getIsLeafNode() ){
            if( classProbabilities.getSize() != weights.getNumRows() ){
                warningLog << __GRT_LOG__ << " The number of rows in the weights matrix does not match the class probabilities Vector size!" << std::endl;
                return false;
            for(UINT i=0; i<classProbabilities.getSize(); i++){
                weights[ i ][ featureIndex ] += classProbabilities[ i ];
        } leftChild->computeLeafNodeWeights( weights );
    if( rightChild ){ //Recursively compute the weights for the right child until we reach the node above a leaf node
        if( rightChild->getIsLeafNode() ){
            if( classProbabilities.getSize() != weights.getNumRows() ){
                warningLog << __GRT_LOG__ << " The number of rows in the weights matrix does not match the class probabilities Vector size!" << std::endl;
                return false;
            for(UINT i=0; i<classProbabilities.getSize(); i++){
                weights[ i ][ featureIndex ] += classProbabilities[ i ];
        } rightChild->computeLeafNodeWeights( weights );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool TimeSeriesClassificationData::addSample(const UINT classLabel,const MatrixFloat &trainingSample){
    if( trainingSample.getNumCols() != numDimensions ){
        errorLog << "addSample(UINT classLabel, MatrixFloat trainingSample) - The dimensionality of the training sample (" << trainingSample.getNumCols() << ") does not match that of the dataset (" << numDimensions << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //The class label must be greater than zero (as zero is used for the null rejection class label
    if( classLabel == GRT_DEFAULT_NULL_CLASS_LABEL && !allowNullGestureClass ){
        errorLog << "addSample(UINT classLabel, MatrixFloat sample) - the class label can not be 0!" << std::endl;
        return false;

    TimeSeriesClassificationSample newSample(classLabel,trainingSample);
    data.push_back( newSample );

    if( classTracker.size() == 0 ){
        ClassTracker tracker(classLabel,1);
        bool labelFound = false;
        for(UINT i=0; i<classTracker.size(); i++){
            if( classLabel == classTracker[i].classLabel ){
                labelFound = true;
        if( !labelFound ){
            ClassTracker tracker(classLabel,1);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
bool ContinuousHiddenMarkovModel::predict_( MatrixFloat &timeseries ){
    if( !trained ){
        errorLog << "predict_( MatrixFloat &timeseries ) - The model is not trained!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( timeseries.getNumCols() != numInputDimensions ){
        errorLog << "predict_( MatrixFloat &timeseries ) - The matrix column size (" << timeseries.getNumCols() << ") does not match the number of input dimensions (" << numInputDimensions << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;
    unsigned int t,i,j,k,index = 0;
    Float maxAlpha = 0;
    Float norm = 0;
    //Downsample the observation timeseries using the same downsample factor of the training data
    const unsigned int timeseriesLength = (unsigned int)timeseries.getNumRows();
    const unsigned int T = downsampleFactor < timeseriesLength ? (unsigned int)floor( timeseriesLength / Float(downsampleFactor) ) : timeseriesLength;
    const unsigned int K = downsampleFactor < timeseriesLength ? downsampleFactor : 1; //K is used to average over multiple bins
    MatrixFloat obs(T,numInputDimensions);
    for(j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
        index = 0;
        for(i=0; i<T; i++){
            norm = 0;
            obs[i][j] = 0;
            for(k=0; k<K; k++){
                if( index < timeseriesLength ){
                    obs[i][j] += timeseries[index++][j];
                    norm += 1;
            if( norm > 1 )
            obs[i][j] /= norm;
    //Resize alpha, c, and the estimated states vector as needed
    if( alpha.getNumRows() != T || alpha.getNumCols() != numStates ) alpha.resize(T,numStates);
    if( (unsigned int)c.size() != T ) c.resize(T);
    if( (unsigned int)estimatedStates.size() != T ) estimatedStates.resize(T);
    ////////////////// Run the forward algorithm ////////////////////////
    //Step 1: Init at t=0
    t = 0;
    c[t] = 0;
    maxAlpha = 0;
    for(i=0; i<numStates; i++){
        alpha[t][i] = pi[i]*gauss(b,obs,sigmaStates,i,t,numInputDimensions);
        c[t] += alpha[t][i];
        //Keep track of the best state at time t
        if( alpha[t][i] > maxAlpha ){
            maxAlpha = alpha[t][i];
            estimatedStates[t] = i;
    //Set the inital scaling coeff
    c[t] = 1.0/c[t];
    //Scale alpha
    for(i=0; i<numStates; i++) alpha[t][i] *= c[t];
    //Step 2: Induction
    for(t=1; t<T; t++){
        c[t] = 0.0;
        maxAlpha = 0;
        for(j=0; j<numStates; j++){
            alpha[t][j] = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<numStates; i++){
                alpha[t][j] +=  alpha[t-1][i] * a[i][j];
            alpha[t][j] *= gauss(b,obs,sigmaStates,j,t,numInputDimensions);
            c[t] += alpha[t][j];
            //Keep track of the best state at time t
            if( alpha[t][j] > maxAlpha ){
                maxAlpha = alpha[t][j];
                estimatedStates[t] = j;
        //Set the scaling coeff
        c[t] = 1.0/c[t];
        //Scale Alpha
        for(j=0; j<numStates; j++) alpha[t][j] *= c[t];
    loglikelihood = 0.0;
    for(t=0; t<T; t++) loglikelihood += log( c[t] );
    loglikelihood = -loglikelihood; //Store the negative log likelihood
    //Set the phase as the last estimated state, this will give a phase between [0 1]
    phase = (estimatedStates[T-1]+1.0)/Float(numStates);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    //Create a matrix for the test data
    MatrixFloat data(4,2);

