MultiArray<2, float > FieldAlgorithms::matchGradients(MultiArray<2, TinyVector<float, 2> > &imageGradients, MultiArray<2, TinyVector<float, 2> > &mask)
    MultiArray<2, float >  dest(imageGradients.shape());
    dest = 0;
    //to make sure, that the mask is always fully within the image, consider the mask shape
    int diff = (mask.width() -1) / 2;
    for (int x = diff; x + diff < imageGradients.width(); x ++) 
        for (int y = diff; y + diff < imageGradients.height(); y++)
            //The masks center is at point x,y now
            //Every vector of the image currently 'covered' by the mask, is compared to its corresponding vector in the mask.
            float vals = 0;
            for (int xM = 0; xM < mask.width(); xM++)
                for (int yM = 0; yM < mask.height(); yM++)
                    TinyVector<float, 2> imageVal = imageGradients((x - diff) + xM, (y - diff) + yM);
                    TinyVector<float, 2> maskVal = mask(xM, yM);
                    vals += compareVectors(imageVal, maskVal);
            int res = vals / (mask.size());
            dest(x,y) = res;
    return dest;
Shape2 FieldAlgorithms::localizeByFollowingLocalMaxima(const MultiArray<2, float> &image, Shape2 current)

    //Open viewBox of image with center at current
    int upperLeftX = current[0] - ((image.width() / 10) / 2);
    upperLeftX = upperLeftX > -1 ? upperLeftX : 0;
    int upperLeftY = current[1] - ((image.height() / 10) / 2);
    upperLeftY = upperLeftY > -1 ? upperLeftY : 0;
    Shape2 upperLeft(upperLeftX, upperLeftY);

    int lowerRightX = current[0] + ((image.width() / 10) / 2);
    lowerRightX = lowerRightX < image.width() ? lowerRightX : image.width() -1;
    int lowerRightY = current[1] + ((image.height() / 10) / 2);
    lowerRightY = lowerRightY < image.height() ? lowerRightY : image.height() -1;
    Shape2 lowerRight(lowerRightX, lowerRightY);
    MultiArrayView<2, float> box = image.subarray(upperLeft, lowerRight);
    //3: get local max of view as next 
    int maxIndex = argMax(box);
    if (maxIndex == -1)
            std::cout << "Something went wrong: argMax returned -1";
        return current;
    Shape2 max(box.scanOrderIndexToCoordinate(maxIndex));
    Shape2 next(upperLeftX + max[0], upperLeftY + max[1]);
    if (next == current)
        return next;
    return localizeByFollowingLocalMaxima(image, next);
Fields FieldAlgorithms::fieldsByLaplasian(MultiArray<2, float> & image) 
    MultiArray<2, float> valley(image.shape());
    Pyramid pyramid(image);
    for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
        MultiArray<2, float> resized(pyramid.get(i));
        MultiArray<2, float> tmpArr(resized.shape());
        laplacianOfGaussianMultiArray(resized, tmpArr, 1.0);
        valley += pyramid.toOriginalSize(tmpArr);
    MultiArray<2, float> peak = valley * -1;
    //remove DC component
    float thrhld = valley[argMax(valley)] * 0.3;
    threshold(valley, valley, thrhld);
    thrhld = peak[argMax(peak)] * 0.3;
    threshold(peak, peak, thrhld);

    //Edge as Gradients
    MultiArray<2, float> edgeField(image.shape());
    gaussianGradientMagnitude(image, edgeField, 1.0);

    std::vector<Shape2> valleyLocals(localizePOI(image));

    //Result as Field Object
    Fields fields(valley, valleyLocals, peak, edgeField, image);
    //A heuristic initialization of the localization, as a priori known position
    Shape2 nextToIris = Shape2(image.width() / 2, image.height() / 2);
    fields.specializedIrisValley = localizeByFollowingLocalMaxima(image, nextToIris);
    return fields;
Fields FieldAlgorithms::fieldsByGradientPattern(MultiArray<2, float> & image) 
    //Get Masks for Valley and Peak
    //not efficient, but can be scaled easly
    vigra::ImageImportInfo valleyInfo("../images/valleyMask.png");
    MultiArray<2, float>  valleyArray(valleyInfo.shape());  
    importImage(valleyInfo, valleyArray);
    MultiArray<2, float > valleyMask(9,9);
    resizeImageNoInterpolation(valleyArray, valleyMask);
    vigra::ImageImportInfo peakInfo("../images/peakMask.png");
    MultiArray<2, float>  peakArray(peakInfo.shape());  
    importImage(peakInfo, peakArray);
    MultiArray<2, float > peakMask(9,9);
    resizeImageNoInterpolation(peakArray, peakMask);

    Pyramid pyramid(image);
    MultiArray<2, float> valleyField(image.shape());
    MultiArray<2, float> peakField(image.shape());
    //go 3 octaves
    for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
        MultiArray<2, float> resized(pyramid.get(i));
        MultiArray<2, float> tmpArr = morphologyByGradientPattern(resized, valleyMask);
        valleyField += pyramid.toOriginalSize(tmpArr);
        tmpArr = morphologyByGradientPattern(resized, peakMask);
        peakField += pyramid.toOriginalSize(tmpArr);

