Ejemplo n.º 1
  @ throw invalid_argument if the workspaces are not mututially compatible
void Q1D2::exec()
  m_dataWS = getProperty("DetBankWorkspace");
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr waveAdj = getProperty("WavelengthAdj");
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr pixelAdj = getProperty("PixelAdj");
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wavePixelAdj = getProperty("WavePixelAdj");
  const bool doGravity = getProperty("AccountForGravity");
  m_doSolidAngle = getProperty("SolidAngleWeighting");

  //throws if we don't have common binning or another incompatibility
  Qhelper helper;
  helper.examineInput(m_dataWS, waveAdj, pixelAdj);
  // FIXME: how to examine the wavePixelAdj? 
  g_log.debug() << "All input workspaces were found to be valid\n";
  // normalization as a function of wavelength (i.e. centers of x-value bins)
  double const * const binNorms = waveAdj ? &(waveAdj->readY(0)[0]) : NULL;
  // error on the wavelength normalization
  double const * const binNormEs = waveAdj ? &(waveAdj->readE(0)[0]) : NULL;

  //define the (large number of) data objects that are going to be used in all iterations of the loop below

  // this will become the output workspace from this algorithm
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = setUpOutputWorkspace(getProperty("OutputBinning"));

  const MantidVec & QOut = outputWS->readX(0);
  MantidVec & YOut = outputWS->dataY(0);
  MantidVec & EOutTo2 = outputWS->dataE(0);
  // normalisation that is applied to counts in each Q bin
  MantidVec normSum(YOut.size(), 0.0);
  // the error on the normalisation
  MantidVec normError2(YOut.size(), 0.0);

  const int numSpec = static_cast<int>(m_dataWS->getNumberHistograms());
  Progress progress(this, 0.05, 1.0, numSpec+1);

  PARALLEL_FOR3(m_dataWS, outputWS, pixelAdj)
  for (int i = 0; i < numSpec; ++i)
    // Get the pixel relating to this spectrum
    IDetector_const_sptr det;
    try {
      det = m_dataWS->getDetector(i);
    } catch (Exception::NotFoundError&) {
      g_log.warning() << "Workspace index " << i << " (SpectrumIndex = " << m_dataWS->getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo() << ") has no detector assigned to it - discarding" << std::endl;
      // Catch if no detector. Next line tests whether this happened - test placed
      // outside here because Mac Intel compiler doesn't like 'continue' in a catch
      // in an openmp block.
    // If no detector found or if detector is masked shouldn't be included skip onto the next spectrum
    if ( !det || det->isMonitor() || det->isMasked() )

    //get the bins that are included inside the RadiusCut/WaveCutcut off, those to calculate for
    //const size_t wavStart = waveLengthCutOff(i);
    const size_t wavStart = helper.waveLengthCutOff(m_dataWS, getProperty("RadiusCut"), getProperty("WaveCut"), i);
    if (wavStart >=  m_dataWS->readY(i).size())
      // all the spectra in this detector are out of range
    const size_t numWavbins = m_dataWS->readY(i).size()-wavStart;
    // make just one call to new to reduce CPU overhead on each thread, access to these 
    // three "arrays" is via iterators
    MantidVec _noDirectUseStorage_(3*numWavbins);
    //normalization term
    MantidVec::iterator norms = _noDirectUseStorage_.begin();
    // the error on these weights, it contributes to the error calculation on the output workspace
    MantidVec::iterator normETo2s = norms + numWavbins;
    // the Q values calculated from input wavelength workspace
    MantidVec::iterator QIn = normETo2s + numWavbins;

    // the weighting for this input spectrum that is added to the normalization
    calculateNormalization(wavStart, i, pixelAdj, wavePixelAdj, binNorms, binNormEs, norms, normETo2s);

    // now read the data from the input workspace, calculate Q for each bin
    convertWavetoQ(i, doGravity, wavStart, QIn);

    // Pointers to the counts data and it's error
    MantidVec::const_iterator YIn = m_dataWS->readY(i).begin()+wavStart;
    MantidVec::const_iterator EIn = m_dataWS->readE(i).begin()+wavStart;

    //when finding the output Q bin remember that the input Q bins (from the convert to wavelength) start high and reduce
    MantidVec::const_iterator loc = QOut.end();
    // sum the Q contributions from each individual spectrum into the output array
    const MantidVec::const_iterator end = m_dataWS->readY(i).end();
    for( ; YIn != end; ++YIn, ++EIn, ++QIn, ++norms, ++normETo2s)
      //find the output bin that each input y-value will fall into, remembering there is one more bin boundary than bins
      getQBinPlus1(QOut, *QIn, loc);
      // ignore counts that are out of the output range
      if ( (loc != QOut.begin()) && (loc != QOut.end()) )
        // the actual Q-bin to add something to
        const size_t bin = loc - QOut.begin() - 1;
          YOut[bin] += *YIn;
          normSum[bin] += *norms;
          //these are the errors squared which will be summed and square rooted at the end
          EOutTo2[bin] += (*EIn)*(*EIn);
          normError2[bin] += *normETo2s;
      progress.report("Computing I(Q)");

      // Add up the detector IDs in the output spectrum at workspace index 0
      const ISpectrum * inSpec = m_dataWS->getSpectrum(i);
      ISpectrum * outSpec = outputWS->getSpectrum(0);
      outSpec->addDetectorIDs( inSpec->getDetectorIDs() );


  bool doOutputParts = getProperty("OutputParts");
  if (doOutputParts)
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws_sumOfCounts = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(outputWS);
      ws_sumOfCounts->dataX(0) = outputWS->dataX(0);
      ws_sumOfCounts->dataY(0) = outputWS->dataY(0);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < outputWS->dataE(0).size(); i++)
        ws_sumOfCounts->dataE(0)[i] = sqrt(outputWS->dataE(0)[i]);

      MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws_sumOfNormFactors = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(outputWS);
      ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataX(0) = outputWS->dataX(0);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataY(0).size(); i++)
        ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataY(0)[i] = normSum[i];
        ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataE(0)[i] = sqrt(normError2[i]);

      helper.outputParts(this, ws_sumOfCounts, ws_sumOfNormFactors);

  progress.report("Normalizing I(Q)");
  //finally divide the number of counts in each output Q bin by its weighting
  normalize(normSum, normError2, YOut, EOutTo2);