    //Populate the test data
    data[0][0] = 1;
    data[0][1] = 2;
    data[1][0] = 3;
    data[1][1] = 4;
    data[2][0] = 5;
    data[2][1] = 6;
    data[3][0] = 7;
    data[3][1] = 8;

    cout << "Data:\n";
    for(UINT i=0; i<data.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for(UINT j=0; j<data.getNumCols(); j++) {
            cout << data[i][j] << "\t";
        cout << endl;

    //Create a new instance of the SVD class
    SVD svd;

    //Computes the singular value decomposition of the data matrix
    if( !svd.solve(data) ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Failed to solve SVD solution!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //Get the U, V, and W results (V is sometimes called S in other packages like Matlab)
    MatrixFloat u = svd.getU();
    MatrixFloat v = svd.getV();
    VectorFloat w = svd.getW();

    cout << "U:\n";
    for(UINT i=0; i<u.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for(UINT j=0; j<u.getNumCols(); j++) {
            cout << u[i][j] << "\t";
        cout << endl;

    cout << "V:\n";
    for(UINT i=0; i<v.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for(UINT j=0; j<v.getNumCols(); j++) {
            cout << v[i][j] << "\t";
        cout << endl;

    cout << "W:\n";
    for(UINT i=0; i<w.getSize(); i++) {
        cout << w[i] << "\t";
    cout << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool SelfOrganizingMap::train_( MatrixFloat &data ){
    //Clear any previous models
    const UINT M = data.getNumRows();
    const UINT N = data.getNumCols();
    numInputDimensions = N;
    numOutputDimensions = numClusters;
    Random rand;
    //Setup the neurons
    neurons.resize( numClusters );
    if( neurons.size() != numClusters ){
        errorLog << "train_( MatrixFloat &data ) - Failed to resize neurons Vector, there might not be enough memory!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
        //Init the neuron
        neurons[j].init( N, 0.5 );
        //Set the weights as a random training example
        neurons[j].weights = data.getRowVector( rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, M) );
    //Setup the network weights
    switch( networkTypology ){
        case RANDOM_NETWORK:
            networkWeights.resize(numClusters, numClusters);
            //Set the diagonal weights as 1 (as i==j)
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
                networkWeights[i][i] = 1;
            //Randomize the other weights
            UINT indexA = 0;
            UINT indexB = 0;
            Float weight = 0;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters*numClusters; i++){
                indexA = rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, numClusters);
                indexB = rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, numClusters);
                //Make sure the two random indexs are the same (as this is a diagonal and should be 1)
                if( indexA != indexB ){
                    //Pick a random weight between these two neurons
                    weight = rand.getRandomNumberUniform(0,1);
                    //The weight betwen neurons a and b is the mirrored
                    networkWeights[indexA][indexB] = weight;
                    networkWeights[indexB][indexA] = weight;
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,0,1);
    Float error = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Float trainingSampleError = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float minChange = 0;
    Float weightUpdate = 0;
    Float weightUpdateSum = 0;
    Float alpha = 1.0;
    Float neuronDiff = 0;
    UINT iter = 0;
    bool keepTraining = true;
    VectorFloat trainingSample;
    Vector< UINT > randomTrainingOrder(M);
    //In most cases, the training data is grouped into classes (100 samples for class 1, followed by 100 samples for class 2, etc.)
    //This can cause a problem for stochastic gradient descent algorithm. To avoid this issue, we randomly shuffle the order of the
    //training samples. This random order is then used at each epoch.
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        randomTrainingOrder[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(randomTrainingOrder.begin(), randomTrainingOrder.end());
    //Enter the main training loop
    while( keepTraining ){
        //Update alpha based on the current iteration
        alpha = Util::scale(iter,0,maxNumEpochs,alphaStart,alphaEnd);
        //Run one epoch of training using the online best-matching-unit algorithm
        error = 0;
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            trainingSampleError = 0;
            //Get the i'th random training sample
            trainingSample = data.getRowVector( randomTrainingOrder[i] );
            //Find the best matching unit
            Float dist = 0;
            Float bestDist = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
            UINT bestIndex = 0;
            for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                dist = neurons[j].getSquaredWeightDistance( trainingSample );
                if( dist < bestDist ){
                    bestDist = dist;
                    bestIndex = j;
            //Update the weights based on the distance to the winning neuron
            //Neurons closer to the winning neuron will have their weights update more