    //Edge as Gradients
    MultiArray<2, float> edgeField(image.shape());
    gaussianGradientMagnitude(image, edgeField, 1.0);

    //Localize, smooth for increased range of interaction (following local maxima)
    MultiArray<2, float> smoothed(valleyField.shape());
    gaussianSmoothMultiArray(valleyField, smoothed, 6.0);
    std::vector<Shape2> valleyLocals(localizePOI(smoothed));

    //Result as Field Object
    Fields fields(valleyField, valleyLocals, peakField, edgeField, image);
    //A heuristic initialization of the localization, as a priori known position
    Shape2 nextToIris = Shape2(image.width() / 2 + 10, image.height() / 2);
    fields.specializedIrisValley = Shape2(image.width() / 2 + 10, image.height() / 2 + 15);//localizeByFollowingLocalMaxima(valleyField, nextToIris);
    return fields;
//Calculates the fit for all radii
std::vector<MultiArray<2,float>> Deformation::getFit(MultiArray<2, int> &distanceToCenter) 
    int length = distanceToCenter.width();
    MultiArray<2,float> resEdge(Shape2(length, 1));
    MultiArray<2,float> resValley(Shape2(length, 1));
    MultiArray<2,float> resBoth(Shape2(length, 1));
    for (int radius = 1; radius < distanceToCenter.width() / 2; radius++)
        RadiusResult radi = getValueForRadius(distanceToCenter, radius);
        resValley[radius] = radi.valley;
        resBoth[radius] = radi.getValue();
        resEdge[radius] = radi.edge;
    result[0] = resEdge;
    result[1] = resValley;
    result[2] = resBoth;
    return result;
RadiusResult Deformation::getRadiusRecursivly(MultiArray<2, int> &distanceToCenter, RadiusResult &one, RadiusResult &two, float temperature)
    if (temperature < 1)
        return one;
    if (one.radius == two.radius)
    float derivative = (one.getValue() - two.getValue()) / (one.radius - two.radius);
    derivative = derivative < 0 && derivative > -1 ? -1 : derivative > 0 && derivative < 1 ? 1 : derivative;
    int nextRadius = (one.radius + (derivative * temperature)); //TODO: Metropolis
    //prevent values larger than the image
    nextRadius = nextRadius < 0 ? distanceToCenter.width() / 2 - nextRadius : nextRadius;
    nextRadius = nextRadius % (distanceToCenter.width() / 2);

    RadiusResult next = getValueForRadius(distanceToCenter, nextRadius);
    return getRadiusRecursivly(distanceToCenter, next, one, temperature * 0.95);
std::vector<Shape2> FieldAlgorithms::localizePOI(MultiArray<2, float> &image)
    std::vector<Shape2> pois(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < pois.size(); i++)
        int v1 = std::rand() % image.size() -1; 
         //int maxIndex = argMax(box);
         //Shape2 max(box.scanOrderIndexToCoordinate(maxIndex));
        Shape2 poi = localizeByFollowingLocalMaxima(image, Shape2(image.width()/2, image.height()/2));
        pois[i] = poi;
    return pois;

void Deformation::drawFunctions(MultiArray<2, int> &distanceToCenter)
    std::vector<MultiArray<2,float>> functions = getFit(distanceToCenter);
    MultiArray<2,float> resEdge(distanceToCenter.shape());
    MultiArray<2,float> resValley(distanceToCenter.shape());
    MultiArray<2,float> resBoth(distanceToCenter.shape());
    for (int i = 0; i<distanceToCenter.width() / 2;i++)
        int yEdge = functions[0][i] > distanceToCenter.height() ? distanceToCenter.height() -1 : (distanceToCenter.height() - (functions[0][i] -1));
        int yValley = functions[1][i] > distanceToCenter.height() ? distanceToCenter.height() -1 : (distanceToCenter.height() - (functions[1][i] -1));
        int yBoth = functions[2][i] > distanceToCenter.height() ? distanceToCenter.height() -1 : (distanceToCenter.height() - (functions[2][i] -1));
        resEdge(i, yEdge) = 1;
        resValley(i, yValley) = 1;
        resBoth(i, yBoth) = 1;
    exportImage(resBoth ,"./../images/results/bothFunction.png");
    std::cout << "\n expected Radius: ";
    int rad = argMax(functions[2]);
    std::cout << rad;
    functions[2][rad] = 0;
    rad = argMax(functions[2]);
    std::cout << "\n next best Radius: ";
    std::cout << rad;
    functions[2][rad] = 0;
    rad = argMax(functions[2]);
    std::cout << "\n next best Radius: ";
    std::cout << rad;
    functions[2][rad] = 0;
    rad = argMax(functions[2]);
    std::cout << "\n next best Radius: ";
    std::cout << rad;
    functions[2][rad] = 0;
    rad = argMax(functions[2]);
    std::cout << "\n";