Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Create a new instance of the same type of workspace as that given as
 * argument.
 *  If the optional size parameters are given, the workspace will be initialised
 * using
 *  those; otherwise it will be initialised to the same size as the parent.
 *  This method should be used when you want to carry over the Workspace data
 * members
 *  relating to the Instrument, Spectra-Detector Map, Sample & Axes to the new
 * workspace.
 *  If the workspace is the same size as its parent, then the X data, axes and
 * mask list are
 *  copied. If its a different size then they are not.
 *  @param  parent    A shared pointer to the parent workspace
 *  @param  NVectors  (Optional) The number of vectors/histograms/detectors in
 * the workspace
 *  @param  XLength   (Optional) The number of X data points/bin boundaries in
 * each vector (must all be the same)
 *  @param  YLength   (Optional) The number of data/error points in each vector
 * (must all be the same)
 *  @return A shared pointer to the newly created instance
 *  @throw  std::out_of_range If invalid (0 or less) size arguments are given
 *  @throw  NotFoundException If the class is not registered in the factory
WorkspaceFactoryImpl::create(const MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &parent,
                             size_t NVectors, size_t XLength,
                             size_t YLength) const {
  bool differentSize(true);
  // Use the parent sizes if new ones are not specified
  if (NVectors == size_t(-1))
    NVectors = parent->getNumberHistograms();
  if (XLength == size_t(-1))
    XLength = parent->dataX(0).size();
  if (YLength == size_t(-1)) {
    differentSize = false;
    YLength = parent->blocksize();

  // If the parent is an EventWorkspace, we want it to spawn a Workspace2D (or
  // managed variant) as a child
  std::string id(parent->id());
  if (id == "EventWorkspace")
    id = "Workspace2D";

  // Create an 'empty' workspace of the appropriate type and size
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws = create(id, NVectors, XLength, YLength);

  // Copy over certain parent data members
  initializeFromParent(parent, ws, differentSize);

  return ws;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Linear::exec()
  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  // Get the spectrum to fit
  const int histNumber = getProperty("WorkspaceIndex");
  // Check validity
  if ( histNumber >= static_cast<int>(inputWorkspace->getNumberHistograms()) )
    g_log.error() << "WorkspaceIndex set to an invalid value of " << histNumber << std::endl;
    throw Exception::IndexError(histNumber,inputWorkspace->getNumberHistograms(),"Linear WorkspaceIndex property");

  // Get references to the data in the chosen spectrum
  const MantidVec& X = inputWorkspace->dataX(histNumber);
  const MantidVec& Y = inputWorkspace->dataY(histNumber);
  const MantidVec& E = inputWorkspace->dataE(histNumber);
  // Check if this spectrum has errors
  double errorsCount = 0.0;

  // Retrieve the Start/EndX properties, if set
  const bool isHistogram = inputWorkspace->isHistogramData();
  // If the spectrum to be fitted has masked bins, we want to exclude them (even if only partially masked)
  const MatrixWorkspace::MaskList * const maskedBins = 
    ( inputWorkspace->hasMaskedBins(histNumber) ? &(inputWorkspace->maskedBins(histNumber)) : NULL );
  // Put indices of masked bins into a set for easy searching later
  std::set<size_t> maskedIndices;
  if (maskedBins)
    MatrixWorkspace::MaskList::const_iterator it;
    for (it = maskedBins->begin(); it != maskedBins->end(); ++it)

  // Declare temporary vectors and reserve enough space if they're going to be used
  std::vector<double> XCen, unmaskedY, weights;
  int numPoints = m_maxX - m_minX;
  if (isHistogram) XCen.reserve(numPoints);
  if (maskedBins) unmaskedY.reserve(numPoints);

  for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
    // If the current bin is masked, skip it
    if ( maskedBins && maskedIndices.count(m_minX+i) ) continue;
    // Need to adjust X to centre of bin, if a histogram
    if (isHistogram) XCen.push_back( 0.5*(X[m_minX+i]+X[m_minX+i+1]) );
    // If there are masked bins present, we need to copy the unmasked Y values
    if (maskedBins) unmaskedY.push_back(Y[m_minX+i]);
    // GSL wants the errors as weights, i.e. 1/sigma^2
    // We need to be careful if E is zero because that would naively lead to an infinite weight on the point.
    // Solution taken here is to zero weight if error is zero, which typically means Y is zero
    //   (so it is effectively excluded from the fit).
    const double& currentE = E[m_minX+i];
    weights.push_back( currentE ? 1.0/(currentE*currentE) : 0.0 );
    // However, if the spectrum given has all errors of zero, then we should use the gsl function that
    //   doesn't take account of the errors.
    if ( currentE ) ++errorsCount;
  // If masked bins present, need to recalculate numPoints here
  if (maskedBins) numPoints = static_cast<int>(unmaskedY.size());
  // If no points left for any reason, bail out
  if (numPoints == 0)
    g_log.error("No points in this range to fit");
    throw std::runtime_error("No points in this range to fit");

  // Set up pointer variables to pass to gsl, pointing them to the right place
  const double * const xVals = ( isHistogram ? &XCen[0] : &X[m_minX] );
  const double * const yVals = ( maskedBins ? &unmaskedY[0] : &Y[m_minX] );

