Ejemplo n.º 1
inline void RMSPropOptimizer::Update(int index, NDArray weight, NDArray grad) {
  if (n_.count(index) == 0) {
    CreateState_(index, weight);

  params_["lr"] = std::to_string(GetLR_(index));
  params_["wd"] = std::to_string(GetWD_(index));
  auto keys = GetParamKeys_();
  auto values = GetParamValues_();
  CHECK_EQ(keys.size(), values.size());

  NDArrayHandle inputs[5];
  inputs[0] = weight.GetHandle();
  inputs[1] = grad.GetHandle();
  inputs[2] = n_[index]->GetHandle();
  inputs[3] = g_[index]->GetHandle();
  inputs[4] = delta_[index]->GetHandle();

  int num_outputs = 1;
  NDArrayHandle output = weight.GetHandle();
  NDArrayHandle *outputs = &output;

  MXImperativeInvoke(alex_update_handle_, 5, inputs,
      &num_outputs, &outputs,
      keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 ImageBuffer apply(const CurveBuffers& lines, ImageBuffer output) {
   i32 nts = lines.size(0);
   i32 nks = lines.size(1);
   ImageBuffer amounts;
   ImBufList bufStack;
   PopAdaptor popper(bufStack);
   PushAdaptor pusher(bufStack);
   if (preloadBuffers_ && contextID_ != CurrentContextID()) {
     contextID_ = CurrentContextID();
   for (i32 tji = 0; tji < nts; ++tji) {
     for (i32 kji = 0; kji < nks; ++kji)
       pusher.output(lines(tji, kji));
     ImageBuffer lineLocs = Merge(Max, nks, popper);
     pusher.output(Filter(lineLocs, sparseBufs_[tji]));
   return Merge(Add, nts, popper, output);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @param pos A point in Qt screen coordinates from, for example, a mouse click
 * @return A QPointF defining the position in data coordinates
QPointF FigureCanvasQt::toDataCoords(QPoint pos) const {
  // There is no isolated method for doing the transform on matplotlib's
  // classes. The functionality is bound up inside other methods
  // so we are forced to duplicate the behaviour here.
  // The following code is derived form what happens in
  // matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5.FigureCanvasQT &
  // matplotlib.backend_bases.LocationEvent where we transform first to
  // matplotlib's coordinate system, (0,0) is bottom left,
  // and then to the data coordinates
  const int dpiRatio(devicePixelRatio());
  const double xPosPhysical = pos.x() * dpiRatio;
  GlobalInterpreterLock lock;
  // Y=0 is at the bottom
  double height = PyFloat_AsDouble(
  const double yPosPhysical =
      ((height / devicePixelRatio()) - pos.y()) * dpiRatio;
  // Transform to data coordinates
  QPointF dataCoords;
  try {
    auto invTransform = gca().pyobj().attr("transData").attr("inverted")();
    NDArray transformed = invTransform.attr("transform_point")(
        Python::NewRef(Py_BuildValue("(ff)", xPosPhysical, yPosPhysical)));
    auto rawData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(transformed.get_data());
    dataCoords =
        QPointF(static_cast<qreal>(rawData[0]), static_cast<qreal>(rawData[1]));
  } catch (Python::ErrorAlreadySet &) {
    // an exception indicates no transform possible. Matplotlib sets this as
    // an empty data coordinate so we will do the same
  return dataCoords;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** This method copies an NDArray object from the asynNDArrayDriver to an NDArray pointer passed in by the caller.
  * The destination NDArray address is passed by the caller in the genericPointer argument. The caller
  * must allocate the memory for the array, and pass the size in NDArray->dataSize.
  * The method will limit the amount of data copied to the actual array size or the
  * input dataSize, whichever is smaller.
  * \param[in] pasynUser Used to obtain the addr for the NDArray to be copied from, and for asynTrace output.
  * \param[out] genericPointer Pointer to an NDArray. The NDArray must have been previously allocated by the caller.
  * The NDArray from the asynNDArrayDriver will be copied into the NDArray pointed to by genericPointer.
asynStatus asynNDArrayDriver::readGenericPointer(asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
    NDArray *pArray = (NDArray *)genericPointer;
    NDArray *myArray;
    NDArrayInfo_t arrayInfo;
    int addr;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    const char* functionName = "readNDArray";

