Ejemplo n.º 1
NAString TDBDlgExprList::ExprNodeFlagsToString(ex_expr* exprNode)
   NAString string;
   if (exprNode->getFixupConstsAndTemps())
    string += "FIXUP_CONSTS_AND_TEMPS|";

   if (exprNode->generateNoPCode())
     string += "GENERATE_NO_PCODE|";

   if (exprNode->getPCodeGenCompile())
     string += "PCODE_GEN_COMPILE|";
   if (exprNode->getPCodeMoveFastpath())
     string += "PCODE_MOVE_FASTPATH|";

   if (exprNode->forInsertUpdate())
     string += "FOR_INSERT_UPDATE|";

   if (exprNode->usePCodeEvalAligned())
     string += "PCODE_EVAL_ALIGNED|";

   if (exprNode->handleIndirectVC())
     string += "HANDLE_INDIRECT_VC|";

   if (exprNode-> getPCodeNative())
     string += "PCODE_EVAL_NATIVE";
   int len = string.length();

   return string;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Translate ANSI SQL names from UCS-2/UTF-16 encoding values to
// the Default ANSI SQL Name character set.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CmAnsiNameToUTF8(const NAWString &inWcs, NAString &outMbs)
  outMbs.remove(0); // set to an empty string
  if (inWcs.length() <= 0)

  NAString *pConvStr =
    unicodeToChar ( inWcs.data()                        // in - const char * str
                  , (Int32)inWcs.length()               // in - Int32        len
                  , (Lng32)ComGetNameInterfaceCharSet() // in - Lng32        strCharSet
                  , (NAMemory *)STMTHEAP                // in - NAMemory *   h
                  , FALSE                               // in - NABoolean allowInvalidChar
  if (pConvStr != NULL AND pConvStr->length() > 0)
    outMbs = *pConvStr;
  delete pConvStr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This is the LmUtility.nativeUtils method. It takes one string as
// input and produces one string as output. The output string gets
// written to the first element of the String[] array object passed in
// as the jobjectArray parameter.
// Although we do not document this method for customers, there is
// nothing preventing customer code from calling this method. So don't
// put anything in the method that you wouldn't want customers
// doing. Currently this function just serves as an entry point to
// various systems calls such as TMF operations and getting/setting
// environment variables. There is nothing here that customers could
// not do on their own if they wanted to.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_trafodion_sql_udr_LmUtility_nativeUtils
(JNIEnv * env, jclass jc, jstring js, jobjectArray joa)
  const char *input = env->GetStringUTFChars(js, NULL);
  if (input == NULL)
    // OutOfMemory error already thrown

  NAString action(input);

  short error;
  NAString result("OK");

  static MXStatement staticStmt;

  if (action.compareTo("GetTxName", NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    Int64 transid;
    error = GETTRANSID((short *) &transid);
    if (error)
      if (error == 75)
        result = "No active transaction";
        result = "GETTRANSID returned ";
        result += LongToNAString((Lng32) error);
      Throw(env, result.data());
      short actualLen;
      char text[256];
      error = TRANSIDTOTEXT(transid, text, 255, &actualLen);
      if (error)
        result = "TRANSIDTOTEXT returned ";
        result += LongToNAString((Lng32) error);
        Throw(env, result);
        text[actualLen] = 0;
        result = text;
  } // GetTxName

  else if (action.compareTo("BeginTx", NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    Int32 tag;
    error = BEGINTRANSACTION(&tag);
    if (error)
      result = "BEGINTRANSACTION returned ";
      result += LongToNAString((Lng32) error);
      Throw(env, result);
  } // BeginTx

  else if (action.compareTo("CommitTx", NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    error = ENDTRANSACTION();
    if (error)
      if (error == 75)
        result = "No active transaction";
        result = "ENDTRANSACTION returned ";
        result += LongToNAString((Lng32) error);
      Throw(env, result);
  } // CommitTx

  else if (action.compareTo("RollbackTx", NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    if (error)
      if (error == 75)
        result = "No active transaction";
        result = "ABORTTRANSACTION returned ";
        result += LongToNAString((Lng32) error);
      Throw(env, result);
  } // RollbackTx

  else if (action.compareTo("GetProcessId", NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    Lng32 pid = GETPID();
    result = LongToNAString(pid);
  } // GetProcessId