            for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                //Update the weights for the j'th neuron
                weightUpdateSum = 0;
                neuronDiff = 0;
                for(UINT n=0; n<N; n++){
                    neuronDiff = trainingSample[n] - neurons[j][n];
                    weightUpdate = networkWeights[bestIndex][j] * alpha * neuronDiff;
                    neurons[j][n] += weightUpdate;
                    weightUpdateSum += neuronDiff;
                trainingSampleError += grt_sqr( weightUpdateSum );
            error += grt_sqrt( trainingSampleError / numClusters );
        //Compute the error
        delta = fabs( error-lastError );
        lastError = error;
        //Check to see if we should stop
        if( delta <= minChange ){
            converged = true;
            keepTraining = false;
        if( grt_isinf( error ) ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training failed! Error is NAN!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( ++iter >= maxNumEpochs ){
            keepTraining = false;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << iter << " Squared Error: " << error << " Delta: " << delta << " Alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = iter;
    trained = true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool SelfOrganizingMap::train_( MatrixFloat &data ){
    //Clear any previous models
    const UINT M = data.getNumRows();
    const UINT N = data.getNumCols();
    numInputDimensions = N;
    numOutputDimensions = numClusters*numClusters;
    Random rand;
    //Setup the neurons
    neurons.resize( numClusters, numClusters );
    if( neurons.getSize() != numClusters*numClusters ){
        errorLog << "train_( MatrixFloat &data ) - Failed to resize neurons matrix, there might not be enough memory!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Init the neurons
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
            neurons[i][j].init( N, 0.5, SOM_MIN_TARGET, SOM_MAX_TARGET );
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,SOM_MIN_TARGET,SOM_MAX_TARGET);
    Float error = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Float trainingSampleError = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float minChange = 0;
    Float weightUpdate = 0;
    Float alpha = 1.0;
    Float neuronDiff = 0;
    Float neuronWeightFunction = 0;
    Float gamma = 0;
    UINT iter = 0;
    bool keepTraining = true;
    VectorFloat trainingSample;
    Vector< UINT > randomTrainingOrder(M);
    //In most cases, the training data is grouped into classes (100 samples for class 1, followed by 100 samples for class 2, etc.)
    //This can cause a problem for stochastic gradient descent algorithm. To avoid this issue, we randomly shuffle the order of the
    //training samples. This random order is then used at each epoch.
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        randomTrainingOrder[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(randomTrainingOrder.begin(), randomTrainingOrder.end());
    //Enter the main training loop
    while( keepTraining ){
        //Update alpha based on the current iteration
        alpha = Util::scale(iter,0,maxNumEpochs,alphaStart,alphaEnd);
        //Run one epoch of training using the online best-matching-unit algorithm
        error = 0;
        for(UINT m=0; m<M; m++){
            trainingSampleError = 0;
            //Get the i'th random training sample
            trainingSample = data.getRowVector( randomTrainingOrder[m] );
            //Find the best matching unit
            Float dist = 0;
            Float bestDist = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
            UINT bestIndexRow = 0;
            UINT bestIndexCol = 0;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
                for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                    dist = neurons[i][j].getSquaredWeightDistance( trainingSample );
                    if( dist < bestDist ){
                        bestDist = dist;
                        bestIndexRow = i;
                        bestIndexCol = j;
            error += bestDist;
            //Update the weights based on the distance to the winning neuron
            //Neurons closer to the winning neuron will have their weights update more
            const Float bir = bestIndexRow;
            const Float bic = bestIndexCol;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){  
                for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                    //Update the weights for all the neurons, pulling them a little closer to the input example
                    neuronDiff = 0;
                    gamma = 2.0 * grt_sqr( numClusters * sigmaWeight );
                    neuronWeightFunction = exp( -grt_sqr(bir-i)/gamma ) * exp( -grt_sqr(bic-j)/gamma );
                    //std::cout << "best index: " << bestIndexRow << " " << bestIndexCol << " bestDist: " << bestDist << " pos: " << i << " " << j << " neuronWeightFunction: " << neuronWeightFunction << std::endl;
                    for(UINT n=0; n<N; n++){
                        neuronDiff = trainingSample[n] - neurons[i][j][n];
                        weightUpdate = neuronWeightFunction * alpha * neuronDiff;
                        neurons[i][j][n] += weightUpdate;