    status = getAddress(pasynUser, &addr); if (status != asynSuccess) return(status);
    myArray = this->pArrays[addr];
    if (!myArray) {
        epicsSnprintf(pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize,
                    "%s:%s: error, no valid array available, pData=%p",
                    driverName, functionName, pArray->pData);
        status = asynError;
    } else {
        this->pNDArrayPool->copy(myArray, pArray, 0);
        if (arrayInfo.totalBytes > pArray->dataSize) arrayInfo.totalBytes = pArray->dataSize;
        memcpy(pArray->pData, myArray->pData, arrayInfo.totalBytes);
        pasynUser->timestamp = myArray->epicsTS;
    if (!status)
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER,
              "%s:%s: error, maxBytes=%lu, data=%p\n",
              driverName, functionName, (unsigned long)arrayInfo.totalBytes, pArray->pData);
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 5
inline void SGDOptimizer::Update(int index, NDArray weight, NDArray grad) {
  if (states_.count(index) == 0) {
    CreateState_(index, weight);

  params_["lr"] = std::to_string(GetLR_(index));
  params_["wd"] = std::to_string(GetWD_(index));
  auto keys = GetParamKeys_();
  auto values = GetParamValues_();
  CHECK_EQ(keys.size(), values.size());

  NDArrayHandle inputs[3];
  inputs[0] = weight.GetHandle();
  inputs[1] = grad.GetHandle();

  int num_outputs = 1;
  NDArrayHandle output = weight.GetHandle();
  NDArrayHandle *outputs = &output;

  if (states_[index] == nullptr) {
    MXImperativeInvoke(update_handle_, 2, inputs,
        &num_outputs, &outputs,
        keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data());
  } else {
    inputs[2] = states_[index]->GetHandle();
    MXImperativeInvoke(mom_update_handle_, 3, inputs,
        &num_outputs, &outputs,
        keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data());
Ejemplo n.º 6
inline void SGDOptimizer::CreateState_(int index, NDArray weight) {
  if (params_.count("momentum") == 0) {
    states_[index] = nullptr;
  } else {
    states_[index] = new NDArray(weight.GetShape(), weight.GetContext());
    *states_[index] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main() {
	int retcode = 0;
	cout << "XMAP buffer parser!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!!

	unsigned short *testfilebuf = NULL;
	unsigned int testfilelen = 1024*1024;
	testfilebuf = (unsigned short*)calloc(testfilelen, sizeof(unsigned short));
	retcode = load_dataset_txt("/home/up45/sandbox/data1.txt", testfilebuf, testfilelen);
	printf("retcode: %d\n", retcode);
	for (int i=0; i<10; i++) printf("%6d  0x%04X\n", testfilebuf[i], testfilebuf[i]);

	XmapBuffer buf;
	printf("Parsing data1.txt....\n");
	buf.parse(testfilebuf, testfilelen);

	//return 0;

	printf("Parsing testbuf1....\n");
	buf.parse(testbuf1, sizeof(testbuf1)/2);
	printf("Parsing testbuf2...\n");
	buf.parse(testbuf2, sizeof(testbuf2)/2);


	printf("Getting pixelmap reference\n");
	XmapBuffer::PixelMap_t& pm = buf.pixels();

	printf("pixel0 report:\n");

	printf("Testing copy\n");
	unsigned short dest[3] = {0,0,0};
	XmapChannelData *xcd = pm[0].channels()[0];
	Spectrum* sp;
	sp = dynamic_cast<Spectrum*> (xcd);
	sp->copy_data(dest, 3);
	printf("dest: %d %d %d\n", dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);

	printf("Testing copy to NDArray\n");
	NDArray ndarr;
	ndarr.dataSize = 500;
	ndarr.dataType = NDUInt16;
	ndarr.ndims = 2;
	ndarr.initDimension(ndarr.dims+0, (int)pm[0].num_channels());
	ndarr.initDimension(ndarr.dims+1, pm[0].data_size());
	ndarr.pData = calloc(ndarr.dataSize, sizeof(char));

	pm[0].copy_data( &ndarr );
	ndarr.report(stdout, 11);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void mar345::getImageData()
    char fullFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
    size_t dims[2];
    int itemp;
    int imageCounter;
    NDArray *pImage;
    char statusMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
    char errorBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
    FILE *input;
    const char *functionName = "getImageData";