  else if (action.index("GetEnv ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString name = action;
    name.remove(0, str_len("GetEnv "));
    char *value = getenv(name.data());
    if (value != NULL)
      result = value;
      result = "";
  } // GetEnv

  else if (action.index("PutEnv ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString nameAndValue = action;
    nameAndValue.remove(0, str_len("PutEnv "));
    Int32 retcode = putenv((char *) nameAndValue.data());
    if (retcode != 0)
      result = "putenv returned ";
      result += LongToNAString((Lng32) retcode);
      Throw(env, result);
  } // PutEnv

  else if (action.index("LmDebug ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString name = action;
    name.remove(0, str_len("LmDebug "));
  } // LmDebug

  else if (action.index("ExecSql ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString stmtText = action.remove(0, str_len("ExecSql "));

    MXStatement s;
    const char *status = "OK";
    Lng32 retcode = 0;

    retcode = s.init(status);
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = s.prepare(stmtText.data());
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "PREPARE failed";
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = s.execute();
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "EXECUTE failed";
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = s.fetchEOD();
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "FETCH failed";
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = s.close();
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "CLOSE failed";

    if (retcode != 0)
      char msg[256];
      sprintf(msg, "[UdrSqlException %d] %s", retcode, status);
      Throw(env, msg);
  } // ExecSql

  else if (action.index("FetchSql ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    // The incoming string is SQL statement text. The code below will
    // prepare and execute the statement then fetch only the first
    // row. It will build one long multi-line string containing all
    // column values, one on each line. The multi-line string can be
    // split by the Java caller into an array of Strings with the
    // split("\n") method.

    Lng32 i;
    NAString stmtText = action.remove(0, str_len("FetchSql "));

    MXStatement s;
    const char *status = "OK";
    Lng32 retcode = 0;

    retcode = s.init(status);
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = s.prepare(stmtText.data());
      if (retcode)
        status = "PREPARE failed";
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = s.execute();
      if (retcode)
        status = "EXECUTE failed";

    Lng32 numOutColumns = s.getNumOutColumns();
    NABoolean stringsAllocated = FALSE;
    char **argv = NULL;

    if (!retcode && numOutColumns > 0)
      argv = new char *[numOutColumns];
      Lng32 bufLen = 1000;
      for (i = 0; i < numOutColumns; i++)
        argv[i] = new char[bufLen + 1];

      stringsAllocated = TRUE;

      retcode = s.fetchStrings(argv, bufLen);
      if (retcode)
        status = "FETCH STRINGS failed";

      if (!retcode)
        result = argv[0];
        for (i = 1; i < numOutColumns; i++)
          result += "\n";
          result += argv[i];
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = s.fetchEOD();
      if (retcode)
        status = "FETCH EOD failed";
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = s.close();
      if (retcode)
        status = "CLOSE failed";

    if (stringsAllocated)
      for (i = 0; i < numOutColumns; i++)
        delete [] argv[i];
      delete [] argv;

    if (retcode)
      char msg[256];
      sprintf(msg, "[UdrSqlException %d] %s", retcode, status);
      Throw(env, msg);
  } // FetchSql

  else if (action.index("Prepare ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString stmtText = action.remove(0, str_len("Prepare "));

    const char *status = "OK";
    Lng32 retcode = 0;

    retcode = staticStmt.init(status);
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = staticStmt.prepare(stmtText.data());
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "PREPARE failed";
    if (retcode)
      char msg[256];
      sprintf(msg, "[UdrSqlException %d] %s", retcode, status);
      Throw(env, msg);

  } // Prepare
  else if (action.index("ExecUsingString ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString data = action.remove(0, str_len("ExecUsingString "));

    const char *status = "OK";
    Lng32 retcode = 0;

    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = staticStmt.executeUsingString(data.data(),
                                              (Lng32) data.length());
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "EXECUTE failed";
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = staticStmt.fetchEOD();
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "FETCH failed";
    if (retcode == 0)
      retcode = staticStmt.close();
      if (retcode != 0)
        status = "CLOSE failed";

    if (retcode != 0)
      char msg[256];
      sprintf(msg, "[UdrSqlException %d] %s", retcode, status);
      Throw(env, msg);
  } // ExecUsingString

  else if (action.index("FetchUsingString ", 0, NAString::ignoreCase) == 0)
    NAString data = action.remove(0, str_len("FetchUsingString "));
    const char *status = "OK";
    Lng32 retcode = 0;
    Int32 i = 0;

    if (!retcode)
      retcode = staticStmt.executeUsingString(data.data(),
                                              (Lng32) data.length());
      if (retcode)
        status = "EXECUTE failed";