  // Call the gsl fitting function
  // The stride value of 1 reflects that fact that we want every element of our input vectors
  const int stride = 1;
  double *c0(new double),*c1(new double),*cov00(new double),*cov01(new double),*cov11(new double),*chisq(new double);
  int status;
  // Unless our spectrum has error values for vast majority of points, 
  //   call the gsl function that doesn't use errors
  if ( errorsCount/numPoints < 0.9 )
    g_log.debug("Calling gsl_fit_linear (doesn't use errors in fit)");
    status = gsl_fit_linear(xVals,stride,yVals,stride,numPoints,c0,c1,cov00,cov01,cov11,chisq);
  // Otherwise, call the one that does account for errors on the data points
    g_log.debug("Calling gsl_fit_wlinear (uses errors in fit)");
    status = gsl_fit_wlinear(xVals,stride,&weights[0],stride,yVals,stride,numPoints,c0,c1,cov00,cov01,cov11,chisq);

  // Check that the fit succeeded
  std::string fitStatus = gsl_strerror(status);
  // For some reason, a fit where c0,c1 & chisq are all infinity doesn't report as a 
  //   failure, so check explicitly.
  if ( !gsl_finite(*chisq) || !gsl_finite(*c0) || !gsl_finite(*c1) )
    fitStatus = "Fit gives infinities";
  if (fitStatus != "success") g_log.error() << "The fit failed: " << fitStatus << "\n";
    g_log.information() << "The fit succeeded, giving y = " << *c0 << " + " << *c1 << "*x, with a Chi^2 of " << *chisq << "\n";
  // Set the fit result output properties
  // Create and fill a workspace2D with the same bins as the fitted spectrum and the value of the fit for the centre of each bin
  const size_t YSize = Y.size();
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputWorkspace,1,X.size(),YSize);
  // Copy over the X bins
  // Now loop over the spectrum and use gsl function to calculate the Y & E values for the function
  for (size_t i = 0; i < YSize; ++i)
    const double x = ( isHistogram ? 0.5*(X[i]+X[i+1]) : X[i] );
    const int err = gsl_fit_linear_est(x,*c0,*c1,*cov00,*cov01,*cov11,&(outputWorkspace->dataY(0)[i]),&(outputWorkspace->dataE(0)[i]));
    if (err) g_log.warning() << "Problem in filling the output workspace: " << gsl_strerror(err) << std::endl;
  // Clean up
  delete c0;
  delete c1;
  delete cov00;
  delete cov01;
  delete cov11;
  delete chisq;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Executes the algorithm
 *  @throw std::runtime_error If the input workspace has not had its unit set
 *  @throw NotImplementedError If the input workspace contains point (not histogram) data
 *  @throw InstrumentDefinitionError If unable to calculate source-sample distance
void ConvertUnits::exec()
  // Get the workspaces
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  // Check that the input workspace doesn't already have the desired unit.
  // If it does, just set the output workspace to point to the input one and be done.
  if ( m_inputUnit->unitID() == m_outputUnit->unitID() )
    g_log.information() << "Input workspace already has target unit (" << m_outputUnit->unitID()
                        << "), so just pointing the output workspace property to the input workspace." << std::endl;

  if (inputWS->dataX(0).size() < 2)
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "Input workspace has invalid X axis binning parameters. Should have at least 2 values. Found "
        << inputWS->dataX(0).size() << ".";
    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
  if (   inputWS->dataX(0).front() > inputWS->dataX(0).back()
      || inputWS->dataX(m_numberOfSpectra/2).front() > inputWS->dataX(m_numberOfSpectra/2).back())
    throw std::runtime_error("Input workspace has invalid X axis binning parameters. X values should be increasing.");

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = this->setupOutputWorkspace(inputWS);

  // Check whether there is a quick conversion available
  double factor, power;
  if ( m_inputUnit->quickConversion(*m_outputUnit,factor,power) )
  // If test fails, could also check whether a quick conversion in the opposite direction has been entered

  // If the units conversion has flipped the ascending direction of X, reverse all the vectors
  if (outputWS->dataX(0).size() && ( outputWS->dataX(0).front() > outputWS->dataX(0).back()
        || outputWS->dataX(m_numberOfSpectra/2).front() > outputWS->dataX(m_numberOfSpectra/2).back() ) )

  // Need to lop bins off if converting to energy transfer.
  // Don't do for EventWorkspaces, where you can easily rebin to recover the situation without losing information
  /* This is an ugly test - could be made more general by testing for DBL_MAX
     values at the ends of all spectra, but that would be less efficient */
  if ( m_outputUnit->unitID().find("Delta")==0 && !m_inputEvents ) outputWS = this->removeUnphysicalBins(outputWS);


  // Rebin the data to common bins if requested, and if necessary
  bool alignBins = getProperty("AlignBins");
  if (alignBins && !WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(outputWS)) 
    outputWS = this->alignBins(outputWS);

  // If appropriate, put back the bin width division into Y/E.
  if (m_distribution && !m_inputEvents)  // Never do this for event workspaces

  // Point the output property to the right place.
  // Do right at end (workspace could could change in removeUnphysicalBins or alignBins methods)