    /* Inquire about the image dimensions */
    getStringParam(NDFullFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LEN, fullFileName);
    getIntegerParam(NDArraySizeX, &itemp); dims[0] = itemp;
    getIntegerParam(NDArraySizeY, &itemp); dims[1] = itemp;
    getIntegerParam(NDArrayCounter, &imageCounter);
    pImage = this->pNDArrayPool->alloc(2, dims, NDUInt16, 0, NULL);

    epicsSnprintf(statusMessage, sizeof(statusMessage), "Reading mar345 file %s", fullFileName);
    setStringParam(ADStatusMessage, statusMessage);
    input = fopen(fullFileName, "rb");
    if (input == NULL) {
        (void) strerror_r(errno, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer));
        asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
            "%s%s: unable to open input file %s, error=%s\n",
            driverName, functionName, fullFileName, errorBuffer);
    get_pck(input, (epicsInt16 *)pImage->pData);

    /* Put the frame number and time stamp into the buffer */
    pImage->uniqueId = imageCounter;
    pImage->timeStamp = this->acqStartTime.secPastEpoch + this->acqStartTime.nsec / 1.e9;

    /* Get any attributes that have been defined for this driver */        

    /* Call the NDArray callback */
    /* Must release the lock here, or we can get into a deadlock, because we can
     * block on the plugin lock, and the plugin can be calling us */
    asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW, 
         "%s:%s: calling NDArray callback\n", driverName, functionName);
    doCallbacksGenericPointer(pImage, NDArrayData, 0);

    /* Free the image buffer */
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Householder<T>::evalHHmatrixData(const NDArray<T>& x, NDArray<T>& tail, T& coeff, T& normX) {

	// input validation
	if(!x.isVector() && !x.isScalar())
		throw "ops::helpers::Householder::evalHHmatrixData method: input array must be vector or scalar!";

	if(!x.isScalar() && x.lengthOf() != tail.lengthOf() + 1)
		throw "ops::helpers::Householder::evalHHmatrixData method: input tail vector must have length less than unity compared to input x vector!";

	normX = x.template reduceNumber<simdOps::Norm2<T>>();	
	const T min = DataTypeUtils::min<T>();	
	if(normX*normX - x(0)*x(0) <= min) {

		normX = x(0);
		coeff = (T)0.;		
		tail = (T)0.;		
	else {
		if(x(0) >= (T)0.)
			normX = -normX;									// choose opposite sign to lessen roundoff error
		T u0 = x(0) - normX;
		coeff = -u0 / normX;				

			tail.assign(x({{}, {1, -1}}) / u0);		
			tail.assign(x({{1, -1}, {}}) / u0);		
Ejemplo n.º 10
NDArrayTyped<T>::NDArrayTyped(const NDArray &other, T* dptr)
    : NDArray(other)
//    , m_data((T*)other.m_data_ch)
    if (!dptr) {
        m_data = (T*)other.data();
    } else {
        m_data = dptr;
        m_data_ch = (char*)m_data;
        m_data_ptr = new ArrayData(m_data_ch, other.size()*sizeof(T));
        m_type = TypeMap<T>::type;
        m_typesize = typesize(m_type);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Optimizer::Update(int index, NDArray weight, NDArray grad) {
  if (!init_) {
    std::vector<const char *> param_keys;
    std::vector<const char *> param_values;
    for (const auto &k_v : params_) {
    MXOptimizerCreateOptimizer(creator_, params_.size(), param_keys.data(),
                               param_values.data(), &handle_);
    init_ = true;
  MXOptimizerUpdate(handle_, index, weight.GetHandle(), grad.GetHandle(),
      learning_rate_, weight_decay_);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void NDPluginFile::freeCaptureBuffer(int numCapture)
    int i;
    NDArray *pArray;
    if (!this->pCapture) return;
    /* Free the capture buffer */
    for (i=0; i<numCapture; i++) {
        pArray = this->pCapture[i];
        if (!pArray) break;
    this->pCapture = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void GetMeanImg() {
   mean_img = NDArray(Shape(1, 3, 224, 224), global_ctx, false);
       1 * 3 * 224 * 224);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Converts an Octave numeric NDArray into a double R array.
 * Currently only 3D arrays are supported.
inline SEXP wrap(const NDArray& x){

	int nd = x.ndims();
	VERBOSE_LOG("(%iD-NDArray)", nd);
	if( nd > 3 ){
		std::ostringstream err;
		err << "<NDArray> - Could not convert NDArray[" << x.ndims() << "]: only up to 3 dimensions are supported";

	}else if( nd == 2 ){// safe-guard in case of a 2D-NDArray (i.e. a Matrix object)
		VERBOSE_LOG(" = ");
		return wrap(x.as_matrix()) ;

