Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CommonMigrator::TryMigration( NVMainRequest *request, bool atomic )
	begin_cycle_ = GetEventQueue()->GetCurrentCycle();

    bool rv = true;
	//translate this object to NVMain type
	 if( NVMTypeMatches(NVMain) )
        /* Ensure the Migrator translator is used. */
		//parent module is who issue migration??
        Migrator *migratorTranslator = dynamic_cast<Migrator *>(parent->GetTrampoline( )->GetDecoder( ));
        assert( migratorTranslator != NULL );

        /* Migrations in progress must be served from the buffers during migration. */
        if( GetCurrentHookType( ) == NVMHOOK_PREISSUE && migratorTranslator->IsBuffered( request->address ) )
            /* Short circuit this request so it is not queued. */
            rv = false;

            /* Complete the request, adding some buffer read latency. */
            GetEventQueue( )->InsertEvent( EventResponse, parent->GetTrampoline( ), request,
                              GetEventQueue()->GetCurrentCycle()+bufferReadLatency );


            return rv;

        /* Don't inject results before the original is issued to prevent deadlock */
        if( GetCurrentHookType( ) != NVMHOOK_POSTISSUE )
            return rv;

        /* See if any migration is possible (i.e., no migration is in progress) */
        bool migrationPossible = false;

        if( !migratorTranslator->Migrating( ) 
            && !migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( request->address ) 
            && request->address.GetChannel( ) != promotionChannel )
                migrationPossible = true;
        if( migrationPossible )
            assert( !demoBuffered && !promoBuffered );
             *  Note: once IssueCommand is called, this hook may receive
             *  a different parent, but fail the NVMTypeMatch check. As a
             *  result we need to save a pointer to the NVMain class we
             *  are issuing requests to.
            NVMObject *savedParent = parent->GetTrampoline( );

            /* Discard the unused column address. */
            uint64_t row, bank, rank, channel, subarray;
            request->address.GetTranslatedAddress( &row, NULL, &bank, &rank, &channel, &subarray );
            uint64_t promoteeAddress = migratorTranslator->ReverseTranslate( row, 0, bank, rank, channel, subarray ); 

            promotee.SetPhysicalAddress( promoteeAddress );
            promotee.SetTranslatedAddress( row, 0, bank, rank, channel, subarray );

            /* Pick a victim to replace. */
            ChooseVictim( migratorTranslator, promotee, demotee );
            assert( migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( demotee ) == false );
            assert( migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( promotee ) == false );

             if( atomic )
                    migratorTranslator->StartMigration( request->address, demotee );
                    migratorTranslator->SetMigrationState( promotee, MIGRATION_DONE );
                    migratorTranslator->SetMigrationState( demotee, MIGRATION_DONE );
                /* Lastly, make sure we can queue the migration requests. */
             else if( CheckIssuable( promotee, READ ) &&
                         CheckIssuable( demotee, READ ) )
                    migratorTranslator->StartMigration( request->address, demotee );

                    promoRequest = new NVMainRequest( ); 
                    demoRequest = new NVMainRequest( );
                    promoRequest->address = promotee;
                    promoRequest->type = READ;
                    promoRequest->tag = MIG_READ_TAG;
                    promoRequest->burstCount = numCols;

                    demoRequest->address = demotee;
                    demoRequest->type = READ;
                    demoRequest->tag = MIG_READ_TAG;
                    demoRequest->burstCount = numCols;
					promoRequest->owner = savedParent;
                    demoRequest->owner = savedParent;
                    savedParent->IssueCommand( promoRequest );
                    savedParent->IssueCommand( demoRequest );

    return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool MultiQueueMigrator::TryMigration( NVMainRequest *request, bool atomic )
//	std::cout<<"\nMultiQueueMigrator::TryMigration ---- addr: "<<std::hex<<request->address.GetPhysicalAddress()<<"\n"<<std::endl;
    bool rv = true;
    if( NVMTypeMatches(NVMain) )
        /* Ensure the Migrator translator is used. */
       MQMigrator *migratorTranslator = dynamic_cast<MQMigrator *>(parent->GetTrampoline( )->GetDecoder( ));
        assert( migratorTranslator != NULL );

        /* Migrations in progress must be served from the buffers during migration. */
        if( GetCurrentHookType( ) == NVMHOOK_PREISSUE && migratorTranslator->IsBuffered( request->address ) )
            /* Short circuit this request so it is not queued. */
            rv = false;

            /* Complete the request, adding some buffer read latency. */
            GetEventQueue( )->InsertEvent( EventResponse, parent->GetTrampoline( ), request,
                              GetEventQueue()->GetCurrentCycle()+bufferReadLatency );


            return rv;