        error = error / M;

        trainingLog << "iter: " << iter << " average error: " << error << std::endl;
        //Compute the error
        delta = fabs( error-lastError );
        lastError = error;
        //Check to see if we should stop
        if( delta <= minChange && false ){
            converged = true;
            keepTraining = false;
        if( grt_isinf( error ) ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training failed! Error is NAN!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( ++iter >= maxNumEpochs ){
            keepTraining = false;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << iter << " Squared Error: " << error << " Delta: " << delta << " Alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = iter;
    trained = true;
    return true;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    //Create some input data for the PCA algorithm - this data comes from the Matlab PCA example
	MatrixFloat data(13,4);
	data[0][0] = 7; data[0][1] = 26; data[0][2] = 6; data[0][3] = 60;
	data[1][0] = 1; data[1][1] = 29; data[1][2] = 15; data[1][3] = 52;
	data[2][0] = 11; data[2][1] = 56; data[2][2] = 8; data[2][3] = 20;
	data[3][0] = 11; data[3][1] = 31; data[3][2] = 8; data[3][3] = 47;
	data[4][0] = 7; data[4][1] = 52; data[4][2] = 6; data[4][3] = 33;
	data[5][0] = 11; data[5][1] = 55; data[5][2] = 9; data[5][3] = 22;
	data[6][0] = 3; data[6][1] = 71; data[6][2] = 17; data[6][3] = 6;
	data[7][0] = 1; data[7][1] = 31; data[7][2] = 22; data[7][3] = 44;
	data[8][0] = 2; data[8][1] = 54; data[8][2] = 18; data[8][3] = 22;
	data[9][0] = 21; data[9][1] = 47; data[9][2] = 4; data[9][3] = 26;
	data[10][0] = 1; data[10][1] = 40; data[10][2] = 23; data[10][3] = 34;
	data[11][0] = 11; data[11][1] = 66; data[11][2] = 9; data[11][3] = 12;
	data[12][0] = 10; data[12][1] = 68; data[12][2] = 8; data[12][3] = 12;
    //Print the input data
    data.print("Input Data:");
    //Create a new principal component analysis instance
	PrincipalComponentAnalysis pca;
    //Run pca on the input data, setting the maximum variance value to 95% of the variance
	if( !pca.computeFeatureVector( data, 0.95 ) ){
		cout << "ERROR: Failed to compute feature vector!\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Get the number of principal components
    UINT numPrincipalComponents = pca.getNumPrincipalComponents();
    cout << "Number of Principal Components: " << numPrincipalComponents << endl;
    //Project the original data onto the principal subspace
	MatrixFloat prjData;
	if( !pca.project( data, prjData ) ){
		cout << "ERROR: Failed to project data!\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Print out the pca info
    pca.print("PCA Info:");
    //Print the projected data
    cout << "ProjectedData:\n";
	for(UINT i=0; i<prjData.getNumRows(); i++){
		for(UINT j=0; j<prjData.getNumCols(); j++){
			cout << prjData[i][j] << "\t";
		}cout << endl;