	// copy values from the outer to inner dimensions
	int n = x.dim1();
	int p = x.dim2();
	int q = x.dim3();
	VERBOSE_LOG("[%i x %i x %i]", n, p, q);
	Rcpp::NumericVector res( Rcpp::Dimension(n, p, q) );
	Rcpp::NumericVector::iterator z = res.begin();
	for(int k=0; k<q; k++){
		for(int j=0; j<p; j++){
			for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
				*z = x.elem(i,j,k);
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 void balanceComponents_(f64 norm, ImageData &posSums, ImageData &negSums) {
   for (i32 kji = 0; kji < components_.size(3); ++kji) {
     for (i32 tji = 0; tji < components_.size(2); ++tji) {
       for (i32 ni = 0; ni < posSums.height(); ++ni) {
         for (i32 tani = 0; tani < posSums.width(); ++tani) {
           ImageData &kernel = components_(tani, ni, tji, kji);
           i32 kernElems = kernel.numElems();
           for (i32 i = 0; i < kernElems; i++) {
             kernel[i] *= norm/(kernel[i] >= 0 ?
                                posSums(tani, ni) :
                                negSums(tani, ni));
Ejemplo n.º 16
NDArray ResizeInput(NDArray data, const Shape new_shape) {
  NDArray pic = data.Reshape(Shape(0, 1, 28, 28));
  NDArray output;
    .SetParam("height", new_shape[2])
    .SetParam("width", new_shape[3])
  return output;
Ejemplo n.º 17
NDArray<T> Householder<T>::evalHHmatrix(const NDArray<T>& x) {

	// input validation
	if(!x.isVector() && !x.isScalar())
		throw "ops::helpers::Householder::evalHHmatrix method: input array must be vector or scalar!";

	NDArray<T> w((int)x.lengthOf(), 1,  x.ordering(), x.getWorkspace());							// column-vector
	NDArray<T> wT(1, (int)x.lengthOf(), x.ordering(), x.getWorkspace());							// row-vector (transposed w)	

	T coeff;
	T normX = x.template reduceNumber<simdOps::Norm2<T>>();	
	const T min = DataTypeUtils::min<T>();
	if(normX*normX - x(0)*x(0) <= min) {

		normX = x(0); 
		coeff = (T)0.;		
		w = (T)0.;
	else {
		if(x(0) >= (T)0.)
			normX = -normX;									// choose opposite sign to lessen roundoff error
		T u0 = x(0) - normX;
		coeff = -u0 / normX;				
		w.assign(x / u0);		
	w(0) = (T)1.;
	NDArray<T> identity((int)x.lengthOf(), (int)x.lengthOf(), x.ordering(), x.getWorkspace());					 
	identity.setIdentity();																			// identity matrix	

	return identity - mmul(w, wT) * coeff;	

Ejemplo n.º 18
void NDPluginFile::doNDArrayCallbacks(NDArray *pArray)
  int arrayCallbacks = 0;
  static const char *functionName = "doNDArrayCallbacks";

  getIntegerParam(NDArrayCallbacks, &arrayCallbacks);
  if (arrayCallbacks == 1) {
    NDArray *pArrayOut = this->pNDArrayPool->copy(pArray, NULL, 1);
    if (pArrayOut != NULL) {
      doCallbacksGenericPointer(pArrayOut, NDArrayData, 0);
    else {
      asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR, 
        "%s: Couldn't allocate output array. Callbacks failed.\n", 
Ejemplo n.º 19
inline void RMSPropOptimizer::CreateState_(int index, NDArray weight) {
  n_[index] = new NDArray(weight.GetShape(), weight.GetContext());
  *n_[index] = 0;
  g_[index] = new NDArray(weight.GetShape(), weight.GetContext());
  *g_[index] = 0;
  delta_[index] = new NDArray(weight.GetShape(), weight.GetContext());
  *delta_[index] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
inline void Monitor::toc_print() {
  auto results = toc();
  std::vector<float> data(1);
  for (auto& stat : results) {
    NDArray ndarray = std::get<2>(stat);

    std::string str;
    if (ndarray.Size() == 1) {
      if (ndarray.GetContext().GetDeviceType() != DeviceType::kGPU) {
        data[0] = ndarray.GetData()[0];
      } else {
      str = std::to_string(data[0]);
    } else {
      std::ostringstream out;
      out << ndarray;
      str = out.str();