        /* Don't inject results before the original is issued to prevent deadlock */
        if( GetCurrentHookType( ) != NVMHOOK_POSTISSUE )
            return rv;
		if( !request->address.IsTranslated( ) )
			uint64_t row, col, bank, rank, channel, subarray;
		     migratorTranslator->Translate(request, &row, &col,
					 &bank,&rank, &channel, &subarray);
			 request->address.SetTranslatedAddress( row, col, bank, rank, channel, subarray);
		//***********************traces start
		uint64_t pageNo = migratorTranslator->GetAddressKey(request->address);
 		uint64_t channelNo = request->address.GetChannel();
		//std::cout<<"request:"<<std::hex<<request->address.GetPhysicalAddress()<<" channel:"<<request->address.GetChannel()<<std::endl;
		if (GetEventQueue()->GetCurrentCycle()%trace_interval==0 )
			for( uint64_t i=0 ; i<channel_num ; i++)
				file<<migratorTranslator->migrate_access_times[i]<<"   ";
				origin_file<< migratorTranslator->access_times[i]<<"   ";
		//***********************traces end
		//this request is issued to access dram memory
		if( channelNo == promotionChannel && !IsInList(DRAMPageList, pageNo) )
		//get ranking queue num for the request
		int location = LocateQueue(pageNo);
		if( location == -1 )
			PageType page = { pageNo, 1, currentTime + LIFE_TIME, channelNo };
			//insert the request to queue[0] (LRU)
			AccessPage(location, pageNo);	


        /* See if any migration is possible (i.e., no migration is in progress) */
        bool migrationPossible = false;

        if( !migratorTranslator->Migrating( ) 
            && !migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( request->address )
			&& channelNo != promotionChannel )
                migrationPossible = true;
		else if(migratorTranslator->Migrating( ))
			//std::cout<<"\nPossible?  ------ No ------ 1\n"<<std::endl;
		else if(migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( request->address ))
			//std::cout<<"\nPossible?  ------ No ------ 2\n"<<std::endl;
		else if(channelNo == promotionChannel)
			//std::cout<<"\nPossible?  ------ No ------ 3\n"<<std::endl;

		//std::cout<<"migration possible:"<<migrationPossible<<std::endl;
        if( migrationPossible )
			//std::cout<<"\n Possible?   ----    Yes!\n"<<std::endl;
            assert( !demoBuffered && !promoBuffered );
			//std::cout<<"location is:"<<location<<std::endl;
            if( location == THRESHOLD_QUEUE && !migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( request->address ))
				//std::cout<<"\n Migrate?   ----    Yes!\n"<<std::endl;
                 *  Note: once IssueCommand is called, this hook may receive
                 *  a different parent, but fail the NVMTypeMatch check. As a
                 *  result we need to save a pointer to the NVMain class we
                 *  are issuing requests to.
                NVMObject *savedParent = parent->GetTrampoline( );
                //NVMObject *savedParent = main_mem;

                /* Discard the unused column address. */
                uint64_t row, bank, rank, channel, subarray;
                request->address.GetTranslatedAddress( &row, NULL, &bank, &rank, &channel, &subarray );
                uint64_t promoteeAddress = migratorTranslator->ReverseTranslate( row, 0, bank, rank, channel, subarray ); 

                promotee.SetPhysicalAddress( promoteeAddress );
                promotee.SetTranslatedAddress( row, 0, bank, rank, channel, subarray );

                /* Pick a victim to replace. */
                ChooseVictim( migratorTranslator, promotee, demotee );

                assert( migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( demotee ) == false );
                assert( migratorTranslator->IsMigrated( promotee ) == false );

                if( atomic )
                    migratorTranslator->StartMigration( request->address, demotee );
                    migratorTranslator->SetMigrationState( promotee, MQ_MIGRATION_DONE );
                    migratorTranslator->SetMigrationState( demotee, MQ_MIGRATION_DONE );
                /* Lastly, make sure we can queue the migration requests. */
                else if( CheckIssuable( promotee, READ ) &&
                         CheckIssuable( demotee, READ ) )
                    migratorTranslator->StartMigration( request->address, demotee );

                    promoRequest = new NVMainRequest( ); 
                    demoRequest = new NVMainRequest( );

                    promoRequest->address = promotee;
                    promoRequest->type = READ;
                    promoRequest->tag = MIG_READ_TAG;
                    promoRequest->burstCount = numCols;

                    demoRequest->address = demotee;
                    demoRequest->type = READ;
                    demoRequest->tag = MIG_READ_TAG;
                    demoRequest->burstCount = numCols;

                    promoRequest->owner = savedParent;
                    demoRequest->owner = savedParent;
                    savedParent->IssueCommand( promoRequest );
                    savedParent->IssueCommand( demoRequest );


    return rv;