	//Save the model to a file
	if( !pca.save( "pca-model.grt" ) ){
		cout << "ERROR: Failed to save model to file!\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	//Load the model from the file
	if( !pca.load( "pca-model.grt" ) ){
		cout << "ERROR: Failed to load model from file!\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	//Print out the pca info again to make sure it matches
    pca.print("PCA Info:");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 28
bool BernoulliRBM::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
    const UINT numTrainingSamples = data.getNumRows();
    numInputDimensions = data.getNumCols();
    numOutputDimensions = numHiddenUnits;
    numVisibleUnits = numInputDimensions;
    trainingLog << "NumInputDimensions: " << numInputDimensions << std::endl;
    trainingLog << "NumOutputDimensions: " << numOutputDimensions << std::endl;
    if( randomizeWeightsForTraining ){
        //Init the weights matrix
        weightsMatrix.resize(numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits);
        Float a = 1.0 / numVisibleUnits;
        for(UINT i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++) {
            for(UINT j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++) {
                weightsMatrix[i][j] = rand.getRandomNumberUniform(-a, a);

        //Init the bias units
        visibleLayerBias.resize( numVisibleUnits );
        hiddenLayerBias.resize( numHiddenUnits );
        if( weightsMatrix.getNumRows() != numHiddenUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Weights matrix row size does not match the number of hidden units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( weightsMatrix.getNumCols() != numVisibleUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Weights matrix row size does not match the number of visible units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( visibleLayerBias.size() != numVisibleUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Visible layer bias size does not match the number of visible units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( hiddenLayerBias.size() != numHiddenUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Hidden layer bias size does not match the number of hidden units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Flag the model has been trained encase the user wants to save the model during a training iteration using an observer
    trained = true;
    //Make sure the data is scaled between [0 1]
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = grt_scale(data[i][j], ranges[j].minValue, ranges[j].maxValue, 0.0, 1.0);

