void MidiKeyboardComponent::timerCallback()
    if (shouldCheckState)
        shouldCheckState = false;

        for (int i = rangeStart; i <= rangeEnd; ++i)
            if (keysCurrentlyDrawnDown[i] != state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, i))
                keysCurrentlyDrawnDown.setBit (i, state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, i));
                repaintNote (i);

    if (shouldCheckMousePos)
        Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance();

        for (int i = desktop.getNumMouseSources(); --i >= 0;)
            MouseInputSource* source = desktop.getMouseSource (i);
            jassert (source != nullptr);
            updateNoteUnderMouse (getLocalPoint (nullptr, source->getScreenPosition()),
                                  source->isDragging(), source->getIndex());
void DragAndDropContainer::startDragging (const var& sourceDescription,
                                          Component* sourceComponent,
                                          const Image& dragImage_,
                                          const bool allowDraggingToExternalWindows,
                                          const Point<int>* imageOffsetFromMouse)
    Image dragImage (dragImage_);

    if (dragImageComponent == nullptr)
        Component* const thisComp = dynamic_cast <Component*> (this);

        if (thisComp == nullptr)
            jassertfalse;   // Your DragAndDropContainer needs to be a Component!

        MouseInputSource* draggingSource = Desktop::getInstance().getDraggingMouseSource (0);

        if (draggingSource == nullptr || ! draggingSource->isDragging())
            jassertfalse;   // You must call startDragging() from within a mouseDown or mouseDrag callback!

        const Point<int> lastMouseDown (Desktop::getLastMouseDownPosition());
        Point<int> imageOffset;

        if (dragImage.isNull())
            dragImage = sourceComponent->createComponentSnapshot (sourceComponent->getLocalBounds())
                            .convertedToFormat (Image::ARGB);

            dragImage.multiplyAllAlphas (0.6f);

            const int lo = 150;
            const int hi = 400;

            Point<int> relPos (sourceComponent->getLocalPoint (nullptr, lastMouseDown));
            Point<int> clipped (dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (relPos));

            for (int y = dragImage.getHeight(); --y >= 0;)
                const double dy = (y - clipped.getY()) * (y - clipped.getY());

                for (int x = dragImage.getWidth(); --x >= 0;)
                    const int dx = x - clipped.getX();
                    const int distance = roundToInt (std::sqrt (dx * dx + dy));

                    if (distance > lo)
                        const float alpha = (distance > hi) ? 0
                                                            : (hi - distance) / (float) (hi - lo)
                                                               + Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat() * 0.008f;

                        dragImage.multiplyAlphaAt (x, y, alpha);

            imageOffset = -clipped;
            if (imageOffsetFromMouse == nullptr)
                imageOffset = -dragImage.getBounds().getCentre();
                imageOffset = -(dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (-*imageOffsetFromMouse));

        dragImageComponent = new DragImageComponent (dragImage, sourceDescription, sourceComponent,
                                                     draggingSource->getComponentUnderMouse(), this, imageOffset);

        currentDragDesc = sourceDescription;

        if (allowDraggingToExternalWindows)
            if (! Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows())
                dragImageComponent->setOpaque (true);

            dragImageComponent->addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks
                                               | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
                                               | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses);
            thisComp->addChildComponent (dragImageComponent);

        static_cast <DragImageComponent*> (static_cast <Component*> (dragImageComponent))->updateLocation (false, lastMouseDown);
        dragImageComponent->setVisible (true);

       #if JUCE_WINDOWS
        // Under heavy load, the layered window's paint callback can often be lost by the OS,
        // so forcing a repaint at least once makes sure that the window becomes visible..
        ComponentPeer* const peer = dragImageComponent->getPeer();
        if (peer != nullptr)