    Lng32 numOutColumns = staticStmt.getNumOutColumns();
    NABoolean stringsAllocated = FALSE;
    char **argv = NULL;

    if (!retcode && numOutColumns > 0)
      argv = new char *[numOutColumns];
      Lng32 bufLen = 1000;
      for (i = 0; i < numOutColumns; i++)
        argv[i] = new char[bufLen + 1];

      stringsAllocated = TRUE;

      retcode = staticStmt.fetchStrings(argv, bufLen);
      if (retcode)
        status = "FETCH STRINGS failed";

      if (!retcode)
        result = argv[0];
        for (i = 1; i < numOutColumns; i++)
          result += "\n";
          result += argv[i];
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = staticStmt.fetchEOD();
      if (retcode)
        status = "FETCH EOD failed";
    if (!retcode)
      retcode = staticStmt.close();
      if (retcode)
        status = "CLOSE failed";

    if (stringsAllocated)
      for (i = 0; i < numOutColumns; i++)
        delete [] argv[i];
      delete [] argv;

    if (retcode)
      char msg[256];
      sprintf(msg, "[UdrSqlException %d] %s", retcode, status);
      Throw(env, msg);
  } // FetchUsingString

    // Over time other operations can be supported
    result = "Invalid action: ";
    result += action;
    Throw(env, result);

  // Create the Java output string
  if (env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI_FALSE)
    jobject j = env->NewStringUTF(result.data());
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(joa, 0, j);

Ejemplo n.º 4
Lng32 AddColumnSet(HSColSet &colSet)
    HSGlobalsClass *hs_globals = GetHSContext();
    Lng32 retcode = 0;
    HSColGroupStruct *newGroup  = NULL;
    Lng32 colCount = 0;
    NABoolean badColList = FALSE;
    NAString colNames = "";
    NAString temp;
    HSLogMan *LM = HSLogMan::Instance();
    Int32 numCols = colSet.entries();
    Int32 i;

    if (numCols < 2)          // Must have at least 2 columns in multi-col set.
        if (LM->LogNeeded())
            sprintf(LM->msg, "\t\tIgnoring Column Group with single unique entry (%s)", 
        return HS_WARNING;

    for (i=0; i<numCols; i++)          // update column numbers, position & NO DUPLICATES
        HSColumnStruct &col = colSet[i];
        temp = " ";
        temp += ToAnsiIdentifier(col.colname->data());
          // Note: ToAnsiIdentifier() determines whether a name needs to be delimited
          // with quotes.  This function works for shift-JIS but may not work for other
          // non-ISO88591 char sets such as Korean, BIG5, GB2312, and GB18030, ...
        temp += ",";

        if (colNames.contains(temp))
          badColList = TRUE;
            col.colnum  = hs_globals->objDef->getColNum((char*)col.colname->data());
            if (col.colnum < 0)
                retcode = -1;
            col.position = colCount;
        colNames += temp;
    colNames.remove(0,1);    // remove first blank
    colNames.remove(colNames.length() - 1);    // remove last comma

    if (badColList)          // column list contains repeating columns
        if (LM->LogNeeded())
            sprintf(LM->msg, "\t\tNon-Unique Column Group (%s)", colNames.data());
        HSFuncMergeDiags(- UERR_COLUMNLIST_NOT_UNIQUE, colNames.data());
        retcode = -1;
        if (GroupExists(colSet))
            if (LM->LogNeeded())
                sprintf(LM->msg, "\t\tDuplicate Column Group (%s) has been ignored.", colNames.data());
            retcode = HS_WARNING;
            newGroup  = new(STMTHEAP) HSColGroupStruct;
            newGroup->colSet = colSet;
            newGroup->colCount = colCount;
            *newGroup->colNames = colNames.data();

            if (hs_globals->multiGroup == NULL)    // first group entry
                hs_globals->multiGroup = newGroup;
            else                  // append to front of list
                newGroup->next = hs_globals->multiGroup;
                hs_globals->multiGroup->prev = newGroup;
                hs_globals->multiGroup = newGroup;


    return retcode;