    const UINT numBatches = static_cast<UINT>( ceil( Float(numTrainingSamples)/batchSize ) );
    //Setup the batch indexs
    Vector< BatchIndexs > batchIndexs( numBatches );
    UINT startIndex = 0;
    for(UINT i=0; i<numBatches; i++){
        batchIndexs[i].startIndex = startIndex;
        batchIndexs[i].endIndex = startIndex + batchSize;
        //Make sure the last batch end index is not larger than the number of training examples
        if( batchIndexs[i].endIndex >= numTrainingSamples ){
            batchIndexs[i].endIndex = numTrainingSamples;
        //Get the batch size
        batchIndexs[i].batchSize = batchIndexs[i].endIndex - batchIndexs[i].startIndex;
        //Set the start index for the next batch
        startIndex = batchIndexs[i].endIndex;
    Timer timer;
    UINT i,j,n,epoch,noChangeCounter = 0;
    Float startTime = 0;
    Float alpha = learningRate;
    Float error = 0;
    Float err = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Vector< UINT > indexList(numTrainingSamples);
    TrainingResult trainingResult;
    MatrixFloat wT( numVisibleUnits, numHiddenUnits );       //Stores a transposed copy of the weights vector
    MatrixFloat vW( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores the weight velocity updates
    MatrixFloat tmpW( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );     //Stores the weight values that will be used to update the main weights matrix at each batch update
    MatrixFloat v1( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );            //Stores the real batch data during a batch update
    MatrixFloat v2( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );            //Stores the sampled batch data during a batch update
    MatrixFloat h1( batchSize, numHiddenUnits );             //Stores the hidden states given v1 and the current weightsMatrix
    MatrixFloat h2( batchSize, numHiddenUnits );             //Stores the sampled hidden states given v2 and the current weightsMatrix
    MatrixFloat c1( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores h1' * v1
    MatrixFloat c2( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores h2' * v2
    MatrixFloat vDiff( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );         //Stores the difference between v1-v2
    MatrixFloat hDiff( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );         //Stores the difference between h1-h2
    MatrixFloat cDiff( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );    //Stores the difference between c1-c2
    VectorFloat vDiffSum( numVisibleUnits );                 //Stores the column sum of vDiff
    VectorFloat hDiffSum( numHiddenUnits );                  //Stores the column sum of hDiff
    VectorFloat visibleLayerBiasVelocity( numVisibleUnits ); //Stores the velocity update of the visibleLayerBias
    VectorFloat hiddenLayerBiasVelocity( numHiddenUnits );   //Stores the velocity update of the hiddenLayerBias
    //Set all the velocity weights to zero
    vW.setAllValues( 0 );
    //Randomize the order that the training samples will be used in
    for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++) indexList[i] = i;
    if( randomiseTrainingOrder ){
        std::random_shuffle(indexList.begin(), indexList.end());
    //Start the main training loop
    for(epoch=0; epoch<maxNumEpochs; epoch++) {
        startTime = timer.getMilliSeconds();
        error = 0;
        //Randomize the batch order
        //Run each of the batch updates
        for(UINT k=0; k<numBatches; k+=batchStepSize){
            //Resize the data matrices, the matrices will only be resized if the rows cols are different
            v1.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numVisibleUnits );
            h1.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numHiddenUnits );
            v2.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numVisibleUnits );
            h2.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numHiddenUnits );
            //Setup the data pointers, using data pointers saves a few ms on large matrix updates
            Float **w_p = weightsMatrix.getDataPointer();
            Float **wT_p = wT.getDataPointer();
            Float **vW_p = vW.getDataPointer();
            Float **data_p = data.getDataPointer();
            Float **v1_p = v1.getDataPointer();
            Float **v2_p = v2.getDataPointer();
            Float **h1_p = h1.getDataPointer();
            Float **h2_p = h2.getDataPointer();
            Float *vlb_p = &visibleLayerBias[0];
            Float *hlb_p = &hiddenLayerBias[0];
            //Get the batch data
            UINT index = 0;
            for(i=batchIndexs[k].startIndex; i<batchIndexs[k].endIndex; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    v1_p[index][j] = data_p[ indexList[i] ][j];
            //Copy a transposed version of the weights matrix, this is used to compute h1 and h2
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++)
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++)
                    wT_p[j][i] = w_p[i][j];
            //Compute h1
            h1.multiple(v1, wT);
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                    h1_p[n][i] = sigmoidRandom( h1_p[n][i] + hlb_p[i] );
            //Compute v2
            v2.multiple(h1, weightsMatrix);
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                    v2_p[n][i] = sigmoidRandom( v2_p[n][i] + vlb_p[i] );
            //Compute h2
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                    h2_p[n][i] = grt_sigmoid( h2_p[n][i] + hlb_p[i] );
            //Compute c1, c2 and the difference between v1-v2
            vDiff.subtract(v1, v2);
            //Compute the sum of vdiff
            for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                vDiffSum[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                    vDiffSum[j] += vDiff[i][j];