    LG << "Batch: " << std::get<0>(stat) << ' ' << std::get<1>(stat) << ' ' << str;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 ImageBuffer apply(const NDArray<ImageBuffer,3>& input, ImageBuffer output) {
   ImBufList stack;
   PopAdaptor popper(stack);
   PushAdaptor pusher(stack);
   if (!kernBufs_[0].valid())
     LoadSparseFilters(kernels_.begin(), kernels_.end(), kernBufs_.begin());
   i32 nto = params_.numOrientations;
   i32 ncs = params_.numCurvatures;
   NDIndex<3> srcIndx;
   for (i32 tji = 0; tji < nto; ++tji) {
     srcIndx[0] = tji;
     for (i32 ktji = 0; ktji < ncs; ++ktji) {
       srcIndx[1] = ktji;
       for (i32 knji = 0; knji < ncs; ++knji) {
         srcIndx[2] = knji;
         pusher.output(Filter(input[srcIndx], kernBufs_[srcIndx]));
     pusher.output(Merge(Add, ncs*ncs, popper));
   Merge(Add, nto, popper, output);
   if (params_.minSupport != 0 || params_.maxSupport != 1) {
     Rescale(output, params_.minSupport, params_.maxSupport,
             0, 1, false, output);
   return output;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static void FindStationFromNode( Digraph& dg, Digraph::Node u, EdgeArray& es, bool reverse = false )
    NDArray nds;
    if( reverse )
        DFS_Helper3( dg, u, nds );
        DFS_Helper2( dg, u, nds );

    std::sort( nds.begin(), nds.end(), SortNodeDist() );

    for( int i = 0; i < nds.size(); i++ )
        if( i < MAX_PATH_LENGTH )
            bool ret = true;
            DPath p;
            if( reverse )
                ret = DFS_Helper( dg, nds[i].u, u, p );
                ret = DFS_Helper( dg, u, nds[i].u, p );
            if( !ret ) continue;

            for( DPath::ArcIt e( p ); e != INVALID; ++e )
                if( !es.contains( e ) ) es.append( e );
Ejemplo n.º 23
 FlowSupportOp(f64 ti, f64 kti, f64 kni, RelaxFlowOpParams &params)
 : params_(params),
   for (i32 i = 0; i < kernels_.numElems(); i++)
     kernels_[i] = ImageData(params.kernelSize, params.kernelSize);
Ejemplo n.º 24
inline void AdamOptimizer::Update(int index, NDArray weight, NDArray grad) {
  if (mean_.count(index) == 0) {
    CreateState_(index, weight);

  params_["lr"] = std::to_string(GetLR_(index));
  params_["wd"] = std::to_string(GetWD_(index));
  auto keys = GetParamKeys_();
  auto values = GetParamValues_();
  CHECK_EQ(keys.size(), values.size());

  float lr = std::stof(params_["lr"]);
  float wd = std::stof(params_["wd"]);
  float b1 = std::stof(params_["beta1"]);
  float b2 = std::stof(params_["beta2"]);
  float t = count_[index];
  float coef1 = 1.0f - std::pow(b1, t);
  float coef2 = 1.0f - std::pow(b2, t);
  lr *= std::sqrt(coef2) / coef1;

  NDArrayHandle inputs[4];
  inputs[0] = weight.GetHandle();
  inputs[1] = grad.GetHandle();

  int num_outputs = 1;
  NDArrayHandle output = weight.GetHandle();
  NDArrayHandle *outputs = &output;

  inputs[2] = mean_[index]->GetHandle();
  inputs[3] = var_[index]->GetHandle();

  MXImperativeInvoke(update_handle_, 4, inputs,
    &num_outputs, &outputs,
    keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data());
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void DFS_Helper2( Digraph& dg, Digraph::Node u, NDArray& nds )
    NodeArray ns;
    Dfs<Digraph> aDfs( dg );
    aDfs.run( u );
    for( Digraph::NodeIt n( dg ); n != INVALID; ++n )
        if( aDfs.reached( n ) )
            NodeDist nd;
            nd.u = n;
            nd.dist = aDfs.dist( n );
            nds.push_back( nd );
Ejemplo n.º 26
 void Extract(NDArray data) {
   /*Normalize the pictures*/
   data.Slice(0, 1) -= mean_img;
   data.Slice(1, 2) -= mean_img;
   args_map["data"] = data;
   /*bind the excutor*/
   executor = net.SimpleBind(global_ctx, args_map, map<string, NDArray>(),
                             map<string, OpReqType>(), aux_map);
   /*print out the features*/
   auto array = executor->outputs[0].Copy(Context(kCPU, 0));
   for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
     cout << array.At(0, i) << ",";
   cout << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void Householder<T>::mulLeft(NDArray<T>& matrix, const NDArray<T>& tail, const T coeff) {
	// if(matrix.rankOf() != 2)
	// 	throw "ops::helpers::Householder::mulLeft method: input array must be 2D matrix !";	

	if(matrix.sizeAt(0) == 1)   
    	matrix *= (T)1. - coeff;
  	else if(coeff != (T)0.) {

