Ejemplo n.º 1
SearchFilter::SearchInModuleList (Searcher &searcher, ModuleList &modules)
    SymbolContext empty_sc;

    if (m_target_sp == NULL)
    empty_sc.target_sp = m_target_sp;

    if (searcher.GetDepth() == Searcher::eDepthTarget)
        searcher.SearchCallback (*this, empty_sc, NULL, false);
        const size_t numModules = modules.GetSize();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < numModules; i++)
            ModuleSP module_sp(modules.GetModuleAtIndex(i));
            if (ModulePasses(module_sp))
                if (DoModuleIteration(module_sp, searcher) == Searcher::eCallbackReturnStop)
Ejemplo n.º 2
AppleObjCRuntime::ReadObjCLibraryIfNeeded (const ModuleList &module_list)
    if (!HasReadObjCLibrary ())
        Mutex::Locker locker (module_list.GetMutex ());

        size_t num_modules = module_list.GetSize();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
            auto mod = module_list.GetModuleAtIndex (i);
            if (IsModuleObjCLibrary (mod))
                ReadObjCLibrary (mod);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Breakpoint::ModulesChanged (ModuleList &module_list, bool load)
    if (load)
        // The logic for handling new modules is:
        // 1) If the filter rejects this module, then skip it.
        // 2) Run through the current location list and if there are any locations
        //    for that module, we mark the module as "seen" and we don't try to re-resolve
        //    breakpoint locations for that module.
        //    However, we do add breakpoint sites to these locations if needed.
        // 3) If we don't see this module in our breakpoint location list, call ResolveInModules.

        ModuleList new_modules;  // We'll stuff the "unseen" modules in this list, and then resolve
                                 // them after the locations pass.  Have to do it this way because
                                 // resolving breakpoints will add new locations potentially.

        const size_t num_locs = m_locations.GetSize();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < module_list.GetSize(); i++)
            bool seen = false;
            ModuleSP module_sp (module_list.GetModuleAtIndex (i));
            if (!m_filter_sp->ModulePasses (module_sp))

            for (size_t loc_idx = 0; loc_idx < num_locs; loc_idx++)
                BreakpointLocationSP break_loc = m_locations.GetByIndex(loc_idx);
                if (!break_loc->IsEnabled())
                const Section *section = break_loc->GetAddress().GetSection();
                if (section == NULL || section->GetModule() == module_sp.get())
                    if (!seen)
                        seen = true;

                    if (!break_loc->ResolveBreakpointSite())
                        LogSP log (lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS));
                        if (log)
                            log->Printf ("Warning: could not set breakpoint site for breakpoint location %d of breakpoint %d.\n",
                                         break_loc->GetID(), GetID());

            if (!seen)
                new_modules.AppendIfNeeded (module_sp);

        if (new_modules.GetSize() > 0)
        // Go through the currently set locations and if any have breakpoints in
        // the module list, then remove their breakpoint sites.
        // FIXME: Think about this...  Maybe it's better to delete the locations?
        // Are we sure that on load-unload-reload the module pointer will remain
        // the same?  Or do we need to do an equality on modules that is an
        // "equivalence"???

        for (size_t i = 0; i < module_list.GetSize(); i++)
            ModuleSP module_sp (module_list.GetModuleAtIndex (i));
            if (m_filter_sp->ModulePasses (module_sp))
                const size_t num_locs = m_locations.GetSize();
                for (size_t loc_idx = 0; loc_idx < num_locs; ++loc_idx)
                    BreakpointLocationSP break_loc = m_locations.GetByIndex(loc_idx);
                    const Section *section = break_loc->GetAddress().GetSection();
                    if (section && section->GetModule() == module_sp.get())
                        // Remove this breakpoint since the shared library is 
                        // unloaded, but keep the breakpoint location around
                        // so we always get complete hit count and breakpoint
                        // lifetime info