            //Compute the difference between h1 and h2
            hDiff.subtract(h1, h2);
            for(j=0; j<numHiddenUnits; j++){
                hDiffSum[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                    hDiffSum[j] += hDiff[i][j];
            //Compute the difference between c1 and c2
            //Update the weight velocities
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    vW_p[i][j] = ((momentum * vW_p[i][j]) + (alpha * cDiff[i][j])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i] = ((momentum * visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i]) + (alpha * vDiffSum[i])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i] = ((momentum * hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i]) + (alpha * hDiffSum[i])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            //Update the weights
            weightsMatrix.add( vW );
            //Update the bias for the visible layer
            for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                visibleLayerBias[i] += visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i];
            //Update the bias for the visible layer
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                hiddenLayerBias[i] += hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i];
            //Compute the reconstruction error
            err = 0;
            for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    err += SQR( v1[i][j] - v2[i][j] );
            error += err / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
        error /= numBatches;
        delta = lastError - error;
        lastError = error;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << epoch+1 << "/" << maxNumEpochs;
        trainingLog << " Epoch time: " << (timer.getMilliSeconds()-startTime)/1000.0 << " seconds";
        trainingLog << " Learning rate: " << alpha;
        trainingLog << " Momentum: " << momentum;
        trainingLog << " Average reconstruction error: " << error;
        trainingLog << " Delta: " << delta << std::endl;
        //Update the learning rate
        alpha *= learningRateUpdate;
        trainingResult.setClassificationResult(epoch, error, this);
        trainingResultsObserverManager.notifyObservers( trainingResult );
        //Check for convergance
        if( fabs(delta) < minChange ){
            if( ++noChangeCounter >= minNumEpochs ){
                trainingLog << "Stopping training. MinChange limit reached!" << std::endl;
        }else noChangeCounter = 0;
    trainingLog << "Training complete after " << epoch << " epochs. Total training time: " << timer.getMilliSeconds()/1000.0 << " seconds" << std::endl;
    trained = true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool GaussianMixtureModels::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
    trained = false;
    //Clear any previous training results
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = 0;
    if( data.getNumRows() == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training Failed! Training data is empty!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Resize the variables
    numTrainingSamples = data.getNumRows();
    numInputDimensions = data.getNumCols();
    //Resize mu and resp
    //Resize sigma
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
    //Resize frac and lndets
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,0,1);
    //Pick K random starting points for the inital guesses of Mu
    Random random;
    Vector< UINT > randomIndexs(numTrainingSamples);
    for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++) randomIndexs[i] = i;
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        SWAP(randomIndexs[ i ],randomIndexs[ random.getRandomNumberInt(0,numTrainingSamples) ]);
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
        for(UINT n=0; n<numInputDimensions; n++){
            mu[k][n] = data[ randomIndexs[k] ][n];
    //Setup sigma and the uniform prior on P(k)
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
        frac[k] = 1.0/Float(numClusters);
        for(UINT i=0; i<numInputDimensions; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++) sigma[k][i][j] = 0;
            sigma[k][i][i] = 1.0e-2;   //Set the diagonal to a small number
    loglike = 0;
    bool keepGoing = true;
    Float change = 99.9e99;
    UINT numIterationsNoChange = 0;
    VectorFloat u(numInputDimensions);
	VectorFloat v(numInputDimensions);
    while( keepGoing ){
        //Run the estep
        if( estep( data, u, v, change ) ){
            //Run the mstep
            mstep( data );
            //Check for convergance
            if( fabs( change ) < minChange ){
                if( ++numIterationsNoChange >= minNumEpochs ){
                    keepGoing = false;
            }else numIterationsNoChange = 0;
            if( ++numTrainingIterationsToConverge >= maxNumEpochs ) keepGoing = false;
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Estep failed at iteration " << numTrainingIterationsToConverge << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Compute the inverse of sigma and the determinants for prediction
    if( !computeInvAndDet() ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to compute inverse and determinat!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Flag that the model was trained
    trained = true;
    //Setup the cluster labels
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        clusterLabels[i] = i+1;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
bool HierarchicalClustering::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
	trained = false;
    if( data.getNumRows() == 0 || data.getNumCols() == 0 ){
		return false;
    //Set the rows and columns
    M = data.getNumRows();
	N = data.getNumCols();
    //Build the distance matrix

