int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); Minesweeper w;; return a.exec(); }
int main() { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); Minesweeper playminesweeper;; return 0; }
/************************************************************** * Purpose: This function checks for the two ways to win the gaem. * The first is if all mines have been marked, and the * second is if all non-mine spaces have been uncovered. * * Entry: An instance of the Minsweeper class. * * Exit: A bool signifying whether the game was won. ****************************************************************/ bool check_for_win(Minesweeper &game) { bool win = false; int num_marked_mines = 0; int num_uncovered_not_mines = 0; int num_not_mines = (game.getRow() * game.getCol()) - game.getNumMines();//This is all the spaces that aren't mines for (int row = 0; row < game.getRow(); ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < game.getCol(); ++col) { if (game.getMarked(row, col) && game.getMine(row, col)) { ++num_marked_mines; } if (!game.getCovered(row, col) && !game.getMine(row, col)) { ++num_uncovered_not_mines; } } } if (num_marked_mines == game.getNumMines() || num_uncovered_not_mines == num_not_mines) { win = true; } return win; }
int main() { char playAgain = 'y'; do { srand(time(NULL)); //seeding the random number generator Minesweeper game; char gameOver = 'n'; do { char move; int x, y; cout << "Enter a move [m]ark, [u]ncover: "; cin >> move; cout << "Enter a row: "; cin >> x; cout << "Enter a column: "; cin >> y; gameOver = game.takeATurn(move, x, y); } while (gameOver == 'n'); playAgain = 'n'; } while (playAgain == 'y'); //this forces at least a single pass through the loop return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(0)); Minesweeper thisgame; thisgame.Intro(); thisgame.Placemines(); thisgame.Countem(); thisgame.Move(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ Minesweeper obj; if (argc == 2 && atoi(argv[1]) == 1 || argc == 1) obj.setGameParams(9,9,10); else if (argc == 2 && atoi(argv[1]) == 2) obj.setGameParams(16,16,40); else if (argc == 2 && atoi(argv[1]) == 3) obj.setGameParams(16,30,99); else{ if (argc < 4) return 1; int row = atoi(argv[1]); int col = atoi(argv[2]); int mines = atoi(argv[3]); if (col >= 9 && mines <= 999 && mines <= row * col) obj.setGameParams(row,col,mines); else return 1; } if (!obj.initGame()) return 1; obj.insertMines(); obj.insertDigits(); obj.startGame(); return 0; }
/************************************************************** * Purpose: This functions checks for the losing condition (if * a space with a mine has been uncovered). * * Entry: An instance of the Minsweeper class. * * Exit: A bool signifying whether the game was lost. ****************************************************************/ bool check_for_explosion(Minesweeper &game) { bool explosion = false; for (int row = 0; row < game.getRow(); ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < game.getCol(); ++col) { if (!game.getCovered(row, col) && game.getMine(row, col)) { explosion = true; } } } return explosion; }
/************************************************************** * Purpose: This function shows the game board by looping * through the rows and calling another function. * * Entry: An instance of the Minesweeper class. * * Exit: None. ****************************************************************/ void showboard(Minesweeper &game) { cout << endl; for (int row = 0; row < game.getRow(); ++row) { showrow(game, row); cout << endl; } cout << endl; }
/************************************************************** * Purpose: This function prints a specified row of the board on * the screen, giving each cell's state a symbol. * * Entry: An instance of the Minesweeper class and a row to show. * * Exit: None. ****************************************************************/ void showrow(Minesweeper &game, int row) { for (int col = 0; col < game.getCol(); ++col) { if (col == 0) cout << ' '; if (game.getCovered(row, col)) { cout << "? "; } else if (game.getMarked(row, col)) { cout << "M "; } else if (game.getMine(row, col)) { cout << char(178) << ' '; } else if (game.getSurround(row, col) > 0) { cout << game.getSurround(row, col) << ' '; } else { cout << "O "; } } }
int main() { cout << "-----------------COUNTING NEAREST NEIGHBOURS-----------------\n"; Minesweeper obj; int size; cout << "Enter the size of the array: "; cin >> obj.size; //Create a dynamic array int **arr = obj.dynamic_arr(obj.size); //fill the array obj.fill(arr); //print the array cout << "\nThe array entered is:\n"; obj.print(arr); //find the neighbours //The possible neighbour combinations // arr[a-1][b-1] | arr[a-1][b] | arr[a-1][b+1] // arr[a][b-1] | arr[a][b] | arr[a][b+1] // arr[a+1][b-1] | arr[a+1][b] | arr[a+1][b+1] // // Let's consider all the cases, // 1. If the element is a corner element, it will have 3 neighbours // 2. If the element is a middle element, it will have 8 neighbours // 3. If the element is on the side apart from the corner elements, it will have 5 neighbours // There are 4 cases to be considered. These are listed below. //Search each element int **arr_f = obj.find(arr); //print the array cout << "\nThe number of neighbours are:\n"; obj.print(arr_f); //deallocate the memory delete[] arr_f; delete[] arr; system("pause"); return -1; }