  		NDArray<T>* bottomPart =  matrix.subarray({{1, matrix.sizeAt(0)}, {}});
		NDArray<T> bottomPartCopy = *bottomPart; 

		if(tail.isColumnVector()) {

			NDArray<T> column = tail;
			NDArray<T>* row = tail.transpose();						
    		NDArray<T> resultingRow = mmul(*row, bottomPartCopy);
    		NDArray<T>* fistRow = matrix.subarray({{0,1}, {}});
    		resultingRow += *fistRow;        	
    		*fistRow -= resultingRow * coeff;	
    		*bottomPart -= mmul(column, resultingRow) * coeff;    		

			delete row;
			delete fistRow;
		else {
			NDArray<T> row = tail;
			NDArray<T>* column = tail.transpose();
    		NDArray<T> resultingRow = mmul(row, bottomPartCopy);
    		NDArray<T>* fistRow = matrix.subarray({{0,1}, {}});
    		resultingRow += *fistRow;        	
    		*fistRow -= resultingRow * coeff;
    		*bottomPart -= mmul(*column, resultingRow) * coeff;    	

			delete column;
			delete fistRow;
		delete bottomPart;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static void DFS_Helper3( Digraph& dg, Digraph::Node u, NDArray& nds )
    typedef ReverseDigraph<Digraph> RDigraph;
    RDigraph rdg( dg );

    Dfs<RDigraph> aDfs( rdg );
    aDfs.run( u );
    for( Digraph::NodeIt n( dg ); n != INVALID; ++n )
        if( aDfs.reached( n ) )
            NodeDist nd;
            nd.u = n;
            nd.dist = aDfs.dist( n );
            nds.push_back( nd );
Ejemplo n.º 29
void Householder<T>::mulRight(NDArray<T>& matrix, const NDArray<T>& tail, const T coeff) {

	// if(matrix.rankOf() != 2)
	// 	throw "ops::helpers::Householder::mulRight method: input array must be 2D matrix !";
	if(matrix.sizeAt(1) == 1)   
    	matrix *= (T)1. - coeff;
  	else if(coeff != (T)0.) {

  		NDArray<T>* rightPart =  matrix.subarray({{}, {1, matrix.sizeAt(1)}});
		NDArray<T> rightPartCopy = *rightPart; 
		NDArray<T>* fistCol = matrix.subarray({{},{0,1}});

  		if(tail.isColumnVector()) {

			NDArray<T> column = tail;
			NDArray<T>* row = tail.transpose();						
    		NDArray<T> resultingCol = mmul(rightPartCopy, column);    		
    		resultingCol += *fistCol;        	
    		*fistCol -= resultingCol * coeff;	
    		*rightPart -= mmul(resultingCol, *row) * coeff;    		

			delete row;			
		else {
			NDArray<T> row = tail;
			NDArray<T>* column = tail.transpose();
    		NDArray<T> resultingCol = mmul(rightPartCopy, *column);    		
    		resultingCol += *fistCol;        	
    		*fistCol -= resultingCol * coeff;
    		*rightPart -= mmul(resultingCol, row) * coeff;

			delete column;
  		delete rightPart;
  		delete fistCol;
Ejemplo n.º 30
void util_fill_ndarr_dims(NDArray &ndarr, unsigned long int *sizes, int ndims)
	log4cxx::LoggerPtr log( log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("main") );
    static short counter = 3;
    int i=0;
    ndarr.ndims = ndims;
    int num_elements = 1;
    for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) {
    	// Note: the NDArray dimensions are reverse order in relation to
    	//       the HDF5 dataset dimensionality. sigh....
        ndarr.initDimension(&(ndarr.dims[ndims-i-1]), sizes[i]);
        num_elements *= sizes[i];
    ndarr.pData = calloc(num_elements, sizeof(short));
    LOG4CXX_TRACE(log, "Filling array with dummy data...");
    for (i=0; i<num_elements; i++) {
    	*((short*)ndarr.pData + i) = i;

    short *ptrdata = (short*)ndarr.pData;
    ptrdata[0] = counter++; ptrdata[1] = counter++;
    LOG4CXX_TRACE(log, "Done filling array!");