    //Build the distance matrix
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        for(UINT j=0; j<M; j++){
            if( i== j ) distanceMatrix[i][j] = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
                distanceMatrix[i][j] = squaredEuclideanDistance(data[i], data[j]);

    //Build the initial clusters, at the start each sample gets its own cluster
    UINT uniqueClusterID = 0;
    Vector< ClusterInfo > clusterData(M);
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        clusterData[i].uniqueClusterID = uniqueClusterID++;
    trainingLog << "Starting clustering..." << std::endl;
    //Create the first cluster level, each sample is it's own cluster
    UINT level = 0;
    ClusterLevel newLevel;
    newLevel.level = level;
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        newLevel.clusters.push_back( clusterData[i] );
    clusters.push_back( newLevel );
    //Move to level 1 and start the search
    bool keepClustering = true;
    while( keepClustering ){
        //Find the closest two clusters within the cluster data
        Float minDist = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
        Vector< Vector< UINT > > clusterPairs;
        UINT K = (UINT)clusterData.size();
        for(UINT i=0; i<K; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<K; j++){
                if( i != j ){
                    Float dist = computeClusterDistance( clusterData[i], clusterData[j]  );
                    if( dist < minDist ){
                        minDist = dist;
                        Vector< UINT > clusterPair(2);
                        clusterPair[0] = i;
                        clusterPair[1] = j;
                        clusterPairs.push_back( clusterPair );
        if( minDist == grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max() ){
            keepClustering = false;
            warningLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to find any cluster at level: " << level << std::endl;
            return false;
            //Merge the two closest clusters together and create a new level
            ClusterLevel newLevel;
            newLevel.level = level;
            //Create the new cluster
            ClusterInfo newCluster;
            newCluster.uniqueClusterID = uniqueClusterID++;
            const UINT numClusterPairs = clusterPairs.getSize();
            for(UINT k=0; k<numClusterPairs; k++){
                //Add all the samples in the first cluster to the new cluster
                UINT numSamplesInClusterA = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][0] ].getNumSamplesInCluster();
                for(UINT i=0; i<numSamplesInClusterA; i++){
                    UINT index = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][0] ][ i ];
                    newCluster.addSampleToCluster( index );
                //Add all the samples in the second cluster to the new cluster
                UINT numSamplesInClusterB = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][1] ].getNumSamplesInCluster();
                for(UINT i=0; i<numSamplesInClusterB; i++){
                    UINT index = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][1] ][ i ];
                    newCluster.addSampleToCluster( index );
                //Compute the cluster variance
                newCluster.clusterVariance = computeClusterVariance( newCluster, data );
                //Remove the two cluster pairs (so they will not be used in the next search
                UINT idA = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][0] ].getUniqueClusterID();
                UINT idB = clusterData[ clusterPairs[k][1] ].getUniqueClusterID();
                UINT numRemoved = 0;
                Vector< ClusterInfo >::iterator iter = clusterData.begin();
                while( iter != clusterData.end() ){
                    if( iter->getUniqueClusterID() == idA || iter->getUniqueClusterID() == idB ){
                        iter = clusterData.erase( iter );
                        if( ++numRemoved >= 2 ) break;
                    }else iter++;
            //Add the merged cluster to the clusterData
            clusterData.push_back( newCluster );
            //Add the new level and cluster data to the main cluster buffer
            newLevel.clusters.push_back( newCluster );
            clusters.push_back( newLevel );
            //Update the level
        //Check to see if we should stop clustering
        if( level >= M ){
            keepClustering = false;
        if( clusterData.size() == 0 ){
            keepClustering = false;
        trainingLog << "Cluster level: " << level << " Number of clusters: " << clusters.back().getNumClusters() << std::endl;
    //Flag that the model is trained
    trained = true;
    //Setup the cluster labels
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        clusterLabels[i] = i+1;

	return true;