int main(){ int rows, cols; int countField = 0; Minesweeper mines; cin>> rows >> cols; while( rows != 0 && cols != 0){ mines.setRows( rows ); mines.setColumns( cols ); if( !mines.isValidValues() ) break; countField++; mines.fillField(); mines.createOutput(); mines.printOutput( countField ); cin>> rows >> cols; }//while return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(nullptr)); sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("sansation.ttf")){ cout << "Did not find the font 'sansation.ttf'" << endl; exit(0); } //cout << "Enter height, width, and number of mines: "; int height = 20, width = 30, mines = 60; //cin >> height >> width >> mines; Minesweeper* game = new Minesweeper(width, height, mines); sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(width * tile_size, height * tile_size), "Minesweeper", sf::Style::Close); cout << "Welcome to Minesweeper!" << endl; cout << "Click a tile to open it. Hit ESC or Q to exit, or space to restart" << endl; while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { switch(event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: window.close(); break; case sf::Event::KeyPressed: switch(event.key.code) { case sf::Keyboard::Escape: case sf::Keyboard::Q: window.close(); break; case sf::Keyboard::Space: delete game; game = new Minesweeper(width, height, mines); break; } break; case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left && !game->isGameOver()) { int row = event.mouseButton.y / tile_size; int col = event.mouseButton.x / tile_size; game->openTile(row, col); if (game->isGameOver()) { cout << "GAME OVER! Hit ESC or Q to exit, or space to restart" << endl; } } else if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right && !game->isGameOver()) { int row = event.mouseButton.y / tile_size; int col = event.mouseButton.x / tile_size; game->markTile(row, col); } break; } } window.clear(); for(int row = 0; row < height; ++row) { for(int col = 0; col < width; ++col) { const int tile_x = col * tile_size, tile_y = row * tile_size; sf::RectangleShape tile; tile.setSize(sf::Vector2f(tile_size - border_size, tile_size - border_size)); tile.setFillColor(game->isTileOpen(row, col) ? open_fill_color : closed_fill_color); tile.setPosition(tile_x + border_size / 2.0, tile_y + border_size / 2.0); window.draw(tile); if (game->isTileOpen(row, col) || (game->isGameOver() && game->isTileMine(row, col)) || game->isTileMarked(row, col)) { sf::Text text; text.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold); text.setCharacterSize(tile_size / 2.0); if (game->isTileMarked(row, col) && !game->isGameOver()) { text.setString("X"); text.setColor(marked_color); } else if (game->isTileMine(row, col)) { text.setString("X"); text.setColor(mine_color); } else { int num_adjacent_mines = game->numAdjacentMines(row, col); if(num_adjacent_mines == 0) continue; // Don't draw 0s text.setString(to_string(num_adjacent_mines)); text.setColor(number_colors[num_adjacent_mines]); } text.setFont(font); sf::FloatRect text_rect = text.getLocalBounds(); text.setOrigin(text_rect.left + text_rect.width / 2.0, + text_rect.height / 2.0); text.setPosition(tile_x + tile_size / 2.0, tile_y + tile_size / 2.0); window.draw(text); } } } window.display(); } delete game; return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(0)); int input; Minesweeper m; while (true) { m = Minesweeper();; cout << "Play again? yes = 1, no = 0" << endl; cin >> input; if (input == 0) break; } /* int i; Matrix m = Matrix(5); cout << "Expect identity 5x5" << endl; cout << m << endl; Matrix invalid = Matrix(); cout << "Expect invalid" << endl; cout << invalid << endl; Matrix allZero = Matrix(3,4); cout << "Expect value 0 3x4" << endl; cout << allZero << endl; Matrix three = Matrix(3,4, 3.3); cout << "Expect value 3.3 3x4" << endl; cout << three << endl; Matrix six = three + three; cout << "Expect value 6.6 3x4" << endl; cout << six << endl; cout << "Expect value 3.3 3x4" << endl; six = three; cout << six << endl; Matrix twoInv = Matrix(4,3, 2.2); cout << "Expect value ? 3x4" << endl; cout << three * twoInv << endl; Matrix first = Matrix(2,3); Matrix second = Matrix(3, 2); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { first.set(i, i+1); second.set(i, i+7); } cout << "first:" << endl << first << endl; cout << "second:" << endl << second << endl; cout << "Expect value sum 2x3" << endl; cout << first * second << endl; Matrix a = Matrix(2, 2); Matrix b = Matrix(2,2); Matrix c = Matrix(2,2); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { a.set(i, i+1); b.set(i, 4-i); } c.set(0, 1.0); c.set(1, 3.0); c.set(2, 1.5); c.set(3, 2.0); Matrix d = a + b; d = d * b - a + c; cout << d << endl; Vector v = Vector(); cout << "Expect invalid" << endl; cout << v << endl; v = Vector(4); cout << "Expect valid vector" << endl; cout << v << endl; v.set(1, 1.0); v.set(2, 2.0); v.set(3, 3.0); v.set(4, 4.0); cout << "length: " << v.length() << endl; cout << "end" << endl; */ return 0; }
void uncover(Minesweeper &game, int row, int col) { game.setCovered(row, col, false); }
void mark(Minesweeper &game, int row, int col) { game.setCovered(row, col, false); game.setMarked(row, col, true); }